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    CITIZEN’S CHARTER2020 (1st Edition)

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    2020 (1st Edition)

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    The Bureau of Fire Protection was created by virtue of RA 6975 primarily to perform the following functions:

    1. Be responsible for the prevention and suppression of all destructive fires on:a. Building, houses and other structures;b. Forest;c. Land transportation vehicles and equipment;d. Ships and vessels docked at piers or wharves anchored in major sea ports;e. Petroleum industry installations;f. Plane crashes; andg. Other similar activities

    2. Be responsible for the enforcement of the Fire Code of the Philippines and other related laws;

    3. Shall have the power to investigate all causes of fires and if necessary, file the proper complaint with the city or provincialprosecutor who has jurisdiction over the case;

    4. In the time of national emergency, all elements of the BFP shall upon direction of the President, assist the AFP in meetingthe national emergency; and

    5. Shall establish at least one (1) fire station with adequate personnel, firefighting facilities and equipment in every provincialcapital, city and municipality subject to standard rules and regulations as maybe promulgated by.


    A modern fire service fully capable of ensuring a fire safe nation by 2034.

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    We commit to prevent and suppress destructive fires, investigate its causes, enforce Fire Code and other related laws,respond to man-made and natural disasters and other emergencies.


    We commit to:

    1. Ensure public safety.

    2. Promote economic development through the prevention and suppression of all kinds of destructive fires.

    3. Enforce all laws, rules and regulations to ensure adherence to standard fire prevention and safety measure.

    4. All applicants or requesting parties who are within the premises of the office or agency concerned prior to the end ofofficial working hours and during lunch break shall be attended to.

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    Internal ServicesLaboratory Examination of Collected Evidence from Fire Scene (Forensic Chemistry, Electrical Engineering andDactyloscopy)


    Providing Services for Appearance as Expert Witness to any Court and Presentation of Evidence 11Transfer of Custody/Turnover/ Return of Examined Evidence to the Requesting Party 13Formal Investigation of Administrative Cases 15

    External ServicesApplication for FO1 and NUP, Promotion (NOR, Officers, NUP), Training (NOR, Officers), Local/InternationalTrainings


    Provision of Medical/Dental/Physical Therapy/Psychological Consultation/Treatment 23Dispensing of Maintenance Drugs 25Request for Fire Incident Certification 27Request for Fire Clearance Certificate 31


    ExternalFiling of Verified Protest/Appeal Re: Action(s) or Findings Resulting from the Conduct of Fire SafetyInspection/Building Plan Evaluation


    Processing of Application for Medical Reimbursement Claim, Death/Survivorship Benefits, and Total PermanentPhysical Disability (TPPD) Benefits


    Processing of Application for BFP Scholarship Program 48

  • 6

    FIRE STATION OR LONE DISTRICT FIRE OFFICEExternal and Frontline Services

    Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance (FSEC) Application – Regular (Simple) 51Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance (FSEC) Application – Regular (Complex) 61Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance (FSEC) Application – Process at OSCP 70Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) Application for Certificate of Occupancy – Regular (Simple) 82Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) Application for Certificate of Occupancy– Regular (Complex) 90Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) Application for Certificate of Occupancy – Process at OSCP 99Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) Application for New Business with Valid FSIC Issued During OccupancyPermit Stage


    Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) for New Business Permit without Valid FSIC for Occupancy Issued andwith Occupancy Certificate Not Filed After Nine (9) Months from Issuance


    Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) Application for Business Renewal 124Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) Application for Business Renewal without Valid FSIC or Expired FSIC /with Existing Violation of the Fire Code / Included in the Negative List


    Issuance and Service of Notice to Comply (NTC) Procedure 142Issuance and Service of Notice to Correct Violation (NTCV) Procedure 149Issuance and Service of Abatement Order (AO) Procedure 159Issuance and Service of Closure Order (Due to Non-payment of Administrative Fine) Procedure 168Issuance and Service of Closure Order (Due to Expiration of Abatement Order) Procedure 175Implementation of Closure Order 182Processing of Request for the Conduct of Fire Drill and Issuance of Fire Drill Certificate 184Processing of Request for the Issuance of Fire Safety Clearance - Conveyance of Hazardous Materials andChemicals in Cargo Vehicle


    Feedback and Complaints Mechanism 190BFP National Headquarters Directory 192BFP Regional Office Directory 196

  • 7

    Bureau of Fire Protection National Headquarters (BFP-NHQ)

    Internal Services

  • 8

    1. Laboratory Examination of Collected Evidence from Fire Scene (Forensic Chemistry, ElectricalEngineering and Dactyloscopy)

    This service provides scientific and technical assistance to Fire/Arson Investigators by providing laboratory analysis of the submittedevidence

    Office or Division: Arson Laboratory Service

    Classification: Highly-Technical

    Type of Transaction: G2G – Government to Government

    Who may avail: Fire/Arson Investigators

    CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS: WHERE TO SECURE1. Evidence Submission Form (Any of the ff):

    A. Flammable Substance (BFP-QSF-ALS-005 Rev.01(05.30.19))

    B. Electrical Analysis (BFP-QSF-ALS-006 Rev.01(05.30.19))

    C. Fingerprinting (BFP-QSF-ALS-007Rev.01(05.30.19))

    Downloadable from BFP Website: http://bfp.gov.ph/als-forms/

    2. Spot Investigation Report (BFP-QSF-FAID-002 Rev.ØØ(06.21.18)) Downloadable from BFP Website: http://bfp.gov.ph/faid-forms/

    3. Evidence Collection Sketch (Floor Plan withlabels and legends) Fire/Arson Investigator

  • 9

    4. Photographs Fire/Arson Investigator


    1. Accomplishes andsubmits EvidenceSubmission Form withcomplete requirementspersonally or thrucouriering services.

    1. Receives thesubmitted requestand evaluate thecompleteness andcorrectness ofrequirements.


    15 mins Laboratory CustomerRelations Officer (CRO)

    2. Secures a receivingcopy with control number.

    2. Assigns anEvidence Control(E.C.) No. andforward the evidenceand requirements tothe concernedexaminers.

    5 mins Laboratory CustomerRelations Officer (CRO)

    3. Waits for the release ofthe results.

    3. Processes andexamines theevidence. The resultof the analysis willbe prepared andsigned by theexaminers, Chief,ALS and ChiefDirectorial Staff(CDS).

    10-15 Days Laboratory Examiner

    4. Claims the results atthe laboratory.

    Releases the resultsto the requesting 5 mins

    Laboratory CustomerRelations Officer (CRO)

  • 10

    party. For clientsoutside MetroManila, unclaimedlaboratory resultsafter 30 days will besent thru registeredmail.


    PROCESSING TIMENone 15 Days, 25 mins

  • 11

    2. Providing Services for Appearance as Expert Witness to any Court and Presentation of Evidence

    This service provides scientific and technical assistance to the judicial courts and quasi-judicial bodies regarding the submittedevidence to the laboratory

    Office or Division: Arson Laboratory ServiceClassification: Highly-TechnicalType of Transaction: G2G – Government to GovernmentWho may avail: Judicial courts and quasi-judicial bodies


    1. Court Subpoena Court

    CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE1. The subpoena or courtorder shall be deliveredto the laboratory.

    1. The CustomerRelations Officer(CRO) will receivethe subpoena orcourt order and willbe forwarded to theconcernedexaminers.

    None 5 mins Customer Relations Officer(CRO)

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    2. Wait for the scheduledhearing.

    2. Examiners shallprepare all thedocuments andevidence (ifnecessary) and shallappear before thecourt on thescheduled date.

    -- Examiners/ Chief, ALS


    PROCESSING TIMENone 5 mins

  • 13

    3. Transfer of Custody/Turnover/ Return of Examined Evidence to the Requesting Party

    This service caters the requests for return of examined evidence to the requesting party for legal purposes.

    Office or Division: Arson Laboratory ServiceClassification: SimpleType of Transaction: G2G – Government to GovernmentWho may avail: Fire/Arson Investigators


    1. Letter Request for Transfer ofCustody/Turnover/ Return of ExaminedEvidence to the Requesting Party indicating thefire incident and description of evidencerequested for return

    Fire/Arson Investigator


    1. The requesting partywill submit a writtenrequest indicating therequest for return ofevidence and reasonthereof.

    1. The CustomerRelations Officer(CRO) will receivethe request letterand will forward tothe EvidenceCustodians.

    None 5 mins Customer Relations Officer(CRO)

  • 14

    2. Wait for the scheduleof release date.

    2. The EvidenceCustodians willretrieve therequested evidencefrom the evidenceroom. Necessarydocuments shallalso be prepared forrecords purposes.

    5 days Evidence Custodian


    PROCESSING TIMENone 5 days, 5 mins

  • 15

    4. Formal Investigation of Administrative Cases

    The Hearing Office in BFP NHQ is a Quasi-Judicial Body tasked to conduct formal investigation of cases involving BFP personnel.

