by Benn Griffin Apr 2017 - 2 Assessment Manifests...N6 – Powers and...


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by Benn Griffin

Assistant Principal KS3 Raising Standards

Apr 2017

SPR Assessment 2 – June 5th – 16th 2017

Dear Parents / Carers

Re: Upcoming Key Stage 3 Assessment (Years 7 - 9).

I am writing to give you advance notice about the assessment weeks that are coming up for your

son/daughter in all EBACC subject areas. These include, English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and

Languages. The assessments will be between 5th & 16

th June 2017 and will take place in the school sports

hall. A timetable of when these assessments will take place will be published before Friday 12h May on the

school website.

The assessments will be marked and Dedicated Improvement Time (DIT) will be provided in the week of 3rd

July 2017. This means that students will be able to work on the targets that they have been provided with by

their teacher to improve their learning on their original assessments.

In support of the assessment weeks a number of things will be provided by the school:

1. Revision materials

2. An Assessment Manifest (this explains what students need to revise)

3. Support in how to revise

4. Dedicated class revision time

5. Homework revision will be set

We also ask that you support your son/daughter by making sure that they have received the support that has

been identified above. This year we have launched a whole school push on revision strategies using self-

quizzing and knowledge organisers that you should encourage your son/daughter to use.

It is imperative that your son/daughter is well prepared for their assessments so that they can perform their

very best. The data provided from this assessment will be used to inform set changes for the start of the year


I would like to take the opportunity to thank you again for supporting the school in raising your child’s

attainment still further. If there is any way we can support your son/daughter further with their assessment

preparation please do not hesitate to contact the Head of Years 7 – 9 Lesley Wickens on or myself on

Yours faithfully

Benn Griffin

Assistant Principal KS3 Raising Standards

SPR Assessment 2 – June 5th – 16th 2017

Subject English SPR2

Title English Paper 1: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing





KPI 2: form a response which develops a clear argument/viewpoint

KPI 3: identify and analyse the effects of specific words, language techniques and

structural decisions, providing developed interpretations, supported by a range of

appropriate evidence


KPI 8: Use the appropriate structure, conventions and vocabulary for both informal and

formal communication to a familiar and unfamiliar audience

KPI 9: Mostly uses Standard English appropriately with mostly controlled grammatical


KPI 10: Accurate use of past tense and present tense

KPI 11: Accurate use of first person and third person

KPI 12: Increasingly sophisticated use of vocabulary / Generally accurate spelling,

including complex and irregular words

KPI 13: Range of punctuation is used, mostly with success

KPI 14: Sentence demarcation is mostly secure and mostly accurate / Uses a variety of

sentence forms for effect


SPR Assessment 2 – June 5th – 16th 2017

English Paper 2: Writer’s Viewpoints and Perspectives


KPI 1: Make some developed and convincing inferences which explore different ideas and

layers of meaning selecting the most appropriate words/phrases from the text to support

their argument/viewpoint

KPI 3: Identify and analyse the effect of specific words, language techniques and structural

decisions, providing developed interpretations, supported by a range of appropriate


KPI 5: Compare characters, events, language and ideas across two or more texts


KPI 6: Use the appropriate structure, conventions and vocabulary for both informal and

formal communication to a familiar and unfamiliar audience

KPI 9: Mostly uses Standard English appropriately with mostly controlled grammatical


KPI 12: Increasingly sophisticated use of vocabulary / Generally accurate spelling,

including complex and irregular words

KPI 13: Range of punctuation is used, mostly with success

KPI 14: Sentence demarcation is mostly secure and mostly accurate / Uses a variety of

