Business report.docx


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Foundation in Natural and Built Environments

Introduction to Business (BUS 30104)

Charity Drive Event Report

By members of Too Too Store

Group members: Natalie Ki Xiao Xuan

Jack Too Mun Fai

Maximilian Lim Jake Yang (0319604)

Ng Yi Yang (0319688)


We have chosen to dedicate our donations to the Kechara Soup Kitchen Buddhist

Organization. Kechara Soup Kitchen’s main purpose is to provide food, sustenance and medical care

for the homeless and needy people in Malaysia. The committee of Kechara Soup Kitchen is a group

of privileged and well-to-do people who devote their lives to helping the homeless and the needy to

get through their daily struggle.

We chose this charity organization because the four of us, as food lovers believe everyone

should have the opportunity to enjoy food. We often see homeless and hungry people on the streets

of Malaysia struggling to survive and find food every day. Hence, we would like to lend a helping

hand to these less fortunate people to live a better life. We often hear cases of people especially

children from third world countries facing famine and poverty, and we would like to avoid such

situations in Malaysia.

As a group dedicated to help the homeless and needy in our country, we decided to set our

target donations high by reaching RM2000 of net profit. We have decided to divide our expected

profits from the variety of products we had plan to sell, such as pizzas, cupcakes, onigiris, keychains,

sandwiches, and beverages.

Target Market

We chose not to be fussy towards our choice of customer; we cater to anyone who is thirsty

and hungry. We tried to focus on the students from our own campus, Taylor’s University Lakeside

Campus, because a portion of them come from well-to-do families and may be willing to spend on

charity and help the less fortunate. Our customers are interested in presentable products. Hence,

our packaging has to be attention-grabbing and appetizing to entice them to buy our products. We

have chosen to sell exotic novelty food from Japanese and Western cuisines to sate our customers’

exotic appetites.

Not only that, our customers also emphasize on the hygiene and edibility of our products.

Hence, we acquired sanitized gloves and took typhoid shots for each of us. We also focused making

products mobile and convenient so that our customers can enjoy our food on the go. Our customers

also look for affordable, cold and refreshing beverages to quench their thirst in our current hot

weather. We also had to make sure that our food can stay fresh for a long period of time because

the majority of our customers are students who constantly have classes to attend to every day. That

is also why we have to make a new batch of our products every night to keep customers satisfied.

We also tried selling our products to customers outside our campus in an attempt to hike up

our profit. People walking on the streets during the day are more likely to buy our cold drinks

because of the weather. However, we had to take the initiative to approach and promote our

products to them because they are more likely to avoid us.

Competition Analysis

Like any other business areas, we also have our fair share of competitors to deal with.

Among the handful we will be facing, the more challenging ones are Pizza Cottage and the humble

vending machines littered all over the campus.

The perks of Pizza Cottage is that they provide a wide range of flavours for their pizzas and

they also sell pastries like burgers and sandwiches which also come in a variety of choices. However,

they charge their customers a higher price because they are a well-renowned company which

specializes in these sorts of food. The portion of their food is also relatively small compared to other

pizza restaurants outside of campus.

On the other hand, the vending machines sell a wide array of food and beverages at an

affordable price and they are also convenient in a sense that they are placed all over campus.

Nonetheless, the foods they sell mostly consist of snacks and titbits which are extremely unhealthy

for the students of Taylor’s Lakeside Campus. The beverages they sell are also mostly carbonated

drinks which are also harmful towards the health of the students in campus.

After conducting a thorough research on our competitors, we had decided to counter their

strategies by selling affordable and healthy products to reduce negative impact on their health and


Product and Packaging

As mentioned earlier, we required products that are a novelty in Malaysia to attract our

customers’ attention. Hence, we went online to learn steps on how to make our products, such as

pizzas, cupcakes and onigiris. We also researched on how to package our product so that they have a

good aesthetic value yet is cost effective to reduce our expenses.

