By: Safeen Haque BONE DISEASES. Paget’s Disease : Payton Roberts Paget’s Disease is a disorder...


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Paget’s Disease: Payton Roberts

Paget’s Disease is a disorder of the normal bone remodeling process.

Symptoms are:~Bone Pain~Headaches & hearing loss~Pressure on nerves

Osteomalacia: Liam Hulehan

Osteomalacia is a disease that weakens the bones & makes them easier to break

Symptoms are:~Weak bones~Bone pain~Muscle weakness

Osteomyelitis: Juliette Roberts

Osteomyelitis is a bone infection caused by bacteria or other germs

Symptoms are:~Fever~Chills~Excessive sweating

Osteopenia: April Cavero

Osteopenia is when one loses bone density & leads to bone weakening

There are no symptoms but if you get a fracture, you would be in more pain

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Bailey Kraft

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a type of arthritis that causes the joints to swell.

Symptoms are:~Joints on both sides are equally

in pain.~Morning stiffness~Nogial deformity around the


E Wing Sarcoma: Macy Summer

E Wing Sarcoma is a malignant bone tumor especially of a long bone or pelvis.

Symptoms are:~Limited range in motion~A bone breaks for no name

reason~Being weak, tired, & loosing


Poliomyelitis: Cassidy McDonough

Poliomyelitis is an acute viral disease.

Symptoms are:~Vomiting~Abnormal reflexes~Trouble bending the neck

Osteonecrosis: Safeen Haque

Osteonecrosis is the destruction & death of bone tissue.

There are no symptoms in early stages.

~Joint pain at rest~Limited range in motion~Groin pain/ limp if hips or below

are affected.

Slipped-Capital-Femoral-Epiphysis: Elif Cetin

Slipped-Capital-Femoral-Epiphysis is the separation of the ball of the hip joint from the thigh bone. It occurs mostly in boys from ages 11-15 who are obese.

Symptoms are:~Knee pain~Hip pain~Outward turning leg

Leukemia: Haileigh Gofton

Leukemia is the cancer of the blood that results in high number of white blood cells.

Symptoms are:~Fever~Tiredness~Pain in bones

Osteo-Genesis Imperfecta: Marisela Figueroa

Osteo-Genesis Imperfecta is when the bones are not being produced as they should be.

Symptoms are:~A blue-tint in the whites of eyes~Triangular face~bone deformity

Osgood Shlatter Disease: Courtney Hodges

Osgood Shlatter Disease is pain in the knee or under 2 inches of the knee.

Symptoms are:~Limping~Swollen knee~Below the knee it is tender

Coxa Vara: Jordan Robinson

Coxa Vara is the deformity of the hip.

Symptoms are:~Stiffness~Limp~Difficulty walking

Talipes Equinovarus: Sheigh Droke

Talipes Equinovarus is the congenital deformity of the foot.

Symptoms are:~Foot turns inward then out~Smaller feet~Toes pointed downward

Spina Bifida: Kyrin Sims

Spina Bifida is the congenital neutral tube defect & grows with fluid in the spinal cord.

The signs & symptoms depends on the type of Spina Bifida.

~Nerves coming out of the back~Swelling of the back

Legg-Calve Perthes Disease: Emily Widgeon

Legg-Calve Perthes Disease is a disease that affects the hip area, at the ball & socket joint, where the pelvis & thighbone meet. It mostly affects young boys from 4-8.

Symptoms are:~Limping~Pain/stiffness in the hip, groin,

thigh, or knee~Limited range of motion of the

hip joint.

Osteochondritis Dissecans: Alayne Hutchinson

Osteochondritis Dessecans is the condition involving the joint where a piece of cartilage along the thin bone beneath it comes loose from the end bone.

Symptoms are:~Joint popping & locking~Joint weakness~Swollen & tenderness in

