Business Objects XI 3.1


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  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Oct 3, 2011

  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Oct 3, 2011 2

    Intended Audience Business Objects Developers

    Business Objects Business Users

    Business Objects Administrators

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    Oct 3, 2011 3

    Agenda1. Introducing Business Objects

    2. Overview of BO components

    3. What is Universe

    4. Creating Universes using different data sources

    5. Introduction to Info View

    6. Creating Reports using Web Intelligence

    7. Ad-hoc Reporting and features of Web Intelligence

    8. Creating Dashboards

    9. Administration

    10. Creating Users, assigning rights and Managing other components

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    Oct 3, 2011 4

    Introducing Business Objects

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    Oct 3, 2011 5


    Understanding Business Objects XI 3.1

    Creating Universes

    Understanding how universes allow you to query databases using

    everyday business terms

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    Oct 3, 2011 6

    Introducing Business Objects Business Objects Enterprise is a flexible, scalable, and reliable solution

    for delivering powerful, interactive reports to end users via any web

    applicationintranet, extranet, Internet or corporate portal. In additionBO gives us ability to create custom reports.

    Can be used mainly for ad hoc and also for operational reporting needs

    In BO you work with in your business terms and you dont need to have

    any knowledge of your organizations Database structure

    Can easily analyze and share the reports.

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    7/86Oct 3, 2011 7

    Introducing Business Objects

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    8/86Oct 3, 2011 8


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    9/86Oct 3, 2011 9

    BO components Central Management Console(CMC)

    Central Management Server (CMS)

    Universe Designer

    Info View

    Central Configuration Manager (CCM)

    Web Intelligence Rich client

    Import Wizard

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    10/86Oct 3, 2011 10

    Introducing Universe Business representation of relational

    data sources

    End-users build reports using the

    Objects included within a Universe


    Number of logically group objects



    Character type data such asgame name or retailer name


    Numerical data typically theresult of a calculation suchas net sales


    Give me a gooddescription

  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1

    11/86Oct 3, 2011

    A typical universe layout...



    Universe Pane Structure Pane


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    12/86Oct 3, 2011 12


    A class is a logical grouping of objects within a universe. In general, thename of a class reflects a business concept that conveys the category or

    type of objects

    A class can be further divided into subclasses.

    As a designer, you are free to define hierarchies of classes andsubclasses into a model that best reflects the business concepts of yourcompany.

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    13/86Oct 3, 2011

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  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Oct 3, 2011

    A universe is identified with a user name and a connection

    to the databaseA detailed description can also be added

    Setting up Parameters : Definition Tab


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    Oct 3, 2011

  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Oct 3, 2011 17

    Introducing Web Intelligence Web Intelligence offers a business intelligent reporting solution to

    business users by providing an easy to use interactive and flexible user

    interface for creating and analyzing reports on corporate data over theweb, on secured intranets and extranets

    From the local computer, Web Intelligence can be accessed from the

    business intelligence portal InfoView via an Internet browser like InternetExplorer, Mozilla Firefox etc. Then, depending on the security profile ofthe user, reports can be created/edited/interacted with, using the WebIntelligence report panel

  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Oct 3, 2011 18

    Objectives Info View

    Viewing a Web Intelligence document in Info View

    Accessing information with Web Intelligence

    Creating Custom Reports and Dashboards

    Different Features of Web Intelligence

    Understanding how universes allow you to query databases using

    everyday business terms

  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Oct 3, 2011 20

    Info View

    A web-based interface that end users access to view, schedule, andkeep track of published reports. InfoView consolidates the presentationof a company's business intelligence information and allows it to beaccessed in a way that is secure, focused, and personalized to usersinside and outside an organization.

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    Oct 3, 2011 21

    Launching Web Intelligence

    Web Intelligence is hosted on the InfoView

    Any Web Intelligence document can be saved into one of theInfoView folders and later accessed

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    Oct 3, 2011 22

    Header Panel: Contains the InfoView Toolbar

    Option Description

    Home Displays the InfoView home page.

