but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for...


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  • For what we proclaim is not ourselves,

    but Jesus Christ as Lord,

    with ourselves as your servants

    for Jesus’ sake.

    2 Corinthians 4:5

  • Welcome to Trinity Church!Welcome to Trinity Church!Welcome to Trinity Church!Welcome to Trinity Church!

    A Brief Word On Who We AreA Brief Word On Who We AreA Brief Word On Who We AreA Brief Word On Who We Are Trinity (founded in 2006 as a church plant of the Missouri Presbytery- PCA) is a bible-

    believing, reformed, theologically orthodox church. We stand in the long line of

    churches that embrace the doctrines of the Protestant Reformation which we feel are best

    articulated in the Westminster Confession of Faith. But this doesn’t mean that we are a

    church stuck in the past. We believe that the long-standing doctrines of our faith remain

    of vital importance, and especially so as they are brought alive to address the pressing

    challenges of our day.

    What To Expect This MorningWhat To Expect This MorningWhat To Expect This MorningWhat To Expect This Morning First, you can expect a worship service that aims to blend together the beautiful, long standing

    traditions of our faith, like hymn singing and congregational readings, with modern songs and eclectic

    instrumentation, all in an effort to reflect the ancient-future quality of the Christian faith and the beauty

    of a God who is the same yesterday, today and forever.

    Second, if you have young children, we have an optional opportunity for them to be dismissed,

    just prior to the sermon, to a special children’s church service that is designed to teach them who and

    how to worship.

    Third, we will be preaching from the Bible which we believe is God’s perfect, infallible word to

    us. Our preaching style aims to take one primary text of scripture and unpack it in its context (what it

    meant when it was originally written) and then apply it to our lives in the modern world (what it

    means today).

    Finally, after worship is over, we have a time of fellowship with snacks and coffee followed by

    Christian Education for all ages beginning at 11am. Not only is this another opportunity to explore an

    important topic, it’s a great time to get to know some other people at Trinity. We also offer an Sunday

    evening bible study at 5:30pm.

    Taking The Next StepTaking The Next StepTaking The Next StepTaking The Next Step If you would like to get more involved, we suggest joining one of our AD 30 groups, these are

    our small groups and they meet on various nights and at different locations around town. See the list

    on our website.

    To Find Out More…To Find Out More…To Find Out More…To Find Out More… You can always log on to our website at www.trinitystlouis.org which aims to answer many

    other questions about our church. We also have a gift bag for you at our visitor table with more infor-

    mation on our church and its ministries.

    One final thing. If you have any questions that aren’t answered in our materials, or you would

    just like to talk, I would be happy to set aside some time to meet with you this week to listen to your

    story. Just indicate your interest in doing so to me directly or anyone else here, and they will direct

    you to me.

    We are genuinely glad that you have joined us today and we pray that you will be spiritually

    enriched because of your time here.

    PPPPaaaassssttttoooorrrr CCCChhhhrrrriiiissss

  • 3

    For Preparation

    Do you believe in the supernatural? I don’t think that there are many who call themselves

    Christian’s that don’t believe that God can act above, around or against the natural world to

    accomplish His ends.

    But let me ask the question in another way. Do you believe in spiritual warfare? In other

    words, do you believe that Satan and his minions are actively at work in the world seeking

    to undermine the purposes of God and if so, do you believe that you must contend with

    these evil forces in your own life?

    This second category of the supernatural question makes a lot of Christian’s quite uncom-

    fortable. We’re ok with the good supernatural forces (i.e. Angels, healing miracles, etc.) but

    we get very skiddish about the evil ones and our interaction with them. In fact, many of us

    are downright confused about it (see the brief article by R.C. Sproul in the reflection section

    at the end of this bulletin for more information about demons).

    A 1997 study on Religious views among American’s reported that only 48% of those identi-

    fying themselves as evangelicals, believed in a personal devil whereas 85% believed that

    there is a literal hell. That’s a fascinating statistic, isn’t it? It begs a lot of questions regard-

    ing those who believe in hell but not the devil.

    Today’s text certainly implies that there is both a real hell and a real devil with minions of

    demons under his control and it calls all of us who claim faith in Christ and belief in the su-

    pernatural to wrestle with how we must think about and interact with the spiritual warfare

    that goes on around us.

    As for the question of how we ought to think about Satan and demons, I commend to you

    the advice of C.S. Lewis who wrote:

    There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the dev-

    ils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an exces-

    sive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both

    errors, and hail a materialist and a magician with the same delight. C.S. Lewis

    And as for our worship today, let’s rejoice in the fact that God has made a provision for us

    to both protect us from the forces of darkness when we come under attack and gives us the

    strength, through His Spirit, to deliver us from them.

  • 38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to sepa-rate us from the love of God in Christ Je-sus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39 Romans 10:14-15How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to be-lieve in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 15 And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beau-tiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”


    * Congregation stands

    Worshipping the God who Protects UsWorshipping the God who Protects UsWorshipping the God who Protects UsWorshipping the God who Protects Us

    Welcome and Announcements

    Season of Preparation

    Bringing Praise and Adoration to our GodBringing Praise and Adoration to our GodBringing Praise and Adoration to our GodBringing Praise and Adoration to our God

    Call to Worship– Psalm 59:1-2, 16-17 1 Deliver me from my enemies, O my God; protect me from those who

    rise up against me; 2deliver me from those who work evil, and save me

    from bloodthirsty men…16But I will sing of your strength; I will sing

    aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been to me a

    fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress. 17O my Strength, I will

    sing praises to you, for you, O God, are my fortress, the God who shows

    me steadfast love.

    * Songs of Adoration (p. 7) O Worship the King

    O Love That Will Not Let Us Go

    * Prayer of Adoration

    Ministry Moment Jill Ridderbos

    Passing of the Peace– Isaiah 32:17-18 17 And the effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of right-

    eousness, quietness and trust forever. 18My people will abide in a

    peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.

  • 5

    Pastoral Prayer

    Tithes and Offerings (Children may be dismissed for Children’s church)

    Hearing from the Word of the LordHearing from the Word of the LordHearing from the Word of the LordHearing from the Word of the Lord

    Sermon “Spiritual Warfare” Acts 19:11-20

    Rev. Chris Polski

    The Lord’s SupperThe Lord’s SupperThe Lord’s SupperThe Lord’s Supper

    Words of Institution –1 Corinthians 11:23-29

    Call to Confession

    Corporate Prayer of Confession

    Almighty God, You who are rich in mercy to anyone who calls

    upon You in faith; Hear us as we come to You, humbly confessing our

    sins and transgressions, and imploring You for Your mercy and forgive-


    We have broken Your holy laws by our deeds, in our words, and in

    the sinful attitudes of our hearts. We confess before You our disobedi-

    ence, ingratitude, pride and our willfulness in sinning.


    Forgive us Lord and from Your great goodness enable us to serve

    and please You more and more in the strength and power of Jesus

    Christ, our Savior, and the one who restores us our joy and our rest.


    Giving is for those who have made a commitment to a local church body, so if you are visiting with us today, please don’t feel any obliga-tion to give. Instead we pray that this service will be a blessing to you. The confession of sin is a regular part of our worship because it is thru confession that we most inti-mately express our deep need for the healing of the gospel.

  • Assurance of Pardon –Romans 5:1-2 Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God

    through our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Through him we have also obtained

    access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope

    of the glory of God.

    Confession of Faith

    The Apostle’s Creed I believe in God, the Father Almighty, the Creator of heaven

    and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:

    Who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,

    suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried

    The third day He arose again from the dead.

    He ascended into heaven and sits at

    the right hand of God the Father Almighty,

    whence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.

    I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy universal church,

    the communion of saints,

    the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body,

    and life everlasting. Amen

    Prayer of Consecration

    Giving of the Bread and Cup (Please come forward to one of the tables where you will be met by an

    elder and prayed for before receiving of the elements)

    Prayer of Thanksgiving

    Sending Song (p 10) The Power of the Cross


    An assurance of par-don is not a pastor issuing forgiveness of sins, it is a pastor reminding a congre-gation of what God has said about the forgiveness of sins for his people.

    As the Christian church spread throughout the Ro-man world, and as the first leaders died out and false teach-ing began to spread, there was a practical need for churches to have a basic state-ment of beliefs. Christians needed to know "Just what is it that we believe?" This need continues today.

    All scripture in-cluded is from the ESV.

  • 7

    Vs. 1-3, 5

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  • 11

    For Meditation and Reflection

    R.C. Sproul writes the following about demons in his book, “The Essential Doctrines of the Chris-

    tian Faith.”

    “Demons are supernatural beings who are subservient to Satan. They, like Satan, were once angels.

    They joined Satan in his rebellion and were cast out of heaven with him. When they are mentioned

    in Scripture, the primary focus is on demon possession of human beings.

    The apostle Paul points out that while the idolatrous gods pagans worship do not actually exist,

    there are demons who do exist, instigating and propagating such pagan worship. Those who par-

    ticipate in these pagan rituals are actually offering worship to demons and are thus operating un-

    der demonic direction.

    The New Testament reveals several characteristics of demons. There is often a physical or mental

    ailment associated with them, such as blindness or self-torture. Demons often recognized Christ as

    the Holy One of God. They feared and were subject to the authority of Jesus. In addition, demons

    had superior or supernatural knowledge, superior strength and the ability to foretell the future.

    The Reformers reacted strongly against the excess practices and superstitions surrounding demons

    in the Middle Ages. By the end of the sixteenth century, the practice of expelling demons had been

    abolished in the Lutheran Church.

    While demons still continue to act, the level and severity of activity expressed in the New Testa-

    ment is unique. It was the “fullness of time,” the last great defense of this world against the Re-

    deemer of mankind. Satan, as it were, pulled out all the stops. With the resurrection and the com-

    ing the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, Satan’s reign, and that of his fellow demons, was severely re-

    stricted. However, both Paul and John warn believers that in the end times the activities of Satan

    and his demons will be on the increase.

    If we take the Bible seriously, we must take the demonic world seriously. There can be no biblical

    theology without a corresponding demonology.

    Though demons are real and powerful, there is no reason to believe that they can ever possess a

    Christian. We may be harassed, tempted, or accused by demons, but never controlled by them.

    Every Christian is indwelt be the Holy Spirit. His presence guarantees liberty from demonic pos-

    session. He is stronger than any demon that might attack us.”

    For further reading:

    Mark 1:21-28; Luke 10:17-20; Luke 11:14-26; I Cor. 10:14-24; I John 4:1-6

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    Phone: 314/821-7311 Web: www.trinitystlouis.org Worship and General Church Information Welcome to our visitors today! We are so glad you’re here!

    • Join us tonight at 5:30 at Westminster for a time of worship through prayer, song, and study of God’s Word. The Jamaica Missions Team will give us a report of their recent trip.

    • The Jamaica Missions Team would like to say “Thank You” by offering a complimentary car wash following the evening service tonight.

    • Sunday school summer hiatus continues through Aug. 8. New classes begin Aug. 15.

    • Snack volunteers needed for the month of August. Please contact the church office if you would like to bring snacks one Sunday morning. Thank you to all of our faithful vol-unteers!

    • Nursery workers next week: Jodi Plunk, Denise Steinbrueck, Melodee & Anna Saun-ders and Hannah Heintz. Back-up: Paige Knerr, Evening worship: Beth Kling.

    • Prayerwalking: Join Leon Pannkuk at the new church property before the church pic-nic on Sunday, Aug. 15th. Leon will lead groups of 2-3 as we simply walk and quietly pray in our new neighborhood. We will meet at 4:45.

    • MTW is attempting to put together a medical team to go to Haiti from Sept. 11-18, 2010. They especially need physicians to help with primary care. If you are interested please contact Cheryl Erb at cheryl.erb@mtw.org.

    Children/Youth/College Information

    • Summer Seeds will meet tonight during the evening service. Children 4yrs to 5th grade are welcome to join the fun as they focus on a new bible verse each week.

    • Τhose entering 6th grade in the fall are encouraged to come to Youth Group tonight at 5:30pm at WCA. Those entering 9th grade will meet with the Sr. High group.

    • Please refer to the calendar on the website for upcoming youth events. A few this week include: Sr. H Bible study & Swim 8/2, Jr. H Bible study & Swim 8/3, Wed. youth for SrH, and a youth float trip 8/7

    Women’s and Men’s Ministries

    • Each Wed. morning a group of ladies meet at the new church property for coffee and a time of prayer. Due to the warmer weather the meeting time has been changed to 9am. Please consider coming out for a wonderful time of prayer and fellowship.

    This Week at TrinityThis Week at TrinityThis Week at TrinityThis Week at Trinity Aug. 1, 2010Aug. 1, 2010Aug. 1, 2010Aug. 1, 2010

  • Summer Dates and Events

    • Change of Date: The next and final church picnic has been moved to Aug. 15th. We will supply all of the food and drinks. We could however use another person to help grill and perhaps a second grill. Come celebrate the end of summer with your church fam-ily! Please let us know if your family will be attending so that we can prepare enough food. We will be serving hamburgers and hotdogs plus sides. You can RSVP to Amy at the church office at amymitchell@trinitystlouis.org.

    Engage St. Louis

    • Mark your calendars for the upcoming Karoga Bonga Picnics (previously known as Ref-uge of Nations Picnics). Picnics are scheduled for the following dates at Tower Grove Park: Aug. 5, and Aug. 26. The picnics begin at 5pm. Meat and utensils are provided. Please bring a side dish to share.

    • Christi Brandenstein is in the process of setting up a child-centered play therapy room at CrossRoads Christian Counseling. She is looking for gently used toys to assist with therapy. Some of the items she is collecting are: doll houses, doll house dolls, doll bed, doctor kit, puppets, puppet theatre, toy tool kit, toy cars/trucks, art supplies, dress up items, art easel, and good and bad guy masks. If you have any items you think would be helpful, please contact Beth Kling.

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  • Join us in worship, Sundays, at 9:30 AM Westminster Christian Academy

    10900 Ladue Road

    Ladue, MO 63141-8425

    Visit our website, www.trinitystlouis.org for Sermons, resources for Christian life & Trinity Church information

    We welcome your interest in Trinity Church

    If we can be of any assistance to you, please contact us: 13545 Barrett Parkway Dr.

    Suite 140

    St. Louis, MO 63021


    Pastor: Rev. Christopher Polski

    Trinity Church is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America ccli# 2808417

    Trinity Church Exists

    To nurture people toward a deep personal faith in Jesus Christ;

    To equip believers in every generation,

    by faithfully proclaiming the Word of God;

    To exhort people to serve the Lord by actively ministering the gos-

    pel of Jesus Christ to all people, in all places, in every way possible.