    Office or Division: Hearing Office, BFP National Headquarters

    Classification: Highly Technical

    Type of Transaction: G2C/G2G

    Who May Avail: Organic BFP personnel, DILG

    CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS: WHERE TO SECURE1. Formal Charge Internal Affairs Service

    2. Notice to Answer Hearing Office

    3. Answer Respondent

    4. Preliminary Hearing Conference Hearing Office and parties

    5. Formal Trial/Submission of Position Paper Hearing Office and parties

    6. Position Paper/Formal Investigation Respondent and IAS

    7. Notice of Hearing Clerk of Court, Hearing Office

    8. Decision / Resolution Hearing Office and Office of the C, BFP

    9. Comment (in case of Appeal) Hearing Office and Office of the C, BFP

  • 16


    Docket admin case andnotify respondent of

    formal charge

    None Immediately uponreceipt of Formal

    ChargeHearing Office staff

    Notify parties of Pre-Hearing Conference

    NONE 1 day

    Clerk of Court, HearingOffice

    Conduct of Pre-Hearing Conference

    None At least 1 day Chief, Hearing Office,Clerk of Court,

    Stenographer, IAS andRespondent

    Conduct of FormalInvestigation through

    submission of PositionPaper

    None Within 30 daysunless period is


    IAS and Respondent

    Conduct of FormalInvestigation through

    Formal Trial

    None Within 30 daysunless period is


    Chief, Hearing Office

  • 17

    Decision None Within 30 days uponreceipt of Formal

    Investigation Report,unless extended by thedisciplining authority or

    his authorizedrepresentative

    Chief, Hearing Officeand C, BFP

    2. Filing of Motion forReconsideration

    Motion forReconsideration

    None Within 15 days uponreceipt of Decision


    Resolution None 30 days upon receiptof Motion for


    Hearing Office

    Implementation ofDecision

    None After lapse of period tofile MR (within 15 days

    from receipt ofDecision)

    Concerned BFPOffices/Directorates

    3. Request for TSN Certified Transcript ofNotes

    20 pesos per pagebefore filing of MR;10 pesos per pageafter filing of MR

    All parties concerned


    PROCESSING TIME20 pesos/10 pesos

    per page152 days

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    Bureau of Fire Protection National Headquarters (BFP-NHQ)

    External Services

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    5. Processing of Applications for FO1 and NUP, Promotion (NOR, Officers, NUP), Training (NOR, Officers),Local/International Trainings

    This service caters the requests for return of examined evidence to the requesting party for legal purposes.

    Service Name: Application for FO1 and NUP, Promotion (NOR, Officers, NUP),Training (NOR, Officers), Local/International Trainings

    Description of Service: Medical/Dental/Neurological/Psychological Examination asrequirement for entry to service, promotion and training

    Office or Division: Office of the Health Service

    Classification: Highly-Technical

    Type of Transaction: G2C, G2G

    Who May Avail: All


    Medical/Dental/PT Record/Psychological Pre-Assessment form

    Health Service

    Prescription form Health Service

    Laboratory/Dental/ Xray/ECG results Private or Government Clinics/Hospitals

  • 20

    CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSONRESPONSIBLE1. Accomplish theMedical/Dental form andinclude all laboratoryresults.

    1. Validate thecompleteness of thesubmitted form.

    None 3 mins. Duty Nurse

    2. Taking of vital signs,height and weight withBMI and VisualAcuity/Color Blind test.

    2. Duty Nurse will facilitatesaid step.

    None 7 mins. Duty Nurse

    3. Proceed to Dental Unitfor Dental profiling.

    3. Dental Nurse will endorseapplicant/trainee/promotableto Dental Officer.

    None 1 min. Dental Nurse andDental Officer

    3.1 Dental Officer willperform Dental examinationand issuecertification/clearance to theclient.

    None 4 mins. Dental Officer

    4. After receivingsignature of DentalOfficer, client to proceedto Physical Therapy andRehabilitation Unit for theNeurological examination.

    4. After accomplishing of PTRecord Form, PhysicalTherapist will performNeurological Testing andwill sign in the said formupon completion.

    None 5 mins. Physical Therapist

  • 21

    4. Client to proceed toMedical Officer for theconduct of Physical andMedical Evaluation.

    4.1 Duty Nurse will forwardform of applicant/trainee/promotable to MedicalOfficer for initial evaluationof results.

    None 2 mins. Duty Nurse andMedical Officer

    4.2 Medical Officer willperform physicalexamination to client.

    None 5 mins. Medical Officer

    4.3 If there will becompliance with thelaboratory results or if thereis a need to secure othermedical clearances theclient must complete andsubmit said results back toHealth Service for re-evaluation before receivingsignature of Medical Officer.

    None 5 mins. Medical Officer

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    5. Client will be endorsedto Psychologist toundergo Pre-Assessment.

    5. Client will answerPsychological Pre-Assessment Questionnairefor the Psychologist toevaluate and if there is aneed for the client to bereferred to for furtherevaluation or to aPsychiatrist.

    None 5 mins. Psychologist

    6. Client will receivemedicines from PharmacyUnit.

    6. If the Medical Officerprescribes medicine, clientwill proceed to PharmacyUnit to receive medicinesand to sign at the logbook.

    None 2 mins. Pharmacist

    7. Client will photocopysets of the Medical Formalong with the medicalresults for dry seal.

    5. Duty Nurse will take onecopy from client for recordkeeping and will also be theone to provide dry seal.

    None 3 mins. Duty Nurse



  • 23

    6. Provision of Medical/Dental/Physical Therapy/Psychological Consultation/Treatment

    Maintenance of general safety and management of possible work-related illness.

    Office or Division: Office of the Health ServiceClassification: Highly-TechnicalType of Transaction: G2C, G2GWho May Avail: All


    1. Referral form Health Service

    2. Laboratory/Dental/ Xray/ECG results Private or Government Clinics/Hospitals


    1. Validate thecompleteness of thesubmitted form

    None 3 mins. Duty Nurse

    2. Taking of vital signs 2. Duty Nurse will facilitatesaid step

    None 2 mins. Duty Nurse

  • 24

    3. Client to proceed toMedical Unit forevaluation.

    3. Medical Officer willperform medical evaluationto client.

    None 5 mins. Medical Officer

    3.1 If there is a need forclient to see other units ofthe Health Service forevaluation, Medical Officerwill fill out a referral form(Dental, Physical Therapyand Psychology) for clientto present.

    None 2 mins. Medical Officer

    4. Client to seekDental/PhysicalTherapy/Psychologyevaluation.

    4.Dentist/PhysicalTherapist/ Psychologist willfurther evaluates client andif it still needs to seekconsultation with specialist,a referral form will beissued.

    None 5 mins. Dentist/PhysicalTherapist/PsychologistMedical Doctors fromprivate/government



    PROCESSING TIMENone 17 mins.

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    7. Dispensing of Maintenance DrugsMaintenance of general safety and management of possible work-related illness.

    Service Name: Dispensing of Maintenance DrugsDescription of Service: Health program that will prevent development of diseases among its personnel.Office or Division: Office of the Health ServiceClassification: Highly-TechnicalType of Transaction: G2C, G2GWho May Avail: All

    Checklist of Requirements: Where to SecurePrescription Form Medical Officer, Private or Government


    1. Medical Officer will issueprescription form andendorse client toPharmacist.

    None 5 mins. Medical Officer

    2. Enrollment of Client toHealth Club.

    2. Pharmacist will validatethe information provided bythe client.

    None 3 mins. Pharmacist

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    3. Client medicalevaluation.

    3. Medical Officer willperform a thorough medicalevaluation of the client andwill keep a record of theform.

    None 5 mins. Medical Officer

    4. Client will receivemedicines fromPharmacist.

    4. Pharmacist will dispenseneeded medicines to client.

    None 2 mins. Pharmacist

    5. Client will log at thePatient Registry Form forDOH Maintenancemedicines AccessProgram.

    5. Pharmacist to monitor thelist and inventory ofmedicine supplies.

    None 1 min. Pharmacist


    PROCESSING TIMENone 16 mins.

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    8. Request for Fire Incident CertificationRequest for Fire Incident Certification.

    Office or Division: Fire Arson Investigation Division - Directorate for Intelligence andInvestigation (FOR National Headquarters ONLY)

    Classification: Simple / ComplexType of Transaction: G2C / G2B / G2GWho May Avail: Fire Victims (For Affected Structure/s)


    Letter Request*Latest BIR (duly received)Lease ContractBusiness Permit*** Insurance Policy*** Affidavit of Fire Loss*** Completed Final Investigation Report

    *** Additional Requirements if neededREQUIREMENTS FOR FIRE INCIDENTCERTIFICATION (Reconstitution/Renewal/Termination of Business)

    Letter Request*Latest BIR (duly received)Lease ContractBusiness Permit

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    RESPONSIBLE1. All client/s who intends to request

    for Fire Incident Certification mustbring a Letter of Request for releaseof Fire Incident Certification. (Statingdetails of fire case and purpose ofthe request)

    1. Designated RecordsManagement Officer (RMO) will askthe client to log-in at Visitor'slogbook and determines clientconcern. Receives the Letter ofRequest for release of Fire IncidentCertification. (if there's any)

    None 10-20mins RecordsManagementOfficer (RMO)

    2. The Records ManagementOfficer (RMO) will validate ifreported fire case by the client isunder FAID - DII BFP NationalHeadquarters' jurisdiction.

    2.1 If reported fire case isunder FAID - DII BFP NationalHeadquarters' jurisdiction, RMO willask the client/s to bring a copy of allnecessary documentaryrequirements needed in theprocessing of FIC.

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    2.2 If reported fire case is notunder FAID - DII BFP NationalHeadquarters' jurisdiction, RMO willadvise the client/s to proceed toconcerned Regional/City/District/Municipal BFP office/s which hasjurisdiction over the fire case.

    2. The Client/s shall bring all thenecessary documentaryrequirements needed.

    3. For validated fire case/s underthe jurisdiction of FAID - DII BFPNational Headquarters', RMO willadvise the client to wait for a phonecall on updates regarding theschedule for pick-up of therequested Fire IncidentCertification.

    4. A member of the InvestigatingTeam (FAI) will prepare the FireIncident Certification to be reviewedand signed by Chief, Fire ArsonInvestigation Division.

    One (1) day Fire ArsonInvestigator (FAI)

    3. The Client/s shall wait for aphone call from the RMO of FAID -DII if requested document is readyfor release.

    5. The Records ManagementOfficer (RMO) will notify the client/sthat the requested document isready for release and to bring anyGovernment issued ID to claim thecertification.

    Within Five (5)Working days

    RecordsManagementOfficer (RMO)

  • 30

    4. The Client/s shall bring anygovernment issued ID to claim thefire clearance certification.

    6. The Records ManagementOfficer (RMO) will collect andphotocopy the government issuedID; record and include thephotocopied ID in the record of therequest for filing.