    Document List Shows the Document List.

    Open Opens components of InfoView such as the "Encyclopedia".

    Send To Sends an object or instance to a destination.

    Dashboards Allows you to access dashboards and analytics.

    Log Out Logs the user out.

    Preferences Allows you to set how information is displayed.

    About Displays product and sales information about InfoView.

    Help Displays the online help for InfoView.

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    Oct 3, 2011 23

    Workspace Panel: Displays InfoView Content

    Option Description

    Switch to Folders Shows folders in the Tree panel.

    Switch to Categories Shows categories in the Tree panel.


    Refreshes the view of the Document


    NewAllows you to create new objects within


    AddAllows you to add existing objects to


    OrganizeAllows you to organize the selected


    Actions Allows you to perform actions on theselected ob ect.

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    Oct 3, 2011 24

    Changing your Password

    To change your password:

    1. Log on to InfoView

    2. On the InfoView toolbar, click Preferences

    3. Click the Change Password section

    4. Type your old password in the Old Password field

    5. Type your new password in the New Password field, confirm it in theConfirm New Password field, and then click Submit

  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Oct 3, 2011

  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Oct 3, 2011

    Vi i R t

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    Oct 3, 2011 27

    Viewing Reports

    To view Report

    Navigate to Report and Double-Clickits OR Right click it and click on "View"

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    Oct 3, 2011 28

    Web Intelligence Rich Client

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    Oct 3, 2011 29

    Building a query

    Launch Web Intelligence from the InfoView

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    Oct 3, 2011 30

    Building a query

    Select the universe on which the report is to be built

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    Oct 3, 2011

    W ki i th R t P l

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    Oct 3, 2011 32

    Data in the report can be represented in the following ways:


    Crosstab Free Standing Cells

    Working in the Report Panel


    W ki i th R t P l

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    Oct 3, 2011 33

    Visual data representation also possible

    3D Bar Charts 3D Pie Charts

    Stacked Radar ChartsArea Charts

    Working in the Report Panel

    St t Vi d R lt Vi

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    Oct 3, 2011 34

    Structure View and Results View The Web Intelligence Report Panel

    allows modifying documents andpreviewing those changes in the

    Structure View This enables making multiple

    formatting changes quickly andpreviewing them

    On coming back to the ResultsView, Web Intelligence applies thechanges and returns the modified

    format in a single operation





    F t

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    Oct 3, 2011 35



    Displaying data in Tables and cross tables

    Organizing Data with Sections, Breaks and Sorts Displaying data in Charts

    Calculations, Formulas and Variables

    Drilling on report data

    Merging data by using common dimensions



    Tracking changes in data

    Hyperlink reports

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    Oct 3, 2011 36

    Restricting Data Returned by a Query

    Obj ti

  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Oct 3, 2011 37

    Objectives Understanding restriction of data in a report using prompts

    Understanding restriction of data in a report using report filters

    D t Filt i i P t

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    Oct 3, 2011 38

    Data Filtering using Prompts A prompt is a special type of query filter

    It is a dynamic filter that displays a question every time you refresh

    the data in a document Prompts are to be answered by either typing or selecting the values

    to be view before data refresh

    Prompts allow multiple users viewing a single document to specify adifferent sub-set of the database information and display it in the

    same report tables and charts Prompts also reduce the time taken for data to be retrieved from the


    A prompt contains the following elements:

    a filtered object

    an operator

    a message

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    Using Report Filters

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    Oct 3, 2011 40

    Using Report Filters Report filters limit the results that are displayed in the report to

    specific information of interest

    The data you filter out remains within the Web Intelligencedocument; it is simply not displayed in the report tables or charts.This means you can change or remove report filters in order to viewthe hidden values, without modifying the query definition behind thedocument

    Different filters can be applied to different parts of a report To create a report filter, three elements need to be specified :

    a filtered object

    an operator


    Multiple filters can be included in a report

    Comparison: Query and Report Filters

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    Oct 3, 2011 41

    Comparison: Query and Report Filters

    Query Filters Report Filters

    These filters are defined on thequery

    These filters are defined within thereport

    They limit the data retrieved fromthe data source and returned tothe Web Intelligence document.

