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V O L . 32, P A R T 4, N O . 21. P P . 453-472, 16TH D E C E M B E B , 1960



Compiled from information available on October 1st, 1960 * Indicates members who have contributed papers or led field meetings

Honorary Members Elected 1909 *Bisat, W. S., M.Sc, F.R.S., Leighton, Crabtree Hill,Collingham, Leeds, 1913 *Fearnsides, Professor W. G., M.A., F.R.S., 11 Banmoor Crescent,

Sheffield 10. 1914 *Versey, Professor H. C , D.Sc , 1 Stainburn Terrace, Leeds 17.

Ordinary and Life Members 1951 *Agar, R., A.M.I.C.E., 84 Howard Road, Bournemouth, Hants. 1941 Aiers, A. J., Maasdam, Golf Links Road, Ferndown, Dorset. 1941 Airey, Mrs. C. N., 70 Stainburn Crescent, Leeds, 17. 1956 Allderidge, M. G., B.A., c/o Geological Survey Department, Brickdam,

Georgetown, British Guiana. 1954 Allen, Professor P., Ph.D., 6 St. Barnabas Road, Emmer Green, Reading. 1959 Allender, R., c/o Geological Survey Office, Ring Road, Halton, Leeds 15. 1959 Allonby, R. EL, B.Sc, Pattinson's Nurseries, Grange Lane, Whickham,

Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1928 *Anderson, F. W., D .Sc , Geological Survey and Museum, Exhibition

Road, London, S.W.7. 1942 *Anderson, W., M.Sc, 9 Woodbine Avenue, Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-

Tyne 3. 1958 Angus, N. S., B .Sc , Department of Geology, The University, Hull,

Yorkshire. 1952 Anson, W. W., Department of Geography, King's College, Newcastle

upon-Tyne 1. 1946 *Armstrong, G., B .Sc , Reconstruction Department, N.C.B., Hobart

House, Grosvenor Place, London, S.W.I. 1959 Armstrong, R. S., 22 Clifford Road, Sheffield 11. 1956 Ashton, R. L., cfo M. M. McKeown, P.O. Box 941, Broken Hill,

Northern Rhodesia. 1900 Ashworth, J. H., c/o J. E. N. Ashworth, 31 Park Road, Lytham-

St. Annes, Lanes. 1940 Aston, R. L., 22 Crystal Avenue, Heath, Cardiff. 1960 Atherton, R. F., 30 Malvern Court, Onslow Square, London, S.W.7. 1935 Atkinson, Professor F. S., M.Eng., M.I.M.E., 23 Endcliffe Grove Avenue,

Sheffield 10.

1954 Baadsgaard, P. H., B .Sc , Caribbean Gulf Oil Co., Cassilla 1458, Cocha-bamba, Bolivia.

1957 Bailey, P. S., 76 Ringway, Cleveleys, near Blackpool, Lanes. 1927 *Bairstow, L., M.A., Department of Palaeontology, British Museum

(Natural History), London, S.W.7. 1919 *Barker, W. R., 15 Fitzwilliam Avenue, Wath-on-Dearne, near Rotherham,

Yorkshire. 1956 Barrett, D. H., 24 Blackburn Road, Padiham, Lanes.

453 Y

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454 LIST OF MEMBERS [vol. 32 Elected 1956 Batey, R., Geological Department, Kilembi Mines Ltd., Kilembi, Uganda. 1959 Battey, M. H., M.Sc, Ph.D., 8 Stephenson Terrace, Wylam, Northumber­

land. 1936 Beevers, C , National Coal Board, South Parade, Doncaster, Yorkshire. 1930 Beilby, R. B., M.C., F.S.I., 31 Glenleigh Park Road, Bexhill-on-Sea,

Sussex. 1960 Benes, Professor Dr. K., Dekandt hornicko-geologicke faculty, Vysoke

skoly bdnske, Ostrava VIII, Czechoslovakia. 1955 Bennison, G. M., M.Sc, Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Mari-

schal College, Aberdeen. 1956 Berry, Professor E. W., Department of Geology, Duke University,

Durham, N.C., U.S.A. 1953 Birch, J. P., Heath Holme, 104 Fulford, York. 1932 *Black, M., M.A., Ph.D., Trinity College, Cambridge. 1944 *Black, W. W., Ph.D., Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge. 1948 Blundell, C. R. K., Ph.D., Department of Geology, University College,

Newport Road, Cardiff. 1955 *Bott, M. H. P., Ph.D., Department of Geology, Science Laboratories,

South Road, Durham. 1957 Bouekaert, J., Lc.Sc, Vermeylenstraat 3, Leuven, Belgium. 1949 Bradford, B. W., Ph.D., 43 Hartburn Avenue, Stockton-on-Tees, Co.

Durham. 1958 Brandon, J., A.M.I.E.T., 11 Smithy Lane, Heptonstall, Hebden Bridge,

Yorkshire. 1960 Brian, R. L., Crown Pole House, Mottram, Broadbottom, Manchester. 1960 Brindley, Professor J. C , D.Sc , Department of Geology, University

College, Science Buildings, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin, Eire. 1954 Broadhurst, F. M., Department of Geology, The University, Manchester 13. 1960 Brooks, Miss J., 14 Clovelly Road, Edenthorpe, Doncaster, Yorkshire. 1956 Broom, R. A., B.Sc, 1 Elsworthy Road, London, N.W.3. 1956 Brown, K. W., F.G.S., 16 Ravenscroft Avenue, Linthorpe, Middles­

brough, Yorkshire. 1959 Brown, Professor O. T., Department of Geology, Mississippi Southern

College, Box 44—Station A, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, U.S.A. 1958 Brown, P. E., Ph.D., Department of Geology, The University, St. George's

Square, Sheffield 1. 1936 Brown, S. C., M.Sc, Rockliffe, High Street, Rawmarsh, near Rotherham,

Yorkshire. 1960 Bryan, A. D., B.Sc, 34 Orchards Way, off Walker Road, Chesterfield,

Derbyshire. 1957 Bulman, Professor O. M. B., Sc.D., F.R.S., Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge. 1951 *Buteher, Mrs. M., B.Sc , 119 Kendrick Road, Reading, Berks.

1957 *Calver, M. A., M.A., Geological Survey Office, Ring Road, Halton, Leeds 15.

1958 Calvert, S. E., B.Sc, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, LaJolla, California, U.S.A.

1954 Canham, M. J., Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. 1947 Capewell, J. G., Ph.D., Homestead, The Avenue, Westerham, Kent. 1960 Carey, S. W., Department of Geology, The University of Tasmania,

Hobart, Tasmania. 1936 Carr, L., 283 Glossop Road, Sheffield 10. 1909 *Carruthers, R. G., High Barn, Stocksfield, Northumberland. 1956 Clark, G. C , 46 Ilfracombe Gardens, Whitley Bay, Northumberland. 1956 Clark, R. P. K., B.A., Ford Castle, Berwick-on-Tweed. 1959 Clarke, A. M. J., 9 Elm Avenue, Whickham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1960 Clayton, R. W., B.A., 9 Ganstead Lane, Bilton, Hull, Yorkshire. 1956 Clement, R. W., B.Sc, 6 Grosvenor Terrace, Warmsworth Road, Don­

caster, Yorkshire.

by guest on July 20, 2020 from

Elected 1956 Clough, J., B .Sc , A.M.I.C.E., F.G.S., 85 Button Avenue, West

Hartlepool, Co. Durham. 1960 Coash, J. R., Department of Geology, Bowling Green State University,

Bowling Green, Ohio, U.S.A. 1955 Coates, D., B .Sc , 3 Raydora Mansions, Roxburgh Road, Springs,

Transvaal, South Africa. 1949 Coe, K., Ph.D., Department of Geology, The University, Exeter. 1957 Colter, V. S., Petroleum Investments (Overseas) Ltd., 8a, Avenida Sur

No. 17 40, Zona 1, Apartado 1385, Guatemala, Guatemala, C.A. 1959 Conti, Professor S., Istituto di Geologia della Universitd, Via Balbi 5,

Genoa, Italy. 1957 Cook, A. C , B.A., 169 Belle View Road, Leeds 3. 1953 Cooke, S. G., B.Sc, School House, Boys'" Grammar School, Ashby-de-la-

Zouche, Leics. 1939 *Cope, Professor F. W., D.Sc , Department of Geology, University College

of North Staffordshire, Keele, Staffs. 1943 *Cotton, G., B.Sc, Heathcote, Belbroughton Road, Blakedown, Kidder­

minster, Worcs. 1950 Cowperthwaite, I. A., B .Sc , Corrie, 89 Westella Road, Kirkella, E.