    5-10 mins RecordsManagementOfficer (RMO)

    5. The Client/s shall receive the FireIncident Certification.

    7. The Records ManagementOfficer (RMO) will release the FireIncident Certification to the client.



  • 31

    9. Request for Fire Clearance CertificateRelease of Fire Clearance Certificate.

    Service Name: Request for Fire Clearance Certificate

    Description of Service: Release of Fire Clearance Certificate

    Office or Division: Fire Arson Investigation Division - Directorate for Intelligence andInvestigation (FOR National Headquarters ONLY)

    Classification: Simple / Complex

    Type of Transaction: G2C / G2B / G2G

    Who May Avail: Fire Victims (For Structure of Fire Origin)



    1. Letter Request*2. Completed Final Investigation Report (For


  • 32

    Client Steps Agency Action Fees to bePaidProcessing


    Responsible1. All client/s who intends to request

    for Fire Clearance Certificate mustbring a Letter of Request for releaseof Fire Clearance Certificate. (Statingdetails of fire case and purpose of therequest)

    1. Designated Records ManagementOfficer (RMO) will ask the client tolog-in at Visitor's logbook anddetermines client concern.Receives the Letter of Request forrelease of Fire ClearanceCertificate. (if there's any)

    None 10-20mins RecordsManagementOfficer (RMO)

    2. The Records Management Officer(RMO) will validate if reported firecase by the client is under FAID -DII BFP National Headquarters'jurisdiction.

    2.1 If reported fire case is underFAID - DII BFP NationalHeadquarters' jurisdiction,RMO may request client/s tobring additional documents ifneeded.

  • 33

    2.2 If reported fire case is notunder FAID - DII BFPNational Headquarters'jurisdiction, RMO will advicethe client/s to proceed toconcernedRegional/City/District/Municipal BFP office/s whichhas jurisdiction over the firecase.

    2. The Client/s shall bring theadditional documentary requirements(if there's any).

    3. For validated fire case/s under thejurisdiction of FAID - DII BFPNational Headquarters', RMO willadvice the client to wait for a phonecall on updates regarding theschedule for pick up of the requestedFire Clearance Certificate.4. A member of the Investigating

    Team (FAI) will prepare the FireClearance Certificate to be reviewedand signed by Chief, Fire ArsonInvestigation Division.

    One (1) day Fire ArsonInvestigator


    3. The Client/s shall wait for a phonecall from the RMO of FAID - DII ifrequested document is ready forrelease.

    5. The Records Management Officer(RMO) will notify the client/s that therequested document is ready forrelease and to bring any Governmentissued ID to claim the certification.

    Within Five (5)Working days

    RecordsManagementOfficer (RMO)

  • 34

    4. The Client/s shall bring anygovernment issued ID to claim thefire clearance certificate.

    6. The Records Management Officer(RMO) will collect and photocopy thegovernment issued ID; record andinclude the photocopied ID in therecord of the request for filing.

    5-10 mins RecordsManagementOfficer (RMO)

    5. The Client/s shall receive the FireClearance Certificate.

    7. The Records Management Officer(RMO) will release the FireClearance Certificate to the client.



  • 35

    Regional, Provincial and District Fire Office

    External Services

  • 36

    1. Filing of Verified Protest/Appeal Re: Action(s) or Findings Resulting from the Conduct of Fire SafetyInspection/Building Plan Evaluation

    Any party aggrieved by the action(s) or findings which are results from the conduct of fire safety inspection/building plan evaluationof the City/Municipal Fire Marshal may challenge the same by filing a VERIFIED PROTEST to the Office of the Provincial Fire Marshal,as the case may be, within five (5) days from receipt of a notice (Notice to Comply) or order. In case the action to be protested isrendered by a Provincial Fire Marshal, the same shall be filed before the Office of the Regional Director.

    Any request for reconsideration, request for extension of time to comply, and such other matters pertaining to the issued notice ororder shall be treated as a protest, hence shall conform to the requirement as to form herein prescribed and pay the correspondingprotest fee. Release of Fire Clearance Certificate.

    Office or Division: Regional/Provincial Office (Fire Safety Enforcement Division/Section)

    Classification: Highly Technical

    Type of Transaction 1. Government To Citizen (G2C) 2. Government To Business Entity (G2B)

    Who may avail: Business Owner, Contractor or Business Entity


    The verified protest shall contain the following information:

    1. the name and address of the protestant/appellant; Business Owner, Contractor or Business Entity

    2. the notice or order being protested/appealed; Local Fire Station

  • 37

    3. the name and office address of the fire marshal who issued the noticeor order; and/or such other matters and information pertinent andrelevant to the proper resolution of the protest/appeal;

    4.certified true copy of the notice or order subject of the protest/appeal;

    5. duly notarized affidavit; Business Owner, Contractor or Business Entity

    6. certification under oath that:

    Business Owner, Contractor or Business Entity

    (1) protestant/appellant has not theretofore commenced any actionor filed any claim involving the same issues in any court, tribunal orquasi-judicial agency and to the best of his knowledge, no such otheraction or claim is pending therein;

    (2) if there is such other pending action or claim, a completestatement of the present status thereof;

    (3) and if he should thereafter learn that the same or similar actionor claim has been filed or is pending

    7. Official Receipt of Protest/Appeal Fee Local Fire Station


    RESPONSIBLE1. Fill-out request/ applicationform for the filing of protest/appeal.

    1. Receive and record theaccomplished form. None

    maximum of ten (10)minutes

    Customer RelationsOfficer (CRO)

    2. Proceed to FCA for FireCode Fees (FCF) assessment.

    2. Assess the FCF and issueOrder of Payment Slip (OPS) None

    maximum of ten (10)minutes

    Fire Code FeesAssesor

  • 38

    3. Pay the assessed fees 3. Collect the payment and issueOfficial Receipt (OR)maximum of ten (10)


    Collecting Agent

    a. certified true copy ofnotice/order;

    Php 350.00 (for everydocument requested

    to be certified)b. protest fee; (or) Php 500.00 (for every

    filing of protest)c. appeal fee Php 1000.00 (for

    every filing of appeal)

    4. Evaluate and issue thecertified true copy of notice/order.

    maximum of ten (10)minutes

    Chief, Fire SafetyEnforcement Unit

    (FSEU)City/Municipal Fire


    4. Claim the certified true copyof notice/order.

    5. Record the release ofnotice/order and OR. None

    maximum of ten (10)minutes

    Customer RelationsOfficer (CRO)

    5. Upon completion of therequirements on the filing of aprotest/appeal, forward thenecessary documents at theRegional/Provincial Office.

    6. Fill-out the record/logbook.6. Require an ID for theissuance of visitor's pass andendorse to the concerned office

    None maximum of ten (10)minutesCustomer Relations

    Officer (CRO)

  • 39

    7. Proceed and forward thedocuments at the Fire SafetyEnforcement Office.

    7. Received the letter andevaluate the completeness if thedocuments of the verifiedprotest/appeal.

    None maximum of ten (10)minutes

    Staff, Fire SafetyEnforcement


    8. Claim the received copy ofletter.

    8. Release and record the filingof protest/appeal. None

    maximum of ten (10)minutes

    Staff, Fire SafetyEnforcement


    9. Issue a directive to the lowerunit to submit the profile andother pertinent documents of thecase.

    None maximum of fifteen (15)days

    Chief, Fire SafetyEnforcement


    Director/ProvincialFire Marshal

    10. Review of the case.

    11. Issuance of resolution/decision of the verified protest tothe protestant/appellant.

    9. Receive the resolution/decision from the Regional/Provincial Office.



    Total: Php 850.00(minimum)15 days, 1 hour and

    20 minutes

  • 40

    2. Processing of Application for Medical Reimbursement Claim, Death/Survivorship Benefits, and TotalPermanent Physical Disability (TPPD) Benefits

    Filing of documentary requirements for the Medical Reimbursement, Death/Survivorship Benefits, and Total Permanent PhysicalDisability (TPPD) for the grant and processing of benefit claims

    Office or Division: Morale and Benefits Section, Admin Division

    Classification: Complex

    Type of Transaction: G2C and G2G

    Who May Avail: All bonafide members of BFP/Concerned Legal Beneficiaries

    CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS: WHERE TO SECUREMEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT (Note: Shall befiled within 60 days after the date of dischargefrom the hospital):1. Endorsement from Provincial Level Provincial Office

    2. Application Letter Claimant

    3. Personal Data Sheet (PDS) Can be downloaded at (http://csc.gov.ph/2014-02-21-08-28-23/pdf-files/category/183-personal-data-sheet-csc-form-212-revised-2005.html)

    4. Service Record Station, Provincial and Regional Level, Personnel Record Section)

    5. Medical Certificate Attending Physician

  • 41

    6. Clinical Abstract: (a)1) Short history;(b)Pertinent PE findings; (c) LaboratoryExaminations; (d) Diagnosis; (e)Medications;(f)Name/signature/license number of MD

    Hospital where the claimant was confined/hospitalized

    7. Investigation Report Station and Provincial IIS for approval by PFM8. Statement of Account with PhilHealthDeduction


    9. Original Official Receipts Hospital and Medication Bills

    10. Authenticated Copy of Leave Applied Prepared by Station Admin (Signatories are from Station, Provincial andRegional Level)

    11. Certificate of Duty Status (Signed by the C,Admin & C, Personnel certified by the FireMarshal)

    Station, Provincial and Regional Level (ATTN: Personnel Record Section)


    Requirements for Death Claims through theConfirmation of Regional Claims AdjudicationCommittee (RCAC) Resolution)1. Endorsement Provincial and Regional Level

    2. Latest accomplished Personal Data Sheet(PDS) of BFP Personnel w/picture)

    Station or Regional Office 4A (ATTN: Personnel Record Sec)

    3. Death Certificate with original receipt Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)

    4. Investigation Report Station and Provincial IIS for approval by PFM

    5. Certificate of Legal Beneficiaries Regional Office 4A (ATTN: Morale and Benefits Sec)

  • 42

    6. Service Record Station, Provincial and Regional Level, Personnel Record Section

    7. Authenticated Copy of Original and LatestAppointment

    Personal copy or may be secured from BFP Records Offices


    Requirements for Death Claims (Gratuity,Burial, 5 Years Monthly Pension, Death andSurvivorship Claims)1. Endorsement Provincial and Regional Level2. Regional Claims and AdjudicationCommittee (RCAC) Resolution

