By Dr Obinna Awiaka O.D,MNOA President & CEO Eyemasters Ltd Occupational Vision Specialists


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GLAUCOMA, a silent thief

By Dr Obinna Awiaka O.D,MNOAPresident & CEO Eyemasters LtdOccupational Vision Specialists

John 10:10

Good News TranslationThe thief comes only in order to

steal, kill, and destroy. I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness.

“Silent Thief” Glaucoma –a.k.a

“silent thief of sight” is a group of eye diseases that damage the optic nerve.

Damage to the optic nerve is irreversible

Causes: Slow fluid drainage,

Pressure builds up, damages optic nerve

Optic nerve damage can occur at different pressure levels for different people

How the eye maintains its pressure

Ciliary body produces fluid in the eye known as aqueous humour

Aqueous humour flows behind the iris and through the pupils into the anterior chamber

Aqueous humour leaves the eye through a structure known as the filtration angle and then joins with the network of veins outside the eye.

Types of glaucoma

Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG)

Angle-closure glaucoma (Acute)

Congenital glaucoma

Secondary glaucoma

Pigmentary glaucoma

Normal tension glaucoma

Risk FactorsRace

History of blindness in the family


High blood pressure


Trauma to the eye

High myopia

Post operative complications

Corticosteroid use


Intra Ocular Pressure measurement

Induced Dilation & Ophthalmoscopy

Visual Field Examination



Further examinations

Treatment Glaucoma has no

cure but if detected early can be managed.

Management can be in form of drug therapy, surgery or both

Lets see some statistics

Statistics Only half the population of persons with glaucoma know

that they have glaucoma- Glaucoma Foundation

2nd Leading Cause of blindness – W.H.O.

Blindness from glaucoma is 6 to 8 times more common in African Americans than Caucasians.

In a survey carried out among new patients by Eyemasters -

90% have done an eye exam but over 50% cannot remember if their IOP was measured. Over 80% said they never had their eyes dilated. Over 97% have heard of glaucoma, but only 30% knew what it meant.






Glaucoma Awareness Statistics- Eyemasters

Eye Exam


Never Dilated



Prevalence of Glaucoma in Nigeria

Prevalence of Glaucoma in Nigeria

Kaduna Eye Center Study

More Males had glaucoma between 1998-2006 (63%)

Glaucoma is higher between ages 40 and above(43%)

Followed by ages 31-40 (37%)

Yearly distribution increased from 330 patients(4%) in1998 to 1680(23%) in 2006

The Threat 3% INCREASE in blindness in developing countries (W.H.O

2004 );

Late diagnosis or delayed treatment .

Lack of political and professional commitments to the prevention of blindness.

Lack of facilities for the glaucoma diagnosis

The elderly individuals, who are at the greatest risk for developing glaucoma, often attribute their loss of vision to just growing old

More males are affected, leading to huge economic loss and a larger percentage of the oil and gas sector are males


Gradual vision loss from the periphery This can be the vision of the driver taking your children

to school

Vision continues to depreciate

John 10:10

Good News Translation The thief comes only in order to steal, kill,

and destroy. I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness.

This time I will add the Basic English Translation

The thief comes only to take the sheep and to put them to death: he comes for their destruction: I have come so that they may have life and have it in greater measure

What Can You Do To Help

Reduce Stress


Eye exercises

Eat Right

Regular eye exams

Eye exercises

Eat vitamin rich food

Regular eye examinations

Conclusion Glaucoma is a serious

public health issue in Nigeria

Early detection is key through regular glaucoma screenings

Look for full medicals that covers glaucoma treatment

Thank you for choosing life

…….Your eyes are precious. Go to Eyemasters.



+234 814 720 1169www.eyemastersng.cominfo@eyemastersng.