Yorkshire. 1951 Crawford, A. R., B .Sc , c/o Department of Mines, 31 Flinders Street,

Adelaide, Australia. 1956 Crocker, P., A.M.I.C.E., 11 Plantation Avenue, Bessacar, Doncaster,

Yorkshire. 1960 Crossley, J. D., B.Sc, St. Mary's College, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough,

Yorkshire. 1956 Curphey, J. D., 32 Willow Way, Didsbury, Manchester. 1953 Currall, A. E., M.A., D.Phil., Department of Geology, The University,

St. George's Square, Sheffield 1.

1959 Dalgetty, I. D,, B.Sc, 1 Polwarth Terrace, Edinburgh 11. 1959 Dava, S. W., Department of Geology, University of Redlands, Redlands,

California, U.S.A. 1941 *Davies, W., Ph.D., 60 Woodholm Road, Sheffield 11. 1956 Davison, P., A.M.I.C.E., 8 Granby Drive, Riddlesden, Keighley, Yorks. 1949 *Dean, W. T., B.Sc, Department of Palaeontology, British Museum

(Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W.7. 1949 Deans, T„ M.A., Mineral Resources Department, Imperial Institute,

London, S.W.7. 1960 Dearman, W. R., 10 Melville Gardens, West Monkseaton, Whitley Bay,

Northumberland. 1944 *de Boer, G., M.A., 20 Dene Road, Cottingham, East Yorkshire. 1948 de Llarena, Sen or Professor J. G., Anunciacidn 10, Madrid, Spain. 1959 Delmege, Miss J., Lome House School, Retford, Notts. 1959 de Raaf, J. F., D.Sc , Slingerweg 5, Wassenaar, Netherlands. 1960 Deriu, Professor Ing. M., Istituto di Petrografia delV Universitd di

Roma, Citta Universitaria, Rome, Italy. 1948 *Dossor, J., M.I.C.E., Monk Bar Chambers, 8a Monkgate, York. 1959 Doughty, P. S., B.Sc, 8 Wilson Street, Wombwell, Barnsley, Yorkshire. 1950 *Downie, C, Ph.D., Department of Geology, The University, St. George's

Square, Sheffield 1. 1948 Duee, J., 18 Waverley Street, Slaithwaite, Huddersfield, Yorkshire. 1955 Dunham, A. C , Charleycroft, Quarryheads Lane, Durham. 1947 *Dunham, Professor K. C , D.Sc , S.D., F.R.S., Department of Geology,

Science Laboratories, South Road, Durham. 1949 Dunn, Wing Commander W. E., O.B.E., 20 St. James Road, Brid­

lington, Yorkshire. 1942 *Dunnington, H. V,, B .Sc , Iraq Petroleum Co. Ltd., Geological Regional

Laboratory, 214 Oxford Street, London, W.l. Y 2

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456 LIST OF MEMBERS [vol. 32

Elected 1959 Durham, J. W., Department of Palaeontology, University of California,

Berkeley 4, California, U.S.A. 1949 Dyson, P., B .Sc , do A. O. Nigeria, Ltd., P.O. Jos., Northern Nigeria.

1939 *Eagar, R. M. C , Ph.D., Department of Geology, The Museum, Man­chester 13.

1932 *Eastwood, T., A.R.C.S., M.I.M.M., 5 Elmcroft Crescent, Headstone Lane, North Harrow, Middlesex.

1948 Eden, R. A., B.Sc, Geological Survey, 19 Grange Terrace, Edinburgh 9. 1904 Edwards, E. J., M.Sc, 6 Dracaena Place, Falmouth, Cornwall. 1958 Edwards, S., 16 New Romney Crescent, Nether Hall, Scraptoft, Leics. 1929 *Edwards, W., M.A., Geological Survey Office, Ring Road, Halton,

Leeds 15. 1956 Elliott, R. E., B .Sc , A.R.I.C.S., 6 Papplewick Avenue, Hucknall, Notts. 1957 Emeleus, C. H., M.Sc, D.Phil., Department of Geology, Science Labora­

tories, South Road, Durham. 1962 Evans, E. L., Haxby House, Westfield Lane, South Elmsall, Pontefract,

Yorkshire. 1957 Evans, W. B., B.Sc, Geological Survey Office, Ring Road, Halton,

Leeds 15. 1952 *Evans, Professor W. D., Ph. D., Department of Geology, The University,

Nottingham. 1952 Exley, J. A., B.Sc, Bankfield House, Huddersfield Road, Battyeford,

Mirfield, Yorkshire.

1958 Fairbairn, R. A., 53 Amberley Gardens, Heaton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 7. 1956 Fairburn, W., Department of Mines and Geology, Box 30009, Nairobi,

Kenya. 1959 Falke, Professor H., Geologisch-Palaontologisches Institut, Johannes

Gutenberg-Universitdt, Saarstrasse, Mainz, Germany. 1944 Fenton, G. W., Ph.D., 25 Endcliffe Avenue, Sheffield 10. 1959 Ferguson, J. C , c/o Barclays Bank D.C.O., Birmingham Street Branch,

P.O. Box 308, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. 1952 *Firman, R. J., Ph.D., Department of Geology, The University,

Nottingham. 1948 *Ford, T. D., Ph.D., Department of Geology, The University, Leicester. 1942 Fowler, A., M.A., B .Sc , Geological Survey and Museum, Exhibition

Road, London, S.W.7. 1955 Francis, E. A., B.Sc, Geological Survey Office, Ring Road, Halton,

Leeds 15. 1948 Franklin, R., 15 Nuffield Road, Coulsdon, Surrey. 1960 *Friend, P. F., B.A., Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge.

1951 Gass, I., B.Sc, c/o Department of Geology, The University, Leeds 2. 1954 Gaunt, G. D., B.Sc, 2 Montagu Gardens, Oakwood, Leeds 8. 1938 *George, Professor T. N., D.Sc, Department of Geology, The University,

Glasgow, W.2. 1950 Gibson, D. F., 31 Georgina Street, Beeston, Nottingham. 1939 Gibson, W. G., A.M.I.C.E., F.C.S., Cambridge Waterworks Co., 4 Benet

Street, Cambridge. 1940 Gill, Professor W. D., D.Sc, Department of Geology, Trinity College,

Dublin, Eire. 1959 Godwin, C. G., B.Sc, la Tranquillity Avenue, Crossgates, Leeds 15. 1944 Goodwin, H., 59 Westgate, Wakefield, Yorkshire. 1950 *Goossens, R. F., B.Sc, Wynbrook, Newington Road, Austerfield, near

Doncaster, Yorkshire. 1937 *Gowing, G. S., M.A., Fieldhead, Rogerfield, Keswick, Cumberland. 1960 Granja, Ing. J. C , Universidad Central, Quito, Ecuador.

by guest on July 20, 2020 from

no. 21] LIST OF MEMBERS 457 Elected 1955 *Gray, D. A., B .Sc , Geological Survey and Museum, Exhibition Road,

London, S.W.7. 1952 Graysfcon, L. D., Ph.D., 8 Haysborough Crescent, Calgary, Alberta,

Canada. 1959 Green, Miss H. M., M.Sc, Ph.D., 10 Church Green, Ramsey, Huntingdon. 1953 Greensmith, J. T., Ph.D., Department of Geology, Queen Mary College,

Mile End Road, London, E.l. 1948 Grudgings, D. N., B.Sc., 110 Pimlico Road, Clitheroe, Lanes. 1952 Guest, N. J., Ph.D., Chief Geologist, Geological Survey Department,

P.O. Box 2020, Government Buildings, Suva, Fiji.