    Morale and Benefits Section

    3. ID of the spouse (photocopy), if marriedID of parents (photocopy), if single


    4. Death Certificate with original receipt Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)

    5. Investigation Report Station and Provincial IIS for approval by District/Provincial Fire Marshal

    6. Certificate of Legal Beneficiaries Morale and Benefits Section

    7. Service Record Station, Provincial and Regional Level, Personnel Record Section)

    8. Authenticated Copy of Original and LatestAppointment

    Personal copy or may be secured from BFP Records Offices

  • 43

    CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS: WHERE TO SECURERequirements for Special Financial Assistance(died in line of duty)1. Endorsement Provincial and Regional Level

    2. Death Certificate or Spot InvestigationReport

    Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)/ Station (ATTN: Investigator

    3. Marriage Certificate (*if married)/ MarriageContract of Parents (*If single)

    Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)

    4. Service Record Station, Provincial and Regional Level, Personnel Record Section

    5. Latest Pay Slip Station/Provincial/Regional Level, Finance Section

    CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS: WHERE TO SECURERequirements for Death Claims (TerminalLeave Claim)1. Endorsement Provincial and Regional Level2. Landbank ATM Account Information Formalong with colored photocopy of landbank ATMCard with signature over printed name of theclaimant

    Landbank ATM Account Information Form available at the Office of Morale andBenefits Section

    3. Latest Personal Data Sheet (PDS) withlatest picture (must have ISO number withsignature and date of accomplishment forevery page)

    Personnel Record Sec, if deceased

    4. Regional Claims and AdjudicationCommittee (RCAC) Resolution

    Morale and Benefits Sec

    5. Investigation Report Station and Provincial IIS for approval by PFM6. Death Certificate Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)

  • 44

    7. Certificate of Legal Beneficiaries Morale and Benefits Sec8. Itemize Leave Record Prepared by Station Admin (Signatories are from Station, Provincial and

    Regional Level)9. Application for Leave signed by thebeneficiary

    Prepared by Station Admin (Signatories are from Station, Provincial andRegional Level)

    10. Certificate of Monetization Cert. of Monetization (Provincial Office, Regional Office (ATTN: FinanceSection)

    11. Updated Service Record Station, Provincial Office, Regional Office, Personnel Record Section)

    12. Original Appointment and LatestAppointment

    Personal copy or may be secured from BFP Records Offices

    CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS: WHERE TO SECURE13. No Money Property Accountability (NMPA)Clearance

    -SAO Forms-Certificate of Badge Return-Notarized Affidavit of Undertaking

    NMPA (station Level; signatories thru chammel)SAO Forms from Station, Provincial and Regional Level, Supply AccountableSection (SAS)Cert. of Badge Return, Supply Accountable Section (SAS)Affidavit of Undertaking, Copy available at Morale and Benefits Section

    14. Statements of assets and Liabilities andnet Worth as of Last day of Service

    Personnel Record Section

    15. Latest Pay Slip Finance Section16. Certificate of Last Payment Certificate of Last Payment at Provincial Office to be evaluate and signed by PD

    and Regional Disbursement Officer (Office of Finance Section, BFP RegionalOffice 4A

    17. Certificate of Deletion of Check Will be provided by NHQ18. Certificate of cancellation of Check If any-will be provided by NHQ

  • 45

    CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS: WHERE TO SECURERequirements for TPPD1. Letter of Application Claimant2. Endorsement Provincial and Regional Level3. Investigation Report Station and Provincial IIS for approval by D/PFM4. Service Record Station, Provincial and Regional Level, Personnel Record Section5. Medical Certificate Medical Officer6. Clinical abstract Attending Physician7. Original Appointment8. Latest appointment with “Permanent” status9. Certificate of Duty Status Station, Provincial Office, Regional Office, Personnel Record Section10. Certificate of Non-Pending Case Station, Provincial and Regional Level, Prosecution Section

  • 46


    1. Perusal and verification ofsubmitted documents and ensure itscompleteness.

    None 1 hour Morale andBenefits Section

    2. Forward the submitted documentsto Chief, EMS (Medical Officer) forfurther evaluation of the Official Receiptsof Medicines, medical supplies used,Medical Abstract/Certificate (For MedicalReimbursement Case only);

    3. Forward to Prosecution Sectionthe submitted investigation report forfurther evaluation

    None 21 days Morale andBenefits Section

    4. Schedule the date of Deliberation(Approval of the Notice of Deliberation).Issue/Disseminate a NOTICE OFMEETING to all members of RCAC andadjudicate the claim

    None Morale andBenefits Section

  • 47

    5. RCAC convenes and deliberatesthe claim application and subsequentlyprepare a Resolution of the deliberation(granted or denied) and have it signed bythe Chairman of the Committee and allRCAC Members.

    None RCAC Members

    6. Forward the copy of Resolutionwith the attached requirements to theRegional Director for his approval ordisapproval (In case of denial of theclaim, the applicant may submit a Motionfor Reconsideration to the RegionalDirector within (10) days from the date ofreceipt of the notice of denial)

    None Morale andBenefits Section

    7. Make an endorsement letter forthe submission of documentaryrequirements along with the RCACresolution to the BFP NHQ (ATTN: PWS)for signature by the Regional Director.

    None 5 minutes Morale andBenefits Section

    2. Wait for theNotice of Approval/Disapproval througha Bureau Order

    8. Submit the Claimant’s Folder toBFP-NHQ for processing

    None LiaisonOfficer/Claimant


    PROCESSING TIMENone 16 days

  • 48

    3. Processing of Application for BFP Scholarship Program

    Filing and processing of Application for BFP Scholarship Program for and in behalf of the surviving qualified children of the deceasedor permanently-incapacitated BFP Personnel.

    Office or Division: Morale and Benefits Section, Admin Division

    Classification: Complex

    Type of Transaction: G2C

    Who May Avail: All qualified children (below 21 Years Old) of BFP Deceased Personnel and Retired BFP Personnelunder Total Permanent Physical Disability (TPPD)


    1. BFP Application for Scholarship Form Regional Office, Morale and Benefits Section

    2. Birth Certificate of the child/ren Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)

    3. Death Certificate of the deceased personnel or TPPD order forthe retired personnel

    Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)/ Regional Office, Moraleand Benefits Section

    4. Two (2) pieces 2x2 pictures5.Certification of enrollment Obtained from the school where the dependent-student

    currently enrolled6.Official Receipts of enrollment (for private school enrollees ifpayment has been made)7. School Identification Card

    8. Report of Grades or Transcript of Records

  • 49


    RESPONSIBLE1. Submit two (2)folders with tabbing ofall the required documents

    1. Perusal and verification ofsubmitted documents and ensure itscompleteness.

    NONE 10-15 minutes Morale andBenefits Section

    2. Make an Endorsement Letterof the said application to the Chief,BFP (Attn: AIS, BFP-NHQ) forprocessing

    NONE 5 minutes Morale andBenefits Section

    3. Have it initialed by the Chief,MBS and Chief, Admin Division, andsigned by the Regional Director

    NONE 5-10 minutes Morale andBenefits Section

    4. Transmit the application toBFP-NHQ for processing andapproval

    NONE Indefinite Liaison Officer

    2. Wait for the approval,upon approval Receivesnotice from the Chairman,Ad Hoc Committee, BFP-NHQ the approval of thescholarship.

    5. Upon approval of theResolution, prepare notice for thesignature of the Chairman, Ad HocCommittee, BFP-NHQ informing theparent of the client the approval ofthe scholarship thru mail;

    NONE Indefinite BFP-NHQ

    6. Filing of documents. NONE 2 minutes Morale andBenefits Section



  • 50

    Fire Station or Lone District Fire Office

    External and Frontline Services

  • 51

    1. Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance (FSEC) Application - Regular (Simple)

    A document issued by the BFP as a prerequisite for the grant of Building Permit by the Office of Building Official havingjurisdiction upon determination that the evaluated plans are compliant with Republic Act 9514 and its Revised ImplementingRules and Regulations.

    Office: Fire Station or Lone District Fire OfficeClassification: A. Simple Transaction

    Refers to applications for any of the following structures whose floor areadoes not exceed 1,500 square meters:1) Single dwelling residential building of not more than three floors/storey,2) Commercial buildings of not more than two (2) floors/storey,3) Renovation within a mall with issued building permit, and4) Warehouse storing non-hazardous substance.

    Processing Time: Three (3) working days

    Type of Transaction: 1. G2C – Government to Citizen2. G2B – Government to Business Entity

    Who may avail: Owner, Contractor or Business Entity

  • 52


    Accomplished application form for FireSafety Evaluation Clearance (FSEC)

    1 original copyFire Station/ Lone District Fire Office

    Architectural documents 3 original copies

    Signed and sealed by the Designer/ Contractor

    Civil documents 3 original copies

    Electrical documents 3 original copies

    Mechanical documents 3 original copies

    Plumbing documents 3 original copies

    Electronics documents 3 original copies

    Sanitary documents 3 original copies

    Fire Protection documents 3 original copies

    Cost Estimate of the building includinglabor cost duly notarized

    1 original copySigned and sealed by the Designer/Contractor

    Fire Safety Compliance Report (FSCR),if required

    1 set of original copyFire Safety Practitioner

    Fire Safety Clearance for Welding,Cutting, and Other Hot Work Operations(if required)

    1 original copyBusiness Entity/ Contractor/ Owner

  • 53



    RESPONSIBLE1. Completely fill-outnecessary information inthe application form.

    1. Issue a queuing numberand application form andinstruct the applicant tocomplete the necessaryinformation.

    2. Submit the filled-outapplication form and therequired documents in thechecklist of requirements.

    2. Receive from the applicantall documentsrequired in the checklistof requirements.

    3. Check the completeness ofthe submitted documents.

  • 54

    4. Record to the Official LogSheet the name of applicantand owner of theestablishment, the time anddate of application.(In case of lackingrequirements, the CRO shallimmediately return theapplication to the applicanttogether with the FSECApplication DisapprovalForm for compliance.)

