By: June Rivera. What should you do when starting a friendly conversation? Put a sad face? Smile?...


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By: June Rivera


What should you do when starting a friendly conversation?

Put a sad face?


Look annoyed?

Space out?


Why is it important to give an honest and sincere views and

opinions?Because you can criticise them, at the cost of slight enmity

Because you can share your genuine appreciation


Why should we care about cultural differences?

Because it’s not worth finding out a person’s background

Because we want to respect their differences between us


What sign is this correctly used for?


Unable to talk?

Guide dogs?

Hearing aids?


Which is the correct sentence in this?

“A light-herted cheerful youth able to calm others.”

“A Light-Hearted, Cheerful youth able to celm athers;”

“A light-hearted, cheerful youth able to calm others.”


What is an emoticon for a “happy” face?






What should be used when you want to make a list?

A semi-colon?

A full stop?

A quote mark?

A bullet point?


What does a raised voice do in a conversation?

Show fear or insecurity?

Indicate anger or impatience?

Show happiness and thought?

Indicate a calm and collected persona?


What is the proper way to capitalisation for this?

UsA & Uk

usa & UK

Usa uK




Why is underlining a word is important on writing communication?

Because it helps them miss important facts?

Because it is a way that important facts will be not missed?

Because it makes it easier to read?

Aww…Try again?

Explanation – Question 1

Looking positive is a good way to start a conversation that can result in a positive reaction. The word “Yes” is a positive response to a question. Nodding your head, or leaning towards the speaker, conveys your agreement or willingness to what is being said.

Where as cutting another person from speaking depending on how you do it can be antagonistic and hostile. If you do not react at all then it communicates that you’re bored and have no intention of listening.

Explanation – Question 2

It is important to give an honest view and opinions because it allows you to win the heart and mind of the person you’re conversing to. There are some occasions that you’re forced to let your emotions get the best of you in order to make the situation in your favour.

However it’s still the best to stick to being honest or else you will be shown as a liar and you will lose respect and no one will listen to you.

Explanation – Question 3

In some cultures, there are some types of communications that is needed to be addressed and cared for. Some words or signs are considered offensive to them. They can be completely misunderstood when you didn’t mean to do it. You might need to choose to use different words or gestures from the one that you would usually use.

Explanation – Question 4

Adapting on various audiences including disabled people can affect on how you communicate with them. People that is unable to hear properly will have special needs like needing a hearing aid in order to hear the person they’re conversing properly. You might need to raise your voice in order to for them to hear you if they still can’t hear properly.

Explanation – Question 5

Whatever the content of the communication, it is important that you check the grammar and spellings. This is especially important on the professional environment as this can affect the reputation on the organisation. Mistakes can convey an unprofessional image and can cause confusion if the mistakes are too unreadable.

Explanation – Question 6

Smileys or emoticons can be used to express your current feelings. They are commonly used on social networking sites, text messaging.

On the professional environment, they are not suitable to be used on communication and they are generally frowned upon by others.

Explanation – Question 7

Using a sensible structure like the bullet list can ensure that the reader will have no trouble reading it.A bullet list should help the reader to take in the information without too much struggle and without having to read the whole letter throughout again.

Explanation – Question 8

A raised voice can imply a negative language be it either in the phone or face to face. Reacting with a negative action can communicate to others as aggressive and irritated. It shows to them that you have no intention of communicating properly and listening to what they have to say.

Explanation – Question 9

Capital letters are used at the start of the sentence or for proper nouns like countries and names. Abbreviations and acronyms count in as well.

When it comes to written communication, capitalisation of entire words meant to convey shouting and is therefore avoided when it comes to professionalism.

Explanation – Question 10

Underlining a sentence can help show the reader understand important information such as meetings and what time it is will commence.

The importance of it is to make the task easier for them. Underlining can help them unveil hidden messages within a massive pile of details.