By Andy Olejack Grief. What is Grief? Grief is intense emotional suffering caused by a loss,...


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  • By Andy Olejack Grief
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  • What is Grief? Grief is intense emotional suffering caused by a loss, disaster, or misfortune.
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  • The Five Stages of Grief Stage 1: Denial- People who are dying refuse to believe that they are really dying Stage 2: Anger- People who are dying are angry. They may direct their anger at family members, friends even their physicians Stage 3: Bargaining- People bargin with god to give them more years of life Stage 4: Depression- People become sad, they think about dying and not being around anymore Stage 5: Acceptance- People begin to say good-bye and to share special thoughts and feeling to their family and friends
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  • What should you do if Someone close to you is dying? 1. Spend time with the friend or family member who is dying 2. Share loving feelings and memories 3. Share feelings of loss and pain 4.Encourage the person to talk about her or his death 5. Listen carefully to the persons feeling and thoughts 6. Reassure the person with affection 7. Share feelings of grief with family members and friends 8. Continue a daily routine if possible 9. Consider what can be done to keep alive the memory of the person. 10. Allow time for personal grieving
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  • When Someone is Grieving a loss 1. Be available- support friends and family at difficult times like this 2. Do something thoughtful for the person- send a card, help around running errands they may need 3.Encourage the person to talk about his or her grief. 4. Recognize signs of grief that are not healthy- someone who is depressed from the loss and turning to alcohol for help.