    They limit the values displayed onreports, tables, charts, sectionswithin the document, but they dontmodify the data that is retrievedfrom the data source; they simplyhide values at the report level

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    Oct 3, 2011 42

    Enhancing the Presentation of Data in



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    Oct 3, 2011 43

    ObjectivesUnderstanding the use of


    Sections and Breaks Sorting

    Ranking data

    Using Alerters

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    Oct 3, 2011 44

    Using Alerters Alerters are used to highlight results that meet or fail specific

    Business targets

    Alerters are dynamic. They always highlight the latest results Alerters can contain multiple conditions. Hence help to highlight

    information that meets multiple Business criteria

    An alerter can be made of multiple sub-alerters, each containing oneor multiple conditions

    Organizing a Report into Sections

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    Oct 3, 2011 45

    Organizing a Report into Sections Sections allow splitting report information into smaller and more

    comprehensible parts

    A single section or include multiple sections with subsections in a reportcan be created

    Removal and re-positioning of sections within a report is also possible

    A section can be created from one of two sources:

    on a dimension already displayed on a table or chart

    on a dimension included in the document but not displayed on a table or


    Sections cannot be created with a measure object


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    Oct 3, 2011 46

    Breaks A break is a division within a block in which data is grouped according to

    a selected dimension, detail, or measure into self contained sections

    These sections are represented as smaller tables within the same blockof data

    Breaks can be used to display all the data for each unique value of anobject in separate parts

    Using breaks has two main advantages:

    Efficient organization and representation of data

    Display of subtotals

    Comparison: Sections and Breaks

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    Oct 3, 2011 47

    Comparison: Sections and Breaks

    Sections Breaks

    A section breaks up the data into

    multiple free-standing cells called

    section headers

    A break divides the data up within

    one block

    Each section header contains onevalue for a dimension, with a block

    of data that corresponds to the

    dimension value

    One column contains the values

    for a dimension, detail, or

    measure, which are repeated for

    each other row of values in the


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    Using Ranking

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    Oct 3, 2011 49

    Using Ranking Ranking allows the user to isolate the top and bottom records in a

    set based on a variety of criteria

    Ranking options available in Web Intelligence are: Rank the top and/or bottom n records based on sum of a related


    Rank the top and/or bottom n% of the total number of recordsbased on the value of a related measure as a percentage of the

    total value of the measure

    Rank the top and/or bottom n records based on the cumulativesum of a related measure

    Rank the top and/or bottom n records based on the value of arelated measure as a cumulative percentage of the total value ofthe measure.

    Using Ranking

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    Oct 3, 2011 50

    Using Ranking

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    Oct 3, 2011 51

    Analyzing Data


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    Oct 3, 2011 52

    Objectives Understanding drilling into data

    Setting Web Intelligence drill options

    Drill Mode

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    Oct 3, 2011 53

    Drill Mode Drill mode allows user to analyze the data in a document by breaking it

    down and view it from different angles and levels of detail

    To pinpoint the driving factor behind a good or bad result. In drill mode,user can analyze data in different levels of detail by analyzing the dataretrieved from the database

    When working in drill mode, user is guided through the necessary steps bydynamic graphical features

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    Drill Mode

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    Oct 3, 2011 55

    Drill Mode

    Document can be made drillable in two ways:

    With the document definition open in the Web Panel, click on the

    Drill button on the toolbar While viewing the document click on the Drill icon on the top

    right corner

    After you enable drill mode and run the query, the following changes take

    place in the document: The drillable information in document tables is underlined,

    representing hyperlinks to the other levels

    Some of the headers may contain an up arrow, to indicate thatyou can drill up a level

    Drilling on a report

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    Oct 3, 2011 56

    Drilling on a report After enabling drill mode and run the query, following table can be

    seen: If you position your cursor over one of the hyperlinks, the tool

    tip indicates that you can drill down to Quarter. Right click on thecolumn value shows the popup menu which guides about the drilloptions.

