By : Taylor Lawrence Temporomandibular Joint Dysnfunction aka: TMJ Tetanus Lock Jaw


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By : Taylor Lawrence

Temporomandibular Joint Dysnfunction aka: TMJ


Lock Jaw

TMJ- The tempromandibular joint acts like a sliding

hinge connecting the jaw bone to the skull. This disorder can cause pain in the jaw joint and its muscles controlling the jaw. The cause of this disorder is difficult to determine and cab be a cause of multiple things. This disorder mainly occurs in woman between the ages 20 and 40.

Tetanus/Lockjaw- Lockjaw. Commonly called tetanus due to the tightening of the jaw and not being able to open the mouth. It is a bacterial disease that affects the nervous system and can ne life threatening, There is no cure for tetanus, but the vaccine has greatly lowered the chances of getting this disease.


TMJ: Joint is damaged by blow or impact Joint is damaged by cartilage or arthritis. Disk erodes or moves out of place.

Tetanus/ Lockjaw: When a deep flesh wound becomes contaminated by

dirt, soil, or fecal matter. Surgical procedures Insect Bites


TMJ: Pain or tenderness around Jaw Aching pain in or around ear Difficulty or discomfort while chewing Aching Facial pain Locking of the joint, making it difficult to open or close mouth

Tetanus/ Lockjaw: Headache Jaw cramping Trouble Swallowing Seizures fevers


TMJ: Avoid chewing gum or biting on objects. See dentist if you have jaw pain or grind

teeth. Support jaw when yawning.

Tetanus /Lockjaw: Tetanus vaccine


TMJ: This disorder can go away on its own. Bite guards or therapy Surgery Muscle relaxants

Tetanus/Lockjaw: Tetanus vaccine Physiotherapy Antibiotics surgery

Treatments/ Cures

TMJ: Becoming aware of teeth grinding,

clenching jaw, chewing hard things and tension-related habits.

Tetanus/Lockjaw: Stay on top of vaccinations and always clean out any wounds thoroughly.

Lifestyle of Afflicted


Tetanus Cases by age group

