


The basics needs of human existences are food, clothing’s & shelter. From times immemorial man has been making efforts in improving their standard of living. The point of his efforts has been to provide an economic and efficient shelter.

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Building Construction

Building Construction

hazara buildcon private ltd

INDUSTRIAL TRAINING/ PROJECT WORK REPORTSubmitted in partial fulfillment of therequirements for the award of theBachelor of TechnologyinCIVIL ENGINEERINGByDHEERAJ SHARMA

An ISO 9001:2008 Certified InstitutionApproved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to M.D.University,CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTGURGAON COLLEGE OF ENGINEERINGGURGAON-122413JUNE 2014

COMPANY/Employers CERTIFICATE To WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERNThis is to certify that Mr.DHEERAJ SHARMA, S/o Mr. K.G.SHARMA bearing College Roll No.1006009, a student of Gurgaon College of Engineering, Gurgaon has done his 4 months Project/training from 03/02/2014 to 03/06/2014 for the partial fulfillment of B.Tech in Civil Engineering at LARSEN AND TOUBRO .The project work entitled DLF CAPITAL GREENS embodies the original work done by Mr.DHEERAJ SHARMA for the above project training under the Guidance of Mr.ANKUR JAIN. His performance was found to be excellent during the above project.

Project ManagerManaging Director

CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTGURGAON COLLEGE OF ENGINEERINGCANDIDATES DECLARATIONI hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the Project report entitled DLF CAPITAL GREENS in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering, and submitted in CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, GURGAON COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, Maharishi Dayanand Univesity, Rohtak is an authentic record of Project of my own work carried out during a period from 03/02/2014 to 03/06/y2014 under the supervision of Mr.ANKUR JAIN, CLUSTER MANAGER , CIVIL/Division, LARSEN AND TOUBRO, DLF CAPITAL GREENS,NEW MOTI NAGAR..The matter presented in this report has not been submitted by me for the award of any other degree/diploma of this or any other Institute. DHEERAJ SHARMAThis is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of our knowledge.

Signature of SupervisorSignature of Head, Civil Engg.

Table of ContentsChapter No-017Introduction8COMPANY PROFILE:-10Objective/Aim of the study11Need of the study12Chapter No-213STUDY AREA/CONSTRUCTION SITE Details13Types of construction projects14Construction process15Financial Advisor17Interaction of expertise19Procurement19Material Used in Construction22Construction phase29Your responsibilities checklist30It is recommended that you have active involvement during construction.30Arrangement of Rooms32DRAWINGS51Types of building construction57Chapter no-370SOFTWARE TOOLS/ANALYTICAL TOOLS ADOPED70Elements of construction71Chapter No-478Result78Estimation of Building Construction79Chapter No-581Conclusion82Reference84

Figure 152Figure 253Figure 356

Table 144Table 250Table 351

Chapter No-01Introduction

IntroductionThe basics needs of human existences are food, clothings & shelter. From times immemorial man has been making efforts in improving their standard of living. The point of his efforts has been to provide an economic and efficient shelter. The possession of shelter besides being a basic, used, gives a feeling of security, responsibility and shown the social status of man. Every human being has an inherent liking for a peaceful environment needed for his pleasant living, this object is achieved by having a place of living situated at the safe and convenient location, such a place for comfortable and pleasant living requires considered and kept in view. A Peaceful environment. Safety from all natural source & climate conditions General facilities for community of his residential area. The engineer has to keep in mind the municipal conditions, building bye laws, environment, financial capacity, water supply, sewage arrangement, provision of future, aeration, ventilation etc., in suggestion a particular type of plan to any client.Building constructionis the process of preparing for and formingbuildingsand building systems. Construction starts with planning, design, and financing and continues until the structure is ready for occupancy.Far from being a single activity, large scale construction is a feat ofhuman multitasking. Normally, the job is managed by aproject manager, and supervised by aconstruction manager,design engineer,construction engineerorproject architect. For the successful executionof aproject, effectiveplanningis essential. Those involved with the design and execution of the infrastructure in question must consider the zoning requirements, theenvironmental impactof the job, the successfulscheduling,budgeting,construction site safety, availability and transportation ofbuilding materials,logistics, inconvenience to the public caused byconstruction delaysandbidding, etc.Building construction is the process of adding structure toreal propertyor construction of buildings. The vast majority of building construction jobs is small renovations, such as addition of a room, or renovation of a bathroom. Often, the owner of the property acts as laborer, paymaster, and design team for the entireproject. However, all building construction projects include some elements in common design, financial, estimating and legal considerations. Many projects of varying sizes reach undesirable end results, such as structural collapse, cost overruns, and/or litigation. For this reason, those with experience in the field make detailed plans and maintain careful oversight during the project to ensure a positive outcome.Commercialbuildingconstruction is procured privately or publicly utilizing various delivery methodologies, including cost estimating, hard bid, negotiated price, traditional, management contracting, construction management-at-risk, design & build and design-build bridging.Residential construction practices, technologies, and resources must conform to local building authority regulations and codes of practice. Materials readily available in the area generally dictate the construction materials used (e.g. brick versus stone, versus timber). Cost of construction on a per square meter (or per square foot) basis for houses can vary dramatically based on site conditions, local regulations, economies of scale (custom designed homes are often more expensive to build) and the availability of skilled trades people. As residential construction (as well as all other types of construction) can generate a lot ofwaste, careful planning again is needed here.COMPANY PROFILE:-TheConstruction industryof Indiais an important indicator of the development as it creates investment opportunities across various related sectors. The construction industry has contributed an estimated6708billion to the national GDP in 2011-12 (a share of around9%).The industry is fragmented, with a handful of major companies involved in the construction activities across all segments; medium-sized companies specializing in niche activities; and small and medium contractors who work on the subcontractor basis and carry out the work in the field. In 2011, there were slightly over 500 construction equipment manufacturing companies in all of India.The sector islabor-intensiveand, including indirect jobs, provides employment to more than 35 million people.Hajara Building Pvt. Ltd was incorporated as a Public Sector Undertaking in November 1960. Hajara Building Pvt. Ltd is a multinational engineering construction company under the aegis of the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India.Hajara Building Pvt. Ltd aims to cement its position as a leading company in the construction engineering and consultancy services, providing efficient and quality execution of projects. Its main line of business is execution of civil Engineering Projects, rendering of Consultancy Services and Development of Real Estate Projects.Within a few years of its initiation, Hajara Building Pvt. Ltd spread its activities all over India in fulfillment of its objectives discussed below. Hajara Building Pvt. Ltd zonal centers in important centers like Calcutta, Hyderabad, Nasik, Mumbai, to name a few, work today as profit centers. Hajara Building Pvt. Ltd today has the infrastructure to undertake and execute projects in any corner of the country without difficulty. Hajara Building Pvt. Ltd has also had many fruitful alliances with foreign companies and has operations in Mauritius, Nepal and Libya.

Objective/Aim of the study To analyze the financial statements of Hajara Building Pvt. Ltd using various methods like: Cash flow statement Balance sheet Vouchers Cash book

To determine the various accounting procedures in the Compilation of Accounts Department of Hajara Building Pvt. Ltd.

Scope of study was very wide as it involved analyzing the financial procedures of the company as well as to understand and learn about various accounting procedures of the company.

To learn how various vouchers are prepared

To understand how fixed assets are managed by the company and how to work on the Fixed Asset Management Software (FAMS) used by the company to maintain records of all its fixed assets.

Need of the study To provide best building construction Less time consuming More productivity Less Price Best services Best Design


Types of construction projects1. Residential building constructionThese building include any building in which sleeping accommodation provide for normal residential purposes, with or without cooking and dining facilities .It includes single and multifamily dwellings apartment house, lodgings or rooming house restaurants and hostels.2. Light commercial construction3. Multi-family construction4. Health-Care construction5. Environmental construction6. Industrial construction7. Commercial building construction8. Institutional construction These buildings are used for different purposes, such as medical or other treatment or care of persons suffering from physical or mental illness, diseases or infirmity, care of infants, convalescents or aged persons and for penal detention in which the liberty of the inmates is restricted. Institutional buildings ordinarily provide sleeping accommodation for the occupants.9. Heavy civil constructionEach type of construction project requires a unique team to plan, design, construct and maintain the project.Construction processDesign TeamIn the modern industrialized world, construction usually involves the translation of designs into reality. A formal design team may be assembled to plan the physical proceedings, and to integrate those proceedings with the other parts. The design usually consists of drawingsandspecifications, usually prepared by a design team includingsurveyors,civil engineers, cost engineers (orquantity surveyors),mechanical engineers,electrical engineers,structural engineers,fire protection engineers, planningconsultants, architectural consultants, and archaeological consultants. The design team is most commonly employed by (i.e. in contract with) the property owner. Under this system, once the design is completed by the design team, a number of construction companies or construction management companies may then be asked to make a bid for the work, either based directly on the design, or on the basis of drawings and abill of quantitiesprovided by aquantity surveyor. Following evaluation of bids, the owner will typically award a contract to the most cost efficient bidder.The modern trend in design is toward integration of previously separated specialties, especially among large firms. In the past, architects, interior designers, engineers, developers, construction managers, and general contractors were more likely to be entirely separate companies, even in the larger firms. Presently, a firm that is nominally architecture" or "construction management" firm may have experts from all related fields as employees, or to have an associated company that provides each necessary skill. Thus, each such firm may offer itself as "one-stop shopping" for a construction project, from beginning to end. This is designated as a "design build" contract where the contractor is given a performance specification and must undertake the project from design to construction, while adhering to the performance specifications.Several project structures can assist the owner in this integration, including design-build, partnering and construction management. In general, each of these project structures allows the owner to integrate the services of architects, interior designers, engineers and constructors throughout design and construction. In response, many companies are growing beyond traditional offerings of design or construction services alone and are placing more emphasis on establishing relationships with other necessary participants through the design-build process.The increasing complexity of construction projects creates the need for design professionals trained in all phases of the project's life-cycle and develop an appreciation of the building as an advanced technological system requiring close integration of many sub-systems and their individual components, including sustainability.Building engineeringis an emerging discipline that attempts to meet this new challenge.

Financial AdvisorConstruction projects can suffer from preventable financial problems.Underbidsask for too little money to complete the project. Cashproblems exist when the present amount of funding cannot cover the current costs for labor and materials, and because they are a matter of having sufficient funds at a specific time, can arise even when the overall total is enough.Fraudis a problem in many fields, but is notoriously prevalent in the construction field Financial planning for the project is intended to ensure that a solid plan with adequate safeguards and contingency plans are in place before the project is started and is required to ensure that the plan is properly executed over the life of the project.Mortgage bankers,accountants, andcost engineersare likely participants in creating an overall plan for the financial management of the building construction project. The presence of the mortgage banker is highly likely, even in relatively small projects since the owner's equity in the property is the most obvious source of funding for a building project. Accountants act to study the expected monetary flow over the life of the project and to monitor the payouts throughout the process. Cost engineers andestimatorsapply expertise to relate the work and materials involved to a proper valuation. Cost overruns with government projects have occurred when the contractor was able to identify change orders or changes in the project resulting in large increases in cost, which are not subject to competition by other firms as they have already been eliminated from consideration after the initial bid.Large projects can involve highly complex financial plans and often start with a conceptual estimate performed by abuilding estimator. As portions of a project are completed, they may be sold, supplanting one lender or owner for another, while the logistical requirements of having the right trades and materials available for each stage of the building construction project carries forward. In many English-speaking countries, but not the United States, projects typically use quantity surveyors.Legal AspectsA construction project must fit into the legal framework governing the property. These include governmental regulations on the use of property, and obligations that are created in the process of construction.The project must adhere tozoningandbuilding coderequirements. Constructing a project that fails to adhere to codes will not benefit the owner. Some legal requirements come frommelamineconsiderations, or the desire to prevent things that are indisputably bad bridge collapses or explosions. Other legal requirements come frommalum prohibitedconsiderations, or things that are a matter of custom or expectation, such as isolating businesses to a business district and residences to a residential district. An attorney may seek changes or exemptions in the law governing the land where the building will be built, either by arguing that a rule is inapplicable (the bridge design will not collapse), or that the custom is no longer needed (acceptance of live-work spaces has grown in the community).A construction project is a complex net ofcontractsand other legal obligations, each of which must be carefully considered. A contract is the exchange of a set of obligations between two or more parties, but it is not so simple a matter as trying to get the other side to agree to as much as possible in exchange for as little as possible. The time element in construction means that a delay costs money, and in cases of bottlenecks, the delay can be extremely expensive. Thus, the contracts must be designed to ensure that each side is capable of performing the obligations set out. Contracts that set out clear expectations and clear paths to accomplishing those expectations are far more likely to result in the project flowing smoothly, whereas poorly drafted contracts lead to confusion and collapse.Legal advisors in the beginning of a construction project seek to identify ambiguities and other potential sources of trouble in the contract structure, and to present options for preventing problems. Throughout the process of the project, they work to avoid and resolve conflicts that arise. In each case, the lawyer facilitates an exchange of obligations that matches the reality of the project.Interaction of expertiseDesign, finance, and legal aspects overlap and interrelate. The design must be not only structurally sound and appropriate for the use and location, but must also be financially possible to build, and legal to use. The financial structure must accommodate the need for building the design provided, and must pay amounts that are legally owed. The legal structure must integrate the design into the surrounding legal framework, and enforce the financial consequences of the construction process.ProcurementProcurement describes the merging of activities undertaken by the client to obtain a building. There are many different methods of construction procurement; however the three most common types of procurement are traditional (design-bid-build), design-build and management contracting.There is also a growing number of new forms of procurement that involve relationship contracting where the emphasis is on a co-operative relationship between the principal and contractor and other stakeholders within a construction project. New forms include partnering such as Public-Private Partnering (PPPs) akaprivate finance initiatives(PFIs) and alliances such as "pure" or "project" alliances and "impure" or "strategic" alliances. The focus on co-operation is to ameliorate the many problems that arise from the often highly competitive and adversarial practices within the construction industry.Traditional