  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Oct 3, 2011 57

    Using Multiple Data Sources


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    Oct 3, 2011 58

    Objectives Creating multiple documents in a document

    Synchronizing data with merged dimensions

    Using Merged Dimensions

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    Oct 3, 2011 59

    Using Merged Dimensions Multiple data providers can be included in a Web Intelligence


    Data returned by these data providers needs to be synchronized This can be done by incorporating common dimensions into a

    merged dimension

    When dimensions are merged, Web Intelligence creates a newdimension that contains all the values from the original dimensions

    that make up the merged dimension This dimension can be used in reports as you use any other report


    Report objects can be added from all the data providerssynchronized through the merged dimension in the same block as

    the merged dimension

    Rules of Synchronizing Data Across Data Providers

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    Oct 3, 2011 60

    Rules of Synchronizing Data Across Data Providers

    4 rules for synchronizing data

    Only the dimension objects can be linked Any number of data providers can be linked by common dimension


    Any number of dimension objects can be linked

    A measure object can only be aggregated to the lowest level of

    dimension object that has been linked between the synchronizeddata providers

  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Oct 3, 2011 61

    Calculating Data with Formulas and



  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Oct 3, 2011 62

    Objectives Creating formulas and variables to calculate data

    Using Formulas, Calculations and Variables

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    Oct 3, 2011 63

    Using Formulas, Calculations and Variables

    Web Intelligence provides a variety of functions to carry out report levelcalculations, conversions etc

    The Formula toolbar can be displayed by clicking the Show/Hide FormulaToolbar button on the Reporting toolbar. When a cell is selected, itsformula appears in the Formula toolbar

    Web Intelligence also provides a few standard calculations like Sum,Count, Average, Variance etc which can readily be used in the report

    Formulas can contain mathematical, conditional, logical, function-specificor extended syntax operators

    If a formula is intended to be used frequently, it can be made a Variableand re-used

    The variable then appears in the objects pane of the reporting interface

    and can be dragged and dropped like any other object

    Using Formulas, Calculations and Variables

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    Oct 3, 2011 64

    g ,

    Type Formula Purpose

    Numeric =[Revenue]*1.10 Increases revenue by 10 percent

    String =[City] + ", " + [State]Concatenates City and State separated by a comma

    into a single string

    String=Concatenation("Dear ";


    Creates the salutation string that could be used for a

    form letter


    "MM/dd/yyyy") + 30

    Converts a date string to a date data type and adds 30


    Time =LastExecutionTime() The last time the report data was refreshed

    Boolean =[Revenue] < 100000 Will display true if revenue is less than $100,000 andfalse if revenue is greater than or equal to $100,000



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    Oct 3, 2011 65

    Tracking Data Changes


  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Oct 3, 2011 66

    Objectives Understanding methods of tracking data changes in Web Intelligence


    Track Data Changes

  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Oct 3, 2011 67

    Track Data Changes

    The Track Data Changes feature allows a report user to highlight thevalues that have changed since a previous refresh for any level of

    aggregation. Report designers benefit from productivity gains because this feature

    directly addresses the report users need to see data changes.

    The Track Data Changes feature represents productivity gains forreport users and creators.

    Report users can: Closely monitor their business

    Immediately identify important changes

    Quickly focus their analysis on relevant data to determine the rootcause of those changes

    Then they can make timely and informed business decisions

    Track Data Changes

  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Oct 3, 2011 68

    Track Data Changes

    Web Intelligence allows tracking the following types of data change:

    added data

    removed data modified data

    increased data

    decreased data

    Data Tracking Modes

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    Oct 3, 2011 69


    Automatic data tracking mode

    In automatic data tracking mode Web Intelligence always

    compares the current data with the data before the last refresh. To do this, Web Intelligence sets the current data as the

    reference data just before each refresh.

