by Ron Story, Community Life Pastor · LIFEnews • I’m not a big fan of change. • I’ve been...


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• I’m not a big fan of change. • I’ve been married for almost 51 years … to the same

amazing woman … with no plans to change. • We have lived in the same house for 36 years … with no

plans to change. • I bought my previous car used and drove it for 15 years

until the car needed a change. • The car I presently drive has been in the family for 17

years … and I have no plans to change. • I’ve had the same toothbrush for … just kidding!

Perhaps the most unique aspect of my “rarely

changing” life is related to church. In my almost 72 years of

life, I have only been a part of two churches. For my first

36 years I was blessed to grow up in a large church in the

Bay Area and served there as the Youth & Family Pastor

for 12 years. For the second half of my life—the past 36

years—it has been my privilege to be a part of this

incredible Parkside family … with no plans to change.

As I said, I’m not a big fan of change. And yet, these

last few months have brought much change to many of

our lives. Some of that change has had its benefits, but

much of the change has been difficult. COVID-19

restrictions have affected seniors … whether in high

school, college or those over age 65, and it has impacted

their loved ones. This season has been extremely difficult

for nursing homes, healthcare workers, small businesses,

the travel and entertainment industry, tourism and

restaurants, to name a few. Many people have been laid

off from their jobs and our hearts go out to those who

have suffered and lost loved ones to this virus.

So much has changed and to add to the frustration,

we are not sure of what changes are still coming. As a

church, we are grateful for technology that has allowed

us to maintain some connection with one another, but

we so miss the person-to-person interaction of hearty

handshakes, high fives and holy hugs. We look forward to

regathering, but when we do … it will involve more


In the midst of all of the change we are experiencing,

I am reminded of that which is unchanging and

unchangeable … GOD! He is immutable! He does not



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by Ron Story, Community Life Pastor

Ron Story, Community Life Pastor

God’s Word, His promises, stand firm and sure because He who promised is unchanging!

Based on our self-centered, rebellious nature and behavior, we humans deserve to be consumed by God’s wrath. So,

why aren’t we? It is not because we are smart enough or good enough. It is because God is unchanging. He will not revoke

His covenant committed to save a people for Himself by the blood of His Son.

The good giver of all that is good can be trusted! God does not change! So, boys and girls, in this time where so much is

shifting, sinking, changing and uncertain, may we sing and live the words of that old hymn:

Yes, things are a changin’, but our trust is in Jesus. He is our unchanging Rock Star!

Standing on the Solid Rock,



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