This is the most common method of construction procurement and is well established and recognized. In this arrangement, the architect orengineeracts as the project coordinator. His or her role is to design the works, prepare the specifications and produce construction drawings, administer the contract,tenderthe works, and manage the works from inception to completion. There are direct contractual links between the architect's client and the main contractor. Any subcontractor will have a direct contractual relationship with the main contractor. The procedure continues until building is ready for occupancy.Design-buildThis approach has become more common in recent years, and involves the client contracting a single entity to both provide a design and to build that design. In some cases, the design-build package can also include finding the site, arranging funding and applying for all necessary statutory consents.The owner produces a list of requirements for a project, giving an overall view of the project's goals. Several D&B contractors present different ideas about how to accomplish these goals. The owner selects the ideas he or she likes best and hires the appropriate contractor. Often, it is not just one contractor, but a consortium of several contractors working together. Once these have been hired, they begin building the first phase of the project. As they build phase 1, they design phase 2. This is in contrast to a design-bid-build contract, where the project is completely designed by the owner, then bid on, then completed.Kent Hansen pointed out that statedepartments of transportationusually use design build contracts as a way of progressing projects when states lack the resources. In such departments, design build contracts are usually employed for very large projectsManagement procurement systems

In this arrangement the client plays an active role in the procurement system by entering into separate contracts with the designer (architect orengineer), theconstruction manager, and individualtrade contractors. The client takes on the contractual role, while the construction or project manager provides the active role of managing the separate trade contracts, and ensuring that they complete all work smoothly and effectively together.Management procurement systems are often used to speed up the procurement processes, allow the client greater flexibility in design variation throughout the contract, give the ability to appoint individual work contractors, separate contractual responsibility on each individual throughout the contract, and to provide greater client control.

Material Used in ConstructionBuilding material is any material which is used for a construction purpose. Many naturally occurring substances, such as clay, sand, wood and rocks, even twigs and leaves have been used to construct buildings. Apart from naturally occurring materials, many man-made products are in use, some more and some less synthetic. The manufacture of building materials is an established industry in many countries and the use of these materials is typically segmented into specific specialty trades, such as carpentry, plumbing, roofing and insulation work. They provide the make-up of habitats and structures including homes. Fabric: The tent used to be the home of choice among nomadic groups the world over. Two well known types include the conical teepee and the circular yurt. It has been revived as a major construction technique with the development of tensile architecture and synthetic fabrics. Modern buildings can be made of flexible material such as fabric membranes, and supported by a system of steel cables. Mud and clay: The amount of each material used leads to different styles of buildings. The deciding factor is usually connected with the quality of the soil being used. Larger amounts of clay usually mean using the cob/adobe style, while low clay soil is usually associated with sod building. The other main ingredients include more or less sand/gravel and straw/grasses. Rammed earth is both an old and newer take on creating walls, once made by compacting clay soils between planks by hand; now forms and mechanical pneumatic compressors are used. Soil and especially clay is good thermal mass; it is very good at keeping temperatures at a constant level. Homes built with earth tend to be naturally cool in the summer heat and warm in cold weather. Clay holds heat or cold, releasing it over a period of time like stone. Earthen walls change temperature slowly, so artificially rising or lowering the temperature can use more resources than in say a wood built house, but the heat/coolness stays longer. Peoples building with mostly dirt and clay, such as cob, sod, and adobe, resulted in homes that have been built for centuries in western and northern Europe as well as the rest of the world, and continue to be built, though on a smaller scale. Some of these buildings have remained habitable for hundreds of years. Rock: Rock structures have existed for as long as history can recall. It is the longest lasting building material available, and is usually readily available. There are many types of rock throughout the world all with differing attributes that make them better or worse for particular uses. Rock is a very dense material so it gives a lot of protection too, its main draw-back as a material is its weight and awkwardness. Stone walls have been built for as long as humans have put one stone on top of another. Eventually different forms of mortar were used to hold the stones together, cement being the most commonplace now. Circular huts were constructed from loose granite rocks throughout the Neolithic and early Bronze Age. Granite continued to be used throughout the Medieval period and into modern times. Slate is another stone type, commonly used as roofing material in many parts of the world where it is found. Mostly stone buildings can be seen in most major cities, some civilizations built entirely with stone such as the Pyramids in Egypt, the Aztec pyramids and the remains of the Inca civilization. Thatch: Thatch is one of the oldest of building materials known; grass is a good insulator and easily harvested. Many African tribes have lived in homes made completely of grasses year round. In Europe, thatch roofs on homes were once prevalent but the material fell out of favor as industrialization and improved transport increased the availability of other materials. Today, though, the practice is undergoing a revival. Cement: In the most general sense of the word, cement is a binder, a substance that sets and hardens independently, and can bind other materials together. Cement used in construction is characterized as hydraulic or non-hydraulic. Hydraulic cements (e.g., Portland cement) harden because of hydration, chemical reactions that occur independently of the mixture's water content; they can harden even underwater or when constantly exposed to wet weather. The chemical reaction that results when the anhydrous cement powder is mixed with water produces hydrates that are not water-soluble. Non-hydraulic cements (e.g., lime and gypsum plaster) must be kept dry in order to retain their strength. Cement is made by heating limestone (calcium carbonate) with small quantities of other materials (such as clay) to 1450 C in a kiln, in a process known as calcinations, whereby a molecule of carbon dioxide is liberated from the calcium carbonate to form calcium oxide, or quicklime, which is then blended with the other materials that have been included in the mix. The resulting hard substance, called 'clinker', is then ground with a small amount of gypsum into a powder to make 'Ordinary Portland Cement', the most commonly used type of cement (often referred to as OPC). Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) is manufactured in the form of different grades, the most common in India being Grade-53, Grade-43, and Grade-33. Ordinary Portland Cement-Grade 43 is largely used for residential, commercial, and other building construction purposes. It has a compressive strength of 560 kg per square cm. Ordinary Portland Cement-Grade 53 is known for its rich quality and is highly durable. Hence it is used for constructing bigger structures like building foundations, bridges, tall buildings, and structures designed to withstand heavy pressure. Portland cement is a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar and most non-specialty grout. The most common use for Portland cement is in the production of concrete. Portland cement may be grey or white. The most important use of cement is the production of mortar and concretethe bonding of natural or artificial aggregates to form a strong building material that is durable in the face of normal environmental effects. Concrete should not be confused with cement, because the term cement refers to the material used to bind the aggregate materials of concrete. Concrete is a combination of a cement and aggregate.Concrete: Concrete is a composite building material made from the combination of aggregate and a binder such as cement. The most common form of concrete is Portland cement concrete, which consists of gravel, sand, Portland cement and water. After mixing, the cement hydrates and eventually hardens into a stone-like material. This is the material referred to by the term concrete. For a concrete construction of any size, as concrete has a rather low tensile strength, it is generally strengthened using steel rods or bars. This strengthened concrete is then referred to as reinforced concrete. In order to minimize any air bubbles that would weaken the structure, a vibrator is used to eliminate any air that has been entrained when the liquid concrete mix is poured around the ironwork. Concrete has been the predominant building material in this modern age due to its longevity, formability, and ease of transport. Recent advancements, such as Insulating concrete forms, combine the concrete forming and other construction steps. All materials must be taken in required proportions as described in standards. For concrete the ratio of cement: sand: gravel is 1: 2 : 3. For wall construction the ratio of cement to sand ratio is 1 : 6. For plastering the ratio of cement to sand is 1:4. In any case the mixture should be used with in 3 to 4 hours for best results.

