By Karen Cioffi · Along with images, videos, Slideshares, infographics (technically an image), and...


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And, Special Bonus Info on Google’s Panda 4.1

(Made Easy to Understand)

By Karen Cioffi AA

Content Marketing 2015 / Karen Cioffi


Content Marketing in to 2015 TOP Six Strategies And, Special Bonus Info on Google’s Panda 4.1 (Made Easy to Understand)

Copyright © 2014 Karen Cioffi Platform Building with Content Marketing Training for small and home businesses Karen Cioffi Professional Writing Services For Businesses and Individuals

This ebook is a thank you gift for being a part of my online family.

As a special bonus, it’s a gift that keeps giving. Feel free to share this with others. You might offer it as an ethical bribe, offer it as a year-end gift OR beginning-of-year gift to your readers and subscribers, include it in a bonus package you’re offering, or other option. But, there are two rules: 1. The entire ebook must remain intact. The cover and content cannot be changed in any way. 2. It must be given away for free.

Content Marketing 2015 / Karen Cioffi


Introduction The days are going quickly. The end of the year is closing in fast. It’s time to analyze your marketing strategies and prepare for the content marketing strategies that will be effective in 2015. With Google updating its algorithms on a regular basis, you need to keep an eye out for what’s working and what’s not . . . for what’s allowed and what’s not. From personal experience, ignorance is not an excuse for using ‘old’ marketing strategies. And, if you use strategies that Google now deems ‘bad,’ your ranking will be affected and you might even get penalties. It’s critical to stay in Google’s good graces. To do this, you need to know what it wants and what it frowns upon. Why is this important? Well, if you rank really poorly, Google won’t use you as the results of a searchers query, even if your content would be a good match. This will cause you to lose traffic . . . to lose visibility, authority, and conversions. So, what are the top content marketing strategies for 2015?

The following pages have the top six strategies to focus on.

Content Marketing 2015 / Karen Cioffi


Top 6 Content Marketing Strategies for 2015 1. Keep it original and super-valuable. The Panda algorithm deals with original and valuable content. A while back, it was okay to use reprints (duplicate content) on your website. You might get reprints from other bloggers who want to share their content or from article directories. You simply copy and paste the content into your post, add the attribution (the author’s byline), optimize the post, and you’d be good to go. Using duplicate content is over. Valuable content that is ORIGINAL and that drives ‘sharing’ is at the top of the marketing strategies to use in 2015.

2. Keep your content and website focused. Along with original content, you need to have a focused platform. What does this mean? Well, if your site is about pets, don’t have a page or write content on fashion tips or government politics. If you write primarily about inbound marketing, don’t include children’s writing or health content in the mix.

Google doesn’t want to get confused or have its searchers get confused. It wants a

clear cut image of who you are and what you’re offering. Keep things focused.

3. Keep track of your links. In regard to Google’s Penguin algorithm, who and what you’re linking to is super-important.

Check your internal and external links periodically.

Content Marketing 2015 / Karen Cioffi


Along with broken links, you need to check for spam links. You don’t want to link to an unscrupulous website. WordPress has a number of Plugins to help find broken links. Blogger doesn’t offer this type of tool, so give yourself lots of time to go through all your posts and pages periodically.

4. Visuals pull more weight. We’ve definitely been gravitating toward a more visual marketing arena. Most people prefer graphics and video over text. This means you need to make visuals a large part of your content marketing. Always include quality and copyright-t free images in your posts and on your website. Make sure all your images work for you: A. Optimize every image. How to do this:

• Give each image a keyword effective title. This includes the title you save the image under in your computer.

• Include ALT text. • Include a keyword effective description.

Image optimization is possible in WordPress, but not Blogger. B. Make the image motivational. Studies have found that having ‘people’ in the image, being happy or motivated, encourages conversion. Make the image correspond to the post. C. Be sure each image is clickable to another webpage or post. Bring the visitor to your sales page, your opt-in page, or other CTA (call-to-action) page. Your visitor expects the images to be clickable – don’t disappoint her. Along with images, videos, Slideshares, infographics (technically an image), and animation need to be incorporated into your strategy. If you don’t want to create videos, create a PowerPoint presentation and turn it into a Slideshare. Then get it up on YouTube.

Content Marketing 2015 / Karen Cioffi


Or, create an animated video and get it on YouTube. Don’t know how? Hire someone.

I create animations for only $35. Check out my page at: If you’re not aware of it, Google owns YouTube. This means they favor content on that channel. To see an animation in action, visit:

5. Write more content. According to Content Marketing Institute research, businesses are using more content marketing. Are you one of these businesses, whether you’re a big, small, or home business? If not, try to increase your content usage today. Along with original content, Google loves frequency. Blog as often as you can. But, keep in mind that consistency is more important than frequency. So, if you blog once a day, keep it up for consistency. If you blog three times a week – stay consistent. Blog only once a week? Be consistent.

Consistency means to blog the same day/s each week, around the same time of day. Google takes note of your consistency.

6. Social media is a powerhouse. At this point, it’d be surprising if you weren’t already taking advantage of the social media channels, such as Twitter, Facebook, GooglePlus, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and so on. This is another marketing strategy you want to use frequently. I conducted a test with Twitter. I created a new account and started posting valuable links 8 to 10 times a day. I quickly got people following me, retweeting my posts, ‘favoriting’ my posts, and even adding me to their marketing lists. Frequency works. Just be sure to post helpful and valuable information.