1960 Hall, C. B., Padgate Training College, near Warrington, Lanes. 1956 Hammond, A. G., B.Sc, c/o Trinity College, Port of Spain, Trinidad,

British West Indies. 1957 Hancock, J. M., Ph.D., 6 Stratford Road, Salisbury, Wilts. 1956 Hancock, W. G., cjo The A.D.O., Beluran, British North Borneo. 1955 Harbord, N. H., United Steel Companies Ltd., Research and Development

Departments, Swinden Laboratories, Moorgate, Rotherham, Yorkshire. 1943 Hargreaves, R. H., Halton East Quarries Ltd., Skipton, Yorkshire. 1950 Harland, W. B., M.Sc, Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge. 1953 Harper, J. C , Ph.D., Department of Geology, The University, Liverpool 3. 1955 Harris, P. G., Ph.D., Department of Geology, The University, Leeds 2. 1946 *Hartley, J., B.Sc, Department of Geology, The University, Leeds 2. 1933 *Hawkins, Professor H. L., D.Sc , P.R.S., The University, Reading. 1956 Hebblewhite, P. F., Anglo-American Corporation of South Africa Ltd.,

Geology Department, P.O. Box 1108, Salisbury, S. Rhodesia. 1959 Heller, Professor R. L., Department of Geology, University of Minnesota,

Duluth, Minnesota, U.S.A. 1932 *Hemingway, J. E., Ph.D., Department of Geology, The University,

Leeds 2. 1953 Henderson, F. P., B .Sc , Department of Geography, Makere College,

University College of East Africa, P.O. Box 262, Kampala, Uganda. 1952 *Henry, F. D. C., Ph.D., A.M.I.C.E., Brighton Technical College,

Brighton, Sussex. 1954 Hetherington, J., B.Sc, 14 Whateley Crescent, Castle Bromwich,

Birmingham. 1950 *Hey, R. W., M.A., Ph.D., 57 Lensfield Road, Cambridge. 1956 *Hicks, P. F., Ph.D., 1 Grove Cottages, Elm Grove Road, Cobham, Surrey, 1959 Hinchliffe, R. A., 3 Cambria Drive, Balby, Doncaster, Yorkshire. 1957 Hinckley, D. N., Sandiron House, Beauchief, Sheffield 8. 1936 Hinderwell, E. W., 4 Straight Road, Lexden, Colchester, Essex. 1955 Hodge, B. L., 66 Thornfield Avenue, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lanes. 1958 Hodgson, Miss W. M., 12 Ederoyd Drive, Stanningley, Pudsey, York­

shire. 1941 *Hodson, Professor F., Ph.D., Department of Geology, The University,

Southampton. 1947 *Holdsworth, F., B .Sc , 33 Bay Crescent, Swanage, Dorset. 1953 Holdsworth, S. D., B.Sc, Borough Polytechnic, Borough Road, London,

S.E.1. 1957 Holland, J. H., B.Sc, Sunnyholm, 14 Southway, Beechwood, Horsforth,

near Leeds. 1947 *Hollingworth, Professor S. E., D .Sc , Department of Geology, Univer­

sity College, Gower Street, London, W.C.I. 1925 Holmes, Professor A., F.R.S., Greenhill, 20 Observatory Road, Edin­

burgh, 9. 1959 Honeyman, A. M., M.A., B .Sc , Department of Geology, The University,

Nottingham. 1938 Hopkins, W., D.Sc, Department of Geology, Science Laboratories,

South Road, Durham.

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458 LIST OF MEMBERS [vol. 32 Elected 1951 Hordley, F., 1404 Thornton Road, School Green, Thornton, Bradford. 1956 Hornung, G., 8 Leake Street, Gastleford, Yorkshire. 1956 Horsnail, F. E., B.A., Rickamore, Scatcherd Park Avenue, Morley,

near Leeds. 1954 House, M. R., B.A., Department of Geology, Science Laboratories,

South Road, Durham. 1954 *Howarth, M. K., Ph.D., Department of Palaeontology, British Museum

(Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W.7. 1923 *Hudson, R. G. S., D.Sc., Department of Geology, Trinity College, Dublin,

Eire. 1930 Hudson, S. N., Ph.D., 218 Somerset Road, Almondbury, Huddersfield,

Yorkshire. 1955 Hughes, D. H., 139 Fir Street, Cadishead, near Manchester. 1932 Hughes, D. R., B.Sc., 90 Maidavale Crescent, Styvechale, Coventry,

Warwickshire. 1959 Hull, J. H., M.Sc., Geological Survey Office, Ring Road, Halton, Leeds 15. 1948 Humphreys, A., 45 Kensington Road, Werneth, Oldham, Lanes. 1950 Humphries, D. W., Ph.D., Department of Geology, The University,

St. George's Square, Sheffield 1. 1959 Hunter, H. B., 97 Elm Crescent, Mosborough, near Sheffield. 1955 Hutchinson, D,, 2 Industrial Buildings, Cornholme, Todmorden, York­


1959 Iacopi, F. A., B.Sc, 48 Lycett Road, Dringhouses, York. 1960 Ianovici, Professor V., Department of Mineralogy, Universitea "C. I.

Parkon," Bucharest, Bulevardul 6, Martie 64, Rumania.

1960 Jackson, D. E., Ph.D., 5216 Grove Hill Road, Glendale Meadows, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

1957 Jackson, G. F., Post Office, Huby, near Leeds. 1956 Jackson, J. S., Ph.D., St. Columba's, Ballybrock, Co. Dublin, Eire. 1927 *Jackson, J. W., D .Sc , 6 Brown Edge Road, Buxton, Derbyshire. 1958 James, J. H., Ph.D., Group Geologist, The British Plaster Board (Hold­

ings) Ltd., cjo Marblaegis Ltd., East Leake, near Loughborough, Leics.

1932 Jarmain, G. C , Fenay Court, Almondbury, Huddersfield, Yorkshire. 1955 Johnson, E. B., 140 Gledhow Wood Road, Leeds 8. 1953 *Johnson, G. A. L., Ph.D., Department of Geology, Science Laboratories,

South Road, Durham. 1956 Johnson, R. L., B.Sc, Department of Geology, The University, Leeds 2. 1948 Johnston, T. F., Geological Survey Department, Kaduna Junction,

Northern Nigeria, 1927 Jones, R. C. B., M.Sc, Dalriada, Carrickhill, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin,


1959 Kaye, P., B.Sc, 3 Gladstone Street, Hull, Yorkshire. 1946 Keats, G. H., Ph.D., 14 Marshgrove Road, Huddersfield, Yorkshire. 1952 Keenlyside, W. A. H., B.Sc, Geological Department, British Petroleum

Ltd., B.P. House, Ropemaker Street, London, E.C.2. 1957 Kellett, Miss M., 3 Muff Terrace, Bradford 6. 1956 Kenna, R. J,, Everon, Bellon Lane, Grantham, Lines. 1946 *Kennedy, Professor W. Q., D.Sc, F.R.S., Department of Geology, The

University, Leeds 2. 1947 *Kent, P. E., Ph.D., 38 Rodney Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, 1947 Kenworthy, J., The Hollies, Uppermill, near Oldham, Lanes. 1946 Kerr, Mrs. T., B.Sc, 29 Shaw Lane, Leeds 6. 1957 King, Miss C. A. M., Ph.D., Department of Geography, The University,


by guest on July 20, 2020 from

no. 21] LIST OF MEMBERS 459 Elected 1925 *King, Professor W. B. R., Se.D., F.R.S., Worton, Ashrigg, Leyburn,

N. Yorkshire. 1949 Kirkaldy, J.F.,D.Sc,St. Mirren, 24 LyonsdownRoad,NewBarnet,Herts. 1960 Klein, G. de V., Ph.D., c/o Sinclair Research Laboratories Inc., P.O.

Box 3006, Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A. 1946 Knights, A. J., B.Sc, LoUtos Oilfields Ltd., 59 Pall Mall, London, S. W.l. 1946 Knights, Mrs. A. J., B.Sc, Deanfield, Harvel, near Meopham, Kent. 1957 Knowles, A. G., c/o 121 Bank Street, Nigel, near Springs, Transvaal,

South Africa.