Metal: Metal is used as structural framework for larger buildings such as skyscrapers, or as an external surface covering. There are many types of metals used for building. Steel is a metal alloy whose major component is iron, and is the usual choice for metal structural building materials. It is strong, flexible, and if refined well and/or treated lasts a long time. Corrosion is metal's prime enemy when it comes to longevity. The lower density and better corrosion resistance of aluminum alloys and tin sometimes overcome their greater cost. Brass was more common in the past, but is usually restricted to specific uses or specialty items today. Metal figures quite prominently in prefabricated structures such as the semi cylindrical hut, and can be seen used in most cosmopolitan cities. It requires a great deal of human labor to produce metal, especially in the large amounts needed for the building industries. Other metals used include titanium, chrome, and gold, silver. Titanium can be used for structural purposes, but it is much more expensive than steel. Chrome, gold, and silver are used as decoration, because these materials are expensive and lack structural qualities such as tensile strength or hardness.Glass: Glassmaking is considered an art form as well as an industrial process or material. Clear windows have been used since the invention of glass to cover small openings in a building. They provided humans with the ability to both let light into rooms while at the same time keeping inclement weather outside. Glass is generally made from mixtures of sand and silicates, in a very hot fire stove called a kiln and are very brittle. Very often additives are added to the mixture when making to produce glass with shades of colors or various characteristics (such as bulletproof glass, or light remittance). The use of glass in architectural buildings has become very popular in the modern culture. Glass "curtain walls" can be used to cover the entire facade of a building, or it can be used to span over a wide roof structure in a "space frame". These uses though require some sort of frame to hold sections of glass together, as glass by itself is too brittle and would require an overly large kiln to be used to span such large areas by it.Plastic: Plastic pipes penetrating a concrete floor, roofs and walls of a building for electrical wiring, water and sewerage purposes. The term plastics cover a range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic condensation or polymerization products that can be molded or extruded into objects or films or fibers. Their name is derived from the fact that in their semi-liquid state they are malleable, or have the property of plasticity. Plastics vary immensely in heat tolerance, hardness, and resiliency. Combined with this adaptability, the general uniformity of composition and lightness of plastics ensures their use in almost all industrial applications today. Foam: Foamed plastic sheet to be used as backing for fire stop mortar. More recently synthetic polystyrene or polyurethane foam has been used in combination with structural materials, such as concrete. It is light weight, easily shaped and an excellent insulator. It is usually used as part of a structural insulated panel where the foam is sandwiched between wood or cement or insulated concrete forms where concrete is sandwiched between two layers of foam.Cement composites: Cement bonded composites are made of hydrated cement paste that binds wood or alike particles or fibers to make pre-cast building components. Various fibrous materials including paper and fiberglass have been used as binders. Wood and natural fibers are composed of various soluble organic compounds like carbohydrates, glycosides and phenolics. These compounds are known to retard cement setting. Therefore, before using a wood in making cement boned composites, its compatibility with cement is assessed. Wood-cement compatibility is the ratio of a parameter related to the property of a wood-cement composite to that of a neat cement paste. The compatibility is often expressed as a percentage value. To determine wood-cement compatibility, methods based on different properties are used, such as, hydration characteristics, strength, interfacial bond and morphology.Modern industry: Modern building is a multibillion dollar industry, and the production and harvesting of raw materials for building purposes is on a world wide scale. Often being a primary governmental and trade key point between nations. Environmental concerns are also becoming a major world topic concerning the availability and sustainability of certain materials, and the extraction of such large quantities needed for the human habitat.Building Products:-In the Market palace the term building products often refers to the readymade particles/sections made from various material that are fitted in architectural hardware and decorative hardware parts of a building. The list of building products exclusively exclude the building materials, which are used to construct the building architecture and supporting fixtures like windows, doors, cabinets, etc. Building products do not make any part of a bajingo rather they support and make them working in a modular fashion. It also can refer to items used to put such hardware together such as glues, caulking, paint, and anything else bought for the purpose of constructing a building.

Construction phase Once theplansare drawn, thematerialshave been chosen, and your finance is arranged, the next steps in the building process are likely to be:1. Finding abuilder(and subcontractors if you are managing the building project yourself).2. Gettingtenders and quotes.3. Revising the budget, if necessary.4. Making your selectionof builder andsubcontractors.5. Signing thecontracts.6. Making sure the appropriateinsurancehas been organized.7. Applying forbuilding and resource consentsif not already underway- the applications may already have been lodged by you or your architect or designer.8. Construction starts: Monitoring progress Makingprogress payments Approvingvariationsto structure or materials Building inspectionsby the Building Consent Authority (BCA) inspectors.9. Final stages: completion and final inspections for the code compliancecertificate retentions and remedial work Final payment.10. Dealing with problems whenthings go wrong.11. Landscaping.Often these steps happen together, or in a different order, depending on your circumstances.Your responsibilities checklistIt is recommended that you have active involvement during construction.Before work begins: Make sure building consent has been issued. Make sure that you understand all the documentation have the architect or builder explain the plans and specifications to you and make sure you are happy with the design changes during construction are likely to be costly. From March 2012, if the work isrestricted building work, make sure the appropriate licensed building practitioners will be designing and carrying out or supervising out the work. Talk to a lawyer about the contract. Ensure that the site is cleared and ready for the builder to start work. Make sure your builder has unhindered access to the site.While work is in progress: Develop a good working relationship with your builder. If you have any concerns about the work, discuss them right away. Keep changes to a minimum and instruct your builder in writing about all variations to the specified work and ensure you get a written costing. Be aware any changes you make may mean you have to amend your building consent. Choose materials and finishes carefully and approve them before use. If you are responsible for choosing the appliances and any other materials or fittings and fixtures, make sure they are already bought when the builder reaches that stage. Keep to the payments scheduleand pay promptly.When the work is complete: Report any urgent defects to your builder promptly and in writing. List any non-urgent defects for your builder to correct at an agreed time. Settle the final account promptly. It is your responsibility to apply for a code compliance certificate when the building work is complete. Vision/fantasy/idea - a concept never intended to be built, may be an aesthetic or structural design exercise Proposed - a building concept that is under review by a government Approved - a building concept that will be constructed in the near future Deferred - a building concept that may be constructed in the far future Cancelled - a building concept that usually has lost funding or support, in some cases construction already started Under-construction - a fully designed building currently being built Topped-out - a fully designed building that has reached its highest point Complete/built - a fully designed building that has been fully built, excluding future expansions