Content Marketing 2015 / Karen Cioffi


Below are two posts: the first offers Twitter terms and definitions, the second

explains how I use Twitter: Basic Twitter Terms and Definitions

Twitter as Part of Your Social Media Marketing Summing it up While there are other strategies that will be prominent in 2015, these six are some of the basics. Be sure you’re incorporating them into your content marketing strategy. Reference

Content Marketing 2015 / Karen Cioffi


Google’s Panda 4.1 Algorithm Dos and Don’ts I read an amazing post by Josh Bachynski ( Josh lists around 25 don’ts in regard to Panda and a few dos. He researched through years of Panda ‘mentions’ to come up with what is supposedly what Google wants. And, what’s great is he gave tips on those strategies that aren’t in the limelight, like you must use original content. But, before I get to the Dos and Don’ts, the Panda algorithm deals with content, including your webpages, your blogposts, your sidebar content, and so on. Any content on your website is relevant to Panda. I’m just going to mention four of the most important strategies (to me anyway). If you’d like to read the entire article, the link is just above. So, here we go.

Content Marketing 2015 / Karen Cioffi


Four Panda Dos 1. Create webpages that convert. These are webpages that are geared to motivate the visitor to click on your CTA (call-to-action) links. This means you must fulfill your promise. The promise is the link (title and copy lead-in) you used on social media or other places to motivate the reader to visit your page. Josh referred to this as “task completion.” This means have a quick loading site that allows the visitor to get the information he came for. Be sure the page corresponds to the copy you used to get him there. Make the page easily and quickly understandable, and focused. The visitor needs to know who you are and what you’re offering in a matter of seconds. If there is a CTA on the page, it should be readily seen with easy to follow instructions. If visitors are ‘bouncing’ back to Google, meaning they leave your site in under 5 seconds, your site isn’t fulfilling what the visitor expects to see. At least this is how Google will perceive it. If visitors aren’t clicking on your CTAs or other links on the page, Google will consider your site to be weak and not ‘quality.’ 2. It’s good to be popular. If you’re referenced by other quality sites Google will look at your site as a quality site. This goes for social networks also. Getting Likes, Follows, Retweets, Shares, and so one, is all social proof that your content is worthy of sharing. Also included in this area are links. You want to be producing quality content that others will want to link back to. While you do want inbound links to your site, they need to be relevant to your site’s focus. 3. Make sure your contact information is on every page. While most people know you must have a contact page, Google wants more. The search engine wants your business information on every page. This includes your address and phone number. To do this, you can add a footer that will appear on every page.

Content Marketing 2015 / Karen Cioffi


If you’re a business that has a business location, this is all fine. If you work from your home, you may not necessarily want to have your home address and phone number all over the place. You need to use your discretion. You also need to have a current copyright date. In line with this, all information on your site should be up to date. I’ve seen media pages that list events from one and two years ago. Google sees all, so be careful. 4. Cite your sources. Interestingly, Google wants you to cite your sources. In other words, if you’re referencing content from a site, list the site. An example of this is: New Twitter Analytics Help Fine Tune Your Content Marketing Efforts (Scroll to the bottom of the post to see how I linked to the content referenced.) Now, we’ll move on to the don’ts.

Content Marketing 2015 / Karen Cioffi


Four Panda Don’ts 1. Don’t write content just for the sake of having content up or for SEO purposes. Write for your reader. Write to inform and engage your reader. And make the content substantial. One sentence pages or posts will put you on Google’s naughty list. 2. Use even less keywords than you use to. Google’s taking a hard look at keywords in your content. It is even frowning on using similar keywords or variations of keywords throughout your site. This goes for your posts also. My problem with this is when you’re writing naturally, for the reader, you tend to use the same words to reference a particular topic or strategy. Take this ebook as an example. The topic is content writing, the word ‘content’ is used many times, but it’s used naturally. It’s not used to keyword stuff. It’s used for clarity. If Google is going to make these ‘crazy’ rules, it should be able to tell the difference between writing for clarity and writing for keywords. 3. Don’t have a sloppy, unkempt site. Be professional. Josh referenced this as ‘not forgetting your tie.’ What it means is to keep your site updated, grammar and spelling error free, and check for link errors (404 errors or 500 errors). If you use WordPress, you can use a ‘bad’ link plugin to find these errors. Google equates uncorrected errors on your site as a poor quality site. Here are a few sites that offer link checkers (you can also do a Google search): You’ll have to check if whether these sites check for broken or spam link or both.

Content Marketing 2015 / Karen Cioffi


4. Don’t use those pop-up windows that block your content from the reader. The ones that you have to click on to get rid of. This is actually a pet-peeve of mine. I don’t like them. They’re distracting and annoying. On the flip side, many marketers say they boost conversions. Either way, Google doesn’t like them and refers to sites that use them as “blatant, low-quality sites,” according to Josh.

Summing it up This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the Panda 4.1 rules. The trouble is Google doesn’t have many clear cut instructions that tell writers and marketers what to do. Content marketers try to use bits and pieces gathered from multiple sources to build some kind of framework to build on. I hope these tips help you become a better SEO writer. If you want to read the entire article Josh put together, go to:

Content Marketing 2015 / Karen Cioffi


Two eClasses to Help You Get Where You Want to Be

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BECOME AN SEO WRITER IN JUST 4 WEEKS Learn how to write properly formatted and optimized content to add as a new skill to your existing freelance portfolio or to start a new freelance writing business. TO LEARN MORE, CLICK HERE:

Both classes are 4 weeks, in-depth, and interactive.

Content Marketing 2015 / Karen Cioffi


About the Author Karen Cioffi is a multi-award-winning author, ghostwriter/freelance writer, and author/writer online marketing instructor. For more online marketing tools: For business and individual writing services: For writing and marketing information, tips, guidance, get free access to The Writing World ( You can connect with Karen at: Karen Cioffi Writing and Marketing – Blog Linkedin: Twitter: Facebook: GooglePlus: Pinterest:

“It’s not what you’ve done that matters - it’s what you haven’t done.”

~ Mark Twain