By: Calla, Megan, Vivien, Sol, Neil & Kate IROQUOIS


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By: Calla, Megan, Vivien, Sol, Neil & Kate


Food & Agriculture

Farming-Lived in areas with fertile soil-500 CE farming was invented-Farming led to rapid growth in people-Woman were in charge for tending crops-Maize, beans, squash & sunflowers

Food-Hunted wildlife-Gathered wild berries & nuts-Used maple syrup to sweeten their food-Fished in lakes and rivers

Men’s & Women’s Clothing

• Wore a ring in their nose• Wore earrings, capes &

sometimes a sash• Men wore feathers in hair• Male hunters did their hair in

a mohock• Decorated their bodies with

tattoos • Used European cloth

• Woman wore leggings under dresses • Put porky pine quills on their

outfits• Wore lots of tattoos• Had long hair (braids)• Wore dresses or skirts

(covered leggings)

Men’s Clothing Women’s Clothing


Shelter-Built large towns for shelter

-Fences surrounding town

-Long houses (fifty in a row)

-Long houses contained mom, dad & children

-divided sevral compartents or hearths

-when married couples wed they move in with the brides family

-Cut down trees to biuld



-Lived in the Great lakes before 1200-Stretched from Hudson river to lake Erie in the west-Close to present day New York

Social Organization

Social Organization

-the town council consisted of the chiefs from each family

-in each family there were two leaders: “civil chief” & “military chief”

-civil chief directed activities & military chief settled problems

-the council was a democratic government

Contact With Other Groups

Contact With Other Groups-through the 1600-1700 the Iroquois fought with other groups

-they took their enemies as prisoners during fights

-boys learned to trade with other nations

-trade with tobacco in the South East

Other Information & Fun Facts

Other Information & Fun Facts

• -Iroquois means “snakes”• -called themselves “haudenosaunee” meaning “people of the longhouse”• -taught themselves teamwork for hunting and fishing• -women made cornhusk dolls dressed in traditional clothing

• often played lacrosse with sticks made of hickory wood• held a “feast of the dead” for families to be sent to the other world• Corn, beans, and squash were nicknamed "The 3 Sisters" because those were the 3 main crops• The boys weren't allowed to hunt with the men until they caught an animal of their own

Other Information Fun Facts

Bibliography • Bjornlund, Lydia. The Iroquois. San Diego: Lucent Books, 2001. Print.

• Englar, Mary. The Iroquois: the Six Nations Confederacy. Mankato, Minn.: Bridgestone Books, 2003. Print.

• "Iroquois Indians - Clothing - Native Americans in Olden Times for Kids." Iroquois Indians - Clothing - Native Americans in Olden Times for Kids. Social Studies Lessons, n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. <>.

• Michael, Cranny. "The Native People of Canada." Crossroads; A Meeting of Nations [Scarborough] 23 July 2000: 188-209. Print.

• Murray, Cam, and Michael William Cranny. "The Native Peoples of Canada." Crossroads: a meeting of nations.. Scarborough, Ont.: Prentice Hall Ginn Canada, 2000. 188-209. Print.

• "Native Peoples:Iroquois." Canada a Country by Consent [Unknown] 6 Oct. 2014: Unknown. Print.

• Ramsden, Peter. "Haudenosaunee Iroquois." The Canadian Encyclopedia [Unknown] 6 Dec. 2014, The Cnadian Encyclopedia ed.: n. pag. Web. 2 Oct. 2014.

• Yacowitz, Caryn. Iroquois Indians. Chicago: Heinemann Library, 2003. Print.

• martin. "Iroquois Clothing.." Iroquois Clothing.. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. <>.

• "Iroquois Indians - Clothing - Native Americans in Olden Times for Kids." Iroquois Indians - Clothing - Native Americans in Olden Times for Kids. Social Studies Lessons, n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. <