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Business Brief

Business 7GST Network's new facility

for exporters to claim refundsNew Delhi,

The Goods and ServicesTax Network (GSTN) said onSunday that it has intro-duced a utility Table 6A inthe Form GSTR-1 used byexporters to claim refunds.

"Table 6A of Form GSTR1has been introduced on theGST portal," GSTN said in astatement.

Table 6A of Form GSTR1allows taxpayers to file ex-port related data for the pe-riod concerned that permitsprocessing of the tax refundon the basis of declarationmade under Form GSTR 3Band Table 6A of GSTR-1.

An exporter can claimrefund of Integrated GST(IGST) paid at the time ofexport by filling the detailsof the shipping bill and taxpaid GST invoice in his FormGSTR1 in the relevant

month.The shipping billfiled by an exporter withcustoms authorities is con-sidered to be an applicationfor refund of the integratedtax paid on the goods ex-ported out of India.

The GSTN said that thisfunctionality has beenmade available to enableexporters to file for refundas the dates for filing ofGSTR-1 for August onwardshave not yet been notifiedand the form has not beenfiled.

"Every registered tax-able person who has madeexports on payment of IGST,other than an input servicedistributor or compoundingtaxpayer or TDS deductor orTCS collector can file Table6A of Form GSTR-1 elec-tronically on the GST Portal"GSTN Chief Executive

Prakash Kumar said.The table can be filed

from the returns section ofthe GST Portal.

The refund amountwould be paid eitherthrough a credit to theexporter's bank via ECS orby cheque.

In a relief to exporters,the government last monthhad announced that itwould immediately refundexporters for the month ofJuly and August throughcheques from October 10and October 18, respec-tively.

Following a meeting, theGST Council decided thatthis would be an interim re-lief, and as a long term mea-sure e-wallets will be cre-ated for all exporters byApril 1, 2018, to carry for-ward the refund process.

Under heavy security, TCS-sponsored NYCMarathon starts with 51,000 runners

New York, Unfazed by the terror

strike in the metropolis ear-lier this week, the TataConsultancy Services (TCS)-sponsored New York CityMarathon got underway onSunday under heavy secu-rity.

More than 51,000 run-ners from about 125 coun-tries are participating in therace officially known as theTCS-New York City Mara-thon, an important promo-tional event for the Indiantech giant.

About 2.5 million spec-tators were expected to linethe 26.2-mile (42-kilometre)route snaking across all thefive city districts.Heavily

armed police and NationalGuard troops guarded sev-eral locations. Garbagetrucks and lorries loadedwith sand blocked off manyintersections to prevent ter-rorist attacks using vehicles.

Counter-terrorism com-mandos stood-by, sniperstook positions on buildings,and bomb-sniffing dogsworked their way throughsome spots.

New York City policechief Carlos Gomez said thenumber of security person-nel "will be the most de-ployed at this event".

New York City Mayor Billde Blasio assured the citythat the event of global im-portance in marathons will

"be well protected".The marathon was

flagged off Sunday morningon Staten Island and is tofinish at the Central Park inManhattan.

A terrorist attack by anIslamic State (IS)sympathiser using a truck asa weapon killed eightpeople in Manhattan earlierthis week.

The attack allegedly byan Uzbek immigrant,Sayfullo HabibullaevicSaipov, near the site of the9/11 terrorist strike in 2001put the city on edge, espe-cially because of an attackon the Boston Marathon.

In 2013, two brothersfrom another former Soviet

republic, Kyrgyzstan, had setoff bombs made with pres-sure cookers at the BostonMarathon killing threepeople and injuring about500.

Tata Sons ChairmanNatarajan Chandrasekaran,an avid marathoner himself,was instrumental in gettingTCS to sponsor the high-profile event when he wasthe CEO of TCS.

Along the route, TCSlogos and signs were on dis-play raising the visibility ofthe tech company in thecity as well as reminding thecity of community involve-ment by Indian companiesoperating in the UnitedStates.

Sharp decline, quick recoverydefined Indian smartphone market

New Delhi, The first three quarters

of 2016 were going justgreat and smartphone play-ers had raked in super prof-its right up to Diwali -- thendemonetisation caughtthem by surprise, as it didothers.

The note ban hit manu-facturers across the spec-trum -- especially domestichandset makers who prima-rily rely on cash sales insmaller cities and towns.

The subsequent cashcrunch resulted insmartphone sales falling by30.5 per cent (month-on-month) in November overthe October festive season.

According to global

market research firm Inter-national Data Corporation(IDC), Indian vendors wereaffected the most -- with adrop of 37.2 per cent in No-vember -- as compared toChinese players with a 26.5per cent drop and globalvendors with 30.5 per centdrop over the previousmonth. When contacted byIANS, Indian vendorsMicromax and Intex de-clined to comment.

"Demonetisation im-pacted the smartphonemarket at almost all levels,including the customer de-mand and stock movementin the distribution chan-nels," said Upasana Joshi,Senior Market Analyst, IDCIndia.

