By: Laura Guerra, Jenna Loredo, and Ahsen Siddiqui


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By: Laura Guerra, Jenna Loredo, and Ahsen Siddiqui

Physical WeatheringPhysical Weathering occurs when large masses of rock are physically broken down into smaller pieces.

There are many types of physical weathering one of which includes :

Abrasion – The process of scrapping or weathering away

Physical weathering

Chemical WeatheringThe breakdown of rock by chemical mechanisms.

Type of chemical weathering includes:

Carbonation – Occurs when carbon dioxide dissolves in water.

Chemical Weathering

The Statue of Liberty: Before and after

Glacial ErosionThe wearing-down and removal of rocks and soil by a glacier.

The process of glacial erosion include:


Abrasion, Plucking, and Ice Flow

Glacial Erosion

Glacial erosion of the St. Elias range in Alaska

Wind ErosionWind Erosion: the Aeolian (or Eolian or Aeolian) processes pertain to the activity of the winds and more specifically, to the winds' ability to shape the surface of the Earth and other planets.

Reasons for Wind Erosion- NatureLike water and ice, wind also is a major cause for erosion.

A natural balance exists between erosion/soil loss and deposition/soil gain.

However this balance is disturbed due to catastrophic events, droughts, and humans.

The Dust Bowl



Water ErosionWater Erosion is the process by which soil,

rocks, sediments, etc. are carried away by water.

Rill Erosion is the process of water cutting through rocks.

Sheet Erosion is when runoff becomes too great and has a large amount of water running downstream.

Gully Erosion is a larger form of Rill Erosion.



Sheet Erosion