LIVING ROOMS:- This is the area is for general use. Hence the living & drawing room should be planned near the entrance south east aspects. During colder day the sun is towards the south & will receive sunshine which is a welcoming feature. During summer sunshine ti the northern side & entry of sunrays from southern or south east aspects do not arise. KITCHEN:- Eastern aspects to admit morning sun to refresh & purity the air. READING ROOM/ CLASS ROOM:- North aspects this makes more suitable since there will be no sun from north side for most part of the year. BED ROOM: Bed may also be provided with attached toilets, there size depends upon the number of beds, they should be located so as to give privacy & should accommodate beds, chair, cupboard, etc., and they should have north or west south west aspect. BATH & W.C: Bath and w.c are usually combined in one room & attached to the bed room and should be well finished. This should be filled with bath tub, shower, wash-hand basin, w.c, shelves, towels, racks brackets, etc., all of white glazed tiles. Floor should be mosaic or white glazed files. Instead of providing all bed room with attached bath and W.C separated baths & latrines may also be provided

VERANDAH:- There should verandah in the front as well as in the rear. The front verandah serves setting place for male members & weighting place for visitors. The back verandah serve a ladies apartment for their sitting, working controlling, kitchen works etc., verandah project the room against direct sun, rain & weather effect. They used as sleeping place during the summer and rainy season & are used to keep various things verandah also give appearance to the building. The area of a building may vary from 10% to 20% of the building.STAIR CASE:- This should be located in a easily accessible to all members of the family, when this is intended for visitors it should be in the front, may be on one side of verandah. It meant for family use only, the staircase should be placed the rear. The stairs case should be well ventilated & lighted the middle to make it easy & comfortable to climb. Rises & threads should be uniform through to keep rhythm while climbing or descending. Some helpful points regarding the orientation of a building are as follows:- Long wall of the building should face north south, short wall should face. East and west because if the long walls are provided in east facing, the wall. Absorb more heat of sun which causes discomfort during night. A verandah or balcony can be provided to wards east & west to keep the rooms cool. To prevent suns rays & rain from entering a room through external doors & windows sunshades are required in all directions. ORIENTATION:- After having selected the site, the next step is proper orientation of building. Orientation means proper placement of rooms in relation to sun, wind, rain, topography and out look and at the same time providing a convenient access both to the street and back yard. The factors that affect orientation most are as follows. Solar heat Wind direction Humidity Rain fall Intensity of wind site condition Lightings and ventilation

SOLAR HEAT:-Solar heat means suns heat; the building should receive maximum solar radiation in winter and minimum in summer. For evaluation of solar radiation, it is essential to know the duration of sunshine and hourly solar intensity on exposed surfaces. WIND DIRECTION:-The winds in winter are avoided and are in summer, they are accepted in the house to the maximum extent. HUMIDITY:- High humidity which is common phenomenon is in coastal areas, causes perspiration, which is very uncomfortable condition from the human body and causes more disomfort.

RAIN FALL:-Direction and intensity of rainfall affects the drainage of the site and building and hence, it is very important from orientation point of view. INTENSITY OF WIND:- Intensity of wind in hilly regions is high and as such window openings of comparatively small size are recommended in such regions. SITE CONDITIONS:- Location of site in rural areas, suburban areas or urban areas also effects orientation, sometimes to achieve maximum benefits, the building has to be oriented in a particular direction. LIGHTING:-Good lighting is necessary for all buildings and three primary aims. The first is to promote the work or other activities carried on within the building. The second is to promote the safety of people using the buildings. The third is to create, in conjunction to interest and of well beings. VENTILATION:-Ventilation may be defined as the system of supplying or removing air by natural or mechanical mean or from any enclosed space to create and maintain comfortable conditions. Operation of building and location to windows helps in providing proper ventilation. A sensation of comfort, reduction in humidity, removal of heat, supply of oxygen is the basic requirements in ventilation apart from reduction of dust.

DESIGNS DESIGN OF SLABS Slabs are to be designed under limit state method by reference of IS 456:2000. When the slab is supported in two way directions it acts as two way supported slab. A two way slab is economical compared to one way slab. SLAB DESIGN: fck = 15 N/mm2 fy =415 N/m2 Span i. Shorter span:- Lx = 5.8m longer span:-Ly =7.62m ii. Check Lx/Ly= 7.62/5.8 =1.31.1 Ka = 1.0 x 16 x fck Ka = 0.78 14/ mrn2 Tv < Tc safe to compute normal shear stress due to one way action area of tensile steel required. Ast(yy) = Mw = 56.62x10^6 0.91X bd 0.91x 250x 0.23 Ast = 1082.08 nun2 Ast x 100 = 1082.08x100 bd 100x250x0.23 From table 23 Tc = allowable shear stress 0.27 blInun2

One way shear: The critical section along (1-1) L a d =17200 -380-250 2 2 2 2 =410 nun Shear force: Upward pressure on the hatched area V= 260X1X0.410 =106.6Normal shear: Tv = y = 106.6 xl0A3 Bd 1 x1000x250 =0.42 Minna Tv >Tc in case of one way shear The effective depth to be increase Let the eff. Depth be 350 nun Tv = V 21(a+d)+(b+d)1d V =260[1.7x1-(0.38-0.350)+(0.23+0.35)] V =101.4KN Nominal shear Tv = 101.4x103 24(0.38+0.35)+(0.23+0.35)0.35) = 0.110N nun2 Tc >Tc 0.6054 > 0.110 Hence safe Adopt eff depth = 35 nun Eff cover = 50 nun Overall depth = 400 nunReinforcement in longitudinal direction: Ast = 32.75 x106 0.872(2303650 =447.08 nun Spacing of 12 nun mid steel leaving a clearance of 250mm on the either side S = 9504p*122 447.684 =239.99 mm Provide 12nun bars at 230 nun c/c

Reinforcement in shorter direction: Ast = Mw = 56.62x10^6 bd 230x350x0.90 = 781.50 mm2 The reinforcement in the central band width 1.7 provide in accordance with = Reinforcement in central band width / total reinforcement in shorter direction. = 1.7/1 = Reinforcement in central band =Ast x 2 = 2 =578.94 mm2 B+1 (1.7+1) Spacing of 10 nim dia bars at 190mmc/c The steel for the remaining width = 781.50 -578.94 =20236 mm2 Provide 4 bars of 12min dia on either of the central ban widthDeveloped length: From IS 456-2000 L4 = dia vs 4Tbd =0.S7xfvx dia =0.87x415xdia =47 dia =47x12 =52Snun 4x Tbd 4x(1.6x1.2) Available length from face of column (1000 230) -50 2 =8035 nun>528 nunLoad transfer from column to footing: Nominal bearing stress in column concrete. Vbt = 440.76x10^3 = 5.04 NI mm2 Ac 230x380 Bearing stress un M15 concrete *125x20 =5N/ mni2 Allowable bearing stress =5V Al A2 v Al >2 A2 = 5v 1697400 230x380 = 4.40 limited 2 Allowable bearing stress = 2x5 =10 N/ mm2 >6067 The minimum steel required for dowel bars or loa transferring bar is 0.5% of column As = 0.5 x230x380 100 =437 mm2 No.of 12mm dia = 437x12^2 =3.86 v/4

Provide 4 nos of bars of 12nunbars development length of dowel bars Ld vs x dia 44 dia 4T bd for 12 turn dia Ld =528 nun The dowel is to be extended by 528nun into column. Available depth in footing Effective to the centre of 20 nun dia 350nun Deduct V2 x 20 =10 nun Deduct 12 nun di Net available distance 1350-10-12] =323 Provide bent of bars to [528-328] =200 nun.


BeamTable 3

Figure 1

Layout Plan

Figure 2Thesystematic layout planning(SLP) is atoolused to arrange aworkplacein aplantby locating two areas with high frequency and logical relationships close to each other. The processpermits the quickestmaterial flowin processing the product at the lowest cost and least amount of handling.Atoolis anyphysicalitem that can be used to achieve agoal, especially if the item is not consumed in the process. Informally the word is also used to describe a procedure or process with a specific purpose. Tool use byhumansdates back millions of years, and otheranimalsare also known to employ simple tools.Tools that are used in particular fields or activities may have different designations such as "instrument", "utensil", "implement", "machine", or "apparatus". The set of tools needed to achieve a goal is "equipment". The knowledge of constructing, obtaining and using tools istechnology.Abusiness processorbusiness methodis a collection of related, structured activities ortasksthat produce a specific service or product (serve a particular goal) for a particular customer or customers. It can often be visualized with aflowchartas a sequence of activities with interleaving decision points or with a Process Matrix as a sequence of activities with relevance rules based on data in the process.Material flow(MF) is the description of the transportation of raw materials, pre-fabricates, parts, components, integrated objects and finally products as a flow of entities. The term applies mainly to advance modeling ofSupply chain management. As industrial material flow can easily become very complex.For complex systems, several different specialized simulation tools are developed. Typical tools are: Plant Simulationfor production systemsPlant Simulationis a computer application developed bySiemens PLM Softwareformodeling,simulating,analyzing,visualizingandoptimizingproduction systems and processes, the flow of materials and logistic operations.Using Tecnomatix Plant Simulation, users can optimize material flow, resource utilization and logistics for all levels of plant planning from global production facilities, through local plants, to specific lines. Within thePlant Design und Optimization Solutionthe software portfolio, to which Plant Simulation belongs, is together with the products of the Digital Factory and of Digital Manufacturing part of theProduct Lifecycle ManagementSoftware (PLM). Theapplicationallows comparing complexproductionalternatives, including the immanent process logic, by means of computer simulations. Plant Simulation is used by individual production planners as well as by multi-national enterprises, primarily to strategically plan layout, control logic and dimensions of large, complex production investments.[3]It is one of the major products that dominate that market space. Auto Modfor logistics systems Any logicLevels of plant layout DesignThere are four levels of detail in plant layout design,1. Site layout: shows how the building should be located in a proper way.2. Block layout: shows the sizes of departments in the buildings.3. Detailed layout: shows the arrangements of equipment and workstations in the departments.4. Workstationlayout: shows the locations of every part of the workstation.Types of building construction Concrete frame structureConcrete frame structures are a very common - or perhaps the most common- type of modern building. As the name suggests, this type of building consists of a frame or skeleton of concrete. Horizontal members of this frame are calledbeams, and vertical members are calledcolumns. Humans walk on flat planes of concrete calledslabs. Of these, the column is the most important, as it is the primary load-carrying element of the building (See figure 2 at the bottom of the page for an illustration of each of the major parts of a frame structure). If you damage a beam in a building, it will usually affect only one floor, but damage to a column could bring down the entire building.

Figure 3

When we say concrete in the building trade, we actually mean reinforced concrete. Its full name is reinforced cement concrete, or RCC. RCC is concrete that contains steel bars, called reinforcement bars, or rebars. This combination works very well, as concrete is very strong in compression, easy to produce at site, and inexpensive, and steel is very very strong in tension. To make reinforced concrete, one first makes a mould, calledformwork, that will contain the liquid concrete and give it the form and shape we need. Then one looks at the structural engineer's drawings and places in the steel reinforcement bars, and ties them in place using wire. The tied steel is called areinforcement cage, because it is shaped like one. Once the steel is in place, one can start to prepare the concrete, by mixing cement, sand, stone chips in a range of sizes, and water in a cement mixer, and pouring in the liquid concrete into the formwork tilll exactly the right level is reached. The concrete will become hard in a matter of hours, but takes a month to reach its full strength. Therefore it is usually propped up until that period. During this time the concrete must becured, or supplied with water on its surface, which it needs for the chemical reactions within to proceed properly.Working out the exact 'recipe', or proportions of each ingredient, is a science in itself. It is calledconcrete mix design. A good mix designer will start with the properties that are desired in the mix, then take many factors into account, and work out a detailed mix design. A site engineer will often order a different type of mix for a different purpose. For example, if he is casting a thin concrete wall in a hard-to-reach area, he will ask for a mix that is moreflowablethan stiff. This will allow the liquid concrete to flow by gravity into every corner of the formwork. For most construction applications, however, a standard mix is used. Common examples of standard mixes are M20, M30, M40 concrete, where the number refers to the strength of the concrete in n/mm2 or newtons per square millimeter. Therefore M30 concrete will have a compressive strength of 30 n/mm2. A standard mix may also specify the maximumaggregatesize. Aggregates are the stone chips used in concrete. If an engineer specifies M30 / 20 concrete, he wants M30 concrete with a maximum aggregate size of 20mm. He does NOT want concrete with a strength of between 20-30 n/mm2, which is a common misinterpretation in some parts of the world.

So the structure is actually a connected frame of members, each of which are firmly connected to each other. In engineering parlance, these connections are calledmoment connections, which means that the two members are firmly connected to each other. There are other types of connections, includinghinged connections, which are used insteel structures, but concrete frame structures have moment connections in 99.9% of cases. This frame becomes very strong, and must resist the various loads that act on a building during its life.These loads include:Dead Loads:the downwards force on the building coming from the weight of the building itself, including the structural elements, walls, facades, and the like.Live Loads:the downwards force on the building coming from the expected weight of the occupants and their possessions, including furniture, books, and so on. Normally these loads are specified in building codes and structural engineers must design buildings to carry these or greater loads. These loads will vary with the use of the space, for example, whether it is residential, office, industrial to name a few. It is common for codes to require live loads for residential to be a minimum of about 200 kg/m2, offices to be 250 kg/m2, and industrial to be 1000 kg/m2, which is the same as 1T/m2. These live loads are sometimes called imposed loads.Dynamic Loads:these occur commonly in bridges and similar infrastructure, and are the loads created by traffic, including braking and accelerating loads.Wind Loads:This is a very important design factor, especially for tall buildings, or buildings with large surface area. Buildings are designed not to resist the everyday wind conditions, but extreme conditions that may occur once every 100 years or so. These are calleddesign windspeeds, and are specified in building codes. A building can commonly be required to resist a wind force of 150 kg/m2, which can be a very significant force when multiplied by the surface area of the building.Earthquake Loads:in an earthquake, the ground vigorously shakes the building both horizontally and vertically, rather like a bucking horse shakes a rider in the sport of rodeo. This can cause the building to fall apart. The heavier the building, the greater the force on it. Its important to note that both wind and earthquake imposehorizontal forceson the building, unlike the gravity forces it normally resists, which are vertical in direction.

