By Election Manifesto Booklet


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Welcome to your unique chance to shape your Union.

This guide will help you work out how, when and where to use the voting power you have to make the change you want to see at UEA.

Each year, UEA students are elected to lead the Union and listen to what you want them to do.

The Union of UEA Students is one of the biggest and best students’ unions in the country, which makes it all the more important that you choose carefully who you want to lead the Union next year.

Amongst the faces in this book are the people who will be speaking for you next year.

They’ll also be organising campaigns, co-ordinating academic representation, allocating the clubs and societies budgets, running all the Union’s student support services and overseeing the running of the Union bars, shops and entertainments.

Over the next week make sure you take a few minutes to look through the candidates manifestoes in this guide and have a chat with any of the candidates who stops to talk to you during the campaign.


The Student Officers are a group of students elected by the student population in a campus-wide vote each year. There are 17 Student Officers: 4 full time paid positions and 13 part time positions that students hold alongside completing their degree. Together they make up the Student Officer Committee. The Student Officer Committee work on all issues to do with student life, from supporting equal opportunity officers to developing the Union’s strategic plan. They listen to how students want things to be done and work with the relevant people to make it happen. They represent student views to the University and local and national decision makers ensuring that your voice is heard.


The elected posts you will be voting on are as follows… The full-time position available is;

• Academic Officer The part-time positions available are;

• 1 Non-portfolio Officer • Womens’ Officer • Ethnic Minorities Officer • Mature Students Officer


WHY ARE WE HAVING A BY ELECTION? We are electing candidates to positions that were not filled in the main elections before Easter. This was either because there was no candidates put forward for that role or the elected candidate chose to step down and not take office (this is the case for the Academic Officer position)

Voting will open at 9am on Tuesday 17th May. Voting is online and open for 24 hours a day, so you can vote at any time you wish and from anywhere you want, until 8pm on Friday 30th May. 24 Hours before the voting opens you will receive an email from to your UEA email account with a link to the voting website. All you need to do is follow the instructions in the email to be able to vote. This year the Union is going on tour around campus to make sure everyone has a chance to vote. Keep an eye out for us around campus…

Voting is done using a transferable vote system. This means each voter can rank all candidates in order of preference – number 1 for their first choice, 2 for their second and so on. If no-one gets over 50% of the vote, the candidate with the lowest number 1 votes is eliminated and their votes go to their 2nd preference and so on. Marking a rival candidate with ‘2’ will not harm your first choice candidates chances as the only time the second preference vote is taken into account is when you first candidate can no longer win.

HOW TO VOTE HOW STV WORKS (Single Transferable Vote)

Apart from the candidate podcasts and videos, your best chance to find out about the candidates is the campaign. This is when all the candidates will be dragging themselves around UEA trying to speak to as many students as possible to secure their votes. Talking to candidates makes it easier for you to choose who to vote for and ensures that any complaints, ideas or thoughts you have will be taken up by them if they get elected. Remember that the candidates will be spending hours campaigning each day and they will be very grateful for a cup of tea and a piece of cake on their way round.


Another great way to see the differences between candidates is to view their candidate videos. The Union provides the opportunity for each candidate to record a short one minute video explaining why they are the best candidate. These are available on and on facebook. Candidates normally re-do these to make them more snazzy and we will replace our videos with their updated ones so remember to give them all a last viewing before you submit your vote.

THE JOB Secure positive change for UEA students in their education and research.

Be the voice of UEA students on education and research matters to the University.

Work with members of University staff, through formal meetings and informal discussions, to achieve improvements in education and research.

Have overall responsibility for building support for changes in University and government education policy and practice by collating existing evidence of student opinions and commissioning new research.

Have overall responsibility for developing, supporting and training student representatives from across the University.

Have overall responsibility for the Union’s academic advice services.

Be the Union’s delegate to NUS Higher Education Zone Conference.



Michael Twist

Megan Evans

Steph Learmonth

Alex Etches

Terry Tasker

Roshan Walkerley

Davina Kesby

R.O.N “Re-Open Nominations” (RON) is a candidate in all Union Elections. If you think none of the candidates deserves your vote, you can vote RON to request the elections be re-run at a later date allowing new candidates to be nominated.


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I really hope you like the idea of my policies! Please let me

know what you think!! I would love to hear your thoughts and



















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Fulfill all the duties as outlined on their manifesto, subject to Union policy and the strategic plan. Not undertake any duty that infringes upon or overlaps with the job descriptions of other officers of the Student Officer Committee.



Kris DunnHannah Evans

R.O.N “Re-Open Nominations” (RON) is a candidate in all Union Elections. If you think none of the candidates deserves your vote, you can vote RON to request the elections be re-run at a later date allowing new candidates to be nominated.




















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Represent the interests of women students and be their voice on the issues they face as women students at university. Engage with the University and other relevant organisations to achieve improvements for women students on the issues they face as women at university. Convene and co-ordinate the Union’s Women’s Committee. Liaise with the members of the relevant clubs, societies or peer support groups. Be the Union’s delegate to the NUS Women’s Conference.



Nabila Akthar

Ava Gaida

Fran Roberts

Anna Tomson

Hannah Goran

R.O.N “Re-Open Nominations” (RON) is a candidate in all Union Elections. If you think none of the candidates deserves your vote, you can vote RON to request the elections be re-run at a later date allowing new candidates to be nominated.

You may only vote in this election if you self-define as a woman student.


!!!!!!!%!-%&&555!!4#/6#%7"!to get NUS accreditation for being a ‘Zero Tolerance’ Union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



Ava Gaida

No Manifesto Submitted


Vote Fran [1] For Women’s Officer! !"#$%&'(&



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Hello, I’m Hannah; I’m a second year

English Literature and Creative Writing

student and co-founder of the Feminist

Society, for which I sit on Union council. I

believe that no student should ever feel

undermined or unsafe on account of their

gender, and I’d love to be your Women’s

Officer in order to do all I can to make

this the case. The continued push for

gender equality is something that I feel

really strongly about, and I would

approach the Women’s Officer role with

the drive and passion needed to make

positive changes.


- Approachability: Women are a huge and

diverse group at UEA, and every one of their

voices is as important as the next. I want to be

a Women’s Officer who any female student can

go to and trust that they will be heard.

- Accessibility: I would maintain at least one

online source such as a Facebook page in

order to keep people informed of what I’m

doing as Women’s Officer and to give an

easier way for you to contribute your own

thoughts and ideas.

- Campaigns: I would work to involve UEA

students in more women’s campaigns in

Norwich and nation-wide, for example, Reclaim

the Night, which pushes for women to be able

to walk around free from the threat of violence.

- Self-defence: I would look for more efficient

ways to fund self-defence classes in order to

make them widely available throughout the
