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Ecommerce Business Opportunity

1. Profit System2. Global Commerce3. Franchise Concepts4. Economic Trends

WBN© Copyright 2009

Seven Reasons to Start a New Venture

1. More $$$$$ 2. BYOB3. More Time4. Accomplishment5. Dreams / Goals6. Financial Freedom7. Tax Advantages

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Personal Dreams & GoalsPersonal Dreams & Goals

Why do you want to be an entrepreneur?Why do you want to be an entrepreneur?

Personal Dreams & GoalsPersonal Dreams & Goals

What would you do with an extra $3,000

a month from your business?

What would you do with an extra $3,000

a month from your business?

Personal Dreams & GoalsPersonal Dreams & Goals

When would you like to accomplish it?When would you like to accomplish it?

Personal Dreams & GoalsPersonal Dreams & Goals

What are you willing to give up to have it?What are you willing to give up to have it?

Personal Dreams & GoalsPersonal Dreams & Goals

Are you investing in your personal growth?Are you investing in your personal growth?

Personal Dreams & GoalsPersonal Dreams & Goals

How much time would you invest in the development of your business?

How much time would you invest in the development of your business?

Profits vs WagesProfits vs Wages

Who Controls Wages?

Who Controls Profits?

Who Controls Wages?

Who Controls Profits?

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You own a BP Station & your gas is $2.50 per gallon

Across from you there is a Shell Station with gas for $2.00 per gallon

Where will you buy your gas?

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You Own aLexus Dealership.

There is a Kia Dealership down the street.

Which car will you buy?

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Who is making the profits?

Wal-mart - EDLP -- The Rollback Product

K-Mart - BLS Product

Target - Bullseye Product Convenience Store - Product

Your Internet Store - Product +


You get

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Time Compounding

Which is smarter?

100% income from one


If the one source is eliminated so is my


100% income from 100


If 5 of my sources are eliminated I still have 95% of my income.


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Network Marketing and Direct Sales

An incredible, lucrative, and simple way to obtain financial success. It is design to operate part time.

Did you know that Citigroup owns a network marketing company? Since 2002 Warren Buffett has purchased several network marketing companies for his stock portfolios.

Why network marketing? There is only one reason.

It works plain and simple.

Three Reasons Why It Works

1. Saves time, money, and energy compared to the cost of operating the traditional distribution process.

2. People are motivated to sell because profits are given to them. Who would you work harder for?

3. People already have a network and already do network marketing everyday. It is also called referral marketing. Ex: movie, restaurant, auto, church, school, book, etc

Why do some people achieve financial success and others do not?

The successful people become a part of a profit

making system. They are entrepreneurs.

Business Network or

Leveraged Profit System

1 Home based

2 Low investment

3 Higher reward

4 Low risk

5 Unlimited expansion – always open

6 Unlimited on going income

7 Time compounding

8 No employees

9 Turn key – no accounting, no r&d,

10 Proven success system and expertise


98% 98% 98% 98%98%98%

Proven Business SystemsProven Business Systems

McDonald’s : Franchising


30,000 storesX 10 hours/day300,000 hours a day

40 hours a weekX 50 weeks a year

X 40 years 80,000 hours a lifetime

Who has a better system?



1. substantial initial cash investments

2. pay fees for recruiting

3. people at top make most of the money

Legal1. minimal initial


2. No fees paid for recruiting

3.Unlimited income potential

According to the Direct Selling Education Foundation, a pyramid scheme is an illegal scam "in which large numbers of people at the bottom of the pyramid

pay money to a few people at the top.

WBN© Copyright 2009

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