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Act11 of 1919

Amended by

11 of 192638 of 1955

4 of 197283



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2 Cap. 90:05 Business Names (Registration)



Subsidiary Legislation

Business Names (Registration) Rules Page(R. 21/2/1922, 2/1956. 1/2000) 19

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1. Short title.2. Interpretation.3. Firms and persons to be registered.4. Registration by nominee, trustee, or general agent.5. Manner and particulars of registration.6. Statement to be signed by persons registering.7. Names on letter heads.8. Registration of changes in firm.9. Penalty for default in registration.10. Disability of persons in default.11. False statement.12. Duty to furnish particulars to Registrar.13. Registrar to file statement and issue certificate of registration.14. Index to be kept.15.


Names of persons carrying on business to be affixed in aconspicuous place outside the business premises.Removal of names from register.

17. Misleading business names.18. Inspection of statements registered.19. Rules.20. Publication of true names and nationalities.21. Offences by corporations.

SCHEDULE—Description of firm and particulars.

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1929 Ed.c. 581953 Ed.c. 33

11 of 1919


An Act to provide for the Registration of Firms and Personscarrying on Business under Business Names and forpurposes connected therewith.

[6THMARCH, 1919]

Short title.


1. This Act may be cited as the Business Names(Registration) Act.

2. (1) In this Act—

“business” includes profession;

“business name” means the name or style under which anybusiness is carried on, whether in partnership orotherwise;

“firm” means an unincorporate body of two or moreindividuals, or one or more individuals and one or morecorporations, or two or more corporations, who haveentered into partnership with one another with a view tocarrying on business for profit;

“foreign firm” means any firm, individual, or corporation,whose principal place of business is situate outside theCommonwealth;

“individual” means a natural person and does notinclude a corporation;

“initials” includes any recognised abbreviation of a forename;

“prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Act;

“Registrar” means the Registrar of joint-stock companies for

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the time being, or the officer performing the duties of thatoffice;

“showcards” means cards containing or exhibiting articlesdealt with, or samples, or representations thereof.

(2) References in this Act to a former forename orsurname do not, in the case of natural-born Commonwealthcitizen include a former forename or surname where thatname or surname has been changed or disused before theperson bearing it attained the age of eighteen years, and, inthe case of a married woman, do not include the name orsurname by which she was known previous to the marriage.

(3) References in this Act to a change of name donot include, in the case of natural-born Commonwealthcitizen, a change of name which has taken place before theperson whose name has been changed attained the age ofeighteen years.

Firms andpersons to beregistered.

3. Subject to this Act—

(a) every firm having a place of business inGuyana and carrying on businessunder a business name which doesnot consist of the true surnames ofall partners who are individuals andthe corporate names of all partnerswho are corporations, without anyaddition other than the trueforenames of individual partners orinitials of those forenames;

(b) every individual having a place ofbusiness in Guyana and carrying onbusiness under a business namewhich does not consist of his truesurname without any addition otherthan his true forenames or the initials

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(c) every individual or firm having aplace of business in Guyana, who, or amember of which, has either before orafter the commencement of this Actchanged his name, except in the caseof a woman in consequence ofmarriage;

shall be registered in the manner directed by this Act:

Provided that—

(i) where the addition merelyindicates that the business iscarried on in succession to aformer owner of the business,that addition shall not of itselfrender registration necessary;and

(ii) where two or more individualpartners have the samesurname, the addition of an “s”at the end of that surname shallnot of itself render registrationnecessary; and

(iii) where the business is carried onby an assignee in insolvency, ora receiver or managerappointed by any court,registration shall not benecessary; and

(iv) a purchase or acquisition ofproperty by two or morepersons as joint tenants or

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tenants in common is not ofitself to be deemed carrying ona business, whether or not theowners share any profitsarising from the sale thereof.

Registration bynominee,trustee, orgeneral agent.


Manner andparticulars ofregistration.[38 of 19558 of 20003 of 2013]

4. Where a firm, individual, or corporation, having aplace of business within Guyana carries on the businesswholly or mainly as nominee or trustee of or for anotherperson, or other persons, or another corporation, or acts asgeneral agent for any foreign firm, the first- mentioned firm,individual, or corporation shall be registered in mannerprovided by this Act, and, in addition to the other particularsrequired to be furnished and registered, there shall befurnished and registered the particulars mentioned in theSchedule:

Provided that where the business is carried on by anassignee in insolvency, or a receiver or manager appointedby any court, registration under this section shall not benecessary.

5. (1) Every firm or person required under this Act tobe registered shall, not later than fifteen days after theanniversary date of the first registration of the firm or person,and in the case of a firm or person not previously registeredunder this Act, within fourteen days after the firm or personcommences business or the business in respect of whichregistration is required as the case may be, make applicationto the registrar to be registered under this Act.

(2) Every such application shall be accompanied bya statement in writing in the prescribed form containing thefollowing particulars:

(a) the business name;

(b) the general nature of the business;

(c) the principal place of business;

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(d) where the registration to be effected isthat of a firm the present forenameand surname, any former forename orsurname, the nationality, (and if thatnationality is not the nationality oforigin, the nationality of origin), theusual residence, and the otherbusiness occupation (if any), of eachof the individuals who are partners,and the corporate name andregistered or principal office of everycorporation which is a partner;

(e) where the registration to be effected isthat of an individual, the presentforename and surname, any formerforename or surname, the nationality,(and if that nationality is not thenationality of origin, the nationality oforigin), the usual residence, and theother business occupation (if any) ofthat individual;

(f) where the registration to beeffected is that of a corporation, itscorporate name and registered orprincipal office;

(g) if the business is begun after thecommencement of this Act the datewhen it is begun.

