Business Name Hilltopper


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Harrisonburg District


Business Name

Special points of interest:

Nurses Corner

Activities & Events

Anniversaries & Birthdays

COM/Adm Council meetings


Youth Sunday

50’s Drive In

Upcoming Events

District Mission Coordinator

October 2013

Our District Mission Coordinator Melissa Fretwell:

Many of you may know I struggle with… hard-headiness.

In 2001, I moved to the northern end of Harrisonburg and took a teaching position at J.

Frank Hillyard Middle School. At that point, I felt a nudge that I would eventually end up ‘on

the hill.’ For 11 years, Our Holy Friends (God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) were working with

me to develop enough courage to go to ‘the hill.’ Finally last fall, I went to ‘the hill’ and found

Eastern Mennonite Seminary to be a holy space to encounter Our Holy Friends. It was a year like no other with

many ups and many downs and many ups.

This summer I journeyed through Clinical Pastoral Education where I experienced chaplaincy service at RMH and

Bridgewater Retirement Community. I could fill an entire Hilltopper with stories that transformed my soul. Let me

just say that stories such as Resurrection Bingo confirmed my call to ministry and my pastoral care skills.

However this means… more school! Originally I had only agreed with Our Holy Friends to complete one year of

seminary work. Well, now they’ve got me! In order to eventually be able to serve in a Chaplain role I need to com-

plete a Masters of Divinity. The Good News is that my previous graduate work will help to reduce the load however

this process will take two more years of graduate studies.

As I reflect upon my life, I continually am in awe of Our Holy Friends work through ordinary people like you. People

who took the time to notice me, to teach me, to give me opportunities. I mean… who gives a female teenager, who

can barely speak without crying. New Hope UMC gave me new hope so that I can prepare myself to offer God’s res-

urrection hope to others.

Support along this journey allows me to keep on keeping on. I am grateful for the opportunity to work part time at

the Harrisonburg District Office of The United Methodist Church as the District Director of Missions. This experi-

ence is a beautiful opportunity to learn as well as connect with the people of the Valley and beyond.

I ask for your continued support. I ask for your prayers. Please pray for my ability to trust in my abilities and to

ignore the evil voices of inadequacy.

Melissa Fretwell

(540) 271-2078


ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL Met on Thursday, September 19th with 14 present. Bruce led with devotions from the Upper Room

followed by prayer. Committee reports were received. Youth have plans for tailgating events at both Wilson

High School and Fort Defiance High School. Also making plans to attend Winter Fest at Liberty University in

December. Plans are being made for community outreach for a “trunk/treat” event for Halloween and a parade

with New Hope Fire Department for Christmas. Hospitality Team will be meeting soon to refine policy. Work is

being done in the Library and materials/books may be available for deposing in the near future. Trustees have

completed projects including air-conditioning in office, painting outside of parsonage, water filter changes,

landscaping, roof work in progress, new freezer was donated, need to dispose of freezer in basement;

exterminator for outside bees; work on fence in cemetery, grass planted and trees trimmed. Kevin Armstrong was

approved for immediate office as chairman of Finance Committee. Officers for 2014 and Budget for 2014 were

reviewed and will be finalized for Charge Conference approval at the November meeting. Upcoming events

include baptism on October 19th at 3 pm; approved Finance Committee initiating fall stewardship campaign;

research project for media to be available in key areas of the church. Meeting adjourned with prayer.

Community Outreach Recommendation has been made and plans

will begin for a community Trunk or Treat

activity at the New Hope Community

Center. Watch for announcements with


Also will work with New Hope Ruritans

and New Hope Fire Department for

possibility of a Christmas Parade.

If you can help with either of these

outreach emphases, contact Cindy Deavers

for more information.


United Methodist Women

The UMW celebrated UMW

Sunday on 9/22/13 with Dr.

Jennifer Braaten, President of

Ferrum College. Ferrum College

is celebrating 100 years.

Congratulations to Ferrum and

thanks to UMW for their continued support of Ferrum.

Our District Annual meeting will be held on October 10th at 7 pm

at Otterbein UMC. In Harrisonburg.

Our next local unit UMC meeting will be held on October 21st at 7


Time to be thinking and planning for our annual Fall Bazaar on

November 9th. We will need your help with craft items, baked

goods and those wonderful canned goods (jellies, sauces, relishes)

United Methodist Men Next meeting is Tuesday, October 15, 2013 at 6:30 pm (dinner

and meeting). Dinner will be served by Mabry/Shiflett Circle

Mabry/Shiflett Circle

Met on Monday, September 2nd with 9 mem-

bers present. Devotions were shared on set-

ting priorities and our program was on immi-


Our next meeting will be held at Legacy with

Ruby and Marguerite Howell hosted by Cindy


COM (Council on Ministries) Met on Monday September 9 with 10 members present. Devotions were led by Robin Craun on hopes

rewards with scripture from Romans 5:8 followed by prayer.

Reports from committees indicated positive feedback from Youth Sunday. Plans include 50’s drive in,

tailgate parties at both Wilson and Fort Defiance for homecoming games; and Winter Fest. Plans are being

made to celebrate Children’s Sabbath on 10/13. UMM had two work nights this summer and will return to regu-

lar meetings beginning September 17th. Plans were announced for UMW Sunday on 9/22 including speaker,

Dr. Jennifer Braaten from Ferrum College with lunch provided by UMW following worship service. Will rec-

ommend to finance committee that COM budget remain same for 2014. Review and update continues for the

Hospitality team and policy. Committee will continue to explore updating our church’s mission statement.

Children’s Message

10/6 Cindy Deavers

10/13 Al Tuten

10/20 Robin Craun

10/27 Kim Maugans


10/6 Abby Armstrong

10/13 Taylor Meier

10/20 Penny Pence

10/27 Kaylee McLaren

Nursery Workers

10/6 Dana & Clara Breeding

10/13 Carolyn & Kenny Fretwell

10/20 July Riner & Michelle


10/27 Wendy & Kevin McLaren

Lectionary Readings



Jeremiah 31: 27-34

Psalm 119: 97-104 or Psalm 19

2 Timothy 3: 14-4:5

Luke 18: 1-8


Joel 2: 23-32

Psalm 65

2 Timothy 4: 6-8; 16-18

Luke 18: 9-14


Lamentations 1: 1-6

Psalm 137

2 Timothy 1: 1-14

Luke 17: 5-10


Jeremiah 29: 1, 4-7

Psalm 66

2 Timothy 2: 8-15

Luke 17: 11-19



Children’s Choir

Children’s Message

Ethel White sharing her Ferrum College ex-

perience and memorabilia from her college

days. Ferrum College is celebration 100 years



Take time to mark your calendars and make plans for these upcoming special events

10/6/13 5:00 pm WRE Benefit Concert “Faithful Men” at Verona UMC

10/4 and 5 7:30 am Community Yard Sale at Weyers Cave Community Center benefit Verona

Food Pantry

11/17 District Conference and Leadership Training at Manor Memorial UMC

(GUEST SPEAKER: Mickey Efird ) More details at later date

11/18 Special Bible Study (Mickey Efird) More details at later date

11/25 7:00 pm New Hope Church Charge Conference

11/27 7:00 pm Community Thanksgiving Eve service hosted by New Hope UMC


4:30 PM Open House

5:30 pm Banquet

7:00 pm Performance The Hunt Family

Reservations: by November 15th is $46 or by December 7th $51

Car pooling from New Hope will be available.

12/15 Church Wide Christmas Celebration Covered dish dinner followed by music

The Hunt Family - parents and seven children—all very musically talented both singing and

playing a variety of instruments as well as a variety of musical selections (gospel, blue grass,

country, Christmas carols). This is a rare opportunity to hear and see this group perform. You

will not want to miss them.

October is National “Talk

About Prescriptions” month

(TAP Month). According to the

National Council on Patient In-

formation and Education

(NCPIE), the best way to use

medication safely and appropri-

ately is to be well-informed with

good reliable information and to

be willing to ask questions of

your health care professional

about your medicines

(prescription or over-the-

counter). Questions should in-

clude instructions for use, pre-

cautions, and side effects, espe-

cially whenever a new medicine

is prescribed. Make sure you

share information with your doc-

tors, pharmacists, nurses and

other health care professionals

about other prescription and

OTC (over the counter) medi-

cines you are taking. Be sure to

include dietary supplements,

herbal remedies and vitamins

too. To help you stay current and

accurate about your own medi-

cations or medications for some-

one whom you are a caregiver,

create a current list of all the

medicines, including prescrip-

tion and OTC medicines. Carry

this list with you and/or give a

copy to a friend or family mem-

ber in case of an emergency.

Show the list to your healthcare

providers at every visit. It is im-

portant to read all written infor-

mation that comes with the

medicine, as well as save it for

future reference.

NCPIE addresses six important

questions to ask your health care

professional in their “Educate

Before You Medicate” cam-


1. What is the name of the

medicine and what is it supposed

to do? Is this the brand or ge-

neric name?

2. How and when do I take it –

and for how long?

3. What foods, drinks, other

medicines or activities should I

avoid while taking this medica-


4. What are the possible side

effects, and what do I do if they


5. Will this new prescription

work safely with the other pre-

scription and nonprescription

medicines I am taking?

6. Is there any written infor-

mation available in large print,

or in a language other than Eng-


The NCPIE is also launching the

campaign: “Be Medicine

Smart”, to improve medication

adherence. Many people have

multiple chronic conditions, so

they have more medications to

take. Adhering to a medication

plan can be challenging, but can

be done.

Information in this article was

obtained from the NCPIE web-

site. Many more resources are

available for consumers and

health care providers at http://

Information provided by Dana

H. Breeding, RN Health Educa-

tor from Community Wellness,

Nurse’s Health Corner




Dr. Jennifer Braaten President of Ferrum

College was our guest and she spoke on for-

giveness and grace. Our ladies chorus pro-

vided a wonderful anthem. Several of our

ladies received the UMW special recogni-

tion pin and certificates. One of our

alumni shared her college days memora-

bilia. Our gathering ended with sharing a

meal and cake congratulating both Ferrum

College and UMW.


Tables are Set

Last minutes instructions

Ice Cream Crew

Ready & Waiting

Antique Cars

50-s Drive In

Youth fund raiser—WOW Cleared

over $2000 for youth projects


Youth Sunday

August 25, 2013

Our youth shared some very real and

traumatizing life experiences and

how their faith makes them strong

for such times.

Boy Scout Troop 86 dedicated re-

cently constructed cabin in honor of

scoutmaster Mark Howdyshell.on

Saturday, September 21, 2013.



10/1 1:30 pm Minnie Carr Circle Church Social Hall

10/4 & 5 7:30 am Yard Sale at Weyers Cave Community Center (benefit for Verona Food Pantry)

10/6 10:30 am World Communion Sunday

10/6 2:00 pm Big Meadow picnic

10/6 5:00 pm Faithful Men at Verona UMC (benefit for WRE)

10/7 9:00 am Verona Food Pantry Volunteers

10/7 7:00 PM Mabry/Shiflett Circle meeting at The Legacy hosted by Cindy Deavers

10/8 1:30 pm New Hope Chorus

10/10 7:00 pm District UMW Annual Meeting at Otterbein UMC (Harrisonburg)

10/13 10:30 am Children’s Sabbath

10/14-19 Mission team to Tangier Island

10/15 6:30 pm UMM meeting (Mabry Shiflett Circle serving meal)

10/19 3:00 pm Baptism Service for Seth Joyner

10/20 10:30 am Laity Sunday 10/21 9:00 am Verona Food Pantry Volunteers

10/21 7:00 pm UMM meeting

10/22 1:30 pm New Hope Chorus

10/26 Trunk or Treat Event (details to be announced)

11/9 Noon until Ham, Oyster, Turkey Supper (HOTS)

Hey Seniors (55 and up)

Gather with friends for food, fellowship and entertainment at

Hi Noon

Our local Hi-Noon is growing by leaps and bounds but there is always room for one more. Contact

Shirley Western if you are interested in attending.

Our next Hi Noon meeting is Thursday, October 10, 2013 at noon at Barren Ridge Church of the Brethren.

For best viewing of Hilltopper photos

see the Hilltopper pages on the

New Hope Church web site,

1st Bobby Beard

3rd Carolyn Pace

3rd Mike Canipe

3rd Donald & Amy Michael

5th Leon Sheets

6th Matthew Coffman

6th Mary Beth Walker Hill

6th Warren & Janet Davis

7th Ronald Booth

7th Alison Coffman Markow

8th Carl Arndt

9th Leigh Shaver

9th Dallas VanLear

11th Rebecca Jo Kraisser

12th Mary Lu Lewis

12th Lee VanLear

12th Jeremy & Michelle


14th John & Martha English

14th Thomas & Pat Ewers

15th Jean Critzer

15th Pat Ewers

15th Philip Mabry

16th Brett Sundeen

16th Kyle Kraisser

17th Cody Coffey

19th Braden Herman

19th Fred Riner

23rd Berk Harner

23rd Steve & Tonya Meier

24th Inez Hite

24th Jonathan Walker

24th Dylan Anthony

25th Amy Herman

26th Sarah Barr

26th Robert Hicks

26th Johnnie & Teresa Barr

26th Eddie & Vinda Shaver

27th Nancy Glass

28th James Howdyshell

29th Amy Michael

29th Wayne Morris

Anniversaries & Birthdays for October


If we have any incorrect information or are missing information, please leave updates in

mailbox in church library for Hilltopper or email

Thank You

Thank you for your support of Valley Mission. Your contribution of $500 is greatly appreciated. Susan

Richardson, Executive Director (8/13/13)

Thank you for your support of the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank. Your gift of $500 is making a big difference

at a time when our neighbors really need help. More than 115,000 people depend on us each month. Michael

McKee, Executive Director (8/9/13)

A gift of $2,500 was received in August 2013 for Weekday Religious Education (WRE). Thank you all so

much for supporting this ministry to get God's Word out to our children. God bless! Nancy Baber, Treas-

urer, Middle River WRE

Thank-you notes were also received for New Hope hospitality.

From Louretta Wilson and Patty Tiller, family members of Bill Shenk.

From Grady and Terry Stout, and other family members of Ellen Stout.

The Dick Randolph family, in memory of Bettye Randolph.

Sue Snider, daughter of Buddy Harris

Congratulations Graduate Addition

Savannah Ritchie, graduating from Stuart Middle School and entering Fort Defiance High School. Good Luck


New Hope United Methodist Church

PO Box 86

New Hope, Va 24469

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New Hope United Methodist Church

55 Round Hill School Road

New Hope, Virginia 24469


Rev. Douglas Gunsalus, pastor


Web Address:
