Business Opportunities for Portuguese Companies in EBRD...


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Business Opportunities for Portuguese Companies in EBRD Financed Projects

Lisbon – 25 November 2014 DIRK PLUTZ

Senior Procurement Specialist Procurement Department

What is EBRD?

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

International financial organisation established in 1991

Capital base – EUR 30 billion

Credit rating of AAA by Standard & Poor's, Moody's

and Fitch

Shareholders of the Bank

Two international organisations and 64 countries.

What are the EBRD’s objectives?

To promote transition to market economies by investing mainly in the

private sector

To mobilise significant foreign direct investment

To support privatisation, restructuring and better municipal services to

improve people’s lives

To encourage environmentally sound

and sustainable development

EBRD invests in 34 countries of operations

Cumulative since inception

4,014 Projects

87.4 billion EURO

72%– private sector

28%– public sector

Foundations of EBRD operations

Apply sound banking principles to every project

Support but not replace private investors

Advance the transition to a full market economy

EBRD Procurement Policies







Aligned with the Government Procurement Agreement of the World

Trade Organisation

Public sector procurement rules follow principles of transparency,

efficiency, economy and accountability

Use of efficient procurement methods

Fair and open international tendering – the norm

No country eligibility limitations

No domestic preference

Clients are responsible for project implementation and tendering

Compliance with the Bank’s Environmental and Social Policies

Prevention and fighting of prohibited practices

EBRD Procurement principles

EBRD approach in public procurement

• Procurement – an integral part of project risk management

Minimisation of risks – Maximisation of success

• Coverage of the entire project cycle

Procurement – part of project delivery strategy

• Balanced risk distribution

Use of standard tender documents and

internationally recognised contract terms and conditions

• Aim of evaluation – best value for money

Evaluation factors usually are expressed in monetary terms

• The key to success – People and Capacity!

• The Bank provides assistance to the clients

• Preventing and fighting corruption


* Detailed rules for public sector

• Open Tender

* Policies and objectives for private sector

• Follow normal commercial practices

* Consultant Services

* Guidance to Tenders

IFI harmonisation of procurement principles

Most international financing institutions have very similar

procurement procedures!

•Different key objectives, related policies, statutes and legal status

provide the limit for harmonisation (examples differences between

the IFIs are eligibility, definition of prohibited practices, use off

different financing instruments)

•Considerable progress in harmonisation of procurement procedures

through harmonisation of Standard Tender Documents for Goods,

Works and Consultancy Services and a common version of the

FIDIC red book (The MDB “Pink Book”). Harmonisation is a tool for

efficient joint co-financing

•Cross debarment between the World Bank, Asian Development

Bank, African Development Bank, Inter American Development

Bank and the EBRD (EBRD has so far cross debarred 328 firms

and individuals).

Transition impact of good procurement

• Increased competitive pressure is likely to improve the efficiency with which resources are used, demand is satisfied, and innovation is stimulated.

• Through interactions of the project entity with suppliers, contractors and consultants.

• A project may result in increased private ownership through privatisation, or new private provision of goods and services.

• A project may help to create or reform governmental or private institutions, policies and practices whose function is to enhance entrepreneurship, and the efficiency of resource allocation.

• Skill transfers are often complementary to other transition-related project impacts such as institution-building.


The EBRD Procurement Function

•The key activity of the Bank’s

procurement function is to support

clients in the implementation of


•The Procurement Department also

supports countries of operations

through Procurement Policy Dialogue.

•Outreach activities.

•“Joint Venture” between the EBRD

Procurement Department and the

Bank’s Legal Transition Team.


Legal transition and Procurement

In 2010 EBRD conducted its first PP assessment in its countries of

operations which included a review of remedies systems.



•In 2011 EBRD and UNCITRAL launched a joint programme

involving workshops, GAP analysis and reform of public procurement

legal framework in seven countries. Benchmark is UNCITRAL model


•In 2013 EBRD started to support countries that are committed to

sign up the WTO/ GPA and now have a “joint venture” with WTO

The Client’s role during implementation

• The client is responsible for all aspects of the procurement of contracts. It invites, receives and evaluates tenders and awards contracts which in all cases are concluded between the client and the supplier or contractor

The Bank’s role during implementation

•Public Sector Operations

The Bank reviews and monitors the client’s tender process and

contract administration to ensure that procurement is carried out

in accordance with the agreed procedures.

The Bank reviews complaints when addressed to the Bank

•Private Sector Operations

The Bank undertakes due diligence and monitors contract

administration for larger projects to ensure that fair market prices

are obtained

Procurement of Goods and Works

• Open tendering

All interested firms may submit tenders


Two-stage tendering for complex requirements

76% by value of all EBRD financed contracts

• All other methods are exceptions to be justified to

the Bank’s Board of Directors

Direct Contracting, Local Competitive Tendering,

Shopping, etc.

Strategy for winning contracts

• Be focussed and selective

• Explore sub-contracting or joint venture (JV) opportunities

• Respond to the GPN and build your knowledge

• Read “Annex 1 - Guidance to Tenderers” of the Procurement

Policies and Rules

Strategy for winning contracts

• Don’t be too clever when preparing your tender (comply with the

requirements) !!!

• Does your company meet the qualification criteria? Form JV

• Make sure to provide answers to all questions and submit all

required documentation

• Review documents early and submit questions or issues in

writing, if necessary copy the Bank

Tenderer’s recourse

• Do not attempt to influence the tender evaluation process. The

evaluation process is confidential

• If unsuccessful, ask the client for a debriefing

• Complaints should be sent to the client with a copy to the Director

of the Banking Department Team and the Director of

Procurement using the Bank’s procurement complaint website

General procurement statistics 2013

• 269 contracts placed (excl. NSD) for a total value of €1.270 billion

• EBRD financed €878 million, clients and co-financiers the balance

• Largest contract (€99 million) “Supply of electric multiple units for

Serbian Railways” fully financed by EBRD

• Average contract value €4.7 million

• Public sector contracts awarded through Open Tendering:

99 percent of the total contract value

• 68 contracts under Nuclear Safety funds for a total value of €124


• 2,598 contracts are TC funded consultants and OGC retained

outside counsel (selection following the PP&R)

• 13 Complaints (on 3,935 contracts selected using the PP&R)

General procurement statistics 2013

Type of Contracts financed in public sector projects

Note: Excluding Nuclear Safety contracts and TC funded consultancy

Contract Size (€M) Works Supply &


Goods Consultant



0~0.3 5 18 30 6 59

0.3~7.5 127 12 27 7 173

>7.5 23 7 7 0 37

Total 155 37 64 13 269

Total Value (€) 725,648,126 249,854,484 285,821,404 8,346,501 1,269,670,515

Average Value (€) 4,681,601 6,752,824 4,465,959 642,039 4,719,965

Fund Portion* (€) 451,168,353 178,862,478 251,499,990 6,807,924 888,338,745

General procurement statistics 2013

Note: Excluding NSA financed contracts

Distribution of tenders by countries of operations and other countries

Nuclear safety

The EBRD manages six nuclear safety Funds with over €4 billion in pledged

contributions. Each Fund is governed by specific provisions as set out in the

Rules of the Fund approved by the respective Assembly of Contributors and

by the EBRD Board of Directors.

Procurement under the Funds must follow the EBRD’s PP&R for public sector

projects with the limitation that eligibility is restricted to entities from member

countries of the respective Funds, the EU member states and the EBRD’s

countries of operation. Korean Companies registered in Korea are not


Where to find the opportunities?

• Where to find information on opportunities:

National press

Know your market i.e. client

• What to look for on

- Project Pipeline

- General Procurement Notices (GPN)

- Invitation for Prequalification or for Tender

Procurement Notices



Search by country Search by sector

Search by

contract type

- Consultancy


- Corporate goods

works and services

- Project goods,

works and services

Search Results - Issue Date

- Deadline

- Country

- Notice Title

- Sector

- Notice Type

Projects of particular interest?

Examples of goods and works procured under Bank projects (1)

• Municipal Infrastructure

Waste water treatment plants, pipes, meters, pumping stations, sewage plants, process plants, incinerators

• Transportation

Rail track maintenance equipment, locomotives, signal systems, trams, buses, air traffic control and navigation equipment, motorway construction, management information systems

Municipal and environmental infrastructure: Construction of Subotica East-West main water supplies and Subotica Losinjska pipeline

Procurement ref: 7742-IFT-43472

Country: Serbia

Sector: Municipal and environmental


Project number: 43472

Funding sources: EBRD

Contract type: Project goods, works and services

Notice type: Invitation for tenders

Issue date: 14 Nov 2014

Closing date:

30 Dec 2014

14:00 Subotica Time

Public Utility Company “JKP Vodovod i Kanalizacija” Subotica, hereinafter referred to as “the Employer”, intends

using part of the proceeds of a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank)

towards the cost of Subotica Water Upgrade Project II.

Component 1: Main water supply in Lošinjska Street, located in the south-east of Subotica with complete pipe

length of 1661 m

Component 2: East-west main connection Line - phase 1, located in the southern suburbs of Subotica and

consisting of three parts:

Part 1: Main waterline in Pačirski put street – complete pipe length 375 m

Part 2: Main waterline in Otmara Majera street – north; complete pipe length 2014 m

Part 3: Main waterline in Otmara Majera street – south; complete pipe length 725 m

Component 3: East-west main connection Line - phase 3, located in the southern suburbs of Subotica; complete

pipe length 1741 m

Municipal and environmental infrastructure: Design-Build and operation of Mezitli Wastewater Treatment plant

Procurement ref: 7702-IFT-43170

Country: Turkey

Sector: Municipal and environmental


Project number: 43170

Funding sources: EBRD

Contract type: Project goods, works and services

Notice type: Invitation for tenders

Issue date: 17 Sept 2014

Closing date:

19 Dec 2014

17:00 Local Time

General Directorate of Mersin Water and Sewerage Administration (MESKI) General Directorate, hereinafter

referred to as “the Employer”, intends using part of the proceeds of a loan from the European Bank for

Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) towards the cost of Mersin Wastewater Project.

The Employer now invites sealed tenders from contractors for the following contract to be funded from part of the

proceeds of the loan from the Bank:

Construction and Operation of Mezitli Wastewater Treatment Plant. Mezitli WWTP shall be constructed in 24

months (Design – Build) and operate during 60 months (Operation and Maintenance).

Municipal and environmental infrastructure: Izmir metro project

Procurement ref: 7722-IFT-46435

Country: Turkey

Sector: Municipal and environmental


Project number: 46435

Funding sources: EBRD

Contract type: Project goods, works and services

Notice type: Invitation for tenders

Issue date: 16 Oct 2014

Closing date:

17 Dec 2014

10:00 Local Time

The Izmir Metropolitan Municipality ('Izmir or the City') has requested a loan from the European Bank for

Reconstruction and Development (the 'Bank') and intends using its proceeds for a project to procure Light Rail

Transit carriages to be operated by the municipal public transport company, Izmir Metro, on the existing LRT


The Purchaser now invites sealed tenders from Suppliers for the following contract to be funded from part of

the proceeds of the loan:

Train sets supply, which include procurement of 17 train sets (85 Light Rail vehicles - 5 vehicles in each set),

including the related services (trainings), consumables during warranty period, spare parts, workshop


Transport: Bosnia and Herzegovina regional railways project

Procurement ref: 7725-IFT-35418

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sector: Transport

Project number: 35418

Funding sources: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Contract type: Project goods, works and services

Notice type: Invitation for tenders

Issue date: 20 Oct 2014

Closing date:

19 Dec 2014

15:00 Local Time

Bosnia and Herzegovina Railway Public Corporation- BHRPC (Project Implementation Unit –PIU) and the

Railway of Republika Srpska – ZRS hereinafter referred to as “the Employer”, intend to use part of the

proceeds of a loan from the EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) and EIB (European

Investment Bank) (the Banks), towards the cost of the

Contract for SIGNALING-TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM along Railway line Banja Luka – Doboj.

The new project of signalling system in the Republic of Srpska, represents a follow-up to the modernization

project parallel to the Corridor X.

Examples of goods and works procured under Bank projects (2)

• Power and Energy Efficiency

Power transmission lines and substations, distribution control systems, power stations and sub-components, meters, energy efficiency equipment, refurbishment of plants, management information systems

Power & Energy: EPS Small hydro power plants

Procurement ref: 7699-R1-IFT-42421

Country: Serbia

Sector: Power and energy

Project number: 42421

Funding sources: EBRD loan proceeds

Contract type: Project goods, works and services

Notice type: Invitation for tenders

Issue date: 16 Sept 2014

Closing date:

23 Jan 2015

12:00hrs CET

Public enterprise “Electric Power Industry of Serbia", Belgrade (PE EPS, the Employer) has received a loan

from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) towards the cost of reconstruction of

8 small hydropower plants.

The Employer now invites sealed tenders from contractors for the following contract to be funded from part of

the proceeds of the loan - Supply and Installation of Electromechanical Equipment for Reconstruction of 8

Small Hydropower Plants.

Procurement also includes reconstruction or modification of auxiliary equipment such as gates, valves,

transformers, cranes, penstock, governing, control system, etc.

Southern and Eastern Mediterranean 2013


No. of


Net business




Examples of Current Projects

Morocco 13

€264 million

€81 million

• ONEE-Rural Electrification and Smart


• ONEE Water Supply

• Compagnie Miniere de Seskaoua

Tunisia 9 € 114 million

€31 million

• Serinus Energy

Egypt 9 €203 million


• Aqualia Investment Venture

• KEC Gas Flaring Reduction Project

Jordan 5 €183 million

€51 million

• IPP4 Al-Manakher Power Project

• Abdali Urban Regeneration/Abdali


Key findings in procurement for 2013








2009 2010 2011 2012 2013














Simple layouts

28 November, 2014 37

Key findings in procurement for 2013







2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
















9 49







1 86




4 2










ts (€





Public Sector Contracts (Value €)

Power and Energy MEI Transport Other

Key findings in procurement for 2013

Value Tenderers from the five most successful tendering countries were Serbia (€285 million) Romania (€206 million), Ukraine (€134 million), Morocco (€122 million) and Kazakhstan (€108 million). With a total signed value of €855 million, these contracts represent 67 per cent of the total signed contract value in 2013

Number Tenderers from the five most successful tendering countries Romania (46), the Russian Federation (31), Moldova (27), Albania (24) and Serbia (22). These 150 contracts represent 56 per cent of all contracts signed

Share 77 per cent of tenders were submitted by tenderers from countries of operations

They won 225 contracts worth €738 million



23% Tenderers from Countries of Operations tenderingin their own country (64%)

Tenderers from Countries of Operations tenderingin other Countries of Operations (14%)

Tenderers not from Countries of Operations (23%)

Statistics Public Sector Procurement 2013

Tenderer Country Signed Contract Value (EUR)

% of Total Value Won

Number of Contracts Won

% of Total Contracts


Number of Unsuccess

ful Tenders

Total Number of Tenders

% Rate of Success

ALBANIA 36,695,351 2.89% 17 6.30% 67 84 20.24%

ARMENIA 18,527,691 1.46% 12 4.44% 28 40 30.00%

AUSTRIA 26,496,640 2.09% 4 1.48% 21 25 16.00%

AZERBAIJAN 1,978,873 0.16% 6 2.22% 7 13 46.15%

BELGIUM 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 2 0.00%

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 43,493,866 3.43% 7 2.59% 14 21 33.33%

BULGARIA 29,546,780 2.33% 3 1.11% 8 11 27.27%

CHINA 24,686,055 1.94% 4 1.48% 7 11 36.36%

CROATIA 32,574,762 2.57% 9 3.33% 11 20 45.00%

CZECH REPUBLIC 23,607,006 1.86% 2 0.74% 10 12 16.67%

DENMARK 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 2 0.00%

FINLAND 1,364,277 0.11% 1 0.37% 0 1 100.00%

FRANCE 6,077,449 0.48% 7 2.59% 13 20 35.00%

FYR MACEDONIA 25,961,853 2.04% 12 4.44% 11 23 52.17%

GEORGIA 2,439,150 0.19% 1 0.37% 2 3 33.33%

GERMANY 155,491,307 12.25% 7 2.59% 25 32 21.88%

GREECE 3,939,500 0.31% 2 0.74% 10 12 16.67%

HUNGARY 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 1 0.00%

INDIA 8,892,320 0.70% 1 0.37% 5 6 16.67%

IRAN 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 6 6 0.00%

ITALY 56,511,651 4.45% 6 2.22% 27 33 18.18%

KAZAKHSTAN 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 1 0.00%

KOREA 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 1 0.00%

KOSOVO 5,190,962 0.41% 2 0.74% 2 4 50.00%

KUWAIT 1,352,113 0.11% 1 0.37% 6 7 14.29%

Statistics Public Sector Procurement 2013

Tenderer Country Signed Contract Value (EUR)

% of Total Value Won

Number of Contracts


% of Total Contracts Won

Number of Unsuccessful Tenders

Total Number of Tenders

% Rate of Success

% of Total Tenders Submitted

KYRGYZ REPUBLIC 1,884,211 0.15% 5 1.85% 20 25 20.00% 2.81%

MAURITIUS 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 2 0.00% 0.22%

MOLDOVA 8,666,718 0.68% 8 2.96% 38 46 17.39% 5.17%

MONTENEGRO 1,801,517 0.14% 2 0.74% 0 2 100.00% 0.22%

MOROCCO 121,667,796 9.58% 21 7.78% 70 91 23.08% 10.24%

NETHERLANDS 801,209 0.06% 1 0.37% 0 1 100.00% 0.11%

NORWAY 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 1 0.00% 0.11%

POLAND 108,850,710 8.57% 5 1.85% 2 7 71.43% 0.79%

PORTUGAL 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 1 0.00% 0.11%

REUNION 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 1 0.00% 0.11%

ROMANIA 188,661,254 14.86% 53 19.63% 25 78 67.95% 8.77%


46,067,733 3.63% 34 12.59% 85 119 28.57% 13.39%

SERBIA 11,027,013 0.87% 7 2.59% 6 13 53.85% 1.46%

SLOVAK REPUBLIC 13,208,750 1.04% 1 0.37% 1 2 50.00% 0.22%

SLOVENIA 992,112 0.08% 1 0.37% 4 5 20.00% 0.56%

SPAIN 121,405,574 9.56% 4 1.48% 9 13 30.77% 1.46%

SWEDEN 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 1 0.00% 0.11%

SWITZERLAND 100,407,519 7.91% 3 1.11% 4 7 42.86% 0.79%

TAJIKISTAN 7,857,546 0.62% 12 4.44% 44 56 21.43% 6.30%

TURKEY 30,032,793 2.37% 5 1.85% 11 16 31.25% 1.80%

UKRAINE 1,307,956 0.10% 2 0.74% 1 3 66.67% 0.34%

UNITED KINGDOM 266,500 0.02% 2 0.74% 5 7 28.57% 0.79%

UNITED STATES 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 1 0.00% 0.11%

Total 1,269,734,515 100.00% 270 100.00% 619 889 100.00%

Statistics for Portuguese Firms for 2009 - 2013

Year 2009

Number of contracts placed = 75

Value of contracts placed = € 375.5 million

Number of tenders submitted by Portuguese firms =


Number of contracts won by Portuguese firms = 0

Value of contracts won by Portuguese firms = €0

Rate of success = 0%

Statistics for Portuguese Firms for 2009 - 2013

Year 2010

Number of contracts placed = 113

Value of contracts placed = € 1,658 million

Number of tenders submitted by Portuguese firms = 0

Number of contracts won by Portuguese firms = 0

Value of contracts won by Portuguese firms = €0

Rate of success = 0%

Statistics for Portuguese Firms for 2009 - 2013

Year 2011

Number of contracts placed = 219

Value of contracts placed = €1,645 million

Number of tenders submitted by Portuguese firms = 4

Number of contracts won by Portuguese firms = 0

Value of contracts won by Portuguese firms = €0

Rate of success = 0%

Statistics for Portuguese Firms for 2009 - 2013

Year 2012

Number of contracts placed = 207

Value of contracts placed = €1,267 million

Number of tenders submitted by Portuguese firms = 3

Number of contracts won by Portuguese firms = 1

Value of contracts won by Portuguese firms = €1.4 million

Rate of success = 33.3%

Statistics for Portuguese Firms for 2009 - 2013

Year 2013

Number of contracts placed = 269

Value of contracts placed = €1,269 million

Number of tenders submitted by Portuguese firms = 1

Number of contracts won by Portuguese firms = 0

Value of contracts won by Portuguese firms = €0

Rate of success = 0

Statistics for Portuguese Firms for 2009 - 2013

Year 2009 – 2013 Cumulative (approx.)

Number of tenders submitted by Portuguese firms = 9

Number of contracts won by Portuguese firms = 1

Value of contracts won by Portuguese firms = €1.4

Average rate of success = 11%

Statistics for Portuguese Firms for 2009 - 2013

Successful Portuguese Tenderers 2011 Nuclear Safety Department

Successful Portuguese Tenderers 2012 Municipal and Environmental Infrastructure

Winning tenderer and

contract type Contract amount EUR Project Name

Consultores De Engenharia

e Gestao, S.A. (Consultant



R2CF Satu Mare Sub-

Project - Bank Monitored

Grant (Cohesion Funds)

Winning tenderer and

contract type

Contract amount EUR

Project Name

Efacec Sistemas De

Electronica (Goods) 8,893,077.00

Bohunice International

Decommissioning Fund


Efacec Engenharia E

Sistemas (Supply and



Kozloduy International

Decommissioning Fund


Efacec Engenharia E

Sistemas (Supply and



Kozloduy International

Decommissioning Fund


Statistics for Portuguese Firms for 2014 (unaudited)

