By: Sage Smith Period 1. In this section you will learn how to deal with a suicidal person. It...


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By: Sage Smith Period 1

In this section you will learn how to deal with a suicidal person. It tells you what to do and what not to do.

You will learn how to act around a suicidal person. Also how to get help for them.

The main idea of this section is how to deal with a suicidal person.

In this section it tells you what to do and don’t around a suicidal person. It tells you what to say and how to act.

For example it says not to dare the suicidal person to commit suicide. Also it tells you to never leave the suicidal person alone, get help for them.

This is important for the class to know because if they are dealing with it themselves or someone they know is they will know how to deal with it.

I have this friend she was adopted from Russia. She was doing fine but then when she got older it went down hill. She wrote a suicidal note and her parents found it. Once they found this they got her the professional help she needed. Now she is doing better, not totally better but not thinking of suicide any more.

I feel this is an important topic to know about. Everyone should know how to deal with this. I think the things that we should remember is to never leave them alone and get them professional help.

In my power point I talked about suicide. I told you some ways to act around a suicidal person and told you what to do about the situation.
