By Jake Gadaleta. Early life date of birth is unknown because of the lack of an official birth...


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Alexander Hamilton

By Jake Gadaleta

Early life

date of birth is unknown because of the lack of an official birth certificate

His face is on the 10 dollar billhis mother was Rachel Fawcett Lavine, the

daughter of a French Huguent physician and the wife of John Michael Lavine,

Early life pt. 2

Hamilton’s father was James , a drifting trader and son of Alexander Hamilton, the laird of Cambuskeith, Avrshire, Scotland. No birth certificate was ever found for Alexander

Life at home

Hamilton married Elizabeth, the daughter of General Philip Schuyler, the head of one of New York's most powerful families.

Revolutionary War and Alexander Hamilton’s efforts

In March 1776, friends I insisted that Hamilton should be a captain in the provincial artillery.

Revolutionary War and Alexander Hamilton’s efforts

He was the a captain at the Battle of Trenton, when he and his men prevented the British man, Lord Cornwallis and troops, from crossing the Raritan River and attacking George Washington and his ragtag army.

Revolutionary War and Alexander Hamilton’s efforts Pt.2

In February 1777 Washington promoted him to the rank of lieutenant colonel.

his ability to speak French , became an important officer between Washington and the French generals and admirals.

Revolutionary War and Alexander Hamilton’s efforts pt3

Hamilton went to Philadelphia as an nationalist who wished to replace the Articles of Confederation with a strong centralized government, but he did not take much part in the Constitutional Convention


wished to replace the Articles of Confederation with a strong national government, but he did not take much part in the debates.

Revolutionary War and Alexander Hamilton's efforts pt. 5He served on two important committees, one

on rules in the beginning of the convention and the other on style at the end of the convention. In a long speech on June 18, he stated his opinions