1955 Lamming, P. D., 39 St. Leonard's Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire. 1954 Lancaster, C , A.M.I.B.E., F.R.Met.Soc, Wharfecote, Castle Road, Ilkley,

Yorkshire. 1951 Land, D. H., B.Sc, Geological Survey Office, Ring Road, Halton, Leeds 15. 1960 Larkin, F. A., B.A., 294 Wigan Lane, Wigan, Lanes. 1960 Larminie, F. G., B.A., B.P. Exploration Co. Ltd., B.P. House, Rope-

maker Street, London, E.C.2. 1960 Larwood, G., Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge. 1954 Learoyd, D, H., B .Sc , Hurst Lea, 533 Livesey Branch Road, Ferris-

cowles, Blackburn, Lanes. 1958 Leather, A. D., Colleston, 201 Pleckgate Road, Blackburn, Lanes. 1935 Lee, S. G., F.S.I., A.M.I.M.E., Hall Cross Chambers, Doncaster,

Yorkshire. 1959 Leonardi, Professor P., Via Boldini 14, Ferrara, Italy. 1953 Linton, Professor D. L., D.Sc, 75 Wellington Road, Edgbaston,

Birmingham 15. 1958 Littlewood, A. R., 63 Rosehill Park West, Sutton, Surrey. 1960 Lotze, Herr Professor Dr. F., MiinsterjWestfalen, Straufenstrasse 44,

Germany. 1955 Love, L. G., B.Sc, Department of Geology, The University, St. George's

Square, Sheffield 1. 1930 Lowe, W. S., M.I.M.E., 3 Slack Lane, Newmillerdam, Wakefield,

Yorkshire. 1959 Loy, E. B. W., B.A., 2 Bridle Way, Great Sutton, Wirral, Cheshire. 1954 Ludford, A,, M.Sc, Pendene, 269 Luton Road, Harpenden, Herts.

1959 McCampbell, J. C , Box 328, Sli Station, Lafayette, Louisiana, U.S.A. 1958 Macrae, J. C., Houldsworth School of Applied Science, The University,

Leeds 2. 1957 Mahoney, Miss K. M., B.A., Maria Assumpta Training College,

Kensington Square, London, W.8. 1953 Maltus, D. J., B.Sc, N.C.B., South Western Division, Production

Department, Ty-Glas Avenue, Llanishen, Cardiff, Glamorgan. 1956 Marsland, A., B.A., F.R.Met. S., Deadmanstone House, Berry Brow,

Huddersfield, Yorkshire. 1954 Matley, F. D., B.Sc, 128 Bulkington Lane, Nuneaton, Warwickshire. 1954 Mehrtens, M. B., B.Sc, 72 Guildford Avenue, Gillshill Road, Hull,

Yorkshire. 1927 *MeImore, S., B .Sc , 61 Carr Lane, Acomb, York. 1950 Miller, T. G., M.A., University College of North Staffordshire, Keele,

Staffs. 1958 Mills, D. A. C , B.Sc, Geological Survey Office, Ring Road, Halton,

Leeds 15. 1956 Mitchell, E. N., B.Sc, Meadow View Farm, Fulstone, New Mill,

Huddersfield, Yorkshire. 1930 *Mitchell, G. H., D.Sc , F.R.S., Geological Survey, 19 Grange Terrace,

Edinburgh 9. 1957 Mitchell, M., B.A., Geological Survey and Museum, Exhibition Road,

London, S.W.7.

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460 LIST OF MEMBERS [vol. 32 Elected 1947 Mockler, G. D., B.Sc, 40 Plessey Crescent, Whitley Bay, Northumberland. 1959 Mohr, P. A., 135 Chester Road, Streatley, Sutton Coldfield, Warwick­

shire. 1936 *Mollett, A. L., The Old Mill, Littlebeck, Whitby, Yorkshire. 1952 *Moore, D., Ph.D., Geological Survey Department, P.O. Box 277, Sekondi,

Ghana. 1940 *Moore, E. W. J., B.Sc, 307 Blackburn Road, Haslingden, Lanes. 1949 Moore, Professor L. R., D.Sc , Department of Geology, The University,

St. George's Square, Sheffield 1. 1956 Moore, Professor R. C., University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas,

U.S.A. 1956 Morley, C. T., Chartered Exploration Ltd., Exploration House, Simpkins

Road, Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia. 1922 Morris, T. O., D.Sc , 32 Keith Avenue, Blairgowrie, Johannesburg,

South Africa. 1960 Mortimer, P. L., M.A., Giggleswick School, Settle, Yorkshire. 1950 *Moseley, F., Ph.D., Department of Geology, The University, Birming­

ham 15. 1960 Murehison, D. G., Ph.D., Department of Geology, King's College,

Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1. 1955 *Myers, J. O., B.Sc, A.M.LMin.E., 11 Thorn Lane, Haworth Road

Heaton, Bradford 9.

1957 Naylor, W. I., 38 Pinchbeck Road, Spalding, Lines. 1949 *Neale, J. W., B.Sc, 88 Strathmore Avenue, Hull, Yorkshire. 1958 Neves, R., B.Sc, Department of Geology, The University, St. George's

Square, Sheffield 1. 1958 Newton, A., A.R.I.C.S., A.M.I.M.E., 4 Norton Lees Square, Graves

Park, Sheffield 8. 1947 Norris, W. S. P. G., Ph.D., Oaklands, St. James Road, Rainhill,

Liverpool. 1960 Northrop, S. A., Department of Geology, University of New Mexico,

Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A.

1958 Orme, G. R., B.Sc, 61 Sandy Lane, Worksop, Notts. 1955 Osborn, R., B.Sc, 11 Grange Lane, Burghwallis, Doncaster, Yorkshire. 1945 Oxtoby, G. F., 37 Carr Bank Lane, Sheffield 11.

1951 *Palmer, J., B.A., Department of Geography, The University, Leeds 2. 1946 Palmer, N. R., F.S.I., 193 Sunderland Road, Harton, South Shields,

Co. Durham. 1957 Parker, D. H., B.Sc, c/o Overseas Geological Survey, Kaduna Junction,

Northern Nigeria. 1922 *Parkinson, D., D.Sc , 6 Clowes Avenue, Southbourne, Bournemouth,

Hants. 1959 Parsons, Professor W. H., Department of Geology, Allegheny College,

Meadville, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 1959 Pasotti, P., Av. Carlos Pellegrini 494, Rosario, Argentina. 1953 Peel, Professor R. F. E. W., M.B.E., M.A., Department of Geography,

The University, Bristol. 1949 *Penny, L. F., M.A., 94 Newland Park, Hull, Yorkshire. 1959 Penta, Professor F., Facoltd Ingegneria dell' Universitd, Rome, (S. Pietro

in Vineoli), Italy. 1948 Phillips, R., B.Sc, Department of Geology, Science Laboratories, South

Road, Durham. 1943 Pickett, W. A., 24 Parkland Gardens, Meanwood, Leeds 6. 1927 Pinfold, E. S., M.A., 19 Knowlys Avenue, Heysham, Lanes. 1959 Pitcher, W. S., Ph.D., 15 Blenheim Gardens, Wallington, Surrey. 1937 Poole, H. F., Shann Lane, Spring Gardens, Keighley, Yorkshire.

by guest on July 20, 2020 from

no. 21] LIST OF MEMBERS 461 Elected 1946 *Prentice, J. E., Ph.D., 57 Salisbury Road, Harrow, Middlesex. 1947 Pressley, Miss E. R., Holly Qrove, Dobcross, near Oldham, Lanes. 1952 Price, D., B.Eng., 47 Barncliffe Crescent, Sheffield 10. 1942 Price, N., 9 Imperial Crescent, Doncaster, Yorkshire. 1947 Priestley, J. J., M.Sc, 16 Mountjoy Road, Huddersfield, Yorkshire. 1937 Proctor, W., 299 Twenty Well Lane, Bradway, near Sheffield. 1937 Pugh, Sir W. J., O.B.E., D.Sc, F.R.S., Geological Survey and Museum,

Exhibition Road, London, S.W.7. 1931 *Pulfrey, W., Ph.D., D.Sc , Commissioner (Mines and Geology), P.O. Box

30009, Nairobi, Kenya. 1956 Purton, M. J., B.Sc, Department of Physics, The University, Leeds 2. 1956 Pycroft, M., c/o Honolulu Oil Corporation, 320 7th Avenue W., Calgary,

Alberta, Canada.

