By: Subhan Mahmood, Brad Tolan, Carol Yaracz, Julio Alvarado


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By: Subhan Mahmood, Brad Tolan, Carol Yaracz, Julio Alvarado

General Characteristics

Connective tissue is the most abundant tissue in your body.

They provide protection, support, framework, fills space, stores fat, produces blood cells, fights infection, and helps repair tissue.

They are composed of more scattered cells with abundant intercellular material matrix.

Most connective tissue have a good blood supply

Connective tissue is made up of a ground substance (fluid, and semi-solid) and fibers

Common Types of Cells

Mast cells (prevents blood clots)

Fibroblasts (most abundant, produces fibers)

Macrophages (Phagocytic)

Main types of Fibers

Collagenous Fibers – are thick, made of protein collagen, major structural protein in the body, strong, flexible, not very elastic, appear in long parallel bundles, is known as white fibers.

Elastic Fibers – not as strong , but very elastic (respiratory and vocal cords)

Elastic Fibers and collagenous fibers

Categories of Connective

Loose C.T. Adipose Tissue

(Fat) Dense C.T. (Fibrous

Tissue) Cartilage -Hyaline -Elastic -Fibrocartilage

Bone tissue Blood Tissue Reticular

Loose Connective Tissue

The Loose Connective Tissue binds skin to underlying organs and organs to organs. It also fills in spaces between muscles throughout the body.

Dense Connective Tissue

Fibrous Tissue Closely packed. It also has thick,

collagenous fibers and fine network of elastic fibers.

Includes tendons and ligaments.


All cartilage cells are called Chondrocytes.

o Hyaline- covers end of bones and joints.

o Elastic- external ear and larynx

o Fibrocartilage- Invertebral disks

Hyaline Cartilage-smooth with large nuclei.

Bone Tissue

Bone tissue is the osseus tissue.

Rigid due to mineral salt

The layers in bone tissue are haversian canals, mellae, osteocytes.

Blood and Reticular

The Blood tissue circulates throughout the body

The Reticular tissue is scattered throughout the body

Blood- identify due to platelets.

Can You Identify These?