    10 Minutes

    Customer Relations Officer(CRO)

    5. Endorse the bill ofmaterials/ cost estimate toFire Code Assessor (FCA)for assessment of fire codefees/taxes.

  • 55

    3. The applicant shall waitfor the queuing numberto be called by the Fire CodeAssessor (FCA)for the release ofOrder of Payment.

    6. Compute the firecode fees/taxes.

    1. ApplicationFee: Php200

    2. One-tenth ofone per centum(0.1%) of theverified estimatedvalue of thebuilding butnot more thanPhp50,000.00

    Formula:Verifiedestimatedvaluex 0.1%;Paymentshould be< Php50,000.00


    Example 1)Verifiedestimated amount= 51,000,000

    FC fees =(0.1*51,000,000)/100 = 51,000

    10 Minutes Fire Code Assessor(FCA)

  • 56

    4. Receive the Order ofPayment Slip (OPS).

    7. Call the applicant’s queuingnumber and issue the Order ofPayment Slip (OPS) to theapplicant.

    FC fees > 50,000

    Therefore, FCfees = 50, 000only

    Example 2)Verifiedestimated amount= 25,000,000

    FC fees = (0.1 *25,000,000)/100= 25,000

    FC fees < 50,000

    Therefore FCfees = 25,000

    5. The applicant shallpresent and pay theassessed amount indicatedin the OPS to the Fire CodeCollecting Agent (FCCA).

    8. Call the applicant’s queuingnumber.

    10 MinutesFire Code Collecting Agent

    (FCCA)6. Receive the OfficialReceipt (OR)

    9. Receive payment fromapplicant and issue OfficialReceipt (OR), then compilecopy ofOR.

  • 57

    7. Present the ORto the CRO.

    10. Require the applicant topresent original copy of theOR.

    5 Minutes

    (Agency ActionStep 10 to Step



    8. Receive theClaim Stub.

    11. Check copyof OR and record to theOfficial Log Sheet theamount paid, OR Number,and Date of Payment, thenissue Claim Stub to applicant.

  • 58

    12. Endorse the applicationdocuments together with therequired sets of building plansas the case may be to ChiefFire Safety EnforcementSection/Unit(FSES/FSEU).


    13. Assign Building PlanEvaluator (BPE) who willreview/ evaluate the plansand specifications. 15 Minutes

    Chief Fire SafetyEnforcement Section/ Unit


    14. Review/ evaluate buildingplans and accomplish FireSafety Checklist, FSEC orNotice of Disapproval (NOD)for FSEC as the case maybe, and make appropriaterecommendations/ findings.

    1 ½ DaysMaximum

    from the date ofapplication.

    Building Plan Evaluator(BPE)

  • 59

    15. Review/ evaluate therecommendations/ findings ofBPE and recommends toCity/Municipal Fire Marshal(C/MFM) or District FireMarshal (for lone DistrictFire Office) the issuance ofFSEC or NOD for FSEC asthe case may be.

    2 Hours ChiefFSES/FSEU

    16. Make the finalreview/evaluation of theChief FSES/ FSEU’srecommendation fordisposition.

    2 Hours

    City/Municipal Fire Marshal(C/MFM) or District Fire

    Marshal(for Lone DistrictFire Office)

    17. Approve/ disapprove,and sign three (3) copies ofFSEC orNOD (for FSEC) asthe case maybe.

    20 Minutes

    C/MFM or District FireMarshal

    (for Lone DistrictFire Office)

    18. Endorse applicationdocuments to the CRO.

  • 60

    19. Record in the Official LogSheet the FSEC or NOD asthe case may be, number,date approved, name ofapplicant/owner and name ofestablishment, OR numberand amount paid. Provideduplicate copy of FSEC orNOD to the designatedRecords Custodian.

    10 Minutes


    9. Acknowledge in thelogbook and claim theFSEC/ NOD.

    20. Release FSEC or NOD asthe case may be, and otherpertinent documents toapplicant or authorizedrepresentative uponpresentation of Claim Stub.

    Endorse one (1) set of plan tothe BO as well as duplicatecopy of FSEC, FSC or NODas the case may be.

    5 Minutes

    HIGHLY TECHNICAL: i. Cases elevated to the National Office and Regional Offices that requires technical knowledge andexpertise ii. Appeals iii. New Technologies, and iv. Special Structures.

    Fire Safety Compliance Report (FSCR) - A written report composed of plans, specifications and design analysis per buildingprepared by its Engineer/ Architect-of-Record and Fire Safety Practitioner.

  • 61

    2. Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance (FSEC) Application - Regular (Complex)

    A document issued by the BFP as a prerequisite for the grant of Building Permit by the Office of Building Official having jurisdictionupon determination that the evaluated plans are compliant with Republic Act 9514 and its Revised Implementing Rules andRegulations.

    Office: Fire Station or Lone District Fire Office

    Classification: A. Complex Transaction (Processing within seven (7) days)

    Applicable to all types of occupancies (e.g. Assembly, Educational, Day Care, etc.) except for thefollowing:

    1. Simple structures/buildings whose floor area does not exceed1,500 square meters:

    a.) Single dwelling residential not more than three (3) storeys in heightb.) Commercial building not more than two (2) storeys in heightc.) Renovation to a mall with issued building permit; andd.) Warehouse storing non-hazardous materials.

    2. Special structures (e.g. Aerodrome facilities, fixed guideway transit and passenger railsystems, wind turbine energy generating facilities, etc.)

    Type of Transaction: 1. G2C – Government to Citizen2. G2B – Government to Business Entity

    Who may avail: Owner, Contractor or Business Entity

  • 62

    CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECUREAccomplished application form forFire Safety Evaluation Clearance(FSEC) 1 original copy Fire Station/ Lone District Fire Office

    Architectural documents 3 original copies

    Signed and sealed by the Designer/Contractor

    Civil documents 3 original copiesElectrical documents 3 original copiesMechanical documents 3 original copiesPlumbing documents 3 original copiesElectronics documents 3 original copiesSanitary documents 3 original copiesFire Protection documents 3 original copiesCost Estimate of the buildingincluding labor cost duly notarized 1 original copy Signed and sealed by the Designer/Contractor

    Fire Safety ComplianceReport (FSCR), if required

    1 set of original copy Fire Safety Practitioner

    Fire Safety Clearance forWelding, Cutting, and Other HotWork Operations (if required)

    1 original copy Business Entity/ Contractor/ Owner

  • 63


    RESPONSIBLE1. Completely fill-outnecessary information inthe application form.

    1. Issue a queuing numberand application form andinstruct the applicant tocomplete the necessaryinformation.

    2. Submit the filled-outapplication form and therequired documents in thechecklist of requirements.

    2. Receive from theapplicant all documentsrequired in thechecklist ofrequirements.

    3. Check the completenessof the submitted documents.

  • 64

    4. Record to the Official LogSheet the name of applicantand owner of theestablishment, the timeand date of application.(In case of lackingrequirements, the CROshall immediately return theapplicationto the applicant togetherwith the FSEC ApplicationDisapproval Form forcompliance.)

    10 MinutesCustomer

    Relations Officer(CRO)

    5. Endorse the bill ofmaterials/ cost estimate toFire Code Assessor (FCA)for assessment of fire codefees/taxes.

  • 65

    3. The applicant shall waitfor the queuing numberto be called by the Fire CodeAssessor (FCA)for the release ofOrder of Payment.

    6. Compute the firecode fees/taxes.

    1. ApplicationFee: Php200

    2. One-tenth of oneper centum (0.1%) ofthe verified estimatedvalue of the buildingbut not more thanPhp50,000.00

    Formula: Verifiedestimated valuex 0.001; Paymentshould be<Php50,000.00


    Example 1)Verifiedestimated amount= 51,000,000

    FC fees =(0.1*51,000,000)/100 = 51,000

    10 MinutesFire CodeAssessor

    (FCA)4. Receive the Order ofPayment Slip (OPS).

    7. Call the applicant’squeuing number and issuethe Order of Payment Slip(OPS) to the applicant.

    5. The applicant shallpresent and pay theassessed amount indicatedin the OPS to the Fire CodeCollecting Agent (FCCA).

    8. Call the applicant’squeuing number.

    10 MinutesFire Code

    Collecting Agent(FCCA)

  • 66

    6. Receive the OfficialReceipt (OR)

    9. Receive payment fromapplicant and issue OfficialReceipt (OR), then compilecopy ofOR.

    FC fees > 50,000

    Therefore, FC fees =50, 000 only

    Example 2)Verifiedestimated amount= 25,000,000

    FC fees = (0.1 *25,000,000)/100= 25,000

    FC fees < 50,000

    Therefore FCfees = 25,000

    7. Present the ORto the CRO.

    10. Require the applicant topresent original copy of theOR.

    5 Minutes

    (Agency ActionStep 10 to Step



    8. Receive theClaim Stub.

    11. Check copyof OR and record to theOfficial Log Sheet theamount paid, OR Number,and Date of Payment, thenissue Claim Stub toapplicant.

  • 67

    12. Endorse the applicationdocuments together with therequired sets of buildingplans as the case may be toChief, Fire SafetyEnforcement Section/Unit(FSES/FSEU).


    13. Assign Building PlanEvaluator (BPE) who willreview/ evaluate the plansandspecifications.

    15 Minutes

    Chief FireSafety

    EnforcementSection/ Unit(FSES/FSEU)

    14. Review/ evaluatebuilding plans andaccomplish Fire SafetyChecklist, FSEC or Noticeof Disapproval (NOD) forFSEC as the case may be,and make appropriaterecommendations/ findings.

    5 ½ DaysMaximum

    from the date ofapplication

    Building PlanEvaluator


  • 68

    15. Review/ evaluate therecommendations/ findingsof BPE and recommends toCity/Municipal Fire Marshal(C/MFM) or District FireMarshal (for lone DistrictFire Office) the issuance ofFSEC or NOD for FSEC asthe case may be.