1957 *Radge, G. W., M.Sc, 18 Signhills Avenue, Cleethorpes, Lines. 1956 Raisbeck, D. E., 58 The Downs, Wilford, Nottingham. 1954 Ramsbottom, W. H. C , M.A., Ph.D., Geological Survey Office, Ring

Road, Halton, Leeds 15. 1959 Randall, B. A. O., B.Sc, 34 Primrose Hill, Gateshead 9. 1923 Ransom, J., A.M.I.M.E., 159 Preston New Road, Blackburn, Lanes. 1958 Rastall, R. H., c/o African Manganese Co. (Mines Management) Ltd.,

P.O. Box 368, Georgetown, British Guiana. 1949 *Raymond, L. R., B .Sc , 5 Redwing Lane, Norton-on-Tees, Co. Durham. 1940 *Rayner, Miss D. H., Ph.D., Department of Geology, The University,

Leeds 2. 1957 *Reading, H. G., Ph.D., Department of Geology and Mineralogy,

University Museum, Oxford. 1954 Reeder, D. E. EL, B.Sc, 4 Springfields, Welwyn Garden City, Herts. 1957 Rhodes, Professor F. H. T., Ph.D., Department of Geology, University

College, Singleton Park, Swansea. 1953 Richardson, F. D. S., M.A., 33 Ridgeway Road, Redhill, Surrey. 1949 Rivington, J. B., B.Sc, United Steel Companies Ltd., Research and

Development Department, Swinden House, Moorgate, Rotherham,

1956 Rix, P., B.Sc! P.O. Box 30009, Nairobi, Kenya. 1944 Roberts, J. S., 5 Ashville Terrace, Farsley, Leeds. 1945 *Robertson, T., Ph.D., A.I.M.M., Spindrift, Ardmair Bay, Ullapool,

Ross-shire. 1954 Robinson, E. T. W., M.A., 42 Healey Lane, Batley, Yorkshire. 1960 Robinson, P. C , 195 Seamer Road, Scarborough, Yorkshire. 1954 *Robson, D. A., Ph.D., Ardrigg, Leazes Lane, Hexham, Northumberland. 1952 *Rowell, A. J., Ph.D., Department of Geology, The University,Nottingham. 1960 Russell, P. I., 113 Hollyshaw Lane, Whitkirk, Leeds 15.

1956 Sadlick, W., Department of Geology, Idaho State College, Pocatello, Idaho, U.S.A.

1957 *Sarjeant, W. A. S., Ph.D., 47 Milton Road, Nether Edge, Sheffield 7. 1953 Savigear, R. A. G., B.A., 27 Rushley Drive, Dore, Sheffield. 1953 *Scanlon, J. E., B.A., Ph.D., Brunei Shell Petroleum Co. Ltd., Seria,

State of Brunei, Borneo. 1955 Scott, B. M., P.O. Box 172, Kitwe, N. Rhodesia. 1956 Seaman, A. G., B.Sc, 46 Carleton Road, Sprowston, near Norwich, Norfolk. 1957 Shackley, D., B .Sc , C.C.M., Prospect Hill, Lowther Street, Penrith,

Cumberland. 1954 Sharp, J. I., M.A., 6 Eslington Crescent, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 2. 1952 Shelley, A. E., 18 Blackbrook Road, Lodge Moor, Sheffield 10. 1957 Shephard, P. H., 254 Scartho Road, Grimsby, Lines. 1932 *Shirley, J., D.Sc , Department of Geology, King's College, Newcastle-

upon-Tyne 1.

by guest on July 20, 2020 from

462 LIST OF MEMBERS [vol. 32 Elected 1945 *Shotton, Professor F. W., Sc.D., F.R.S., Department of Geology, The

University, Birmingham 15. 1945 Simpson, B., M.Sc, 17 Belleview Road, Westcross, Swansea. 1935 Simpson, E., Cragdale, Duke Street, Settle, Yorkshire. 1957 *Simpson, I. M., Ph.D., Department of Geology, The University, Man­

chester 13. 1952 Singleton, H. R., B.Sc, The City Museum, Weston Park, Sheffield 10. 1951 *Sissons, J. B., B.A., Ph.D., Department of Geography, High School

Yards, Edinburgh. 1958 Skevington, D., B.Sc, Department of Geology, University College,

Gower Street, London, W.C.I. 1952 Skinner, W. J., 9 Wilton Avenue, West Hartlepool. Co. Durham. 1959 Skipsey, E., B.Sc, A.M.I.F., 18 Kelstern Close, Cinderhill, Nottingham. 1952 Skou, C. C , M.Sc, F.R.I.C., 64 The Grove, Marton-in-Cleveland,

Middlesbrough, Yorkshire. 1934 *Slinger, F. C , B.Sc, c/o Geological and Exploration Department,

Iranian Oil Consortium, P.O. Box 1065, Tehran, Iran. 1957 *Smith, D. B., B.Sc, Geological Survey Office, Ring Road, Halton,

Leeds 15. 1945 *Smith, E. G., Geological Survey Office, Ring Road, Halton, Leeds 15. 1958 Smith, R. O., M.A., 5 FeUbrook Avenue, Acomb, York. 1959 Spencer, A. M., 95 Stanningley Road, Leeds 12. 1955 Stainthorpe, P., B.Sc, 2 Burrard Avenue, Richmond, Yorkshire. 1926 *Stephens, J. V., B .Sc , B.Eng., Geological Survey Office, Ring Road,

Halton, Leeds 15. 1959 Stevenson, I. P., M.Sc, Geological Survey and Museum, Exhibition Road,

London, S.W.7. 1959 Stewart, Professor D., Department of Geology, Carleton College, North-

field, Minnesota, U.S.A. 1944 *Stewart, Professor F. H., Ph.D., Grant Institute of Geology, King's

Buildings, West Mains Road, Edinburgh 9. 1947 Stonehouse, W. P. B., M.D., 82 Mossley Road, Grasscroft, near Oldham,

Lanes. 1958 Stout, T. M., Department of Geology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln,

Nebraska, U.S.A. 1959 Straley III, H. W., 723 Brittain Drive N.W., Atlanta 13, Georgia,

U.S.A. 1956 Straw, A., B.A., 67 Carter Knowle Avenue, Sheffield 11. 1950 Stuart, Professor A., M.Sc, Bridge House, Neopardy, Crediton, Devon. 1941 *Stubblefield, C. J., D.Sc, F.R.S., Geological Survey and Museum,

Exhibition Road, London, S.W.7. 1957 Sweeting, G. S., D.I.C., F.G.S., Manor Cottage, Litton, Skipton,

Yorkshire. 1959 Swires, J. A., 19 Limes Avenue, Alfreton, Derbyshire. 1957 Sylvester, G. E., B.Sc, 5 Highfield, Scarborough, Yorkshire. 1946 *Sylvester-Bradley, Professor P. C , B.Sc, Department of Geology, The

University, Leicester. 1952 Symington, J. G., P.O. Box 43, Magburaka, Sierra Leone, West Africa.

1939 Taitt, A. H., B.Sc, Belnagarrow, Boharm, by Craigellachie, Banffshire. 1937 Tattam, C. M., Ph.D., Department of Geology, University of Melbourne,

Carlton, N.3, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 1958 Taylor, A. R., A.M.I.C.E., A.M.I.Str.E., 24 Parkhead Road, Sheffield 11. 1952 *Taylor, B. J., B.Sc, 64 Harlow Moor Drive, Harrogate, Yorkshire. 1952 Taylor, D., 21 Marsden Road, Lane Head, Burnley, Lanes. 1955 Taylor, R. K., B.Sc, 28 Parkbrook Lane,Shevington, near Wigan, Lanes. 1934 Taylor, S., St. Julians, 30 Staincross Common, Staincross, near Barnsley,

Yorkshire. 1957 Taylor, W. W., B.Sc, 23k Hemlock Crescent, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

by guest on July 20, 2020 from

no. 21] LIST OF MEMBERS 463 Elected 1945 Teale, W. N., M.A., 71 Gainsborough Avenue, Burnley, Lanes. 1919 *Thomas, Rev. H., M.A., 2 Norwood Road, Shipley, Yorkshire. 1955 *Thompson, A. T., Ph.D., 21 Avenue Road, London, S.E.20. 1960 Thornton, L. J., B .Sc , 52 Roseberry Road, Stockton-on-Tees, Co.

Durham. 1955 Thornton, M. S., 48 Rosehill Road, Burnley, Lanes. 1941 *Trechmann, C. T., D .Sc , Hudworth Tower, Castle Eden, Durham. 1945 *Trotter, F. M., D.Sc , Geological Survey and Museum, Exhibition Road,

London, S.W.7. 1929 *Turner, J. S., M.Sc, M.I.R.A., Department of Geology, The University,

Leeds 2.

1924 *Upton, A. E., 304 Millhouses Lane, Ecclesall, Sheffield 11.

1959 van Bemmelen, Professor R. W., Mineralogisch-Geologisch Instituut, Der Rijks-Universiteit Te Outrecht, Oude Gracht 320, Utrecht, Netherlands.

1948 Versey, H. R., B.Sc, Geological Survey Office, Kingston, Jamaica, B.W.I.

1947 Vincent, E. A., Ph.D., Department of Geology and Mineralogy, University Museum, Oxford.

1956 Waddle, K. W., Anglo-American Corporation of South Africa, Ltd., Geology Department, P.O. Box 1108, Salisbury, S. Rhodesia.

1944 *Wager, Professor L. R., ScD. , F.R.S., Department of Geology and Mineralogy, University Museum, Oxford.

1948 *Walker, C. T., Ph.D., Stanolind Oil and Gas Co. Ltd., 230 Second Avenue N.E., Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

1957 Walker, D. S., B.Sc, 2204 32nd Street S.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 1948 Walker, W., Apartment 107, 2233 Eglington Avenue E., Toronto,

Ontario, Canada. 1948 Waller, F. J., 49 Institution Street, Leeds 6. 1959 Walters, F. C , 3 Bedford Terrace, Joppa, Edinburgh 15. 1954 Waltham, J. A., B.Sc, 175 Coniscliffe Road, Darlington, Co. Durham. 1956 Ward, J. G., A.M.I.E.T., The Bungalow, Church Lane, Tibshelf,

Derbyshire. 1955 Warwick, G. T., M.B.E., Ph.D., 60 Spring Lane, Erdington, Birmingham

24. 1953 Waters, R. S., M.A., Department of Geography, The University, Exeter. 1956 Watt, J. H., c/o Anglo-American Corporation of South Africa Ltd.,

P.O. Box 1108, Salisbury, S. Rhodesia. 1960 Wattison, A., M.B., Ch.B., Crichton House, Anstruther, Fife. 1959 Wegmann, E., Faubourg de Fhdpital, Neuchatel, Switzerland. 1955 Welch, B. K., B .Sc , c/o Laporte Industries Ltd., Hanover House, 14

Hanover Square, London, W.l. 1955 *Wells, A. J., M.A., Ph.D., c/o Barclays Bank Ltd., 54 Cornmarket

Street, Oxford. 1949 *Westoll, Professor T. S., D.Sc , F.R.S., Department of Geology, King's

College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1. 1955 *Whetton, Professor J. T., D.S.O., M.Sc, Department of Mining, The

University, Leeds 2. 1951 White, D. E., M.Sc, Geological Survey and Museum, Palaeontology

Division, Exhibition Road, London, S.W.7. 1947 White, T. E. S., Alverstone, 76 Oakenshaw Lane, Walton, Wakefield,

Yorkshire. 1946 Whitehead, B., Heights Lane, Delph, near Oldham, Lanes. 1944 Whiteloek, G. C. H., 44 Magdala Road, Mapperley Park, Nottingham. 1956 Whiteman, A, J., Ph.D., Gompagnie des Petroles d'Algerie, 7 Rue

Daguerre, Alger, Algeria.

by guest on July 20, 2020 from

464 LIST OF MEMBERS [vol. 32 Elected 1947 Whitley, Brigadier-General Sir E. N., Oampfield House, Malton, Yorks. 1932 *Whittle, W. L., M.I.M.E., 31 Elgin Road, Parkstone, Dorset. 1957 Whitworth, T., M.A., D.Phil., The Master's Lodging, Hatfield College,

Durham. 1921 *Wilcockson, W. H., M.A., 5 Newbould Lane, Sheffield 10. 1950 Wilkinson, P., B .Sc , Department of Geology, The University, St.

George's Square, Sheffield 1. 1950 *Williamson, I. A., B.Sc, 21 Rivington Drive, Upholland, near Wigan.

Lanes. 1931 Wills, Professor L. J., Sc.D., Farley Cottage, Romsley, near Birmingham. 1959 Wilson, A., A.M.I.E.E., 22 Askham Lane, Acomb, York. 1939 *Wilson, A. A., Ph.D., 11 Aspley Place, Aspley, Huddersfield, Yorkshire. 1959 Wilson, E. B., B.A., 3 Bridle Way, Great Sutton, Wirral, Cheshire. 1932 *Wilson, V., Ph.D., Inglenook, Milton Avenue, Gerrards Cross, Bucks. 1932 *Winfield, L., The Green House, Almeley, Herefordshire. 1949 Wisden, Miss D. E., M.Sc, Department of Geology, The University,

Southampton. 1960 Woodland, A. W., Geological Survey Office, Ring Road, Halton, Leeds 15. 1926 *Wray, D. A., Ph.D., 42 Can ford Cliffs Road, Parkstone, Dorset. 1943 *Wright, C. W., M.A., 37 PhUlimore Gardens, London, W.8. 1943 *Wright, E. V., The Old Rectory, Walkington, Beverley, E. Yorkshire. 1956 Wynn, M. A., c/o R.S.T. Mine Services, P.O. Box 1, Kalulushi, N.


1960 Yeadon, K. A., 121 High Storrs Road, Sheffield 11. 1953 Youell, R. F., B.Sc, Department of Physics, The University, Leeds 2. 1957 *Young, A., B.A., P.O. Box 87, Zomha, Nyasaland. 1956 Youngquist, Professor W., Geology Department, University of Kansas,

Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A.

Student Members 1955 Abbey, D. T., 3 Malton Way, Rawcliffe Lane, Clifton, York. 1958 Abraham, D., Department of Geology, The University, Leeds 2. 1953 Ashworth, K. R., 32 Prestcott Street, Burnley, Lanes. 1960 Aslin, C. J., Department of Geology, The University, Leicester. 1960 Aucott, J. W., 102 Fairfax Road, Leicester. 1958 Bailey, J. K., Glengarry, Cleveland^ Road, Burnley, Lanes. 1960 Bastow, R. S., 37 Temple Gate, Whitkirk, Leeds 15, 1957 *Bate, R. H., B .Sc , 31 Scholes Park Drive, Scarborough, Yorkshire. 1958 Bell, A., Franklyn, Lor ton Road, Cockermouth, Cumberland, 1960 Bell, K., 45 Berksyde, Delves Lane, Consett, Co. Durham. 1958 Best, R., 7 Flaxton Street, Leeds 11. 1960 Bloomer, A. G., Kom Binne, 5 Brookfield Terrace, Whitby, Yorkshire. 1958 Boylan, P. J., 41 Preston Road, Hull, Yorkshire. I960 Brumby, K., 28 Ashleigh Road, Leicester. 1957 Carpenter, I. A., 384 Rossendale Road, Burnley, Lanes. 1958 Catt, J. A., 9 West Street, Ashford, Kent, 1960 Challinor, A., 222 Ramsden Road, Wardle, Rochdale, Lanes. 1959 Chisholm, J. J., 17 Fearnville Grove, Leeds 8. 1960 Claxton, C. W., The University, Hull, Yorkshire. 1958 Coffey, J. R., 19 Maple Street, Blackburn, Lanes. 1958 Crowther, H. G., 12 West View, Stainland, near Halifax, Yorkshire. 1960 Danby, C. M., Etton Pasture School, Etton, Beverley, E. Yorkshire. 1960 Da vies, H. G., 102 Buckingham Road, Bicester, Oxon. 1960 Dean, J. M., 7 Park View, Huddersfield Road, Mirfield, Yorkshire. 1960 Dockwray, F. E., Wellheads Cottage, Sedgwick, near Kendal, West­

morland. 1959 Douglas, A., B.Sc, 37 Merton Street, Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia. 1960 Dyson, R. S., 46 Woodlands Road, Baughurst, Basingstoke, Hants.

by guest on July 20, 2020 from

no. 21] LIST OF MEMBERS 465 Elected 1959 Edis, Miss A., 15 Southlands Drive, Leeds 17. 1959 Ellison, I. J., 3 Chesmere Drive, Penwortham, Preston, Lanes. 1960 Fletcher, B. N., 106 Park Grove, Hull, Yorkshire. 1959 Foster, Miss E., B .Sc , 10 Ring Road, Halton, Leeds 15. 1959 Freeman, B. P., St. Catherine's Vicarage, Tanfleld Avenue, Neasden,

London, N.W.2. 1958 Furness, B., 93 Queen Victoria Road, Burnley, Lanes. 1960 Getty, T. A., 11 Forth Road, Redcar, Yorks. 1957 Golding, M. L., 173 Eastcote Road, Ruislip, Middlesex. 1958 Hall, T. A., 10 Birks Avenue, Woodhouse, Sheffield. 1959 Hallett, D., 4 Westbury Terrace, West End, Halifax, Yorkshire. 1956 Hart, G. F., B.Sc, 37 Finchale Crescent, Cockerton, Darlington, Co.