(3) Where a business is carried on under two ormore business names, each of those business names must bestated.

(3A) Notwithstanding subsection (2), in the case ofa firm or person previously registered under this Act it shallbe lawful for an applicant for registration to produce to the

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Registrar the previous year’s certificate to be endorsed as avalid certificate of registration.

(3B) Subsection (3A) shall not apply where -

(i) a change is made or occurs in any ofthe particulars registered in respect ofa firm or person; or

(ii) the certificate is mutilated, cannot befound or cannot, in the opinion of theRegistrar, be endorsed.

(4) This section shall apply, in the case whereregistration is required in consequence of a change of name,as if for references to the date of the commencement of thebusiness there were substituted references to the date of thechange.

Statement to besigned bypersonsregistering.

6. The statement required for the purpose ofregistration must, in the case of an individual, be signed byhim, and in the case of a corporation by a director or secretarythereof, and in the case of a firm either by all the individualswho are partners and by a director or the secretary of allcorporations which are partners, or by some individual whois a partner or a director or the secretary of some corporationwhich is a partner, and in either of the last two cases must beverified by a statutory declaration made by the signatory:

Provided that—

(a) no statutory declaration stating thatany person other than the declarant isa partner, or omitting to state that anyperson other than as aforesaid is apartner, shall be evidence for oragainst that other person in respect ofhis liability or non-liability as apartner; and

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(b) the High Court or a judge thereofmay, on applicationof any personalleged or claiming to be a partner,direct the rectification of the registerand decide any question arisingunder this section.

Names onletterheads.[38 of 1955]

Registration ofchanges infirm.

Penalty for

7. Every firm or person required under this Act to beregistered shall insert on all letterheads and other likestationery intended to be used in connection with theordering of goods for the business in respect of whichregistration is required—

(a) the registered business name;

(b) the registered address of the business;

(c) the true surname of such persons and ofall partners who are individuals andthe corporate names of all partnerswho are corporations without anyaddition other than the trueforenames of individual partners orinitials of those forenames.

8. Whenever a change is made or occurs in any of theparticulars registered in respect of any firm or person, thatfirm or person shall, within fourteen days after the change, orany longer period allowed by the Registrar, on applicationmade in any particular case, whether before or after theexpiration of the fourteen days, furnish, by sending by post ordelivery, to the Registrar, in the county in which theaforesaid particulars are registered, a statement in writingin the prescribed form specifying the nature and date of thechange, signed and where necessary verified in like manneras the statement required on registration.

9. If any firm or person by this Act required to

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default inregistration.[8 of 2000]

Disability ofpersons indefault.

furnish a statement of particulars, or of any change inparticulars, without reasonable excuse makes default in sodoing in the manner and within the time specified by this Act,every partner in the firm or the person so in default shall beliable on summary conviction to a fine of one thousanddollars for every day during which the default continues, andthe Court shall order a statement of the required particularsor change in the particulars to be furnished to the Registrarwithin the time specified in the order.

10. (1) Where any firm or person by this Act requiredto furnish a statement of particulars or of any change inparticulars has made default in so doing, then the rights ofthat defaulter under or arising out of any contract made orentered into by him or on his behalf in relation to the businessin respect to the carrying on of which particulars wererequired to be furnished at any time while he is in default,shall not be enforceable by action or other legal proceedingeither in the business name or otherwise:

Provided as follows—

(a) the defaulter may apply to the Court forrelief against the disability imposedby this section, and the Court, onbeing satisfied that the default wasaccidental, or due to inadvertence, orsome other sufficient cause, or that onother grounds it is just and equitableto grant relief, may grant that reliefeither generally or in respect ofany particular contracts, on conditionthat the costs of the application arepaid by the defaulter unless the Courtotherwise orders, andon any otherconditions the Court imposes, but thatrelief shall not be granted except onthe service and the publication ofnotice of the application ordered by

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the Court, nor shall relief be given inrespect of a contract if any partythereto proves, to the satisfaction ofthe Court, that if this Act had beencomplied with he would not haveentered into it;

(b) nothing herein contained shallprejudice the rights of any otherparties as against the defaulter inrespect of the contract aforesaid;

(c) if any action or proceeding iscommenced by any other partyagainst the defaulter to enforce therights of that party in respect of thecontract, nothing herein containedshall preclude the defaulter fromenforcing in that action orproceeding, by way of counter-claim,set-off, or otherwise, any rights he hasagainst that party in respect of thecontract.

(2) In this section the expression “Court” meansthe High Court or a judge thereof:

Provided that, without prejudice to the power of theCourt to grant the relief aforesaid, if any proceeding toenforce any contract is commenced by a defaulter in the pettydebt court for Georgetown when presided over by a puisnejudge, that court may, as respects that contract, grant the reliefaforesaid.

Falsestatement.[8 of 2000]

11. If any statement required to be furnished underthis Act contains any matter which is false in any materialparticular to the knowledge of the person signing it, thatperson shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine oftwenty five thousand dollars and to imprisonment for three

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months.Duty to furnishparticulars toRegistrar.[8 of 2000]

Registrar tofile statementand issuecertificate ofregistration.[8 of 2000]

12. (1) The Registrar may require any person tofurnish him with particulars appearing to him necessary forthe purpose of ascertaining whether or not the person or thefirm of which the person is partner should be registeredunder this Act, or an alteration made in the registeredparticulars, and may also, in the case of a corporation, requirethe secretary, or any other officer of a corporation performingthe duties of secretary, to furnish those particulars, and anyperson who, when so required, fails to supply the particularsit is in his powerto give, or furnishes particulars which arefalse in any material particular, shall be liable on summaryconviction to a fine of twenty-five thousand dollars and toimprisonment for three months.

(2) If from information so furnished it appears to theRegistrar that any firm or person ought to be registered underthis Act, or an alteration ought to be made in the registeredparticulars, he may require the firm or person to furnish himwith the required particulars within the time allowed by him,but where any default under this Act has been discoveredfrom the information acquired under this section, noproceedings under this Act shall be taken against any personin respect of that default prior to the expiration of the timewithin which the firm or person is required by the Registrarunder this section to furnish particulars to him.

13. (1) On receiving any statement or statutorydeclaration made in pursuance of this Act, the Registrar shallcause the document to be filed and shall send by post ordeliver a certificate of the registration thereof to the firm orperson registering.

(2) Where the previous year’s certificate istendered forendorsement in accordance with section 5 (3A)the Registrar shall annotate his records and shall send by postor deliver the endorsed certificate of registration to the firm orperson re-registering.

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(3) The certificate or a certified copy thereof shallbe kept exhibited in a conspicuous position at the principalplace of business of the firm or individual, and if not kept soexhibited, every partner in the firm or the person, as the casemay be, shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of tenthousand dollars.

(4) A certificate of registration issued under thisAct, or an endorsement in accordance with subsection (2), asthe case may be, shall, subject to this Act, remain in force untilthe thirty-first day of December of the year in which it wasissued or endorsed and shall then expire.

Index to bekept.

Names ofpersonscarrying onbusiness to beaffixed in aconspicuouspremises.[8 of 2000]

Removal ofnames fromregister.[8 of 2000]

14.In each county where there is a deeds registry theRegistrar shall keep an index of all the firms and personsregistered at that office under this Act.

15. (1) Every firm and individual required by this Actto be registered shall affix, in some conspicuous part of theoutside of the building or room in which the business of thefirm or individual is carried on, a board or metal plate onwhich, in addition to the business name, there shall be legiblyand clearly painted in letters not place less than twocentimetres long, the forename and surname of each partnerof the firm or of the individual, as the case may be, carryingon the business.

(2) If default is made in compliance with thissection every member of the firm or the individual, as the casemay be, shall be liable on summary conviction for eachoffence to a fine of ten thousand dollars.

16. (1) If any firm or individual registered under thisAct ceases to carry on business, it shall be the duty of thepersons who were partners in the firm at the time when itceased to carry on business, or of the individual (or if he isdead his personal representative), within three months afterthe business has ceased to be carried on, to send by post or

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deliver to the Registrar notice of that fact in the prescribedform, and any person whose duty it is to give that notice whofails to do so within the time aforesaid, shall be liable onsummary conviction to a fine of ten thousand dollars.

(2) On receipt of the notice aforesaid the Registrarmay remove the firm or individual from the register.

(3) Where the Registrar has reasonable cause tobelieve that any firm or individual registered under this Act isnot carrying on business, he may send to the firm orindividual by registered post a notice that, unless an answerthereto is received within one month from its date, the firm orindividual may be removed from the register.

(4) If the Registrar either receives an answer fromthe firm or individual to the effect that the firm or individualis not carrying on business, or does not within one monthafter sending the notice receive an answer, he may remove thefirm or individual from the register.

Misleadingbusinessnames.[4 of 1972

8 of 2000]

17. (1) Where any business name under which thebusiness of a firm or individual is carried on contains theword “Guyanese”, “Caricom ” or “Commonwealth” or anyother word or words which, in the opinion of the Registrar, iscalculated to lead to the belief that the business is underGuyanese, Caribbean Common Market or Commonwealthownership or control, and the Registrar is satisfied that thenationality of the persons by whom the business is wholly ormainly owned or controlled is at any time such that the nameis misleading, the Registrar shall refuse to register thatbusiness name, or, as the case may be, remove it from theregister, but any person aggrieved by a decision of theRegistrar under this provision may appeal to the Minister,whose decision shall be final.

(2) The registration of a business name under thisAct shall not be construed as authorising the use of thatname if, apart from registration, the use thereof could be

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prohibited.Inspectionof statementsregistered.[4 of 1972]

Rules.[38 of 19558 of 2000]

18. (1) At any time after the expiration of six monthsfrom the commencement of this Act or of any longer period,not more than nine months therefrom, directed by theRegistrar, anyone may inspect the documents filed by theRegistrar on payment of the prescribed fees; and any personmay require a certificate of the registration of any firm orperson, or a copy of or extract from any registered statementto be certified by the Registrar or sworn clerk, and theprescribed fees shall be paid for that certificate, certified copy,or extract.

(2) A certificate of registration, or a copy of orextract from any statement registered under this Act, if dulycertified to be a true copy or extract under the hand of theRegistrar or a sworn clerk (whom it shall not be necessary toprove so to be) shall, in all legal proceedings, civil or criminal,be received in evidence.

19. (1) The Minister may make rules concerningany of the following matters—

(a) the fees to be paid to the Registrarunder this Act, so that they do notexceed the sum of ten thousanddollars for the registration of any onestatement;

(b) the form to be used under this Act;

(c) the duties to be performed by anyRegistrar under thisAct;

(d) the performance by sworn clerks andother officers of acts by this Actrequired to be done by the Registrar;

(e) generally, the conduct and regulation

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of registration under this Act and anymatters incidental thereto.

(2) All fees payable in pursuance of the rules shallbe applied as directed by the Minister responsible for finance.

Publication oftrue names andnationalities.[8 of 2000]

20. (1) After the expiration of three months fromthe commencement of this Act, every individual and firmrequired by this Act to be registered shall, in all tradecatalogues, trade circulars, show- cards, and business letters,on or in which the business name appears and which areissued or sent by the individual or firm to any person in anycountry or place, have mentioned in legible characters—

(a) in the case of an individual, hispresent forename or the initialsthereof and present surname, anyformer forename or surname, hisnationality if not Guyanese, and, if hisnationality is not his nationality oforigin, his nationality of origin; and

(b) in the case of a firm, the presentforenames or the initials thereof andpresent surnames, any formerforenames and surnames, and thenationality if not Guyanese, and, ifthe nationality is not the nationality oforigin, the nationality of origin, of allthe partners in the firm or, in the caseof a corporation being a partner, thecorporate name.

(2) If default is made in compliance with thissection the individual or, as the case may be, every memberof the firm, shall be liable on summary conviction for eachoffence to a fine of twenty-five thousand dollars, but noproceedings shall be instituted under this section except by orwith the consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

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Description of firm, individual orcorporation.

The additionalparticulars.

Where the firm, individual, orcorporation to be registeredcarries on business asnominee or trustee.

The present forenameand surname, anyformer name, nationality(and if that nationality isnot the nationality oforigin, the nationality oforigin) and usualresidence, or, as the casemay be, the corporatename of every person orcorporation on whosebehalf the business iscarried on:

Provided that if thebusiness is carried onunder any trust and anyof the beneficiaries are aclass of children or otherpersons, a description ofthe class shall besufficient.


18 Cap. 90:05 Business Names (Registration)

Offences bycorporations.

s. 4.

21. Where a corporation is guilty of an offence underthis Act, every director, secretary, and officer of thecorporation who is knowingly a party to the default shall beguilty of a like offence and liable to a like penalty.



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R. 21/2/19222/1956


made under section 19

Citation. 1. These Rules may be cited as the BusinessNames (Registration) Rules.

Performance offunctions ofRegistrar.

2. Whenever any act is by the Act required to be doneby the Registrar, such act shall be done by the Registrar or bya sworn Clerk and notary public of the Deeds Registry.


3. Where the Registrar, pursuant to section 17(1) ofthe Act decides to refuse to register any business name or,as the case may be, to remove any business name from theregistrar, he shall send by post to the firm or individualapplying for registration or, as the case may be, registered inrespect of such business name, a notice in writing of suchdecision and such notice shall contain a statement thatany person aggrieved by such decision may appeal to theMinister within twenty-one days of such notice.

4. If within twenty-one days from the date of thenotice of a decision of the Registrar under section 17(1) of theAct to remove a business name from the register, no notice ofappeal from such decision is received by the Registrar, or ifon appeal from such decision of the Registrar is upheld, theRegistrar shall remove such business name from the registerin accordance with his decision.

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5. Any person intending to appeal to the Ministerfrom any decision of the Registrar under section 17(1) of theAct shall, within twenty- one days of the date of the notice ofsuch decision, send by post or deliver to the Registrar a noticeof appeal in Form R.B.N 5 in the Schedule.

Such notice shall be accompanied by a statement of thegrounds of appeal and of the appellant’s case in supportthereof.

6. A copy of the notice of appeal, together with a copyof the statement of the grounds of appeal and of the casein support thereof, and a copy of the notice of the Registrar’sdecision shall at the same time and be delivered by theappellant to the Minister at his office.

7. Upon receipt of such documents the Minister shall,if the appellant states in his notice of appeal that he desires tobe heard, fix a time and date for such hearing at which theappellant and the Registrar may attend and be heard. If theappellant does not attend or is not represented on and duringthe hearing he may be treated as not desiring to be heard andthe Minister may proceed to adjudicate on the matter. Thehearing may be postponed or adjourned by the Minister.

8. The decision of the Minister shall be communicatedto the appellant in writing.

9. The time prescribed in these Rules for doing any actthereunder by or to the Registrar, or by or to the Minister maybe enlarged by the Minister upon such terms as he may direct,and such enlargement may be granted though the time hasexpired for doing such act.

FEESFees.[r. 1/2000]

10. The fees to be paid to the Registrar under the Act

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shall be as follows:

(a) For registration under section 5 of theAct, including a certificate thereof, thesum of five thousand dollars, and forevery subsequent registrationincluding a certificate thereof the sumof two thousand five hundred dollarsdollars;

(b) on any statement of particularsrequired under the Schedule to theAct when such particulars are notfurnished with the statement ofparticulars required by section 5 ofthe Act, the sum of two thousanddollars and such fee shall cover theissue of one certificate of registration;

(c) on a statement of any change withinthe meaning of section 8 of the Act,the sum of two thousand dollars andsuch fee shall cover the issue of onecertificate of registration of statement;

(d) by any person inspecting undersection 18 of the Act the documentsfiled by the Registrar, the sum of fivehundred dollars for each inspection ;

(e) on the application of any personrequiring under section 18 of the Act acertificate of registration of any firm,individual or corporation or acertified copy of or extract from anyregistered statement, the sum of twothousand dollars for a certificate ofregistration and for each certified

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copy or extract the sum of onehundred dollars for each folio ofseventy-two words;

(f) by any person appealing to theMinister from a decision of theRegistrar the sum of one thousanddollars.


Forms to be Used Under the Act

[Form R.B.N. 1]

The statement must be sent or delivered in Demerara andEssequibo to the Office of the Registrar, Law Courts,Georgetown, In Berbice to the Office of the Registrar, NewAmsterdam, Berbice.


I, the undersigned hereby apply for registration pursuant tothe provisions of the Business Names (Registration) Act, andfor that purpose furnish the following statement ofparticulars –

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(1) The business name(2) The general nature of thebusiness.(3) The principal place of thebusiness(4)The present forename (orforenames and surname ofthe individual(5) Any former forename (orforenames ) and surname ofthe individual.(6) The nationality of theindividual.(7) The nationality of originof the individual if not thesame as the presentnationality.(8) The usual residence.(9) the other businessoccupation (if any) of theindividual.(10) The date of thecommencement of thebusiness was commencedafter 6th March, 1919.(11) Any other businessname or names under whichthe business is carried on.

Dated the ……………… of ………………………., 20…….

(Signature) …………………….

See Note A.

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Note A-This statement must in all cases be signed by theindividual applying for registration.

If the principal place of business is situated in—

(a) The County of Demerara orEssequibo, the statement must be sentor delivered to the Office of theRegistrar, Law Courts, Georgetown;

(b) The County of Berbice, the Statementmust be sent or delivered to theOffice of the Registrar NewAmsterdam.

Failure without reasonable excuse to furnish the requiredstatement of particulars within the time specified will, inaddition to any disability imposed by the Act, entail liabilityon conviction to a fine of one thousand dollars for every dayduring which the default continues; and any statement whichcontains any matter which is false in any material particularto the knowledge of any person signing it will entail liabilityto a fine of twenty-five thousand dollars and to imprisonmentfor three months.

Where the individual applying for registration carries onbusiness wholly or mainly as nominee or trustee of or foranother person or other persons or a corporation, or acts asgeneral agent for any foreign firm, the additionalparticulars specified in the Form R.B.N. 2 must also befurnished on such form and sent by post or delivered to theoffice of the Registrar in the manner and within the timesbefore specified.

Note B.-“References in this Act to a former forename orsurname do not, in the case of natural-born Commonwealth

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citizens, include a former forename or surname where thatname or surname has been changed or disused before theperson bearing it attained the age of eighteen years, and, inthe case of a married woman, do not include the name orsurname by which she was known previous to the marriage”(section 2).

[Form R.B.N. 1a]

The statement must be sent or delivered in Demerara andEssequibo to the Office of the Registrar, Law Courts,Georgetown, In Berbice to the Office of the Registrar, NewAmsterdam, Berbice.


Application for Registration by a Firm. See Sec. 3(a) and (c)

…………………………………………………………….herebyapply for registration under the provisions of the BusinessNames Registration Act, and for that purpose furnish thefollowing statement of particulars –

1. The business name

2. The general nature of the business

3. The principal place of the business

4. The date of the commencement of the business if thebusiness was commenced after the 6th March, 1919

5. Any other business name or names under which the

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business is carried on

1 2 3 4 5 6 76. The present forenameor forenames andsurname of everyindividual who is andthe corporate name ofevery corporation whichis a partner in the firm.7. Any former forenameor forenames or surnameof every individualpartner in the firm.

8. The nationality ofevery individualpartner in the firm.9. The nationality oforigin (if other thanthe present nationality)of every individualpartner in the firm.

10. The usual residence ofevery individual who isand the registered orprincipal office of everycorporation which is apartner in the firm.11. The other businessoccupation (if any) ofevery individual partnerin the firm.

Dated the………………………day of………………….……..20….....


For instructions as to signatures see Note A.

Note A.-This statement must in all cases be signed either-

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(a) by all the individuals who are partners and bya director or the secretary of each corporationwhich is a partner; or

(b) (1) by some individual who is a partner, or

(2) by a director or the secretary of somecorporation which is a partner;

and in either of the cases (b) (1) and (2) must be verifiedby a statutory declaration made by the signatory.

If the principal place of business is situated in-

(a) the County of Demerara or Essequibo,the statement must be sent or delivered tothe Office of the Registrar, Law Courts,Georgetown;

(b) the County of Berbice, the statement mustbe sent or delivered to the Office ofthe Registrar, New Amsterdam.