    2 Hours ChiefFSES/FSEU

    16. Make the finalreview/evaluation of theChief FSES/ FSEU’srecommendation fordisposition.

    2 Hours

    City/MunicipalFire Marshal(C/MFM) orDistrict Fire

    Marshal(for Lone District

    Fire Office)17. Approve/ disapprove,and sign three (3) copies ofFSEC orNOD (for FSEC) asthe case maybe.

    20 Minutes

    C/MFM orDistrict Fire

    Marshal(for Lone District

    Fire Office)18. Endorse applicationdocuments to the CRO.

  • 69

    19. Record in the OfficialLog Sheet the FSEC orNOD as the case may be,number, date approved,name of applicant/ ownerand name of establishment,OR number and amountpaid. Provide duplicatecopy of FSEC or NOD tothe designated RecordsCustodian.

    10 Minutes


    9. Acknowledge in thelogbook and claim the FSEC/NOD.

    20. Release FSEC or NODas the case may be, andother pertinentdocuments to applicant orauthorized representativeupon presentation of ClaimStub.Endorse one (1) set of planto the BO as well asduplicate copy of FSEC,FSC or NOD as the casemay be.

    5 Minutes

    HIGHLY TECHNICAL: i. Cases elevated to the National Office and Regional Offices that requires technical knowledge andexpertise ii. Appeals iii. New Technologies, and iv. Special Structures.

    Fire Safety Compliance Report (FSCR) - A written report composed of plans, specifications and design analysis per buildingprepared by its Engineer/ Architect-of-Record and Fire Safety Practitioner.

  • 70

    3. Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance (FSEC) Application - Process at OSCP

    A document issued by the BFP as a prerequisite for the grant of Building Permit by the Office of Building Official havingjurisdiction upon determination that the evaluated plans are compliant with Republic Act 9514 and its Revised ImplementingRules and Regulations.

    Office: One Stop Shop for Construction Permitting (OSCP)


    Simple Transaction

    Transaction processed within three (3) days - applicable to the followingtypes of building whose floor area does not exceed 1,500 square meters:

    1) Single dwelling residential building not more than 3 storey,2) Commercial building not more 2 storey,3) Renovation to a mall with issued building permit, and4) Warehouse storing non-hazardous materials.

    Type of Transaction: 1. G2C – Government to Citizen2. G2B – Government to Business EntityWho may avail: Owner, Contractor or Business Entity

  • 71

    CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECUREAccomplished UnifiedApplication Form (UAF) or application form forFire Safety Evaluation Clearance (FSEC)

    1 original copy One-Stop Shop for Construction Permitting(OSCP)

    REQUIRED DOCUMENTSNote: includes design plans, calculations and


    Signed and sealed by the Designer/Contractor

    Architectural documents 3 original copiesCivil documents 3 original copiesElectrical documents 3 original copiesMechanical documents 3 original copiesPlumbing documents 3 original copiesElectronics documents 3 original copiesSanitary documents 3 original copiesFire Protection documents 3 original copiesCost Estimate of the building including labor costduly notarized

    1 original copy Duly prepared by the Designer/Contractor and dulynotarized by the owner.

    Fire Safety ComplianceReport (FSCR), if required

    1 set of original copy Fire Safety Practitioner

    Fire Safety Clearance for Welding, Cutting andOther Hot Work Operations (if required)

    1 original copy Business Entity/ Contractor/ Owner

    Copy of valid professionallicenses 1 photocopy Professionals

  • 72



    RESPONSIBLE1. Submit the filled-out UnifiedApplication Form (UAF)/ BFPApplication Form and complete4 sets of documentaryrequirements at the receivingwindow of OSCP.

    1. Receive from the OBOMonitoring Officer andacknowledge in the routing slipthe receipt of all the documentsrequired in the checklist ofrequirement.

    20 Minutes

    Customer RelationsOfficer/ Fire Code


    2. Record the details of all thedocuments required in thechecklist of requirement in theBFP logbook.

    3. Forward all the documentsrequired in the checklist ofrequirement to the BFPLiaison Personnel (BLP) fortransmittal to the Fire Station.

    Note: Plan evaluation can bedone in the OSCP backroomdepending on the availabilityof BFP personnel.

  • 73

    4. Transmit all the documentsrequired in the checklist ofrequirements tothe Chief, FSES for thedesignation of Building PlanEvaluator (BPE).

    Note: Transmittal of documentsshall be done twice a day.Application filed on or before11:30 AM shall be transmitted tothe Fire Station before noon,while those filed on or before3:00 PM shall be transmitted tothe Fire Station before 3:30 PM.

    30 Minutes fromits cut-off time

    BFP LiaisonPersonnel


    5. Assign Building PlanEvaluator (BPE) who will review/evaluate the submitted designplans, calculations and itsspecifications in the checklist ofrequirements. 15 minutes

    Chief Fire SafetyEnforcementSection/ Unit(FSES/FSEU)

  • 74

    6. Evaluate the design plans,calculations & its specificationsof the required documents andprovide necessary findings &recommendations reflected inthe Fire Safety Checklist (FSC)and prepare either FSEC orNotice of Disapproval (NOD).

    1 ½ DaysMaximum from the

    date ofapplication.

    Building PlanEvaluator (BPE)

    7. Review/evaluate therecommendations/ findings ofBPE and recommend toCity/Municipal Fire Marshal(C/MFM) or District FireMarshal (for Lone District FireOffice)the issuance of FSEC orNOD as the case may be.

    2 Hours ChiefFSES/FSEU

    8. Make the finalreview/evaluation of the ChiefFSES/ FSEU’srecommendation for appropriatedisposition.

    2 Hours

  • 75

    9. Approve/ disapprove, andsign three (3) copies of FSCfor FSEC or FSC for NOD asthe case may be.Provide/assignthe corresponding controlnumber intended for theapplication.

    Note: In both cases ofapproval or disapproval, all 3sets of plans shall bear thename and signature of theFire Marshal and shallbe stamped either“APPROVED” or“DISAPPROVED”.It shall also indicate thechecklistnumber and date; FSECnumber and date as the casemay be.

    20 Minutes

    (Agency ActionStep 9 to Step


    City/MunicipalFire Marshal(C/MFM) orDistrict Fire

    Marshal(for Lone District

    Fire Office)

  • 76

    10. Endorse back all thedocuments required in thechecklist of requirements,including the 3 sets of FSC forFSEC or FSC for NOD as thecase may be, to the BLP fortransmittalto the CRO at theOSCP.

    C/MFM or DFM

    11. Transmit back all thedocuments required in thechecklist of requirements,including the 3 sets of FSC forFSEC or FSC for NOD as thecase may be, to the CRO at theOSCP.

    30 MinutesBFP LiaisonPersonnel

    (BLP)12. Receive from BLP all thedocuments required in thechecklist of requirements,including the FSC for FSEC orFSC for NOD as the case maybe.

    15 Minutes CRO/FCA

    13. Endorse to the OBOMonitoring Officer the 3 sets ofplans only if it isapproved for review andapproval.

  • 77

    14. Record in the logbook thedetails of the transmitteddocuments.

    For approved application,assess the Fire CodeConstruction Tax due to theowner/ applicant incoordination with the OBO andaccomplish the Order ofPayment Slip (OPS) andendorse to the OBO.

    Note: This is to be donethrough sharing of informationfor purposes of determiningwhichever the higher valuebetween BFP or OBO; thehigher value shall be the basisof assessment to be reflectedin the OPS.

    One-tenth ofone percentum (0.1%)of the verifiedestimatedvalue of thebuilding butnot more thanPhp50,000.00

    Formula:Verifiedestimatedvaluex 0.001;Paymentshould be<Php50,000.00

    Example 1)Verifiedestimated amount= 51,000,000

    10 Minutes

    CRO/ FCA

  • 78

    15. In cases of disapprovedapplication, all the documentsrequiredin the checklist of requirements,including the FSC for NOD shallimmediately endorse to the OBOfor the speedy information to theclient about the status of theapplication.

    FC fees =(0.1*51,000,000)/100 = 51,000

    FC fees > 50,000

    Therefore FCfees = 50, 000only

    Example 2)Verifiedestimated amount= 25,000,000

    FC fees = (0.1 *25,000,000)/100= 25,000

    FC fees < 50,000

    Therefore FCfees = 25,000

    2. Present the claim stub andreceive the OPS.

    16. Issue the Order of PaymentSlip (OPS) together with OBO. 10 Minutes

  • 79

    3. The applicant shall pay theassessed amount indicated inthe OPS to the Fire CodeCollecting Agent (FCCA)

    17. Receive the amount due forthe BFP through the Cashier,issue the corresponding OR tothe applicant through theCashier, keep a copy of thereceipt and record in the OPSand logbook thedetails of the payment.

    10 MinutesFire Code

    Collecting Agent(FCCA)

    18. Endorse to the CRO/FCAthe OPS for the details to bereflected in the FSC and FSEC.

    19. Receive and reflect thedetails of the payment in theFSC and FSEC.

    10 Minutes

    20. Record in the Official LogSheet the FSEC or NOD as thecase may be, number, dateapproved, name ofapplicant/owner and name ofestablishment, OR number andamount paid.

  • 80

    21. Release theFSC and its FSECor FSC and its NOD as the casemay be to the OBO ReleasingOfficer and the 3 sets ofrequired documents for properdistribution toClient, OBO andBFP.

    5 minutes


    4. Claim and acknowledge therequirements mentioned inthe FSC and the releasinglogbook for FSEC or if notcompliant, the FSC and its NODtogether with the appliedcomplete required documents asthe case maybe.

    22. Claim from the OBOReleasing Officer at thereleasing window the releasedFSC and its FSEC for thearchiving BFP copy, the one(1) set mentioned in theChecklist ofrequirements or theFSC and its NODas the case may be.