sentence forms for effect

SPR Assessment 2 – June 5th – 16th 2017

Subject Maths

Title Year 9 End of Year Assessment 2017



N2 – Fraction operations

Hegarty Maths clip numbers: 65 - 70

N2 – Decimal operations

Hegarty Maths Clip numbers: 47 - 51

N4 – Prime factors

Hegarty Maths Clip numbers: 29 - 30

N4 – Multiples and factors

Hegarty Maths Clip numbers: 31 - 36

N6 – Powers and indices

Hegarty Maths Clip numbers: 102 - 107

N9 – Standard Form

Hegarty Maths Clip numbers: 121 - 128

A2 - Substitution

Hegarty Maths Clip numbers: 155 & 279

A4 – Expanding brackets and factorising

Hegarty Maths Clip numbers: 160 - 169

G3 – Angle properties

Hegarty Maths Clip numbers: 477 - 487

A5 – Rearranging formulae

Hegarty Maths Clip numbers: 280 -


R4 – Simplifying ratio

Hegarty Maths Clip numbers: 329

R5 – Calculating with ratio

Hegarty Maths Clip numbers: 332 -


R7 - Proportion

Hegarty Maths Clip numbers: 339 -


N13 – Units of measurement

R11 – Compound measures

R9 – Calculating with percentages

Hegarty Maths Clip numbers: 84 - 90

G20 – Pythagoras and trigonometry

Hegarty Maths Clip numbers:

497 – 503 and 508 - 515

A17 – Solving linear equations

Hegarty Maths Clip numbers: 177 -


Visit to view clips. Student log in is required.

Mrs L Ford –


SPR Assessment 2 – June 5th – 16th 2017

Subject Chemistry and Biology (Paper 1)

Title Deepwater Horizon



KPI 1: Describe the composition of crude oil and how it can be separated

Define the term hydrocarbon

Use the terms evaporation and condensation to describe what happens to the fractions

(components) of crude oil during fractional distillation

Link boiling point to the length of the carbon chain in a hydrocarbon

KPI 2: Compare and contrast alkanes and alkenes

Use the general formula CnH


for alkanes and the general formula C


2n for alkenes.

Draw alkanes and alkenes with up to five carbon atoms

Describe the results of the chemical test for alkanes/alkenes using bromine water

KPI 3: Explain how cracking produces useful hydrocarbon products

State that there is a greater demand for short-chain hydrocarbons than long-chain


Use the term ‘thermal decomposition’ to describe cracking of long-chain hydrocarbons

Give the products of cracking a long-chain hydrocarbon (a shorter alkane and an alkene)


KPI 4: represent ionic bonding with diagrams

Draw atoms from the first 20 elements in periodic table, including the arrangement of

electrons in shells

Show how these atoms are changed by losing or gaining electrons to become ions

State that an electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions causes an ionic


KPI 5: Distinguish between ionic and covalent bonding

State that ionic bonding involves transfer of electrons from metal to non-metal atoms,

whereas covalent bonding involves sharing of pairs of electrons between non-metal atoms

Recognise ionic and covalent substances from diagrams of the bonding in them

Decide whether named substances contain ionic or covalent bonds, based on the

elements in them



SPR Assessment 2 – June 5th – 16th 2017

KPI 6: Use data to evaluate and select fuels

State that fuels from crude oil are non-renewable

Describe the products of combustion of hydrocarbon fuels

Look at data in a table or on a graph and decide on the advantages or disadvantages of

particular fuels

KPI 7: Explain how polymers are produced by polymerisation

State that a monomer is a small molecule containing a double bond between carbon


Describe the opening of one of the bonds in the double bond, and the joining to another


Show polymerisation in a diagram, representing monomers and the polymer produced

KPI 8: Explain how plastics can affect the environment

Use the terms renewable and non-renewable when referring to specific plastics, if given

the source of the plastic

State that plastics are not usually biodegradable, but can be made biodegradable

Give some of the environmental issues with the use and disposal of plastics



KPI 9: Compare and contrast biofuels and fossil fuels

State that fossil fuels (oil, gas and coal) are non-renewable, whereas biofuels are


State that biofuels come from a plant source, and can be based on plant oils (e.g.

vegetable oil) or based on ethanol (alcohol from fermentation)

State that growing crops for biofuel may take away land for production of food, or may

cause deforestation

Explain why using biofuels helps to prevent addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere


KPI 10: Describe renewable methods of generating electricity

State that wind, the sun, geothermal energy, tidal energy, wave power and hydroelectric

power are all examples of renewable resources

State that renewable resources will not run out, as they are replenished as they are used