The concrete frame rests onfoundations, which transfer the forces - from the building and on the building - to the ground.

Some other important components of concrete frame structures are:Shear Wallsare important structural elements in high-rise buildings. Shear walls are essentially very large columns - they could easily measure 400mm thick by 3m long - making them appear like walls rather than columns. Their function in a building is to help take care ofhorizontal forceson buildings like wind and earthquake loads. Normally, buildings are subject to vertical loads - gravity. Shear walls also carry vertical loads. It is important to understand that they only work for horizontal loads in one direction - the axis of the long dimension of the wall. These are usually not required in low-rise structures.Elevator Shaftsare vertical boxes in which the elevators move up and down - normally each elevator is enclosed in its own concrete box. These shafts are also very good structural elements, helping to resist horizontal loads, and also carrying vertical loads.WALLS IN CONCRETE FRAME BUILDINGSConcrete frame structures are strong and economical. Hence almost any walling materials can be used with them. The heavier options includemasonry wallsof brick, concrete block, or stone. The lighter options include drywall partitions made of light steel or wood studs covered with sheeting material. The former are used when strong, secure, and sound-proof enclosures are required, and the latter when quick, flexible lightweight partitions are needed.When brick or concrete blocks are used, it is common to plaster the entire surface - brick and concrete - with a cement plaster to form a hard, long-lasting finish.

CLADDING OF CONCRETE FRAME STRUCTURESConcrete frame buildings can be clad with any kind of cladding material. Common cladding materials are glass, aluminum panels, stone sheets, and ceramic facades. Since these structures can be designed for heavy loading, one could even clad them in solid masonry walls of brick or stone.Steel Frame structure

Most steel construction is done with a type ofsteelcalledmild steel. Mild steel is a material that is immensely strong. Take a circular bar of steel 1 inch / 25mm in diameter. If you were to attach this bar securely to your ceiling, you could hang from it 20,000 Kg (which is 20 tons), or any one of the following:18 Honda City Cars2 and a half African Elephants1 and a half London City Route master Double-Decker BusesWe urge you to try this at home, unless you are married. This immense strength is of great advantage to buildings. The other important feature of steel framing is its flexibility. It can bend without cracking, which is another great advantage, as a steel building can flex when it is pushed to one side by say, wind, or an earthquake. The third characteristic of steel is its plasticity or ductility. This means that when subjected to great force, it will not suddenly crack like glass, but slowly bend out of shape. This property allows steel buildings to bend out of shape, ordeform, thus giving warning to inhabitants to escape. Failure in steel frames is not sudden - a steel structure rarely collapses. Steel in most cases performs far better in earthquake than most other materials because of these properties.However one important property of steel is that it quickly loses its strength in a fire. At 500 degrees Celsius (930 degrees F), mild steel can lose almost half its strength. This is what happened at thecollapse of the World Trade Towersin 2001. Therefore, steel in buildings must be protected from fire or high temperature; this is usually done by wrapping it with boards or spray-on material calledfire protection.Steel construction is most often used in High rise buildingsbecause of its strength, low weight, and speed of construction Industrial buildingsbecause of its ability to create large span spaces at low cost Warehouse buildingsfor the same reason Residential buildingsin a technique calledlight gauge steel construction Temporary Structuresas these are quick to set up and removeLight Gauze steel structureLight gauge steel construction is very similar towood framed constructionin principle - the wooden framing members are replaced with thin steel sections. The steel sections used here are calledcold formedsections, meaning that the sections are formed, or given shape at room temperature. This is in contrast to thickerhot rolledsections that are shaped while the steel is molten hot. Cold formed steel is shaped by guiding thin sheets of steel through a series of rollers, each roller changing the shape very slightly, with the net result of converting a flat sheet of steel into a C or S-shaped section.The steel used here is coated with zinc (called galvanized) or a mixture of zinc and aluminum (called zincalume or galvalume by some) to protect it from corrosion. The thickness of this coating can be varied to suit a range of environments. Typically, marine environments require the most protection and dry, arid regions the least.The thicknesses of steel used here range from about 1 to 3mm for structural sections, and 1 to 2mm for non-structural sections. The members are sized to roughly correspond to wood members: 2"x4" and 2"x6" are common sizes.Like inwooden framed construction, a frame of steel members is first constructed, and then clad with dry sheeting on both sides to form a load bearing wall. Construction with steel follows the platform frame system of house building. Connections between members are made withself tapping self drillingscrews.Contractors will usually order pre-punched sections - sections with factory-made holes in them - so that wires and plumbing can be easily passed through the walls. The gaps between members are filled with insulation.This form of construction can also be used for non-structural framing, such as interior partitions or external cladding. In fact, this form of construction was originally developed for interior partitions in offices.ADVANTAGES OF LIGHT GAUGE STEEL CONSTRUCTIONLight gauge steel structures have many of the advantages of light wood framed structures:They are light, and allow quick building without heavy tools or equipment. Every component can easily be carried by hand - a house is like a carpentry job on a larger scale. The main tool is a light, handheld screw gun. Since steel is strong, LGS structures are lighter than wood framed structures of equivalent strength.Their higher strength allows greater spacing between members when compared to wood frame construction: about 24" (600mm) for LGS vs. about 16" or 20" (400 or 500mm) for wood. Fewer members translate to quicker construction times.It is able to shape itself to any form, and can be clad and insulated with a wide range of materials.It is easy to change or modify this construction at any point in its lifespan.There are a great range of systems andproductscatering to this type of construction.In addition,Light gauge steel structures are non-combustible, which is a code requirement for some types of structures. Since steel loses its strength in fire quite easily, it must be protected from fire with fire rated sheeting.Light gauge steel structures do not rot, shrink, warp, or decompose like wood structures, and can be used in areas where there is a probability of termite attack.DISADVANTAGES OF LIGHT GAUGE STEEL CONSTRUCTIONLight framed structures allow the passage of sound more readily than the more solid masonry construction.Light gauge steel will lose strength in the advent of fire. Adequate fire protection must be used. The easiest form of fire protection is to clad the steel with fire rated sheeting or drywall.