In the fourth quarter(Q4) of 2016, smartphone

shipments clocked 25.8 mil-lion units -- registering simi-lar volume as that of 2015but declining sharply by20.3 per cent over the pre-vious quarter owing todemonetisation, which ledto relatively lower consumersales in November and De-cember.

According to the dataprovided by CyberMediaResearch (CMR) to IANS, thesmartphone shipment toIndia was 10 million units inOctober last year whichshrank to 9.2 million units inNovember and then, slightlyimproved to 9.6 millionunits in December.

The slowdown was seenacross all cities. There was ahuge drop in inquiries andsignificantly reduced foot-fall at retail shops. Tocounter this, handset retail-ers started offering zerodown payment options to

improve sales.To overcome the impact,

smartphone players withhuge online presencestarted offering EMI andeasy payment options tokeep the sales going.

Amid all this, China-based vendors' marketshare improved sequentiallyowing to their high decibelmarketing, increased creditline to distributors and effi-cient channel management.

The sales, however,picked up in 2017 andsmartphone players heaveda sign of relief as the cashflow got better.

"In the first quarter ofthis year, the smartphoneshipment was 26.5 millionunits while in the secondquarter, it was 28.4 millionunits," Prabhu Ram, GeneralManager, Industry Intelli-gence Group (IIG) at CMR,told IANS.


ANI Integrated SME IPO opens on Nov8, 2017

Ahmedabad,Mumbai-based ANI Integrated Services, engaged

in the business of engineering services, will be launch-ing its SME initialpublic offering onNovember 8, at Rs.100 a share. The Rs.25.656-crore IPOwill close on No-vember 10.

The IPO con-sists of a fresh is-sue of 16.872 lakhshares of facevalue Rs. 10 each and an offer-for-sale of 8.784 lakhshares by Navin Nandkumar Korpe, Anita Korpe,Akshay Korpe and Kedar Korpe (selling shareholdersand promoters).

The issue will constitute 26.48 per cent of the post-issue paid-up equity share capital of the company. Theminimum bid lot is 1,200 equity shares. The equityshares of ANI Integrated Services are proposed to belisted on the SME Platform of NSE.

Dr. Rajesh Shah invited as a guestlecturer at 3rd Annual Conf. Of IndianMedicolegal & Ethical Association

Ahmedabad,Prof. Dr. Rajesh Shah

delivered prestigeous in-vited guest lecture at 3rdAnnual Conf. Of IndianMedicolegal & EthicalAssociation(IMLEA) atBhuvaneshvar on"CPA:Who has beenbenefited?".Dr. ParulRajesh Shah ex member ofAhmedabad ConsumerDispute Redressal Forumand Medical Superinten-dent: Sheth L.G. Gen. Hos-pital Prof. Dr. Rajesh Shah

participated in panel discussion on "Consumer Pro-tection Act & Medical practices". They will organise4th Annual conference of IMLEA at Ahmedabad inProf. Dr.Rajesh inaugurated IMLEACON 2017 atBhuvaneshvar.

itel Mobile partners with Indus OSMumbai,

itel Mobile, part of Chinese mobile manufacturerTranssion Holdings, on Monday announced its part-nership with the home-grown operating systemIndus OS.

Through the partnership, itel Mobile is looking atintroducing software differentiation in the Indiansmartphone market, something which it believesholds the key to future success.

"Our association with Indus OS is another step inthis direction. It is currently the only smartphone plat-form in India to support 12 different regional lan-guages and has been developing more features de-signed to meet the requirements of Indian users," itelMobile India CEO Sudhir Kumar said in a statement.

The partnership will see Indus App Bazaar on sev-eral new itel smartphones.

With its first international smartphone brand part-nership with itel Mobile, Indus will look to grow itsuser base of 8 million at an accelerated pace by lever-aging itel's robust market presence and consumerappeal."As we look to offer the Indus experience towider audiences, our association with itel takes us astep closer towards our goal of reaching a user baseof 100 million by 2020," added Rakesh Deshmukh, Co-founder and CEO of Indus OS.

New EY Cloud-based platform now inIndia

New Delhi, Leading global professional services firm EY on

Monday announced "EY Catalyst" -- a new Cloud-based platform that can help businesses in India en-hance their performance in supply chain and manu-facturing.

"EY Catalyst" allows round-the-clock access tobusinesses to an extensive IP database that containstens of thousands of supply chain and manufactur-ing operational capabilities in multiple languages.

The platform has been in use for more than 20years in major companies across Europe, the US, LatinAmerica, Asia-Pacific and Australia.

Indian Bank posts Rs 451 crore netprofit

Chennai, Public sector Indian Bank on Monday said it

closed the second quarter which ended on Septem-ber 30 with 11.45 per cent growth in its net profit overthe comparable period in the previous fiscal. In astatement here, Indian Bank said it posted a net profitof Rs 451.54 crore for the quarter, up from Rs 405.15crore in the quarter that ended on September 30,2016.The bank's total income for the quarter was Rs4,874.17 crore, up by 6.45 per cent over Rs 4,579.02crore for the quarter ended on September 30, 2016.

All transactions were fully disclosed,says Sinha on Paradise Papers

New Delhi, Union Minister Jayant

Sinha on Monday defendedhimself through a series oftweets after his name ap-peared in the "Paradise Pa-pers" leak.

