Building Large Games with Unity3D Richard Fine, LUUG #4, 2011-August-22


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Building Large Games with Unity3D Richard Fine, LUUG #4, 2011-August-22


• Is it me you’re looking for?

• Is it you I’m looking for?

Large Games

• Large worlds

• Large polygon counts

• Large “Assets” folder

• Large codebase

You’ve got to get efficient

• Working with large worlds requires partitioning into scenes

• Working with large polygon counts requires efficient art and culling

• Working with large Asset folders requires editor automation

• Working with large codebases requires structure, modularity, and fluidity

Part 1

Splitting your world over multiple scenes

Splitting your world over multiple scenes

Understanding Scene Files

• While the game is running, it’s all about the Hierarchy - the scene graph

• The GameObjects in the hierarchy are what is present and active in the game

• Both dynamic objects (player, enemies, pickups) and static objects (environment/backdrop) live in it

• A Scene file is like a freeze-dried Hierarchy - saves your GameObjects, their components, and their components’ public fields

• (the clue is in the name, really)

Splitting your world over multiple scenes

Using Multiple Scene Files

• Large games would put 10000s of objects into the hierarchy• (that is too many objects in the hierarchy!)

• So we split the hierarchy up - put different groups of objects into different scene files

• Load scene files as and when we need them - either add them to what’s already in the hierarchy, or throw all the old objects away

• Unity only lets us edit one scene file at a time, but prefabs can help get around this

• Each scene file that you want to ship must be added to the build - then you can access it either by name or by number

• Not all scenes need to be in the build. Very useful to make ‘playground’ scenes for working with individual game elements!

Splitting your world over multiple scenes

Continuous Worlds

• Position objects in each scene correctly relative to other scenes

• Establish ‘choke points’ where it would be convenient to load - corridors, airlocks, tunnels, etc

• Simplest approach is to use transition volumes:

• Place a trigger volume at each choke point; call DontDestroyOnLoad for the volume

• Any dynamic objects that enter the volume (player included) get made children of the volume

• LoadLevel() then wipes out everything in the old level, but leaves the transition volume and all its children untouched

• The new level’s geometry just happens to perfectly match the old level’s geometry, in the vicinity of the transition zone

• As objects leave the volume, they stop being children of it

Part 2

Art Optimisation

Art Optimisation

Know Your Target

• Render budget is part of a bigger picture

• Kinda need Pro to see that bigger picture

• Statistics window is better than nothing

• Design your benchmark configurations

• Hardware (GPU, CPU, RAM)

• Software (Quality settings)

• Target Framerate (60FPS? 30FPS?)

• Run experiments! Render some textured polygon soup and see how long it takes.

Art Optimisation

A Quick Point About FPS

• Once you’ve picked an FPS, convert it to mSPF, and then never look back

• Work that takes the same amount of time has a different impact on the FPS at high and low framerates:

• An extra 5ms @ 80FPS is a 22FPS drop

• An extra 5ms @ 30FPS is a 4FPS drop

• Don’t let yourself be misled - use millisecond budgets instead!

• 60FPS = 16.6ms/frame; 30FPS = 33.3ms/frame

Art Optimization

Two Kinds Of Heat

Payload Overhead•The actual work that goes into the image•Depends on:•Number of polygons•Number of vertices (vertex shader runs)•Number of pixels covered (pixel shader runs)•Number of textures used•Texture resolution•Complexity of pixel shader•Number of shader passes•Number of dynamic lights (using Forward)

•Work done to set up the graphics card•Depends on:•Number of objects•Number of unique materials•Number of unique shaders•Number of unique textures•Use of static/dynamic batching

Makes your game look better

Doesn’t make your game look better

Art Optimization

Reducing Overhead

• Combine objects into multi-material meshes, instead of using hierarchies

• Except if they should move independently

• Maybe skip this if the object is large / only bits of it are on-screen at a time

• Don’t use more material indices than you have to - put detail into the texture, not different materials

• Mark things as ‘static’ if they’ll never move

• Choose your shaders carefully - pick them and stick to them

• Reuse your materials if you can

• ...though you often can’t

• Reuse your textures if you can

• Try turning on static batching and see if it helps or hurts you

Art Optimisation

Reducing Payload

• Weld your vertices!

• Break very large/highpoly objects up, so that the pieces can be culled separately. Don’t just break by position; consider the number of polygons per piece as well.

• Remove polygons that the player will never see

• Use culling: occlusion (if it works for you) and area-visibility (M2H, RAZOR, etc)

• Use a LOD system (and keep your pivots in sensible places)

• Use simpler shaders

• Target a lower resolution

Art Optimisation


• Some of this advice is contradictory :-)

• In the end, it’s all a balancing act

• Experiment, experiment, experiment!

• Make one change at a time, test it, see if it helped or hurt you, and always try to understand why it did.

• Use version control, backups, etc, to make sure you can always rewind if you’ve made things worse

part 3ride to aim at no out

part 3editor automation

Editor Automation

UnityEditor Kinda Sucks...

• No ability to select and edit multiple objects at once

• No ability to copy/paste components between game objects

• No ability to export scenes back to Max/Maya

• No ability to align scene objects to each other

• No support for drawing/editing 3D splines

• No support for Modifiers/spacewarps (twist, taper, bend, etc)

• No autosave

Editor Automation

...But That’s OK!

• Everything on the previous slide is, or can be, provided by editor extensions

• 114 packages in the Asset Store and counting

• Editor extensions can manipulate the Hierarchy in exactly the same way as you can at runtime

• Editor extensions can add UI elements to Unity using the same UnityGUI system that the runtime uses

• They get extra access to modify things like assets, too!

Editor Automation

Custom Inspectors

• Replace or extend what Unity usually shows in the Inspector for a given component or asset

• Completely control the UI shown. Do things like:

• Hide or show fields based on state

• Show and edit fields that wouldn’t normally be shown (properties, calculated values)

• Add buttons to do useful things

• Restrict entered values to a valid range; display the range as a slider

• Includes built-in types!

• More detail in my recent AltDevBlogADay article

Editor Automation

Custom Assets

• You can make your own asset types that sit alongside meshes, textures, etc

• Good for ‘pure data’ things, like look-up tables

• Better than prefabs because you can’t accidentally drop them into the scene, add extra components, etc

• Examples:

• Key bindings (multiple presets, or different bindings for different input devices)

• Asset tables (e.g. available footstep sounds for each material category)

• Pathfinding database

• Look into the ScriptableObject class and AssetDatabase.CreateAsset() method

Editor Automation

Asset Processors

• Automatically change settings for assets when they’re imported

• Easily make the decision based on the asset’s path - e.g. all textures in the ‘Characters’ folder get set to 4096 resolution, all textures in the ‘GUI’ folder get set to the GUI import type, etc

• Can save a lot of time over going through assets one-by-one to set anisotropy, resolution, etc

• Could also update other objects - e.g. add the asset to a table

• Look into the AssetPostprocessor class

Editor Automation


•Arbitrary code can be added to your project and attached to menu items

•Use this for anything you like - custom build steps, exporters, project cleanup, scene verification...

• If you need to show UI, use EditorWindow and ScriptableWizard

Part 4

Working with large codebases

Working with large codebases

The Truth, Such As It Is

• The people who said you can make games in Unity without programming were lying to you!

• Well, maybe that’s a little harsh...

• Programming is about describing systems, breaking things down into component parts, and abstract reasoning - it’s not about the code

• To describe a system, you have to understand it

• Large systems are difficult to understand all in one go, and in game development, they’re a moving target

• This all leads to the vital observation...

You are going to want to change your code.

You are frequently going to want to change your code a lot.

Working with large codebases

What do we do about that?

• To change code, you need to understand the code you’re changing:

• Keep it readable

• Minimise the things you have to remember

• Break it down

• This has an impact on the tools you use

• ‘Visual Programming’ tools tend to suck at changes

• MonoDevelop and Javascript just don’t cut it

• Resharper is helpful too



Visual Studio+


Working with large codebases

Source Control

• A few points on Source Control:

• Use Source Control! It stops you being afraid of making mistakes

• Use Source Control! It makes it much easier to experiment with different approaches

• Use Source Control! It helps you figure out how the code came to be written the way it is

• Even if you’re not able to use it for all of your assets, you can usually still get away with it for scripts - just be careful about moving and renaming files

• Personally I use Git; Unity Technologies uses Mercurial internally

• I recommend not using Subversion

Working with large codebases

Structuring your components

• Try and give each component a single purpose, a single responsibility

• It’s OK to have components that don’t do anything on their own!

• Strive for a library of simple, single-purpose components, plus a set of ‘glue’ components that sit on top and coordinate them




Working with large codebases

Structuring your components

• Try and give each component a single purpose, a single responsibility

• It’s OK to have components that don’t do anything on their own!

• Strive for a library of simple, single-purpose components, plus a set of ‘glue’ components that sit on top and coordinate them




Working with large codebases

Structuring your components

• Try and give each component a single purpose, a single responsibility

• It’s OK to have components that don’t do anything on their own!

• Strive for a library of simple, single-purpose components, plus a set of ‘glue’ components that sit on top and coordinate them

• This helps isolate bugs, and helps you respond quickly to changes in the gameplay design

• If in doubt: What would Unity do?




Working with large codebases

Keep things tidy

• Part of making a system easy to understand is to hide or remove irrelevancies

• Don’t comment out large chunks of code - delete them and let them live on in source control

• Delete dead files

• Use the [AddComponentMenu] attribute to keep your menus organised

• Use folders to make it easy to find scripts when you need them

Working with large codebases

General optimisation tips

• Use Invoke/InvokeRepeating/Coroutines that run every few frames instead of Update

• Pool objects to avoid framerate spikes

• Code expensive algorithms (e.g. pathfinding) to be run over multiple frames

• Avoid creating instances of classes during gameplay

• Profile to see where you’re spending time and allocating memory. Ideal memory allocated on a regular gameplay frame: zero bytes!



Summing Up

• Unity’s much like any other game engine, and definitely capable of building large games

• You’ve got to be disciplined

• You do need someone to play the role of technical artist

• Most of the things that help large games will help small games too (you just tend to care less)

• I really wanted to show you guys the game I’m working on, but alas, it’s not quite ready yet...


The End

• Get in touch:

• Email:

• Forums and Unity IRC: Superpig

• Check out AltDevBlogADay:

• I’m probably not available to come write lots of code for you, but if you need a consultant to spend an afternoon figuring out why your game is running at 5FPS, I might be able to fit you in :-)

• Questions?