Failure without reasonable excuse to furnish therequired statement of particulars within the time specifiedwill, in addition to any disability imposed by the Act, entailliability to a fine of one thousand dollars for every dayduring which the default continues; and any statementwhich contains any matter which is false in any materialparticular to the knowledge of any person signing it willentail liability to a fine of twenty-five thousand dollars andto imprisonment for three months.

Where the individual applying for registration carrieson business wholly or mainly as nominee or trustee of or foranother person or other persons or a corporation, or acts asgeneral agent for any foreign firm, the additional particularsspecified in the Form R.B.N. 2 must also be furnished on

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such form and sent by post or delivered to the office of theRegistrar in the manner and within the times beforespecified.

Note B.-“References in this Act to a former forenameor surname do not, in the case of natural-bornCommonwealth citizens, include a former forename orsurname where that name or surname has been changed ordisused before the person bearing it attained the age ofeighteen years, and in the case of a married woman, do notinclude the name or surname by which she was knownprevious to the marriage” (section 2).

[Form R.B.N, 1b]

The statement must be sent or delivered in Demerara andEssequibo to the office of the Registrar, Law Courts,Georgetown.

In Berbice to the Office of the Registrar, New Amsterdam.BUSINESS NAMES (REGISTRATION) ACT No. of Certificate

Application for registration by a corporation having a place ofbusiness in Guyana and carrying on the business wholly ormainly as nominee or trustee of or for another person or otherpersons or another corporation or acting as general agent for anyforeign firm.

………………………………………………………………...herebyapply for registration under the provisions of the BusinessNames (Registration) Act, and for that purpose furnish thefollowing statement of particulars –

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1. The business name.2. The general nature of the business

3. The principal place of the business.4. The date of the commencement of the

business, if the business was commencedafter the 6th March, 1919

5. The other name or names (if any) underwhich the business is carried on.

6. The corporate name of the corporationapplying for registration.

7. The registered or principal office of thecorporation applying for registration.

The following statement of additional particulars (8), (9),(10), (11), (12)and (13), is to be furnished in respect of thecarrying on by such corporation of the business wholly ormainly as nominee or trustee of or for another person orother persons or another corporation, provided that if thebusiness is carried on under any trust and any of thebeneficiaries are a class of children or other persons, then theparticulars required under (13) only need be furnished.

1 2 3 4 5 6 78. The present forename or

forenames and surnameor the corporate nameof every person orcorporation on whosebehalf the business iscarried on.

9. Any former name ornames of any person onwhose behalf thebusiness is carried on.

10. The nationality of everyperson on whose behalfthe business is carriedon.

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11. The nationality of originof every person onwhose behalf thebusiness is carried on ifother than the presentnationality.

12. The usual residence ofevery person on whosebehalf the business iscarried on.

13. Description of the classof beneficiaries.

The further following statement of additional particulars is tobe furnished in respect of any corporation having a place ofbusiness within Guyana and acting as general agent for anyforeign firm.

14. The business name andaddress of the foreign firmas agent for whom thebusiness is carried on.

If the business is carried on as agent for three or more foreignfirms it is sufficient to state the fact that the business is socarried on, specifying the countries in which such foreignfirms carry on business.

Dated the…………….. day of………………………20……..

Signature...................................................For instructions as to signing see NoteA.

Note A.-This statement must in all cases be signed by adirector or the secretary of the corporation applying forregistration.

If the principal place of business is situated in –

(a) Demerara or Essequibo, the statement must

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be sent or delivered to the Office of theRegistrar, Law Courts, Georgetown;

(b) Berbice, the statement must be sent ordelivered to the Office of the Registrar, NewAmsterdam.

Failure without reasonable excuse to furnish the requiredstatement of particulars within the time specified will, inaddition to any disability imposed by the Act, entail Liabilityto a fine of one thousand dollars for every day during whichthe default continues, and where a corporation is guilty of anoffence under the Act, every director, secretary and officer ofthe corporation who is knowingly a party to the default willbe guilty of a like offence and liable to a like penalty. Anystatement which contains any matter which is false in anymaterial particular to the knowledge of any person signing itwill entail liability to a fine of twenty-five thousanddollars and to imprisonment for three months.

Note B.-“References in this Act to a former forename orsurname do not, in the case of natural-born Commonwealthcitizens, include a former forename or surname where thatname or surname has been changed or disused before theperson bearing it attained the age of eighteen years, and, inthe case of a married woman, do not include the name orsurname by which she was known previous to the marriage”(section 2).

[Form R.B.N. 2]The Business Name..........................

FORM R.B.N. 2.


Statement of additional particulars to be furnished by an

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1. The presentforename or forenamesand surname or thecorporate name ofevery person orcorporation on whosebehalf the business iscarried on.

2. Any former nameor names of any personon whose behalf thebusiness is carried on.3. The nationality ofevery person on whosebehalf the business iscarried on.4. The nationality oforigin of everyperson on whosebehalf the business iscarried on, if other thanthe present nationality.

5. The usual residenceof every person onwhose behalf thebusiness is carried on.6. Description ofclass of beneficiaries


32 Cap. 90:05 Business Names (Registration)[Subsidiary] Business Name (Registration) Rules

individual pursuant to section 4 of the Act.

I.-Where any individual having a place of business in Guyanacarries on business wholly or mainly as nominee or trustee ofor for another person or other persons or a corporation, theparticulars required under (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) must befurnished, provided that if the business is earned on underany trust and any of the beneficiaries are a class of children orother persons, then the particulars required under (6) onlyneed be furnished.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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II. – Where any form having a place of Business in Guyanaacts as a general agent for any foreign firm the followingparticulars must be furnished.

The business name and address of theforeign firm as agent for whom thebusiness is carried on.

If the business is carried on as agent for three or more foreignfirms it is sufficient to state the fact that the business is socarried, specifying the countries in which such foreignfirms carry on business.


Dated the of........................................20......

For instructions as to signing, etc., see Note A.

Note A.-This statement must be signed either –

(a) by all the individuals who are partners, and by adirector or the secretary of any corporation whichis a partner, or

(b) (1) by some individual who is a partner;(2) by a director or the secretary of somecorporation which is a partner,

and in either of cases (b) (1) and (2) must be verified by astatutory declaration made by the signatory.

If the principal place of business is situated in –

(a) Demerara or Essequibo, the statement must be sentor delivered to the Office of the Registrar, LawCourts, Georgetown;

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(b) Berbice, the statement must be sent ordelivered to the Office of the Registrar, NewAmsterdam.

Failure without reasonable excuse to furnish the requiredstatement of any change of the particulars registered withinthe time specified will, in addition to any disability imposedby the Act, entail liability to a fine of one thousand dollarsfor every day during which the default continues and anystatement which contains any matter which is false in anymaterial particular to the knowledge of any person signing it,will entail liability to a fine of twenty-five thousand dollarsand to imprisonment for three months.

Note B.-“References in this Act to a former forename orsurname do not, in the case of natural-born Commonwealthcitizen, include a former forename or surname where thatname or surname has been changed or disused before theperson bearing it attained the age of eighteen years, and, inthe case of a married woman, do not include the name orsurname by which she was known previous to the marriage”(section 2).

[Form R.B.N. 3]

Form R.B.N. 3.

No. of Certificate………………………………

Business Names (Registration) Act

Statement pursuant to section 8 of the above Act of nature ofchange in the particulars registered by an individual anddate of change.

The following is a statement of a change (and of the date of

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Here insertbusiness nameor individual.Here insertnature anddate of changeForinstructions asto signingsee Note A.

such change) which has been made or has occurred in theparticulars registered in respect of………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Dated the …………………day of ……………………20……....

Note -A. This statement must be signed by theindividual, and when signed must be sent bypost or delivered to the Registrar withinfourteen days after any change in any of theparticulars registered or within such longerperiod as the Minister may on application beingmade in any particular case, whether before orafter the expiration of such fourteen days, allow.

If the principal place of business is situate in –

(a) Demerara or Essequibo, the statement mustbe sent or delivered to the Office of theRegistrar, Law of courts, Georgetown.

(b) Berbice, the statement must be sent ordelivered to the Office of the Registrar, NewAmsterdam.

Failure without reasonable excuse to furnish the requiredstatement of any change in the particulars registered withinthe specified time will, in addition to any disability imposedby the Act, entail liability to a fine of one thousand dollars forevery day during which the default continues, and anystatement which contains any matter which is false in anymaterial particular to the knowledge of any person signing it

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will entail liability to a fine of twenty-five thousand dollarsand to imprisonment for three months

[FORM R.B.N. 3a] No. of Certificate...........................Form R.B.N. 3(a).


pursuant to section 8 of the above Act of nature ofchange in the particulars registered by a firm and date ofchange.

Here insertbusiness nameof firm.

Here insertnature and dateof change.

The following is a statement of a change (and of the date ofsuch change) which has been made or has occurred in theparticulars registered in respect of………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………..Dated of.........................................20.......


Note A.-This statement must be signed either

(a) by all the individuals who are partners, andby a director or the secretary of anycorporation which is a partner, or

(b) (1) by some individual who is a partner;(2) by a director or the secretary of somecorporation which is a partner,

and in either of cases (b) (1) and (2) must be verified by astatutory declaration made by the signatory.

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This statement, when signed must be sent by post ordelivered to the Registrar within fourteen days after anychange in any of the particulars registered or within suchlonger period as the Minister may, on application being madein any particular case, whether before or after the expirationof such fourteen days, allow.

If the principal place of business is situated in-

(a) Demerara or Essequibo, the statement mustbe sent or delivered to the Office of theRegistrar, Law Courts, Georgetown;

(b) Berbice, the statement must be sent ordelivered to the Office of the Registrar,NewAmsterdam.

Failure without reasonable excuse to furnish the requiredstatement of any change of the particulars registered withinthe time specified will, in addition to any disability imposedby the Act, entail liability to a fine of one thousand dollarsfor every day during which the default continues and anystatement which contains any matter which is false in anymaterial particular to the knowledge of any person signing it,will entail liability to a fine of twenty-five thousand dollarsand to imprisonment for three months.

[Form R.B.N. 3(b)]No. of the Certificate…………………………….

Form R.B.N. 3 (b)


Statement pursuant to section 8 of the above Act of nature of

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change in the particulars registered by a corporation and dateof change.

Here insertname ofcorporation.

Here insertnature anddate of change.

For instructionas to signing,etc., see Note A

The following is a statement of a change (and of the date ofsuch change) which has been made or has occurred in theparticulars registered in respect of………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Dated of..........................................20.........


Note A.-This statement must be signed by a director orsecretary of the corporation and, when signed, must besent by post or delivered to the Registrar within 14 daysafter any change in any of the particulars registered, or withinsuch longer period as the Minister may on application beingmade in any particular case, whether before or after theexpiration of such 14 days, allow.

If the principal place of business is situate in –

(a) Demerara or Essequibo, the statement mustbe sent or delivered to the Office of theRegistrar, Law Courts, Georgetown;

(b) Berbice, the statement must be sent ordelivered to the Office of the Registrar, NewAmsterdam.

Failure without reasonable excuse to furnish the requiredstatement of any change in particulars within the timespecified will, in addition to any disability imposed by the

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Act, entail liability to a fine of one thousand dollars for everyday during which the default continues, and every director,secretary or officer of the corporation who is knowingly partyto the default will be liable to a like penalty. Any statementwhich contains any matter which is false in any materialparticular to the knowledge of any person signing it willentail liability to a fine of twenty-five thousand dollars and toimprisonment for three months

[FORM R.B.N. 3b]

No. of the Certificate.....................

Form R.B.N. 3(b).


pursuant to section 8 of the above Act of nature ofchange in the particulars registered by a corporation and dateof change.

Here insertname ofcorporation.Here insertnature and dateof change.

For instructionsas to signing,etc., see Note A.

The following is a statement of a change (and of the date ofsuch change) which has been made or has occurred in theparticulars registered in respect of……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………..Dated of..........................................20.........


Note A.-This statement must be signed by a director orsecretary of the corporation and, when signed, must be sentby post or delivered to the Registrar within 14 days after any

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change in any of the particulars registered, or within suchlonger period as the Minister may on application being madein any particular case, whether before or after the expirationof such 14 days, allow.

If the principal place of business is situate in –

(a) Demerara or Essequibo, the statement mustbe sent or delivered to the Office of theRegistrar, Law Courts, Georgetown;

(b) Berbice, the statement must be sent ordelivered to the Office of the Registrar, NewAmsterdam.

Failure without reasonable excuse to furnish therequired statement of any change in particulars within thetime specified will, in addition to any disability imposed bythe Act, entail liability to a fine of one thousand dollars forevery day during which the default continues, and everydirector, secretary or officer of the corporation who isknowingly party to the default will be liable to a like penalty.Any statement which contains any matter which is false inany material particular to the knowledge of any personsigning it will entail liability to a fine of twenty-fivethousand dollars and to imprisonment for three months.

[FORM R.B.N. 4]

No. of Certificate………………………..


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Notice pursuant to section 16 of the Act of cessation ofbusiness by a registered firm or individual.

Here insertname andaddress offirm orindividual asthe case maybe.

Notice is hereby given that ..........................................................of........................................................................ceased to carry onbusiness on of....................................20........

Dated of..........................................., 20...........

Signature or Signatures

To the Registrar of the Business Names.

Note.-This notice must in the case of a firm be signed by thepersons who were partners of the firm at the time when itceased to carry on business or, in the case if an individual, bythe individual, except in the case of the death of anindividual, when it must be signed by the personalrepresentative of the deceased, and must in either case be sentby post or delivered to the Registrar of Business Nameswithin three calendar months after the business has ceased tobe carried on.

Failure to give the required notice within the time abovespecified entails liability to a fine of ten thousand dollars.

[FORM R.B.N. 5]


Form of appeal from the decision of the Registrar undersection 17(1).

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(a) Insert fullname andaddress ofappellant.(b) Insert thedecisioncomplained of.

(c) Strike out ifnot so desired

I(We) (a).................................................................................. ...... of(a)....................................................................................hereby givenotice of appeal to the Minister from the decision of theRegistrar of of............................................,20........, whereby he decided (b)............................................

Accompanying this notice is a statement of thegrounds of appeal and of my(our) case for the decision of theMinister.

(c) I (We) desire to be heard by the Minister on this appeal.

Dated of....................................... 20......(Signed)

To the Registrar of Business Names,Law Courts,


This notice must be sent by post or delivered within twenty-one days of the date of the notice of the Registrar's decision,to the Registrar, together with a statement of the grounds ofappeal and of the appellant's case in support thereof.

A copy of this notice of appeal, together with copies of thestatement of the grounds of appeal and the case in supportthereof, and a copy of the Registrar’s decision must at thesame time be sent by the appellant to the Minister.

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Form of Statutory Declaration verifying a statement furnishedunder the Act.I................................................, hereby solemnly and sincerely declare that all theparticulars contained in the statementdated of........................................, 20..........,and signed by me which is now produced and shown to bemarked ....................................................are true.

And I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believingthe same to be true and according to the StatutoryDeclarations Act.Declared at.........................................................this................dayof...................................................., 20...........

Before me.


No. of Certificate..............................



I hereby certify that a Statement...............................................furnished by......................................................................................

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of......................................................pursuant to section.................of the abovementioned Act was registered on the...............dayof.................................................20...........

Dated of....................................., 20............

Registrar of Business Names