Durham. 1958 Hartley, E. W., Queen's College, Oxford. 1957 Haskins, C. W., 1 Starkey Grove, Latchford, Warrington, Lanes. 1960 Havill, B. B., Stephenson Hall, Oakholme Road, Sheffield 10. 1960 Hedley, E. J., 23 Whitton Road, Fairfield,Stockton-on-Tees, Co. Durham. 1958 Higgins, A. C , B.Sc , 34 Kingston Avenue, Sneyd Green, Stoke-on-Trent,

Staffs. 1959 Hill, M. W., 146 Wigan Road, Standish, near Wigan, Lanes. 1958 Hirst, J. A., Albion Hotel, Buxton Road, Huddersfield, Yorkshire. 1960 Hirst, Miss R. A., B.Sc, Department of Geography, The University,

Hull, Yorkshire. 1960 Hodgson, R. L,, 52 Kellerton Road, Lewisham, London, S.E.3. 1957 Ingham, J. K., Cricketers' Arms, Lowerhouse Lane, Burnley, Lanes. 1960 Jefferson, D. P., 35 Station Road, Crumpsall, Manchester 8. 1956 Kilburn, C , 30 Earlswood Avenue, Low Fell, Gateshead, Co. Durham. 1957 Kilenyi, T. E., 112 Park Avenue, Hull, Yorkshire. 1959 Eawson, J., 31 Kensington Gardens, Darlington, Co. Durham. 1958 Lewis, Miss M. I., 42 Weelsby Way, Hessle, East Yorkshire. 1959 Mallick, D. I. J., 31 Town Street, Bramley, Leeds 13. 1957 Masterton, I., 12 Barrymore Avenue, Latchford, Warrington, Lanes. 1959 Matthews, B., B.A., 21 Hawthorn Grove, Rodley, near Leeds. 1959 Mayhew, R. W., 31 Church Road, Worlingworth, near Woodbridge,

Suffolk. 1959 Milburn, Miss J. M., 169 Hull Road, York. 1960 Newton-Smith, J., 28 Richmond Road, Retford, Notts. 1958 Ouldeott, M. L., 202 Middlewick Street, Crewe, Cheshire. 1958 Owens, B., 9 Hawthorn Street, Darlington, Co. Durham. 1960 Parker, I. G. M., 2 Park Parade, Harrogate, Yorkshire. 1959 Patrick, C. K., 112 Westbourne Road, Sheffield 10. 1958 Pattinson, R., 12 Blackhill Road, Harden, Co. Durham. 1959 Phillips, Miss A. W., B.A., Cotswolds, Withernsea Road, Hollym,

Withernsea, Yorkshire. 1960 Podmore, B. D., 176 Stone Road, Stafford. 1959 Raper, P. J., Greengates, East Lane, Shipton-by-Beningbrough, York. 1959 Rawlings, G. E., 30 The Ridgeway, Cuffiey, Herts. 1960 Rawson, P. F., 160 Carr Lane, Grimsby, Lines. 1958 Rickards, R. B., 39 High Street, Hook, near Goole, Yorkshire. 1960 Rowley, C. R., 48 Borough Road, Redcar, Yorkshire. 1960 Scholey, I. A., 26 Ainsty Avenue, Dringhouses, York. 1959 Scott, D. S., 14 Truswell Road, Crookes, Sheffield 10. 1958 Shutt, T. C , 7 Lowmoor Road, Darlington, Co. Durham. 1960 Smith, K., B.A., Department of Geography, The University, Hull,

Yorkshire. 1958 Soper, N. J., Sulby Cottage, Bark House Lane, Cawthorne, near Barnsley,

Yorkshire. 1958 Spears, D. A., 10 Coniston Road, Grange Estate, Stockton-on-Tees,

Co. Durham.

by guest on July 20, 2020 from

466 LIST OF MEMBERS [vol. 32

Elected 1958 Spinner, E., 3 Mill Road, Worlingworth, Woodbridge, Suffolk. 1958 Spode, F., 33 Hugh Bourne Street, Brindley Ford, Stoke-on-Trent,

Staffs. 1955 Stoddart, D. R., 25 Osborne Road, Stockton-on-Tees, Co. Durham. 1956 Sullivan, R., Department of Geology, The University, Glasgow, W.2. 1956 Thomas, J. M., Southill Barton, Kentisheare, Cullompton, Devon. 1955 Twombley, B. N., 3]4 Colliergate, York. 1959 Varker, W. J., 34 Oxford Street, Darlington, Co. Durham. 1955 Wadge, A. J., 4 Lawn Street, Burnley, Lanes. 1960 Wall, D., 106 Marsh Road, Rhyl, Flintshire. 1959 Wallis, R. H., Barisca, Naburn Lane, Fulford, York. 1960 Whatley, R. C , 31 Cavendish Road, Bournemouth, Hants. 1959 Whitcombe, P. J., 63 Bath Street, Southport, Lanes. 1956 Wigglesworth, J. C , 44 Stanley Road, Lindley, Huddersfield, York­

shire. 1957 Wilkins, J. H. B., 39 Ruskin Avenue, Manor Park, London, E.12. 1959 Wilkinson, C. D., B.A., Greencroft, Lowes Barn Bank, Durham. 1960 Williams, D. W., High Garth, 82 Knowl Road, Mirfield, Yorkshire. 1960 Wilson, R. C. L., Tile Lodge, Charing, near Ashford, Kent. 1958 Winlow, C , 45 Castlereagh Street, New Silksworth, Sunderland, Co.

Durham. 1956 Workman, D. R., 14 The Croft, Trowbridge, Wilts. 1959 Worsley, P., 27 Compton Drive, Grimsby, Lines.

Associate Members 1959 Aperghis, Mrs. I., 9 Northfield Road, Doncaster, Yorkshire. 1948 Aston, Mrs. H. C , 22 Crystal Avenue, Heath, Cardiff. 1960 Black, Miss G. D., 24 Cromwell Road, Stretford, Manchester. 1960 Bryan, Mrs. E. M., 34 Orchards Way, off Walton Road, Chesterfield,

Derbyshire. 1947 Cox, E. G., D.Sc , F.R.S., Agricultural Research Council, 15 Regent

Street, London, S.W.I. 1943 *Dean, V., 39 Sandy Lane, Accrington, Lanes. 1954 Dyson, J. P., Robin Hill, 10 Crowther Avenue, Calverley, Leeds. 1952 England, Miss B. M., c/o Halesfield House, Altofts, Normanton, York­

shire. 1933 England, N. E., Halesfield House, Altofts, Normanton, Yorkshire. 1952 Gowing, Mrs. K. M., Fieldhead, Rogerfield, Keswick, Cumberland. 1958 Horsnail, R. F., Rickamore, Scatcherd Park Avenue, Morley, Yorkshire. 1952 Humphreys, Miss G., 45 Kensington Road, Werneth, Oldham, Lanes. 1949 Ken worthy, Mrs. J., The Hollies, Uppermill, near Oldham, Lanes. 1927 *Mackintosh, A. H. G., M.B., 41 Ecclesall Road South, Sheffield 11. 1956 Maconachie, A. E., 4 Coastguard Station, Seaham Harbour, Co. Durham. 1941 Mason, C. W., 15 Park Avenue, Hull, Yorkshire. 1959 Naylor, Miss A., 53 Victoria Avenue, Hull, Yorkshire. 1956 Osborn, Mrs. B., 11 Grange Lane, Burghwallis, Doncaster, Yorkshire. 1960 Penny, Mrs. L. F., 94 Newland Park, Hull, Yorkshire. 1949 Priestley, Mrs. A. C , 16 Mountjoy Road, Huddersfield, Yorkshire. 1960 Russell, H. M., 113 Hollyshaw Lane, Whitkirk, Leeds 15. 1940 Versey, Mrs. H. C , 1 Stainburn Terrace, Leeds 17. 1956 White, M., 8 Clerk Green, Batley, Yorkshire. 1959 Whitehead, C. H., 68 Walter Street, Brierfield, Lanes. 1948 Williamson, L., 9 Vicarage Avenue, Kirkstall, Leeds. 1957 Wilson, K., Mill Cottage, Lothersdale, Keighley, Yorkshire.