Describe the use of a turbine and generator to produce electricity

Describe solar cells as producing electricity directly from sunlight


SPR Assessment 2 – June 5th – 16th 2017

Title Great Barrier Reef



KPI 1: Explain how organisms in an ecosystem are interdependent

Describe what an ecosystem is with examples

Describe how feeding relationships link organisms within an ecosystem

Describe how organisms rely on each other within an ecosystem

KPI 2: Describe adaptations of living organisms to their environment

Explain how adaptations help organisms to survive

Describe examples of anatomical, behavioural and structural adaptations

KPI 3: Classify organisms according to visible characteristics

Describe what classification is

Describe the hierarchical system of classification

Describe the format of scientific species names

KPI 4: Use food webs to show how ecosystems can be fragile

Describe what a food web shows

Use food webs to show the interdependence of organisms

KPI 5: Explain how natural selection accounts for different species and different adaptations of

living organisms

Explain how variation arises in individuals

Describe what survival of the fittest is

Explain how natural selection leads to evolution



KPI 6: Distinguish between ions and salts

Recall what an ion is

Describe ions made from multiple atoms

Define what a salt is

KPI 7: Outline the process of electrolysis in terms of movements of ions

Recall the process of electrolysis

Explain why sea water conducts electricity

Describe the products of electrolysis of sea water


SPR Assessment 2 – June 5th – 16th 2017

KPI 8: Explain the chemical distinction between acids and alkalis, and how the ocean is

becoming more acidic

Recall definitions for acids and alkalis

Describe what causes acidification of the oceans

Explain the impacts of ocean acidification

KPI 9: Analyse data to reach conclusions on how humans are affecting global climate

Describe what global warming is and how it is caused

Explain the impacts of global warming


Subject Biology and Synoptic (Paper 2)

Title Hidden World



KPI 1: Compare and contrast three types of microorganism

Recall what microorganisms and pathogens are

Describe the structure, function and uses of bacteria, virus’ and fungi


KPI 2: Describe methods to investigate the rate of respiration in microorganisms

Recall what respiration is

Describe the optimum conditions for respiration

Explain how amount of sugar used or carbon dioxide produced can be used to find the

rate of respiration

KPI 3: Conclude on data from experiments on the factors affecting rate of respiration in


Describe why control reactions are carried out

Interpret graphs on rate of respiration

KPI 4: Explain how pathogenic microorganisms cause disease

Describe how bacteria, virus’ and fungi damage cells and cause disease

Give examples of diseases caused by bacteria, virus’ and fungi



SPR Assessment 2 – June 5th – 16th 2017

KPI 5: Outline how the immune system defends our bodies from disease

Describe how our bodies stop pathogens from entering

Explain the three ways in which the immune system protects us against pathogens



KPI 6: Explain how antibiotic resistance arises

Recall which pathogens antibiotics work against

Describe what antibiotic resistance means

Explain the process that leads to antibiotic resistance



KPI 7: Describe how communicable diseases are transmitted

Recall what communicable diseases are

Describe the two types of transmission of communicable diseases

Give examples of the different types of transmission


KPI 8: Justify the techniques used in aseptic practice

Recall what aseptic technique is

Describe the method for aseptic technique

Explain why the steps of aseptic technique help to prevent contamination



KPI 9: Describe methods to investigate the effectiveness of antiseptics or antibiotics

Explain why we need to test effectiveness of antiseptics and antibiotics

Describe how aseptic technique is used in methods to test antibiotics and antiseptics

Interpret data from experiments to identify the most effective antibiotic or antiseptic

SPR Assessment 2 – June 5th – 16th 2017

KPI 10: Explain how microorganisms are involved in decay and maintenance of the Earth’s


Describe what decomposition is

Explain how decay links to levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

Give examples of how chemicals are recycled on Earth


Title What the Dr Ordered



KPI 2: Analyse data to draw conclusions on which drug works best

Use graphs/tables of results to decide which is the best drug in a particular case

KPI 8: Describe the basic structure of the human nervous system

Describe the central and peripheral nervous systems

Know the sequence of a reflex arc


Title Newton’s Universe



KPI 5: Label forces acting on an object and use diagrams to decide how an object is moving

Draw force diagrams using the length of arrows to show the sizes of forces compared to

one another

State whether an object is stationary, moving at a constant speed or accelerating

according to the force diagram of the object


KPI 6: Calculate missing values using Newton’s second law equation

State the meaning of the terms in F = ma

Use the correct units when finding missing values

Rearrange the equation to find the missing value


Students are provided with knowledge organisers containing all the key facts which should be used in the

first instance to aid revision. They can also be accessed from the school website. In addition, links have been

provided below for further support.