    The reference data is always one refresh behind the currentdata.

    Manual data tracking mode

    In manual data tracking mode, you select the reference data.

    Web Intelligence continues to use this data as a reference point

    until you update the reference point.

    Data Tracking Limitations

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    Oct 3, 2011 70


    If the data provider behind a document is changed, or if the documentdata is cleared, Web Intelligence no longer displays changed data.

    If the data provider is changed, the current version of the document is nolonger compatible with the reference version.

    If the data is cleared, the old data no longer exists for comparison.

    As a result, the following actions are incompatible with data tracking:

    Drill out of scope

    Query drill

    Deleting a query

    Any modification (including modifications to security rights) thatchanges the SQL generated by a data provider

    Purging the document

    When you perform any of these actions, Web Intelligence clears the datahistory of the document

  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Oct 3, 2011 71

    Creating Hyperlinks


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    Oct 3, 2011 72

    j Understanding the options for creating hyperlinks

    Hyperlinks in Web Intelligence Reports

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    Oct 3, 2011 73

    yp g p In Web Intelligence documents cells can be defined as hyperlinks

    When a cell that contains a hyperlink is clicked, Web Intelligence opensthe target document specified in the link

    The target document can be a Web Intelligence document, a CrystalReports document, a site on the world wide web, or any resource

    accessible through a hyperlink

    Generally, the need is to link the parent report to a child report through aparameter whose value is clicked in the parent report and the child reportopens up as an elaboration for that particular value

    Hyperlinks can be either static or dynamic

    Hyperlinks in Web Intelligence Reports

  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Oct 3, 2011 74

    yp g p Hyperlinks can be defined

    using the Hyperlink dialog box

    The hyperlink text can betyped or pasted into the textbox

    URL Reporting using OpenDocument function

  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Oct 3, 2011 75

    URL reporting using openDocument provides URL access to multipledocument types by passing a URL string to a BusinessObjects Enterpriseserver. openDocument provides commands to control how reports aregenerated and displayed

    OpenDocument can be used in BusinessObjects Enterprise to create

    cross-system links to and from the following document types:

    .wid: Web Intelligence documents

    .rep: Desktop Intelligence documents .rpt: Crystal reports

    .car: OLAP Intelligence reports

    Detailed info on OpenDocument is provided in the following document:

  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Oct 3, 2011

  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Oct 3, 2011

    Hyperlinks with the Interactive Viewing Panel

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    Oct 3, 2011 78

    Creating a hyperlink in a Web Intelligence document using theInteractive mode is by far easier and quicker compared to theconventional method of coding the hyperlink using the OpenDoc function

    However, across different products of Business Objects, a goodunderstanding of the usage of the OpenDoc function always proveshandy.

    For example: The OpenDoc function can be extended to theOpenAnalytic function in Dashboard Builder analytics for linkingdashboards to other dashboards and Web Intelligence reports

    The OpenDoc function also finds its use in linking Xcelsius dashboardsto Web Intelligence reports

    Creating Dashboards

  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Oct 3, 2011 79

    Business Objects Dashboard Builder allows organizations to build customdashboards and analytics that meet their specific requirements

    Creating Dashboards

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    Oct 3, 2011 80

    User Administration

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    Oct 3, 2011 81

    Logging into Central Management Console

    Creating Users

    Deleting Users Assigning Users to Groups

    Central Management Console

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    Oct 3, 2011 82


    Creating Users

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    Oct 3, 2011 83

    Creating Users

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    Oct 3, 2011 84

    Creating Users

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    Oct 3, 2011 85

  • 8/10/2019 Business Objects XI 3.1


    Thank You