As for drinks, the parents of one of our teammates, Ng Yi Yang, was kind enough to sponsor

us seven boxes of healthy packaged drinks from Yeo’s and Seasons. Due to this privilege, we had the

upper hand in our beverages department because we did not have to produce or package them


Customers want to buy our products because most of our foods are freshly-made every day

and we conducted the quality control ourselves. For example, we would eat a slice out of every

batch of sandwiches we made to ensure that it taste delicious. For the pizzas, we have made a few

batches of prototypes until we have obtained the perfect recipe for our homemade pizzas.

As for the packaging of our products, we had decided to use typical plastic sandwich

containers to contain our sandwiches. As for pizzas, we used ziplock bags to contain them in order to

ensure long freshness. Besides that, we wrapped our onigiris in plastic foils to keep the air and

harmful bacteria out. Also, we used fun-sized ziplock bags to package our onigiri charms. Last but

not least, to give our store an identity, we have designed and printed our very own custom Too Too

Store logos to be placed on all our products.

Onigiri packaged with plastic wrap

Sandwich packaged in a plastic sandwich container

A photo of our three varieties of sandwiches together: Egg mayo, tuna and chocolate sandwich

A Photo of our pizza

Photo of our cupcake Our varieties of onigiri charms


We had quite a hard time deciding how much we wanted to sell our products for due a

handful of factors. The first one being whether or not people will consider spending their money on

our products if we set the prices too high. And we also had to keep in mind that we have a target

profit to achieve within a very limited time. Ultimately we decided to sell our pizzas at RM3 which

would give us a profit of RM1.50 after deducting the cost. As for the sandwiches, we charge a fair

price of RM4 because of its high demand and this product costs RM1.10 so we managed to earn

some money there. The onigiri charms cost us RM0.80 to make and we decided to sell it for RM2.00

because of the tedious workmanship required to make these charms. We also sold wintermelon and

soya packet drinks for only RM1 because it was sponsored by our teammate’s parents.

Among all the products we sold, the onigiri is definitely one of the more popular ones

because it is very hard to find on the market and to top it off, it is also homemade by our teammate,

Natalie Ki. Besides that, our packet drinks also sold very well because it was very cheap and we also

offered chilled ones rite from the icebox. We had a bumpy start during the first two to three days

because we were still adapting to our business location and most of us were still learning how to

promote. However business gradually improved over the next couple days, after we have gotten

used to our environment and because we started going out to sell our products. We faced a

shortage of onigiris on the fourth day because we did not anticipate that it would sell so well, hence

we made more for the next day.


Our main marketing message was “To feed the poor and homeless” because we were

donating our profits to a soup kitchen. One of our main tools for promoting our products were

through our Facebook page which we set up two weeks prior to this charity drive to function as an

advertising tool to attract the attention of the younger generations. We also digitally prepared

posters and price labels to promote our products on our booth. We used these methods because

they were extremely cost efficient and not hard to produce. As we had time restriction issues, we

opted for the fastest and most effective ways to get our message out to the public. We chose to

make the posters also because we have experience with making posters digitally through the other

modules we had before this charity drive. As for the Facebook page, it was very easy to make

because we were so used to social networking and we could promote our store directly to our

friends and relatives on Facebook.

Our posters:

Our Facebook page:


We would not have reached our goal if we did not get the sponsors and donations we got

both before and during the charity drive. We started by asking our closest family members and

relatives for sponsor or donations. Natalie’s father managed to acquire some from his clients and he

also donated some of his own money. As for Ng Yi Yang, he has requested his parents to sponsor us

with the packet drinks to decrease our product expenses.

We have also sent out sponsorship letters to a few companies, such as Yeo’s and Nestle but

they have not replied us and some have promised to get back to us but never did. We did however,

manage to get sponsorship from the company that helped us make our Too Too Store stickers in the

form of a discount. In the end, we got ourselves a good sum of sponsorship money to aid us in

achieving our goal.


There are a number of places we went to sell our products. Mainly we focused on selling to

the students of Taylor’s Lakeside Campus because it is convenient for us as our stall is located there.

