Business Plan Part 1



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1. Business Plan

What is Business Plan

A business plan is a formal statement of a set of business goals, the reasons why they are believed attainable, and the plan for reaching those goals. It may also contain background information about the organization or team attempting to reach those goals.The business goals being attempted may be for-profit or non-profit. For-profit business plans typically focus on financial goals. Non-profit and government agency business plans tend to focus on service goals, although non-profits may also focus on maximizing profit. Business plans may also target changes in perception and branding by the customer, client, tax-payer, or larger community. A business plan having changes in perception and branding as its primary goals is called a marketing plan.Operational plans describe the goals of an internal organization, working group or department. Project plans, sometimes known as project frameworks, describe the goals of a particular project. They may also address the project's place within the organization's larger strategic goals

Business plans may be internally or externally focused. Externally

Externally focused plans target goals that are important to external stakeholders, particularly financial stakeholders. They typically have detailed information about the organization or team attempting to reach the goals. With for-profit entities, external stakeholders include investors and customers. External stake-holders of non-profits include donors and the clients of the non-profit's services. For government agencies, external stakeholders include tax-payers, higher-level government agencies, and international lending bodies such as the IMF, the World Bank, various economic agencies of the UN, and development banks. Internally

Internally focused business plans target intermediate goals required to reach the external goals. They may cover the development of a new product, a new service, a new IT system, a restructuring of finance, the refurbishing of a factory or a restructuring of the organization. An internal business is often developed in conjunction with a balanced scorecard or a list of critical success factors. This allows success of the plan to be measured using non-financial measures. Business plans that identify and target internal goals, but provide only general guidance on how they will be met are called strategic plans. How Business Plans are Used

Venture Capital

Business plan contests - provides a way for venture capitals to find promising projects

Venture capital assessment of business plans - focus on qualitative factors such as team.

Public Offerings

In a public offering, potential investors can evaluate perspectives of issuing company.Within Corporations

1. Fundraising

2. Total Quality Management

3. Management by Objective

4. Strategic Planning

5. Education

Objective of Business Plan1. To continue our strategy of controlled growth and through improved management to continue to increase our net margin

2. To increase client satisfaction, through improved reporting, accuracy, timeliness and estimates of cost and value, together with a better understanding of our Clients needs

3. Whilst maintaining our commitment to core water industry customers, continue to diversify into targeted markets in Energy, Rail & Scotland

4. To learn how to formulate an effective Business Plan.

5. To continue our strategy of controlled growth and through improved management to continue increasing our net margin

6. Operating the firm efficiently.

7. Funding the firm.

8. Seeking financing.

9. Arranging strategic alliances.

10. Obtaining large contracts.

11. Testing the viability of our plans.12. Attracting key employees.

13. Business plan can uncover omissions and/or weaknesses in our planning process.14. To organize our thoughts and ambitions for our business venture.15. It can be used as a selling tool in dealing with important relationships including our lenders, investors and banks.16. Completing mergers and acquisitions.

17. To help banks and others who might lend us money.18. Starting international operations.

Origin of the Report

Ms Rehma akhter the course instructor of the Entrepreneurship Development (Mgt 346) has assigned the students of Spring Semester 2011 (9th semester) to prepare a business plan. This business plan is a part of our course. She has approved our topic on Restaurant for our business plan.


This is a business plan to establish a restaurant business. Now a day, restaurant business is a popular business in Bangladesh. Restaurant business is also a profitable business because people use to visit restaurant in every special day of his/her life. Our business plan is prepared by the queries of several restaurant customers & other restaurants managers. Some surveys have been conducted and some interviews were taken.


There may be some limitations behind this report. These are

1. There was lack of information which we searched.

2. The Managers of other restaurants did not share enough information with us.3. Some time the managers provide wrong information.

4. People sometime seem very unfriendly while asking questionnaires.

5. We are failed to survey outside of Dhaka city.

6. The market survey is not sufficient to justify the total market condition of Dhaka city.

7. Our survey is limited to Dhanmondi area.

8. Most of the time we estimated the prices, costs, which may differ.2. Introduction of the Restaurant

Description of the Restaurant Company Name: New & Tasty Restaurant Mission Dialogue: Tempted to try something Product Type: Thai & Chinese Foods Logo of the Firm:

Ownership: It is a partnership business firm consisting of two dynamic partners, who are willing to share the capital, profits, and losses of the business equally. Name of the Partners:

1. Md. Tawhed Been Mosleh2. Md. Mahadi Hasan


Our vision is to capture the restaurant business in Bangladesh & become the highest ranking restaurant.


To sell delicious and remarkable food and drinks. The food and drink we will sell, meets the highest standards of quality, freshness and seasonality.

To have every customer who comes through our doors leave impressed by New & Tasty and excited to come back again.

To create and maintain a restaurant that is comprehensive and exceptional in its attention to every detail of operation.

To provide all who work with us a friendly, cooperative and rewarding environment which encourages long- term, satisfying, growth employment.

To keep our concept fresh, exciting and on the cutting edge of the hospitality and entertainment industry.

To use our restaurant to improve the quality of life in the Dhanmondi region.Goal:

Our goal is to sell 80000-100000 tk & to capture 200-300 customers daily.

To make a good impression of our restaurant, we will hire experienced employees.

A well known & experienced (5 -10 years) chef will be hired to meet the highest quality of foods.

To keep a good relation with the customers, we will provide better services. Description of Premises & Facilities

Our Restaurant will be located in Dhanmondi We are buying 3000 sqft area for our New & Tasty Restaurant. 1 basement is for Parking Lot which can hold approximately 150 cars. Our restaurant is consisting of 2 floors & can hold almost 300 people.


The basement is mainly for car parking. There will be a room facility (including bath room) for the security guards the basement will be allocated almost 2500 sqft. This area can hold almost 150 cars. The generator will be place in basement which will not annoy the customers with sounds & smells. There will be also a lift access to the basement so that, the customers can easily communicate to car parking.

Ground floor

This floor will provide a manager desk & cashier section. The food will be prepared in this floor. There will be room for super vizier it can be hold 80 customers. There will be fresh room for both ladies & gents separately. 1st floor

This floor will be highly decorated with musical instruments. This floor can hold 100 customers. There will be also a playground for the children. Fresh room is also available in there. 2nd floor

This floor provides a large space which is specially decorated for parties. This floor can hold 120 customers. The special buffet order will be served in this floor.3. Partnership AgreementNew & Tasty Restaurant

Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1209.Bangladesh.

Telephone: 88028032532

1. The agreement is made within the following Two persons,i. Md. Tawhed Been Mosleh

11/A, Road#13, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1209, Mob: 01815428728, Email: Md. Mahadi Hassain

95, West Dhanmondi, Shankar, Chairman Goli,

Dhaka 1207, Mob: 01913483456, Email:

3. The type of the business is a restaurant business & the investment requirement is total amount tk. 13,87,41,025. 3. The amount of investment by each partners are as follows:

Name of PartnersShareInvestment in amount (tk)

Md. Mahadi hassan 608,32,44,615

Md. Tawhed Been Mosleh405,54,96,410

4. The profit and losses will be shared as follows

Name of PartnersShare

Md. Mahadi Hasan60

Md. Tawhed Been Mosleh40


5. Each partner can draw 65% of their income and remaining 35% will go to retained earnings.6. The important duties of the partners are,

i. Justice, Faithfulness: True accounts, Full Information: Partners are bound to carry on the business of the firm to the greatest common advantages, to be just and faithful to each other, and to render true accounts and full information of all things affecting the firm to any partner or his legal representative. Sec-9

ii. Equality of losses: Subject to any contract to the country, partners are bound to pay the losses of the firm equally. Sec- 13(B)

iii. No private benefit: A partner cannot use the partnership properties directly or indirectly for his own benefit.

iv. NO secret profit: If a partner carries on any competing business of the firm, s/he shall account for and pay to the firm all profits made by him on the business. Sec-16 (B)

v. Unlimited liability: Every partner is liable for the acts of the firm done while s/he is a partner. The liability is joint and several. Sec-25

7. Decision making for every possibility will be done by Md. Mohebbullah Khan, Managing Director of New & Tasty restaurant. But, every partner has some right to act on behalf of the firm. He has express and implied authority. 8. Each partner has a chance to write down, the name of his authorized nominee (Wife, children, or third party). If anyone become disabling or incase of death, the authorized people will get the amount of the invested money. As well as this contract will be broken down. The third party will not be treated as a partner.

9. If anyone become accuse of doing a bad situation, he must be punished based on the intensity of the impact. If it is high, he should be expelled from the business and this contract will be isolated.

10. Any partner, who wants to leave, has the right to transfer his ownership to another person, who is capable enough.

11. The rights of partners, and the relations of partners to one another, are determined by the agreement of the partners.12. Conduct of business: Every partner shall have the right to take part in the conduct of the business section 12 (a).

13. Equality of profits: The partners are entitled to share equally in the profit earned. -Sec.13 (b).14. Every partner has some right to act on behalf of the firm. He has express and implied authority.

15. A partner has the right to get the firm dissolved under appropriate circumstances. Upon dissolution, the partners have the right to get accounts of the firm and surplus assets according to their shares.

16. Right to carrying on a competing business: By a special agreement, an outgoing partner can be prevented from carrying on a similar business within a specified period or local limits.17. Right to share profits after retirement: If after retirement, the continuing partners carry on the business of the firm with the property of the firm the out going partner is entitled to get share of profits or 6% per annum of his share of the property of the firm, at their option. Sec-37.18. New & Tasty restaurants partnership agreement will be registered by the authorized register.

19. Before doing this, New & Tasty restaurant will complete the licensing requirement by the concerned authority.

20. All sorts of products price of New & Tasty restaurant will be enlisted to sales tax as far the requirements of government regulation.

21. All individuals of this partnership business are liable for payment of income tax by maintaining government regulations in regarding sector.

4. Analysis of the Restaurant


1. Our Restaurant will be located in Dhanmondi 11/A, Dhaka-1207. Because most of the school, university, banks, hospitals, shopping malls situated in Dhanmondi. Also Dhanmondi is a residential area & many companies are situated here. The transportation facilities are also easy in Dhanmondi.

2. We are buying 3000 sqft area for our New & Tasty Restaurant. 1 basement is for Parking Lot which can hold approximately 150 cars. Our restaurant is consisting of 2 floors & can hold almost 300 people.

3. The raw material such as chicken, beef, rice, vegetables etc can be found in Mohammadpur Town Hall, Kauran Bazar near to the Dhanmondi 11/A. The transportation of these raw materials is also easy & low cost.

4. Work forces are also available in Dhanmondi. Employee can be located in Rayerbazar, Hazaribag, West Dhanmondi, Mohammadpur, Zigatola.

5. We will not face any problem to connect with the power/ water supply, sewerage system in Dhanmondi. Even more we will provide uninterrupted power supply backup. Reason for choosing Dhanmondi location: Dhanmondi is a crowded area; most of the schools, universities, banks, residence are located in Dhanmondi. Moreover, Dhanmondi lake is a popular place & people often used to visit this place. There are also many companies situated in Dhanmondi & many different people come to work in this place. The Abohany Club is very popular in Bangladesh, many foreign players use to visit this club for playing or, practicing. There are many hospitals in Dhanmondi such as, Labaid, Medinove, Bangladesh Medical, IBNE Sina, City Hospital, Womens & Chilrens Hospital & also the largest hospital Square is located very near to the Dhanmondi. Dhanmondi is a heart of shopping mall, in recently the shopping mall grown hugely. Shopping mall such as, A.R.A Plaza, Rifles Square, Prince Plaza, Metro Shopping Mall, Rapa Plaza, Shankar Plaza, Almas, Meena Bazar, A.R.Plaza, Nandon, ETC, PQS, Genetic Plaza are located in Dhanmondi. The popular Art gallery Dreek is situated in Dhanmondi. Former Secretary and Ambassador Mr M Zamir noted that about 40 years ago only one thousand families used to live in Dhanmondi whereas now about 20 thousand families live in this area (2002 reports).

Considering all these factors, Dhanmondi has many prospective customers & it is a perfect place for a restaurant business.


Our Restaurant will be located in Dhanmondi 11/A, Dhaka-1207. Because most of the school, university, banks, hospitals, shopping malls situated in Dhanmondi. Also Dhanmondi is a residential area & many companies are situated here. The transportation facilities are also easy in Dhanmondi.

We are offering musical instrument in New & Tasty Restaurant. We provide Party facilities, violin play in occasionally. We are also providing home delivery. People can order different food items via telephone, e-mail. We will also have an internet domain of our restaurant. We also provide credit-card facilities.

We will advertise our restaurant via TV media, radio media, newspaper, magazine, internet, banner, and billboard. We have some sales promotion offers, such as, discount for food packages, free mineral water on launch packages, discount for djuice users, discount for Grameen Phone employees Advertising

Advertising is any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.

Informative advertising aims to create awareness and knowledge of new products or new features of existing products.

Our Restaurant business is open a new venture, so we are decided to the Informative advertising from four advertising objective.

Our advertising massage is our food quality is better than other restaurants food quality and we are based on customer satisfy. Advertising media:

Media choosing is the most effective for New & Testy is to choose the advertising media, which are the advertising outlets, including newspapers, television, direct mail, radio, magazines, newsletters, brochures, telephone, internet, billboards and outdoor displays.1. Newspapers:Newspaper advertising is flexibility, timelines, good local market coverage, broad acceptance and high believability. Newspapers allow us to reach audiences from small local communities to national readerships in the millions. So newspaper is the best media for our New & Testy Restaurant. The newspaper that will be used for New & Testy are Daily Prothom Alo, The Daily Star, the Daily Jugantor, Daily Naya Digonto, Daily Ajker Kagoj, DailyJanakantho , Daily Inqilab, Bangladesh Observer, Daily Independent and Daily New Nation.2. Television:

Television media is the most favorite and powerful advertising media for any product. Television advertising is combines sight, sound, and motion, appealing to the senses, high attention & high reach. Although the Television Media is very expensive but if we calculate the reach of the message, then the cost will be lower for per person. New & Testy will mainly broadcast its advertising within the cooking programs, sponsor to the TV films, drama, sports programs, music programs, news programs. New & Testy Restaurant will use, Ntv, ATN Bangla, ETV, RTV, Chanel I, and Boyshakhi TV Chanel.

3. Magazines:

Magazine has high geographic and demographic selectivity, credibility and prestige, high-quality reproduction, long life, and good pass-along relationship. In these cases the New & Testy Restaurant will use Magazines as advertising media.

4. Outdoor:Outdoor is the other advertising media for New & Testy Restaurant. Because outdoor is flexibility, high repeat exposure, low cost, low competition. In this advertising we will use billboard & banner.

5. Internet:Internet is the most important advertising media for New & Testy Restaurant. We have already bought an Internet Domain. Our Internet address is People can easily access to this site & get detail in formations about our recipe. Even more, people can order foods from internet.


Dhanmondi is a crowded area; most of the schools, universities, banks, residence are located in Dhanmondi. Moreover, Dhanmondi Lake is a popular place & people often used to visit this place.

In 2002, about 20 thousand families live in this area, now a day it increases largely. Customers for a restaurant are very much prospective in Dhanmondi area.

We, surveyed many other restaurant customers. Many of the customers were unwilling to participate..A customer satisfaction survey is one way to gather this vital information. The customer satisfaction survey below is designed to get our customers to tell us what they really think. We will use the following customer satisfaction survey form:

New & Tasty Restaurant

We are constantly looking for ways to improve the quality of our products and services. To do that, we need to know what you think. We would really appreciate it if you would take just a few minutes to respond to the handful of questions below. As a valued customer, how you rate our work is the most important information we can get. Please help us do the job you deserve - the best possible!

Please circle Outstanding or Needs Improvement and comment:



Needs Improvement-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Services and Support:


Needs Improvement-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Delivery:


Needs Improvement


Ordering and Billing: Outstanding Needs Improvement


Employees: Outstanding Needs Improvement

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Competitors

We surveyed four well known restaurants in Dhanmondi. These are Four Seasons, Xindian, Xenial & Broccoli. We asked several questionnaires to the managers.


Xindian is situated in Dhanmondi 27, a crowded area in Dhaka city. Xindian already captured most of the restaurant business in Dhaka City. Over all Xindian has many branches & they are highly competitive among themselves. Xindian is very much concerns in quality. This restaurant is a big threat for our restaurant.


Xenial is also situated in Dhanmondi 27, which is another branch of Xindian. So, Xenial also captured most of the restaurant business in Dhaka City. Xenial is very much concerns in quality. This restaurant is also a big threat for our restaurant.

Four Seasons:

Four Seasons is situated in Dhanmondi 26. It is a new restaurant in Dhanmondi & becoming very popular in recent years. Four seasons is very much concern with the servicing. This restaurant can be a threat for our restaurant.


Broccoli is situated in Dhanmondi 9/A which is very much near to our restaurant.

This restaurant is occurring losses in recent year, they have minimum facilities. This restaurant is not very much threat to our business.QuestionsRestaurant

What is the name of your restaurant?Four SeasonsXenialXindianBroccoli

When did you start your restaurant?December 200719962002October 2000

How much money did your restaurant spend to start business?ConfidentialConfidentialConfidential3000000 tk

How much employ does it contain? (service boy, managers, others)Service Boy 3545 Staffs70Service Boy 11

Security 2

What type of customers do you have most- students/service holder/business man/family?FamilyFamilyLaunch Business Man, Service holder

Dinner- FamilyFamily, Couple, Fixed Customer

How much customer can your restaurant hold?150350700120

How much Car Parking can you hold?Not asked304020

Which type of foods customer demand most?SZE-Chuan Chicken SaladThai Special Fried RiceChuan Chicken Salad, Thai SoupChicken, Thai, Deshi

Name some of your competitor?N/A4 branches, competition among the branch7 branches, competition among the branchN/A

Do you have any special service/s other than your competitor/sN/A Discount Offer

Bangali food by order of minimum 100 persons

conference facility Bangali food by order of minimum 100 persons

conference facility Quick Launch

Home Service

Office Service

Buffet Service (If ordered)

What is the Salary of your employees?Confidential5000 (kitchen service)Staffs Total- 20000

Manager -40000Staff 6000 per

Chef 12000-15000

How much customers visit your restaurant daily?100-150 average

300 on Friday500-600

Friday 1000

20 (poor in recent year after caretaker government)

How much is your daily sell?70000-100000 tk60000-70000 tkConfidential10000-20000 (poor sell in recent year)

In which day & how much party occurs? Mostly on Friday

1/2 PartyFridayFridayN/A

Other Information Menu

Launch 20%, Dinner 80% Visit


Menu Non Smoking Zone



SWOT Analysis


a. We have sufficient employers to operate our restaurant business.

b. We will hire well known chef to provide best quality food to the customers.

c. Our service charged is 8% which is lower than the other restaurants service charge.

d. One of our members is highly trained in marketing expertise which will helps us to focus our restaurant to the customers.

e. Our Human Resource Manager is very friendly & can easily motivate others, which will help employers to work efficiently, can easily dissolve any conflict & also can motivate their work.

f. We are focusing on high quality food items with high quality raw materials; this is one of the strengths of our restaurant business.

g. We have home service facilities.

h. We also have security cameras each floor. Weakness

a. We have insufficient money to operate our business.

b. We have short space, not enough places to parking

c. Our business partners are also related to other business, thats why they cannot give sufficient time to our restaurant business.

d. Our employs are not enough educated thats why they cannot communicate to the foreign customer.

e. We do not have training facility for our employees.

f. We have not employees transportation facility.


a. Many customers live in Dhanmondib. A crowded place due to Dhanmondi Lake, Offices, Hospitals, Schools, Universities etc.c. Technology advancement.d. Employers are available in Dhanmondi


a. Price inflation

b. Insufficient Electricity and water.

c. Political instabilityd. Huge number of restaurant in Dhanmondi

5. Management of the Restaurant

Organogram of New & Tasty Restaurant

Work Policy

Work policies are one of the important things, which the organization should consider very carefully. There are certain factors that should be included in work policies that may affect employees. Due to poor labor law and increasing number of welfare organizations in the country, the workers sometimes want to fulfill unfair means. This is why nowadays the organizations signed the Job Specification and Job Description so that they are totally aware of the situation and later they cant raises their voice. The purpose of policy is to provide guidelines for administering a modified duty program.

We have considered certain areas in which we will reveal details of our work policy. They are as follows

Hours of works:

There will two shifts in our company. They are-

1. 8 am to 4 pm morning session

2. 4 pm to 12 pm afternoon session

Safety accident prevention:

1. First aid box will be there for small injuries.

2. Fire extinguisher will be present on the spot.

3. Clinic will be there to deal with serious injuries happened to workers at the time of duty.


The most important and the most vital work of a human resource manager are to plan the compensation program of an organizations employees. Job evaluation is the process whereby an organization systematically establishes its compensation program. In this process, jobs are compared in order to determine each days appropriate worth within the organization.

Employees exchange work for rewards. The most important reward and indeed, the most obvious is money. But not all employees earn the same amount of money. This differentiation is explained by the compensation program.

The goal of compensation administration is to design cost-effective pay structure that will attract, motivate, and retain competent employees. The structure should also appear fair to employees. We will give two types of hourly rate. One is Tk 29 per hour and another is Tk 25 per hour. Tk 25 will be given in the morning session. Tk 29 will be given in the night session.

Employee Benefits

When an organization designs its overall compensation program, a critical area of concern is what benefits to provide. Todays workers expect more than just an hourly wage or a salary; they want additional considerations that will enrich their lives. These considerations in an employment setting are called employment benefits.Employee benefits have grown in importance and variety over the past several decades. Once perceived as an added feature, employee benefit administration has transformed itself into a well thought-out, well organized package. Employers realize that such benefits affect whether or not applicants accept their employment offers, or once employed, stay with the organization. Benefits are, therefore, necessary components of an effectively functioning compensation program.

For the employees at NEW & TASTY, special benefit programs will be provided. The benefit programs are explained below:

a. Workers Compensation - This is for the workers at the factory of NEW & TASTY. If the worker is hurt at the time of working in the factory, then any loss to the worker will be borne by the organization. The injured employee will be compensated either by monetary allocation or by payment of medical expenses.

b. Sick leave This benefit will provide the opportunity for employees to take sick leave and also get paid for their absence.c. Vacation and holiday leave This will be available for the employees if they are with the organization for a specified period of time. Common practice would be to relate the length of vacation to the length of tenure and job classification in the organization.

Time off:

If a worker is suffering problems related with family, in that time he cant work properly. If we allow him/her a couple of days leave the result will be better. In this way, we will not lose skill workers and win the heart of the local people.


We will arrange a session every Friday for workers, where they will disclose their problems without any type of hesitation. This will help the management to know what their workers have in their mind and by this way they can reduce the gap or miscommunication between them. This sort of open discussion will help the workers to feel that they are part of the organization.


The management will inform the concern worker a month ago that his job will be terminated at a said date. The worker will receive a month or half a month salary depending on the situation in which they will be terminated.

Key Personnel

The following table lists the members of the management team of New & tasty restaurant and the Position and Experience of each member.NameAgePositionExperience

Md.Mahady Hssan37Managing Director,Post Graduation in MBA from North South University,

12 years experience in similar field.

TawhedBeen Mosleh36Finance, Director

Post Graduation in Finance from North South University.Also currently enrolled in ICAB in CA (Chartered Accounting)

8 years experience in similar field.

A. J. M. Arifuzzaman38Marketing DirectorPost Graduation in Business from IBA of Dhaka University,

10 years experience in similar field.

Md. Zahirul Islam

35Director of Human Resource Management Post Graduation in Business from Victoria University, Australia.

10 years experience in similar field.

Md. Erfan Alam39Director of Production & operation management

Post Graduation in Business from Oxford University, England

Member of the Bangladesh Total Quality Management

6 years experience in similar field

The following table represents the investment by the members of the management team of New & tasty restaurant and the probable sources of investment:NameIntended Share of InvestmentProbable Sources of InvestmentBank and/or Leasing Firm

Md. Mahadi hasan60%Bank Loan and SelfBrac Bank and IDLC

Md. Tawhed Been Mosleh40%Bank Loan and SelfAB Bank and IDLC

Staffing Plan

One of the very critical elements for our business is Staffing plan for our business successive. Without staff there is no project.

The list of required number of employees along with their designation, salary structures, required qualifications and experiences are given.DesignationNo. of PersonMonthly Salary in TakaTotal in


Managing Director15000050000

Human Resource Manager13500035000

Marketing Manager13500035000

Finance Manager13500035000

Production and Quality Manager13500035000

Accountants 12000020000

Assistance Manager11500015000



Service Boy 745500407000



Chef 13500035000


Total 98779000

PositionEducational backgroundExperienceOther qualification

Managing Director,Post Graduation in MBA from North South University, (major in management)12 yearsExcellent interpersonal communication skill, excellent leadership.

Human Resource Manager Post Graduation in Business from Victoria University, Australia. (Major in HR)

8 yearsExcellent interpersonal communication skill, excellent leadership

Marketing ManagerPost Graduation in Business from IBA of Dhaka University, (major in marketing)

10 yearsInnovative and hard working

Finance managerPost Graduation in Finance from a Dhaka University

Also currently enrolled in ICAB in CA (Chartered Accounting)

10 yearsExperience as a Decision provider, financial analyst.

Production and quality ManagerPost Graduation in Business from Oxford University, England

Member of the Bangladesh Total Quality Management

6 yearsScience Background

Accountants BBA, Major in finance8 years High expertise

Assistance managerBBA, Major in management 5 yearsHigh expertise.

CashierBBA, Major in Accounting.6

yearsSkill in accounting terms.

SupervisorGraduate 3 yearsGood knowledge about agricultural business

Service boyMinimum HSC1 yearsSmartness & good communication skill

Legal advisorDegree in Law 1yearInnovative

ElectricianMinimum SSC4 yearsGood expression

DriverClass eight 5

yearsMust be energetic

GuardUndergraduate12 yearsVery claver

CookerSSC13 yearsMost clearness

We will hire a Legal Advisor for first year. The salary expenses for the Lega180000 tk total in one year.We will also hire electrician when needed. The budget for electrician is 10000 tk in one year.

Risk Management

It is essential that adequate insurance coverage be maintain by our restaurant business. Without insurance, we will take extremely high risks. A lifetime of work can be lost in very short time, if adequate insurance protection is not maintained.

Recognizing Risk:1. The political instability in Bangladesh

2. Damages of goods due to fire

3. Inflation of money

4. Misusage of food materials

5. Damages of storage food materials

6. Damages of assets (plate, glass, AC etc)

7. Accident cause during transportation

8. Risk of burglary

Dealing with the Risk:1. Employing more experienced personnel

2. Maintaining & upgrading materials

3. Extensive training on new equipment or procedure

4. Providing iron bar on windows

5. Maintaining adequate security, guard etc.

6. Shift the risk by obtaining suitable insurance policy

7. Make adequate planning to absorb the risks



New & Tasty Restaurant

Plot# 56, Road# 11/A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1207.


Telephone: 88029110801

Md. Tawhed Been Mosleh

Financing Director

11/A, Dhanmondi 13, Dhaka 1207

Mob: 01815428728



Md. Mahadi Hasan

Managing Director

51/A/10 West Razabazar,

Panthapath, Dhaka 1215

Mob: 01716455324