Sinha said all transac-tions related to him whichhave been mentioned in theIndian Express investigationwere "fully disclosed" to rel-evant authorities and weredone in his "official capacity,not personal".

The "Paradise Papers"are a set of 13.4 millionleaked financial documentsfrom law firm -- Appleby --on investments of majormulti-national corporations(MNCs) and that of wellknown individuals in Indiaand abroad in tax havens.

The German newspaper-- Süddeutsche Zeitung --obtained the documentsand subsequently shared

them with the InternationalConsortium of InvestigativeJournalists (ICIJ).

The Express carried outthe investigation in the caseof 714 Indian links.

Express reported thatlaw firm Appleby recordsshowed that Sinha did notdisclose his relationshipwith Omidyar Network andD. Light Design's board tothe Election Commission.

"Full details have beenprovided to Indian Express.These were bonafide andlegal transactions under-taken on behalf of highlyreputed

w o r l d - l e a d i n gorganisations in my fidu-ciary role as Partner atOmidyar Network and itsdesignated representativeon the D.Light Board," Sinhatweeted.

He also said: "All thesetransactions have been fully

disclosed to relevant au-thorities through all neces-sary filings as required. Afterleaving Omidyar Network, Iwas asked to continue onthe D.Light Board as an In-dependent Director. Onjoining the Union Council ofMinisters, I immediately re-signed from the D.LightBoard and severed my in-volvement with the com-pany."

"It is crucial to note thatthese transactions weredone for D.Light as anOmidyar representative, andnot for any personal pur-pose," Sinha added.

According to the Ex-press report, Sinha workedwith Omidyar Network as itsManaging Director in India.Omidyar Network investedin a US company D.LightDesign which has a subsid-iary in Cayman Islands in theCaribbean Sea.



Regd.Office : Opp. Bahumali Building, Race Course Ring Road,Rajkot, Gujarat-360002. Ph.No.:9998990904.


Notice is hereby given that the 03/2017-18 meeting of the Boardof Directors of the Company will be held on Tuesday, 14/11/2017at ‘FUNWORLD’ Opp. Bahumali Building, Race Cource,Ring Road, Rajkot – 360002 to approve and take on record theun-audited results with limited review certificate for the HalfYear/ Quarter ended on 30/09/2017.

By order of the Board of DirectorsFor Funworld and Tourims

Development LimitedShri H.S Jadeja

Whole Time DirectorDIN:00183473

Place : RajkotDated : 03.11.2017

By Order of the Board of DirectorsFor Adarsh Plant Protect Limited

Shweta B. PhondbaCompany Secretary

Date : 06.11.2017Place : V.U.Nagar

Regd.Office : 604,GIDC Estate,V.U.Nagar-388121,Anand,GujaratCIN : L29210GJ1992PLC017845 TEL NO.: 02692-236705


Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Regulation 29 read with 47 of SEBI(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, aMeeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on Tuesday,14th November, 2017, inter-alia to consider and approve, the UnauditedFinancial Results of the Company for the quarter ended on 30th September,2017.The said Notice is available on website of the Company and also on the website of the BSE Limited



BOARD MEETINGTYPHOON FINANCIAL SER-VICES LIMITEDThe Board of Directors of theCompany will meet on 13.11.2017for taking on record the UnauditedFinancial Results for the quarterended on 30.09.2017

CHANGE OF NAMEI have changed my old namefrom NADIYA LADOOBHAIRAMABHAI to new name


Add. At. Hadmatiya,Po.Tkhatghadh, Ta.Prantij,Dist. Sabarkantha-383205


Place : AhmedabadDate : 06th November, 2017

By order of the BoardFor BRIDGE SECURITIES LTD.

Sd/- Pragnesh ShahChairman & Managing Director

(DIN : 00144888)


Reg. off: 17, Suhasnagar Society, Nr. Dinesh Hall, Ashram Road,Ahmedabad - 380 009 Ph: 079 26578808,

Web: www.bridgesecurities.inE-Mail

NOTICENOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Regulation 29(1) (a) of

the Securities & Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations &Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 that the Board ofDirectors of the Company shall meet on Monday, November 13,2017 to inter alia consider and approve, the Unaudited FinancialResults of the Company for the Quarter ended 30th September,2017.

The information contained in this notice is also available onthe website of the Company at and alsoon the website of the Stock Exchange viz. BSE Limited

Arrange Rs 2,000 cr beforenext hearing, SC tells Jaypee

New Delhi, The Supreme Court on Monday told Jaypee Associates

to keep Rs 2,000 crore ready before its next hearing as itrefused to permit it a part deposit of Rs 400 crore by Friday.A bench of Chief Justice Dipak Misra, Justice A.M.Khanwilkar and Justice D.Y. Chandracud asked the real es-tate major to keep ready the sizable amount as companycounsel Anupam Lal Das said that they have Rs 50 crore"ready in hand" and will arrange for another Rs 350 croreby Friday. He said that the Jaypee Associates will be depos-iting Rs 400 crore every month starting with January 2018.