    15 minutes CRO/FCA

  • 81

    23. Transmit the documentsback to the Fire Station forprofiling the duplicate copy ofthe FSC and its FSEC togetherwith the one (1) set mentionedin the Checklist of requirementsor the FSC and its NODby the designatedRecords Custodian. 30 Minutes BLP

    HIGHLY TECHNICAL: i. Cases elevated to the National Office and Regional Offices that requires technical knowledge andexpertise ii. Appeals iii. New Technologies, and iv. Special Structures.

    Fire Safety Compliance Report (FSCR) - A written report composed of plans, specifications and design analysis per buildingprepared by its Engineer/ Architect-of-Record and Fire Safety Practitioner.

  • 82

    4. Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) Application for Certificate of Occupancy - Regular(Simple)

    A document issued by the BFP as a prerequisite for the grant of Certificate of Occupancy by the Office of the BuildingOfficial upon determining that the required fire safety construction are in place, and fire protective and/or warning systemsare properly installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and in compliance with Republic Act 9514and its Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations.

    Office: Fire Station or Lone District Office


    A. Simple TransactionRefers to applications for any of the following structures whosefloor area does not exceed 1,500 square meters:1) Single dwelling residential building of not more than threefloors/storey,2) Commercial buildings of not more than two (2) floors/storey,3) Renovation within a mall with issued building permit, and4) Warehouse storing non-hazardous substance.

    Processing Time: Three (3) working days

    Type of Transaction: 1. G2C – Government to Citizen2. G2B – Government to Business Entity

    Who may avail: Owner, Contractor or Business Entity

  • 83

    CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECUREAccomplished application form for FireSafety Inspection Certificate (FSIC)

    1 original copy

    Fire Station or Lone District OfficeEndorsement from the Office of BuildingOfficial (OBO)

    1 original copy Office of Building Official (OBO)

    Certificate of Completion 1 original copy Contractor or Business Entity

    Certified true copy ofassessment fee forsecuring Occupancy Permit from OBO 1 original copy


    As-built plan, if necessary 1 original copy Owner, Contractor or Business Entity

    Fire Safety Complianceand Commissioning Report(FSCCR), if required

    1 set of original copy Fire Safety Practitioner

  • 84


    RESPONSIBLE1. Completelyfill-out and submitthe applicationform.

    1. Issue a queuing number andapplication form and instruct theapplicant to complete theinformation.

    10 Minutes Customer RelationsOfficer (CRO)

    2. Submit the filled-out applicationform and therequireddocuments in thechecklist ofrequirements.

    2. Receive from the applicant alldocuments required in the checklistof requirements.

    3. Check the completeness of thesubmitted documents.

    4. Record to the Official Log Sheetthe name of applicant, owner of theestablishment, the time and dateof application. (In case of lackingrequirements, the CRO shallimmediately return the applicationto the applicant together with theFSIC Application Disapproval Formfor compliance.)

  • 85

    3. The applicantshall wait for thequeuing numberto be called by theFire CodeAssessor (FCA)for the release ofOrder of PaymentSlip (OPS).

    5. Endorse the Certificate ofCompletion/ Certified True Copy ofAssessment Fee for securingOccupancy Permit from OBO to FireCode Assessor (FCA) forassessment of fire code fees

    6. Compute the firecode fees.

    Fifteen percent (15%)of all fees charged byLGU but in no caseshall be lower thanPhp500.00


    Example 1) Fees chargeby the LGU / PEZA= 10,000

    10 Minutes

    Fire CodeAssessor


    4. Receive OPS. 7. Call the applicant’s queuingnumber and issue the Order ofPayment Slip (OPS).

    5. The applicantshall pay theassessed amountindicated in theOPS to the FireCode CollectingAgent (FCCA).

    8. Call the applicant’s queuingnumber.

    10 MinutesFire Code Collecting

    Agent (FCCA)

  • 86

    6. Receive theOfficial Receipt(OR).

    9. Receive payment from applicantand issue Official Receipt (OR), thencompile copy of OR

    Inspection Fee = (15%*10,000) =1,500

    Inspection Fee> 500

    Therefore, Inspection fee =1,500

    Example 2) Fees chargeby the LGU / PEZA= 2,000

    Inspection Fee = (15%*2,000) = 300

    Inspection Fee < 500

    Therefore, Inspection fee =500

    7. Present the ORto the CRO.

    10. Require the applicant to presentoriginal copy of the OR.

    5 Minutes CRO

    8. Receive theClaim Stub.

    11. Check copyof OR and record to the Official LogSheet the amount paid, ORNumber, and Date of Payment,thenissue Claim Stub to applicant.

    12. Endorse the applicationdocuments to Chief Fire SafetyEnforcement Section/Unit(FSES/FSEU).

  • 87

    13.Receive application documentsand retrieve FSEC and buildingplans with Fire Safety Checklist(FSC) or latest After InspectionReport (AIR) as the case may be,from the BFP Records Custodian tobe attached to the application, assignFire Safety Inspector and issue anInspection Order

    15 Minutes Chief Fire SafetyEnforcementSection/ Unit(FSES/FSEU)

    9. Acknowledgesthe IO and AIR.

    14. Proceed to the establishmentand request acknowledgement ofthe IO from any responsibleperson in the building, structure orfacility. Conduct Fire SafetyInspection and submit After-Inspection Report (AIR) andsupporting documents to Chief,FSES/FSEU with appropriatefindings and recommendations, suchas issuance of FSIC/No- tice ofDisapproval (NOD) for occupancy,as the case may be. If the buildingor establishment is alreadyoccupied/operational, FSI shallrecommend issuance of Notice toComply (NTC) instead of NOD ifthere is a violation of the Fire Codeand its RIRR.

    1 ½ DaysMaximum from thedate of application

    Fire SafetyInspector (FSI)

  • 88

    15. Review/ evaluate therecommendations/ findings of FSIand recommends to City/MunicipalFire Marshal (C/MFM) or District FireMarshal (for Lone DistrictFire Office) the issuance of FSIC,NOD or NTC as the case may be.

    2 HoursChief


    16. Make the final review/evaluationof the Chief FSES/ FSEU’srecommendation for disposition.

    2 Hours

    City/Municipal FireMarshal (C/MFM)

    or District FireMarshal

    (for Lone DistrictFire Office)

    17. Approve/ disapprove, and signthree (3) copies of FSIC/ NOD orNTC (for FSIC) as the case may be.

    18. Forward applicationdocuments to the CRO.

  • 89

    19. Record in the Official Log Sheetthe FSIC/NOD/NTC as the case maybe the number date approved, nameof applicant/owner, name ofestablishment, OR number andamount paid. Provide duplicate copyof FSIC/NOD/NTC to the designatedRecords Custodian together theapplication documents, retrieve FSECand building plans with Fire SafetyChecklist (FSC), After-InspectionReport (AIR) for during constructionor latest After-Inspection Report (AIR)as the case may be.

    10 Minutes CRO

    10. Acknowledgein the logbook andclaim the FSIC/NOD/NTC

    20. Release FSIC/ NOD/NTC as thecase may be, to applicant orauthorized representative uponpresentation of Claim Stub.Endorse to OBO the duplicate copyof FSIC/NOD/NTCas the case may be.

    5 Minutes

    HIGHLY TECHNICAL: i. Cases elevated to the National Office and Regional Offices that requires technical knowledge andexpertise ii. Appeals iii. New Technologies, and iv. Special Structures

    Fire Safety Compliance and Commissioning Report (FSCCR) - A compilation report of all approved submittals, test andacceptable forms of all fire protection and life safety features, which shall form part of the “as built” documents turned over bythe contractor to the building owner.

  • 90

    5. Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) Application for Certificate of Occupancy - Regular (Complex)

    A document issued by the BFP as a prerequisite for the grant of Certificate of Occupancy by the Office of theBuilding Official upon determining that the required fire safety construction are in place, and fire protective and/orwarning systems are properly installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and in compliance withRepublic Act 9514 and its Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations.

    Office: Fire Station or Lone District Fire Office


    A. Complex Transaction (Processing within seven (7) days)

    Applicable to all types of occupancies (e.g. Assembly, Educational, Day Care, etc.)except for the following:

    1. Simple structures/buildings whose floor area does not exceed1,500 square meters:

    a.) Single dwelling residential not more than three (3) storeys in heightb.) Commercial building not more than two (2) storeys in height c.) Renovation toa mall with issued building permit; andd.) Warehouse storing non-hazardous materials.

    2. Special structures (e.g. Aerodrome facilities, fixed guideway transit andpassenger rail systems, wind turbine energy generating facilities, etc.)

    Type of Transaction: 1. G2C – Government to Citizen2. G2B – Government to Business EntityWho may avail: Owner, Contractor or Business Entity

  • 91


    Accomplished application form for FireSafety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) 1 original copy Fire Station or Lone District Office

    Endorsement from the Officeof Building Official (OBO) 1 original copy Office of Building Official (OBO)

    Certificate of Completion 1 original copy Contractor or Business Entity

    Certified true copy of assessment fee forsecuring Occupancy Permit from OBO

    1 original copy OBO

    As-built plan, if necessary 1 original copy Owner, Contractor or Business Entity

    Fire Safety Complianceand Commissioning Report(FSCCR), if required

    1 set of original copy Fire Safety Practitioner

  • 92



    RESPONSIBLE1. Completelyfill-out and submit theapplication form.

    1. Issue a queuing number andapplication form and instructthe applicant to complete theinformation.

    2. Submit the filled-outapplication form and therequired documents inthe checklist ofrequirements.

    2. Receive from the applicant alldocumentsrequired in the checklist ofrequirements.

    3. Check the completeness of thesubmitted documents.

    4. Record to the Official LogSheet the name of applicant,owner of the establishment, thetime and date of application. (Incase of lacking requirements,the CRO shall immediatelyreturn the application to theapplicant together with the FSICApplication Disapproval Formfor compliance.)

  • 93

    3. The applicant shall waitfor the queuing numberto be called by the FireCode Assessor (FCA)for the release of Order ofPayment Slip (OPS).

    5. Endorse the Certificate ofCompletion and Certified TrueCopy of Assessment Fee forsecuring Occupancy Permit fromOBO to Fire Code Assessor(FCA) for assessment of firecode fees.

    10 Minutes

    Customer RelationsOfficer (CRO)

    6. Compute the firecode fees.

    Fifteen percent(15%) of all feescharged by LGUbut in no caseshall be lower thanPhp500.00


    Example 1) Feescharge by the LGU /PEZA

    10 Minutes

    Fire CodeAssessor

    (FCA)4. Receive OPS. 7. Call the applicant’s queuingnumber and issue the Order ofPayment Slip (OPS).

    5. The applicant shall paythe assessed amountindicated in the OPS to theFire Code Collecting Agent(FCCA).

    8. Call the applicant’s queuingnumber.

  • 94

    6. Receive the OfficialReceipt (OR).

    9. Receive payment fromapplicant and issue OfficialReceipt (OR), then compile copyofOR.

    = 10,000

    Inspection Fee =(15% *10,000) =1,500

    Inspection Fee> 500

    Therefore, Inspectionfee = 1,500

    Example 2) Feescharge by the LGU /PEZA= 2,000

    Inspection Fee =(15% *2,000) =300

    Inspection Fee< 500

    Therefore, Inspectionfee = 500

    10 Minutes Fire CodeCollecting Agent


    7. Present the OR to theCRO.

    10. Require the applicant topresent original copy of the OR.

    5 Minutes CRO

    8. Receive theClaim Stub.

    11. Check copyof OR and record to the OfficialLog Sheet the amount paid,OR Number, and Date ofPayment, thenissue Claim Stub to applicant.

    12. Endorse the applicationdocuments to Chief Fire SafetyEnforcement Section/Unit (FSES/FSEU).

  • 95

    13.Receive applicationdocuments and retrieve FSECand building plans with FireSafety Checklist (FSC) or latestAfter InspectionReport (AIR) as the case maybe, from the BFPRecords Custodian to beattached to the application,assign Fire Safety Inspector andissue an InspectionOrder.

    15 Minutes

    Chief Fire SafetyEnforcementSection/ Unit(FSES/FSEU)

  • 96

    9. Acknowledges the IOand AIR.

    14. Proceed to theestablishment and requestacknowledgement of the IOfrom any responsibleperson in the building, structureor facility. Conduct Fire SafetyInspection and submit After-Inspection Report (AIR) andsupporting documents to Chief,FSES or FSEU with appropriatefindings and recommendations,such as issuance of FSIC/Notice of Disapproval (NOD) foroccupancy, as the case may be.If the building or establishment isalready occupied/ operational,FSI shall recommend issuance ofNotice to Comply (NTC) insteadof NOD if there is a violationof the Fire Code and itsRIRR.

    5 ½ DaysMaximum from thedate of application

    Fire SafetyInspector (FSI)

  • 97

    15. Review/ evaluate therecommendations/ findings ofFSI and recommend toCity/Municipal Fire Marshal(C/MFM) or District FireMarshal (for Lone DistrictFire Office) the issuance ofFSIC, NOD or NTC as the casemay be. 2 Hours


    16. Make the finalreview/evaluationof the Chief, FSES/ FSEU’srecommendation for disposition.

    2 Hours City/MunicipalFire Marshal(C/MFM) orDistrict Fire

    Marshal(for Lone District

    Fire Office)

    17. Approve/ disapprove, andsign three (3) copies of FSIC/NOD or NTC (for Occupancy)as the case may be.

    20 Minutes

    18. Forward applicationdocuments to the CRO

  • 98

    19. Record in the Official LogSheet the FSIC/NOD/NTC as thecase may be the number dateapproved, name of applicant/owner, name of establishment,OR number and amount paid.Provide duplicate copy ofFSIC/NOD/NTC to thedesignated Records Custodiantogether the applicationdocuments, retrieve FSEC andbuilding plans with Fire SafetyChecklist (FSC), After-InspectionReport (AIR) for duringconstruction or latest After-Inspection Report (AIR) as thecase may be.

    10 Minutes


    10. Acknowledgein the logbook and claim theFSIC/ NOD/NTC

    20. Release FSIC/ NOD/NTC asthe case may be, to applicant orauthorized representative uponpresentation of Claim Stub.Endorse to OBO the duplicatecopy of FSIC/ NOD/NTC as thecase may be.

    5 Minutes

    HIGHLY TECHNICAL: i. Cases elevated to the National Office and Regional Offices that requires technical knowledge andexpertise ii. Appeals iii. New Technologies, and iv. Special Structures

    Fire Safety Compliance and Commissioning Report (FSCCR) - A compilation report of all approved submittals, test andacceptable forms of all fire protection and life safety features, which shall form part of the “as built” documents turned over bythe contractor to the building owner.

  • 99

    6. Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) Application for Certificate of Occupancy - Process at OSCPA document issued by the BFP as a prerequisite for the grant of Certificate of Occupancy by the Office of theBuilding Official upon determining that the required fire safety construction are in place, and fire protective and/orwarning systems are properly installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and in compliance withRepublic Act 9514 and its Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations.

    Office: One-Stop Shop for Construction Permitting (OSCP)


    A. Simple TransactionRefers to applications for any of the following structures whose

    floor area does not exceed 1,500 square meters:1) Single dwelling residential building of not more than three floors/storey,2) Commercial buildings of not more than two (2) floors/storey,3) Renovation within a mall with issued building permit, and4) Warehouse storing non-hazardous substance.

    Processing Time: Three (3) working days

    Type of Transaction: 1. G2C – Government to Citizen2. G2B – Government to Business Entity

    Who may avail: Owner, Contractor or Business Entity

  • 100

    CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECUREAccomplished application form for FireSafety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) orUnified Application Form (UAF) 1 original copy One-Stop Shop for Construction Permitting

    Endorsement from the Office of BuildingOfficial (OBO) 1 original copy Office of Building Official (OBO)

    Certificate of Completion 1 original copy Contractor or Business Entity

    Certified true copy ofassessment fee forsecuring Occupancy Permit from OBO 1 original copy OBO

    As-built plan, if necessary 1 original copy Owner, Contractor or Business Entity

    Fire Safety Complianceand Commissioning Report(FSCCR), if required

    1 set of original copy Fire Safety Practitioner

  • 101

    CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTION FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSONRESPONSIBLE1. Submit the filled-outUnified Application Form(UAF)/ BFP Application Formand complete 4 sets ofdocumentary requirements atthe receiving windowof OSCP.

    1. Receive from the OBOMonitoring Officer andacknowledges the routing slipthe receipt of all thedocuments required in thechecklist of requirement.

    10 Minutes

    CustomerRelations Officer/

    Fire CodeAssessor


    2. Record the details of allthe documents required inthe checklist of requirementin the BFP logbook.

    3. Forwards all thedocuments required in thechecklist of requirement tothe BFP LiaisonPersonnel (BLP) fortransmittal to the Fire Station.Note: The BLP shall verify tothe OBO for JOINTINSPECTION TEAM (JIT)schedule in the conduct ofjoint inspection.

  • 102

    4. Transmit all thedocuments required in thechecklist ofrequirements to the Chief,FSES for the designation ofFire Safety Inspector (FSI).

    30 MinutesBFP Liaison


    5. Receive all thedocuments required in thechecklist of requirementsand retrieve FSEC and itsbuilding plans with FireSafety Checklist (FSC) andthe latest After-InspectionReport (AIR) as the casemay be, from the BFPRecords Custodian to beattached to theapplication, assign FireSafety Inspector and issuean Inspection Order dulysigned by the Fire Marshal.

    15 Minutes

    Chief FireSafety

    EnforcementSection/ Unit(FSES/FSEU)

  • 103

    2. Acknowledges the IO andAIR.

    6. Receive the IO,coordinate, conduct of jointFire Safety Inspection andsubmit After-InspectionReport (AIR) and supportingdocuments to Chief,FSES/Chief, FSEU withappropriate findings andrecommendations, such asissuance of FSIC or Notice ofDisapproval (NOD) foroccupancy, as the case maybe.If the building orestablishment is alreadyoccupied/ operational andfound out non-compliantwith the Fire Code & itsRIRR, FSI shallrecommend issuance ofNotice to Comply (NTC).

    1 ½ Days Maximumfrom the date of


    Fire SafetyInspector


    7. Review/evaluate therecommendations/ findings ofFSI and recommends toCity/Municipal Fire Marshal(C/MFM) or District FireMarshal (for Lone DistrictFire Office) the issuance ofFSIC or NOD or NTC as thecase may be.

    2 Hours ChiefFSES/FSEU

  • 104

    8. Make the finalreview/evaluation of theChief FSES/ FSEU’srecommendation fordisposition.

    2 HoursCity/MunicipalFire Marshal(C/MFM) orDistrict Fire

    Marshal(for Lone District

    Fire Office)

    9. Approve/ disapprove,and sign three (3) copiesof FSIC/ NOD or NTC asthe case may be.

    Provide/assignthe correspondingcontrol numberintended for theapplication.

    10. Forward the requireddocuments in the checklist ofrequirements including three(3) copies of FSIC/ NOD orNTC as the case may be tothe BLP.11. Transmit back all thedocuments required in thechecklist of requirements,including the three (3) copiesof FSIC/ NOD or NTC as thecase may be, to the CRO atthe OSCP.

    30 MinutesBFP LiaisonPersonnel


  • 105

    12. Record in the logbookthe details of the transmitteddocuments.

    For approved application,assess the correspondingFire Safety Inspection Feedue to the owner/ applicantin coordination with the OBOthrough sharing ofinformation.

    Note: This is to be donethrough sharing ofinformation for purposes ofdetermining whichever thehigher value between BFPor OBO; the higher valueshall be the basis ofassessment to be reflectedin the OPS.

    Fifteen percent (15%)of all fees chargedby LGU but in nocase shall be lowerthan Php500.00


    Example 1) Feescharge by the LGU /PEZA= 10,000

    Inspection Fee = (15%*10,000) =1,500

    Inspection Fee> 500

    Therefore, Inspection fee= 1,500

    30 Minutes

    CustomerRelation Officer/

    Fire CodeAssessor