by guest on July 20, 2020 from

no. 21] LIST OF MEMBERS 467

Institutional Members Elected Brit ish Isles 1927 University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. 1948 Public Library, Barnsley, Yorkshire. 1959 Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland. 1928 Bradford Free Library, Darley Street, Bradford, Yorkshire. 1948 Public Library, Bridlington, Yorkshire. 1929 The University, Bristol 8. 1955 British Petroleum Exploration Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 1, Southwell, Notts. 1953 Central Library, Burnley, Lanes. 1925 Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge. 1960 National Museum of Wales, Cardiff. 1948 University College of South Wales, Cathays Park, Cardiff. 1958 Chesterfield College of Technology, Infirmary Road, Chesterfield, Derby­

shire. 1949 Art Gallery and Museum, Doncaster, Yorkshire. 1945 Department of Geology, Trinity College, Dublin, Eire. 1949 The Durham Colleges, Science Library, South Road, Durham. 1955 The Rodborough Library, The University, Exeter. 1955 The University, Glasgow, W.2. 1949 Public Library, Halifax, Yorkshire. 1948 Public Library, Harrogate, Yorkshire. 1956 The Central Library, Albion Street, Hull, Yorkshire. 1960 Municipal Museums, 23/24 High Street, Hull, Yorkshire. 1945 The University, Hull, Yorkshire. 1952 The Library, Main Offices, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., Billingham

Division, Billingham, Co. Durham. 1950 The Museum, Victoria Park, Keighley, Yorkshire. 1949 Central Reference Library, Leeds 1. 1949 Leeds City Museum, Park Row, Leeds 1. 1960 City of Leicester Museums and Art Gallery, New Walk, Leicester. 1956 The University, Leicester. 1933 The University, Liverpool. 1960 Bedford College for Women, York Gate, Regents Park, London, N.W.I. 1933 Birkbeck College, Malet Street, London, W.C.I. 1941 Department of Geology, Royal School of Mines, Imperial College of

Science and Technology, Prince Consort Road, South Kensington, London, S.W.7.

1954 Queen Mary College, Mile End Road, London, E.l. 1959 Science Museum Library, South Kensington, London, S.W.7. 1950 University of London, Senate House, London, W.C.I. 1948 Malham Tarn Field Centre, near Settle, Yorkshire. 1955 Middlesbrough Public Library, Central Library, Victoria Square,

Middlesbrough, Yorkshire. 1957 National Coal Board, Durham Division, Milburn House, Newcastle-

upon-Tyne 1. 1954 The Nature Conservancy, 19 Belgrave Square, London, S.W.I. 1960 North Riding County Library, Grammar School Lane, Northallerton,

Yorkshire. 1954 University College of North Staffordshire, Keele, Staffs. 1957 Nottingham and District Technical College, Burton Street, Nottingham. 1937 The University, Nottingham. 1955 The University Library, Reading, Berks. 1948 Public Library, Rotherham, Yorkshire. 1960 The Library, The University, St. Andrew's, Fife. 1931 Public Library, Scarborough, Yorkshire. 1960 Borough Museum and Art Gallery, Vicarage Gardens, Scunthorpe, Lines. 1960 Sedgwick Society, per A. Morgan, Esq., D.S.C., M.A., Sedbergh School,

Sedbergh, Yorkshire.

by guest on July 20, 2020 from

468 LIST OF MEMBERS [vol. 32 Elected 1925 Public Library, Sheffield. 1953 Department of Geology, University of Sheffield, St. George's Square,

Sheffield 1. 1955 Sorby Natural History Society, per Dr. A. V. Tranter, 279 Dobcroft

Road, Sheffield 11. 1949 The University, Southampton. 1945 University College, Singleton Park, Swansea. 1956 United Steel Companies Ltd., Research and Development Departments,

Swinden Laboratories, Moorgate, Rotherham, Yorkshire. 1948 City Library, Wakefield, Yorkshire. 1950 Whitby Literary and Philosophical Society, The Museum, Whitby,

Yorkshire. 1943 Public Library, Museum Street, York.

Europe 1959 Geologisch Inslituut van de Rijksuniversiteit Gent, Rozier 6, Ghent,

Belgium. 1959 Ustfedni ustav geologicky, Praha I, Hradebni 9, Czechoslovakia. 1959 Universitetets Mineralogisk Instilut, Oster Voldegarde 7, Copenhagen,

Denmark. 1959 Institut fur Geologic und Technische Gesteinkunde, Darmstadt, Alex-

anderstrasse 35, Germany. 1959 Geologisch-Palaeontologisches Institut, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Univer-

sitdt, Senckenberg-Anlage 32, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 1959 Geologisch-Paldontologisches Institut der Technischen Hochschule, Herd-

weg 51, Stuttgart, Germany. 1959 Institut und Museum fur Geologie und Palaontologie der Universitdt,

Sigwartstrasse 10, Tubingen, Germany. 1959 Istituto di Geologia Universitd, Piazzale Gorini 15, Milan, Italy. 1959 Servizio Geologico d'Italia, Largo Susanna 13, Rome, Italy. 1959 Le Musee de VEtat, Marche-aux-Poissons, Luxembourg. 1959 Geologisch Instituut, cjo Universiteets-Bibliotheek, Singel 421, Amsterdam-

C, Netherlands. 1959 Norges Geologiske Undersokelse, Josefinesgate 34, Oslo N.V., Norway. 1959 Geologisk Institut, Norges Tekniske Hogskole, Trondheim, Norway. 1959 Servifos Geoldgieos de Portugal, R. da Academia das Ciencias 19-20,

Lisbon - 2, Portugal.

North America 1956 Research Council of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 1956 Baylor University Library, Box. 307, B.U.Station, Waco, Texas, U.S.A. 1959 University of Colorado Library, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A. 1956 Columbia University Geology Library, 601 Schermhorn Hall, Columbia

University, New York 27, N.Y., U.S.A. 1959 Periodicals Department, Cornell University Library, Ithaca, New York,

U.S.A. 1956 De Pauw University, Geology and Geography Department, Greencastle,

Indiana, U.S.A. 1956 Serials and Binding Division, Emory University Library, Emory

University, Georgia, U.S.A. 1956 Serials Department, University of Illinois Library, Urbana, Illinois,

U.S.A. 1956 Indiana University Library, Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A. 1956 State University of Iowa, Serial Acquisitions, Iowa City, Iowa, U.S.A. 1956 Kansas State College Library, Manhattan, Kansas, U.S.A. 1956 Geology Library, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge 3, Louisiana,


by guest on July 20, 2020 from

no. 21] LIST OF MEMBERS 469 Elected 1956 Lindgren Library, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge*

Mass., U.8.A. 1956 Department of Ceology, Michigan State University, East Lansing,

Michigan, U.S.A. 1956 D. H. Hill Library, N.C. State College, Raleigh, N.C., U.S.A. 1956 The Library, Northern Illinois State College, De Kalb, Illinois, U.S.A. 1959 Serials Record, University of Notre Dame Library, Notre Dame,

Indiana, U.S.A. 1956 Mineral Industries Library, Pennsylvania State University, University

Park, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 1956 Periodicals Department, Honnolds Library, Pomona College, Claremont,

California, U.S.A. 1956 Acquisitions Librarian, Douglas Library, Queens University, Kingston,

Ontario, Canada. 1956 Pius XII Memorial Library, 3655 West Pine Boulevard, Saint Louis 8,

Missouri, U.S.A. 1957 The University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada. 1959 Department of Geological Engineering, South Dakota School of Mines

and Technology, Rapid City, South Dakota, U.S.A. 1956 Fondren Library, Southern Methodist University, Dallas 5, Texas,

U.S.A. 1956 Serial Department, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, California,

U.S.A. 1959 The Library, Texas Technological College, Lubbock, Texas, U.S.A. 1956 Serials Acquisitions, University of Texas Library, University of Texas,

Austin 12, Texas, U.S.A. 1956 Department of Geology, Tulane University, New Orleans 18, Louisiana,

U.S.A. 1956 Wayne State University, Kresge-Hooker Science Library, 5250 Second

Boulevard, Detroit 2, Michigan, U.S.A. 1956 Wesleyan University Library, Middletown, Connecticut, U.S.A.

Asia 1959 Department of Geology, The University, Rangoon, Burma. 1959 Department of Geology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,

China. 1959 Pusat Djawatan Geologi, Djalan Diponegoro No. 57, Bandung, Indo­


Africa 1959 Merensky-Biblioteek, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, Union of South



by guest on July 20, 2020 from