Not only that, the people are more approachable because most of them would easily believe that we

are students conducting a charity drive and were not attempting to scam the people. In campus,

there were two ways on how we distributed our products. The first way is when people approach

our stall and they pay for their items to us. Secondly, is when we approach the people instead. Every

two hours, we routinely walk around level 1 and level 2 in campus and around ‘Syops’ as a team that

consists of two people, asking people for donations and promoting our products to them. One of us

is tasked to carry a basket filled with some of our products and the other is tasked to carry a

donation box.

This method is an efficient and an instantaneous way to deliver our products to our

customers as these products are specifically designed and packaged as on-the-go products.

Customers are only required to choose the items they want to buy and pay for these products

following the price of each item.

Furthermore, we also attempted to sell our things outside of campus because there were

not many students in campus during that period of time as most of them were still having their

semester breaks. As a group of three, we attempted to sell our products near campuses, specifically

near Inti College and Taylor’s College, where there were many students walking in the commercial

areas. We also tried to visit Sunway Pyramid, a popular shopping mall as an attempt to ask for some

donations and sell our products. Based on our experience, this method is time-consuming and it is

not a very easy way to make profit as most people would ignore us.

Moreover, we also provided a delivery service via phone calls or texts. Students from a

secondary school, SM Sri KDU, bought a 14 Onigiris and we were told to deliver the items to them in

school. Through delivery services, it would take a day to prepare the items for them and time

(depending on the location) to deliver these products to them.

Green Measures

A portion of our consumable products are environmentally-friendly such as, the

bread used for the variety of sandwiches and the sauce and dough for the pizza. Clay, as an

eco-friendly material, was used to make the onigiri charms.

The products are packaged in 100% recyclable and reusable materials as our packaging are

mainly made of plastic. For example, all the various types of sandwiches are packaged in a typical

plastic sandwich container that can be recycled and reused. Onigiris are packaged in plastic wrap,

pizzas and charms are given out with plastic ziplock bags and packaged drinks can be recycled as

paper materials.

After customers are done with the foods, they can simply throw the plastic packaging into

the bin. Customers are even given the choice to reuse the plastic sandwich containers or the ziplock

bags for their own purpose.

Our consumables are sealed in these air-tight containers so that harmful pollutants from

the air will not be able to contaminate our products. Because of this, we did not need to worry about

our food being exposed to pollution.

As we sold our products, we provided a service to heat up the customers’ pizza slice using

a toaster oven. Doing this, we consumed an amount of electricity through the socket found near our

stall. To reduce the consumption of electricity, we only turned on the toaster oven only if when we

use it. Moreover, we also used a large bag of ice to keep the drinks cool and fresh. To avoid buying

more than one large bag of ice per day, we ensured that the ice is long-lasting by storing it into an

ice box with the packaged drinks. Doing so will not only keep the ice stored at a suitable

temperature, but will also keep the drinks chilled and cool.

Human Resource Planning

Tasks were distributed according to our individual skills and commitment towards it. Natalie, as the

project manager, distributed these jobs to us and planned each week in an organised manner. As the

accountant, she also calculated our expenses, profit made each day, our loss and sponsorship

money. Jack was in charge in designing a stall layout to keep our stall look neat and attractive. He

also manages the stall and made sure that our stall is kept clean and consistently presentable to our

customers. Max was tasked to contact companies that may be willing to help our cause by

sponsoring their products to us or are eager to donate some money to our charity organization. He

was also responsible in asking people for donations. Yi Yang was undertaking the job to design

posters for our stall to promote our products to people and convince people to support us through


Natalie Ki Xiao XuanProject


Jack Too Mun FaiStall manager/Stall


Maximilian Lim Jake YangSponsorship

manager/Marketing executive

Ng Yi YangMarketing/Advertising


Evaluation of results

Profit and Loss report:

Mistakes we made: Not enough sponsors to support us

: Some unattractive packaging and products

: Disorganized time management

What we have learned through our experience: Better time management in our work

: Conduct a taste test on food products before selling them

: Experiment products and whether or not they will be able to sell well or not.

: Importance of sponsorships depending on the people in the area.

Link to our reflection videos:



Sponsorship letters

Our Typhoid injection receipts:

Charity Organization donation receipt: