Business Event Management (BEM) DIP 13/01 Venue : T1 (S)



Business Event Management (BEM) DIP 13/01 Venue : T1 (S). Lim Sei Kee @ cK. Business Event Management. Unit Status: Essential Unit Value: 1.0 Approx. total hrs: 100 Hours (70 GLH + 30 UGLH ). Aims of the Unit. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Business Event Management (BEM)DIP 13/01

Venue: T1 (S)

Lim Sei Kee @ cK

Unit Status: EssentialUnit Value: 1.0Approx. total hrs: 100 Hours (70GLH + 30 UGLH)

Business Event Management

1. To enable students to have a solid foundation for effective event planning, covering pre event, during and post event, actions and operations underpinned by project management, marketing and public relations principles.

2. To enable the students to have the knowledge and skills required to work in a variety of business positions such as event coordinator, event promoters, assistant marketing and managers.

Aims of the Unit

3. To enable the students to acquire a wide range of functional areas that must be prepared and delivered as part of an event.

Aims of the Unit

Coursework Assignments 60%- Assignment 1 [Event Plan]- 30%- Assignment 2 [Event Report & Presentation]- 30%

Practical 40%- [Organizing an event]- 40%

Assessment Scheme

Name: Lim Sei Kee @ cKContact No: 8885488Email Add.: seikee@hotmail.comWordpress:

Class: Every Friday 8.15 – 10.15 AM,10.30 – 11.30 AM


1. You will be marked ABSENT if you are 30 minutes late for class, unless you have a legit excuse.

2. Submit your assignments ON TIME. 20% deduction for late submission, no excuse.

3. SILENT your phones during lecture.


Q & A session