Year 2014

Number of tenders submitted by Portuguese firms =


Number of contracts won by Portuguese firms = 0

Value of contracts won by Portuguese firms = €0

Rate of success = 0%

Statistics for Portuguese Firms for 2014

Details of tenders submitted by Portuguese firms in 2014 (unaudited)

Tenderer and contract type

Contract amount EUR

Project Name/Sector

E.I.P Electricidade Industrial

Portuguese S.A. 22,517,047.16

Lastva-Pljevlja Transmission

Line (Montenegro) Power and


JV Partnership (MSF

Engenharia, SA, JC

Construcoes Gabriel AS

Couto; Empresa de

Construcoes Amandio SA,

Rosas Constructores SA)


Moldova Road Rehabilitation

III Moldova (Transport)

JV Partnership (MSF

Engenharia, SA, JC

Construcoes Gabriel AS

Couto; Empresa de

Construcoes Amandio SA,

Rosas Construtores SA)


Moldova Road Rehabilitation

III Moldova (Transport)

Business Opportunities in EBRD Financed Projects in the Region

EBRD finances diverse range of enterprises












Manufacturing and Services

Information & CommunicationTechnologies

Property and Tourism

Equity Funds

Financial Institutions

Municipal & Env Inf


Natural Resources

Power and Energy

28 November, 2014 52

Net cumulative business volume €86bn

Note: Unaudited as at 31 December 2013

Country group portfolio distribution

28 November, 2014 53









South-eastern Europe

Eastern Europe & Caucasus

Central Asia


Central Europe & Baltics

Southern & Eastern Mediterranean

Net cumulative business volume €86bn

Note: Unaudited as at 31 December 2013


Projects 2001-12

No. of projects

(March 2013)


Net business volume € 1.1 billion

Portfolio in private sector 96%

Corporate 47%

Energy 2%

Financial institutions 47%

Infrastructure 4%

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Projects 2001- 12

No. of projects

(April 2013)


Net business volume € 1.5 billion

Total project value € 3.2 billion

Gross disbursements €1045 million

Portfolio in private sector 19%

Corporate 6%

Energy 9%

Financial institutions 19%

Infrastructure 66%


Projects 2001- 12

No. of projects

(April 2013)


Net business volume € 2.7 billion

Total project value € 8.6 billion

Gross disbursements € 2.4 billion

Portfolio in private sector 93%

Corporate 44%

Energy 24%

Financial institutions 24%

Infrastructure 8%


Projects 2001- 12

No. of projects

(April 2013)


Net business volume € 2.8 billion

Total project value € 7.4 billion

Gross disbursements € 2.4 billion

Portfolio in private sector 64%

Corporate 25%

Energy 18%

Financial institutions 27%

Infrastructure 30%


Projects 2001- 12

No. of projects

(September 2013)


Net business volume € 2.7 billion

Gross disbursements € 2.3 billion

Portfolio in private sector 89%

Corporate 22%

Energy 33%

Financial institutions 14%

Infrastructure 31%


Projects 2001-12

No. of projects

(April 2013)


Net business volume € 4.7. billion

Gross disbursements € 2.95 billion

Portfolio in private sector 53%

Corporate 23%

Energy 24%

Financial institutions 14%

Infrastructure 39%

Kyrgyz Republic

Projects 2001-12

No. of projects




Net business volume € 421 million

Gross disbursements € 347million

Portfolio in private sector 76%

Corporate 12%

Energy 42%

Financial institutions 21%

Infrastructure 24%


Projects 2001-12

No. of projects

(April 2013)


Net business volume € 743 million

Total project value € 1.26 billion

Gross disbursements € 415 million

Portfolio in private sector 61%

Corporate 15%

Energy 7%

Financial institutions 31%

Infrastructure 46%


Projects 2001-12

No. of projects

(April 2013)


Net business volume € 23.26 billion

Gross disbursements € 17.578 billion

Portfolio in private sector 85%

Corporate 44%

Energy 14%

Financial institutions 26%

Infrastructure 16%


Projects 2001-12

No. of projects

(April 2013)


Net business volume € 3.2 billion

Total project value € 6.8 billion

Gross disbursements € 2.2 billion

Portfolio in private sector 44%

Corporate 18%

Energy 16%

Financial institutions 26%

Infrastructure 40%


Projects 2001-12

No. of projects

(April 2013)


Net business volume € 8.7 billion

Gross disbursements € 5.8 billion

Portfolio in private sector 60%

Corporate 29%

Energy 22%

Financial institutions 25%

Infrastructure 24%

Thank You!


Senior Procurement Specialist

EBRD Procurement Department


Tel: +44 20 7338 6219
