By: Justin Bates. Service learning- the incorporation of community service within an educational...


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By: Justin Bates

What is Service Learning?

Service learning- the incorporation of community service within an educational system

Benefits of Service Learning

Service Learning has many benefits! Working for something bigger than yourself Opportunity to learn about yourself Opportunity to help someone in need Betterment of yourself through serving others

What I Got Out of Service Learning

The service learning project that I helped with was a golf tournament for a kid that had died of disease. His parents had opened a scholarship fund to help local kids get into college. I learned of how kind people can be by helping at this event. The parents of the young man who had passed did not wallow in self-pity, but instead turned their heartbreaking situation into an inspiration for others to succeed. I also learned about how supportive people can be. The turnout at this charity golf event was amazing. Many people who did not even know the family personally were there, and really helped to make the golf tournament a special event.

I’m excited to help with the tournament!

Brock and I in front of the club house.

Brock and I taking a break in the hot Valdosta sun.

Setting up for the tournament!

Parking golf carts was one of my many jobs.

The End!!!!!