SPR Assessment 2 – June 5th – 16th 2017

Subject Geography

Title Development, population and Asia



KPI 8: To know what development is and know different ways to measure development

- I know the definition of key terms, such as “development”, “disparity” and “quality of


- I can use and explain single and composite development indicators

- I can make a reasoned judgement about the development of a country

KPI 9: To know the different factors which can affect development

- I know different factors which can affect a country’s development

- I can explain why a country is developed or not

KPI 10: To be able to analyse population change, using a range of statistical data including

population pyramid

- I know how the world’s population is distributed

- I can use population pyramids to analyse the population of a country

- I understand the issues countries face with a young and aging population

KPI 11: To describe and explain the factors people consider when migrating, and discuss the

impact of mass migration

- I understand the reasons why people choose to migrate and how this can affect source

and host countries

- I can explain why people are migrating from Syria and effects that this migration is

having on other countries

Synoptic KPI

KPI 1: To be able to explain how the earth’s climate has naturally regulated (greenhouse

effect) and how global temperatures have varied historically

- I can explain the greenhouse effect

- I understand the difference between the greenhouse effect and the enhanced

greenhouse effect

- I can explain what is happening to global temperatures

KPI 4: To be able to understand the ways in which the global community is responding to

global warming

- I can give examples of local, national and international responses to global warming

I understand the debate about how LDCs should approach global warming


SPR Assessment 2 – June 5th – 16th 2017


Subject History

Title Holocaust, Slavery and Civil Rights in America



Synoptic KPI’s

KPI 2: To be able to assess and evaluate the mechanics of the Holocaust

To be able to identify ways in which the Jews were targeted in Germany from the

1930’s onwards

To assess the impact of the ‘mechanics’ used by the Nazi’s to target and persecute the


To be able to evaluate how the Holocaust was carried out and how it was allowed to

escalate to this point

KPI 3: To be able to compare and contrast this persecution with at least one other example of

recent genocide

To be able to identify at least one other genocide that has taken place during the


st centuries

To be able to explain why this genocide happened when it was said ‘Never Again’

To be able to form a judgement on whether the Holocaust and another genocide from

the 20th/21

st century have similar patterns

New KPI’s

KPI 5: To be able to analyse and evaluate sources relating to the treatment and experience of

slaves (including the Middle Passage)

To be able to explain how slaves were treated during the course of the Slave Trade

To be able to assess the use of sources in aiding understanding of the treatment of


KPI 7: To know who MLK was and evaluate the impact he had on America and the Civil Rights


To know who MLK was and how significant he was to the Civil Rights Movement in


To assess how the Civil Rights Campaign developed throughout the 1950’s and 1960’s

SPR Assessment 2 – June 5th – 16th 2017


Subject Religious Education

Title What do Christians believe? What do Muslims believe? Christian views on Marriage.



KPI 1: Know and understand religious beliefs

To know what the Trinity is

To know what is meant by The Incarnation

To know what is meant by salvation and atonement

To know what the term Eschatology means

To know Christian beliefs about the nature of God

KPI 2: Know and understand religious practices

To understand what Christians believe about the Trinity and how the Trinity is reflected

in Christian worship

KPI 3: Know and understand religious sources of wisdom and authority

To know what the biblical account of creation is

To know and understand what the Bible says about the death, resurrection and

ascension of Jesus

To understand biblical teachings on life after death

KPI 4: Know and understand how beliefs influence individuals, communities and societies

To understand the importance of the Incarnation to Christians

To understand the importance of salvation and atonement to Christians today

KPI 5: Know and understand similarities and differences within and/or between religions and


To understand how the creation story can be interpreted in different ways

KPI 6: Analyse and evaluate arguments for and against aspects of religion and belief

To understand the problem of evil and suffering

To know and understand biblical, theoretical and practical responses to the problem of

evil and suffering

SPR Assessment 2 – June 5th – 16th 2017

Subject French

Title 1. School Life, including:

Justified opinions of school subjects, teachers, uniform and school rules using

comparatives, superlatives, adjectives, qualifiers and intensifiers

reflexive verbs to describe the school day

Describe the differences between French and English speaking schools

2. Home, family and friendships

Describe family and friends using adjectives and give justified opinions of them

Describe relationships between people using reflexive verbs in the present and past tenses

Talk and write about what you did with friends and family in your town last weekend using

the perfect past tense

Talk and write about what you are going to do with friends and family in town using the

near future tense

Use the imperfect past tense to compare what you used to do as a child with what you do


Use a mixture of tenses to describe role models

3. Leisure Activities

Talk and write about the sports you do and don’t do

Talk and write about how you use technology

Discuss the things that you do and don’t read and the music that you do and don’t listen to

using negatives

Use the comparative to talk and write about TV programmes


SPR Assessment 2 – June 5th – 16th 2017

KPIs Speaking

1. Their pronunciation is largely good and structures are almost always accurate (with

lapses in more difficult structures)

2. Pupils produce a detailed response which is fully relevant to the task for both planned

and spontaneous tasks

3. Students can produce sentences with verbs conjugated with I and a variety of other

subject pronouns

4. Pupils use a range of qualifiers and intensifiers to add detail to a range of vocabulary

5. Students are able to use the present, past and future tense

6. They can use a variety of connectives to develop 2 part sentences

7. They can express personal opinions and extend them with justifications

8. Students can produce negative structures with few errors

9. Pupils can use a range of adjectives to add detail to writing


10. Pupils understand main points of what they hear in familiar extracts

11. Pupils can follow speech of different kinds and in different contexts

12. Students can engage with authentic materials and can summarise the main points


13. Pupils know how to read and understand simple texts using cues in language, layout

and context to aid understanding

14. Pupils can assess simple texts for gist, purpose, intended audience and degree of

complexity before fully reading

15. Pupils can use bi-lingual dictionaries comfortably and accurately when working on a



16. Pupils are able to translate familiar phrases out of the target language. Accuracy is

good and does not impact on meaning

17. Pupils are able to translate familiar phrases into the target language. Accuracy is good

and does not impact on meaning


18. Pupils Produce a variety of verbs with a variety of pronouns

19. Use a range of qualifiers to add detail and range to sentences

20. Use of the present tense with the past and future tense

21. Use a variety of connectives to develop two part sentences

22. Express personal opinions with justifications

23. Spelling is largely good and structures are almost always accurate

24. Students can produce negative structures with few errors

25. Pupils produce a detailed response which is fully relevant to the task

26. Use a range of adjectives with few errors

SPR Assessment 2 – June 5th – 16th 2017

Core Topics

(covered in


Boys-Rugby, Football, Athletics

Girls-Netball, Rugby/Football, Athletics

Other Topics Gymnastics, Parkour, Health Related Fitness, Badminton, Rounders, Cricket


Proves to be an effective role model by applying themselves fully in a range of

contexts and showing resilience to overcome setbacks

Sensitively adapts activities when leading peers of all abilities and backgrounds so

that they are included and supported to succeed

Confidently undertakes leadership and officiating roles showing a good knowledge

and application of appropriate rules/laws and effective communication skills

Exceeds Year 9 Age Related Expectations: Fulfils leadership roles in their own time that

support the PE department in improving the provision for other students


Accurately explains the importance of nutrition and hydration for either success in

sport or general physical and mental well-being

Successfully applies a good understanding of the principles of safe and effective

training to improve their health and performance

Consistently meets the strenuous exercise demands required for specific activities,

combining strength, stamina, suppleness and speed to excellent effect

Exceeds Year 9 Age Related Expectations: Uses knowledge of health and fitness to plan,

implement and monitor a physical activity programme for themselves and/or others

Physical Education

SPR Assessment 2 – June 5th – 16th 2017



Accurately analyses and evaluates the effectiveness of their own and/or others’

team/group performances and implements appropriate improvements

Successfully employs advanced decision-making skills in a competitive game

situation or to create dynamic routines/sequences

Shows imagination when performing more advanced skills with control, accuracy

and fluency in a game situation or performance setting

Exceeds Year 9 Age Related Expectations: Performs and applies advanced skills and tactics

to positively influence a competitive team/group performance and accurately reflects on

their contribution

SPR Assessment 2 – June 5th – 16th 2017