Wood Frame constructionLight wood framed construction is one of the most popular types of building methods for homes in the United States and parts of Europe.It has the following characteristics: It is light, and allows quick construction with no heavy tools or equipment. Every component can easily be carried by hand - a house essentially becomes a large carpentry job. The main tool is a handheld nail gun. It is able to adapt itself to any geometric shape, and can be clad with a variety of materials. There are a huge variety of products and systems tailored to this type of construction.It has these negative characteristics: It is not highly fireproof, as it is made of wood. It is not strong enough to resist major wind events such as tornadoes and hurricanes.Every timber frame home structure is made of a few basic components:Studsare vertical wooden members within the walls.Joistsare the horizontal wooden beams that support the floors.Raftersare the sloping wooden beams that support the roof.Sheathingis the sheets that are nailed over the studs to connect them securely and form the wall surfaces.Sidingis the exterior cladding that covers the walls from the outside.Let us examine the major types of light wood framed structures.BALLOON FRAME STRUCTURESWhile this is an outmoded form of wood construction no longer used today, it is good to know what it is and why it is no longer used.In balloon frame construction, if you had a two-storey house that was twenty feet high, you would use a single 20 foot long vertical stud for both storeys. This made the studs heavy and difficult to handle. The second problem was the gap between the two studs, which acted passageways for the spread of fire from the lower to the upper storey.For these reasons, balloon frame construction has been superseded by platform frame construction, which is superior in all respects.


Elements of constructionFLOOR FINISHESAND HOW TO CHOOSE THEMWhen choosing a floor finish, keep in mind the following: Howslippery or smoothit is; do not use very smooth finishes in bathrooms and balconies Howabrasion resistantit is - do not use soft, quick wearing finishes in areas with heavy foot traffic. Marble and wood have low abrasion resistance, for example, and granite and cement tiles have high abrasion resistance. Whether it ischemically neutral- some finishes react with acids, and should not be used in kitchens Theclimate: wood and carpets are perceived to be warm, so use them in cold climates, and stone and tile are perceived to be cool, so use them in warm climates - unless you have under floor heating or cooling, which changes things.A detailed description of each of the most important floor finishes follows.STONEStone is a great floor finish and is affordable in many countries; Italy and India are both known for the variety and quality of stone they produce. There is a great advantage to stone that is almost unique to floor finishes: you can polish it, and thus make it look and feel like new, at any time in its life.Graniteis a volcanic rock (it was originally lava, that cooled to form solid rock) that has the following properties:It is very hard, strong, and abrasion resistant It is resistant to acids It can be polished to a mirror-like smoothnessThese properties make it a great choice as afloor or countertop finish. It can also be used to clad walls. However it is available mainly in dark colors - black, red, grey - with the possible exception of Kashmir White Granite. This darkness in color does tend to limit its use in certain areas.Its surface can also be worked to produce a variety of textures other than smooth: granite can be flamed, water blasted, sand blasted, bush hammered, or tumbled. These rough finishes are mostly used outdoors, on pathways. The famous cobblestones of Europe are granite, for instance.Marbleis a metamorphic rock (meaning that it was made by the intense pressures and heat deep within the earth), and has the following properties: Most marbles are soft, and not very abrasion resistant They are not resistant to acids They can be polished to a mirror finish It is translucent - light can pass through it to the extent of a few millimeter Thus, marbles should not be used in high-traffic areas such as the entryways or staircases of public buildings - granite would be much better in those cases. Since it is not acid resistant, you should not use Marble under urinals (urine is acidic), and in kitchens, where lemon juice and other acids are present. But marble is prized for the beauty and richness of its finish; it alsofeels very special underfoot. It is available in a wide variety of colors, mainly light colors. Sandstoneis a sedimentary rock (rock formed by ancient rivers that slowly deposited material on their beds that built up layer by layer over millions of years). It has the following properties: It is abrasion resistant, but not always strong, as it is formed in layers. It is usually highly resistant to acids It has a rough finish, and cannot be mirror-polished, as it consists of grainsThese properties mean that it is good for decks and external areas because of its anti-slip properties. Since sandstone looks and feels very different from granite and marble, it has become fashionable to use these in boutique stores. Steve Jobs famously saw bluish-grey sandstone on a trip to Florence, and many years later insisted that that very stone be used in all apple stores because of its 'integrity'. The stone is quarried from an area reserved for apple, cut into tiles, and every piece graded individually for color tone by master craftsmen. The tiles are then arranged so that pieces with similar color are placed together, which makes them seem more uniform to the eye. It is obtained fromthis quarry, if you're interested.

TYPES OF WALLSIn terms of their function, all walls are eitherload bearingornon load bearing walls. A load bearing wall is part of the structure of the building - it holds the building up. A non-load bearing wall is only a partition that divides the various rooms of a building. You can demolish a wall if it is a non-load bearing wall; youcannot move or demolish a load bearing wall.It is not easy for a layman to determine whether a wall is load bearing or not. Youmustrely on the advice of an experienced, licensed structural engineer.Most modern multi-storey buildings are constructed with structural frames andnon-load bearing walls. Most residential buildings in the US and nearly allwood framed buildingsare constructed withload bearing wallsof the platform frame or balloon frame types.Masonry Walls: these are walls made of brick or cement blocks held together withcement mortarand are often plastered withcement plasteron both surfaces. Cement blocks can also be calledConcrete Masonry Unitsor CMUs, and come in a variety of types, includingSolid Concrete BlocksHollow Concrete BlocksLightweight Aerated Concrete BlocksFlash Concrete BlocksMasonry walls are heavy, and require lots of skilled labor, which means that they are falling out of favor in most countries in which labor is expensive. Their weight is also a problem in high-rise buildings.Other materials for walls include stone or furnace (ceramic) bricks. Stone that is cut into cuboids with smooth faces is calleddressedstone, and walls constructed with this type of stone are calledashlars masonrywalls. Walls that are made with rough (undressed) pieces of stone are calledrandom rubblewalls.For brick walls, a common thickness is 230mm(9"), and for concrete block walls, common thicknesses are 200mm(8"), 150mm(6") and 100mm(4"). In the building trade, the thickness of the wallsexcludesthe plaster, so if a wall is plastered on both sides, its actual thickness will be 1" or 1.5" more than its stated thickness in an architectural drawing or contract.To run electrical or any other wires or pipes in a brick wall, you have to firstchasethe wall. Chasingis cutting a long groove in the wall in which you can install your services. Then you can install aconduit- a plastic pipe - in the wall, fill in the gap around the conduit with cement plaster, and then pull your electrical wires through the conduit. This takes time and effort.Masonry walls cannot be constructed to an unlimited height - broadly speaking, most are considered stable only to a height of 10-15 ft (3 - 4m). To construct a masonry wall higher than that, you have to design a special wall that has intermediate structural members to support the wall.One problem with masonry walls is that they rely mainly on their weight to keep them in place; each block or brick is only loosely connected to the next via a thin layer of mortar. This is why they do not perform well in earthquakes, when entire buildings are shaken horizontally. Many collapses during earthquakes occur in buildings that haveload-bearing masonry walls.THERMAL INSULATION EXPLAINEDInsulation is that property of any material that obstructs the flow of heat through it. In warm countries, insulation serves to reduce the heat entering the building, and in cold countries, to reduce the heat that escapes.The thermal conductance (the ability to allow heat to pass through it) of any material, K, is measured inWatts / m2.Kelvin, in metric units, for agiven thicknessof that material.This means that if the thermal conductance of a slab of material 10 cm thick is 1 W/m2.K, then 1 Watt of heat will flow across one square meter of that slab if the difference in temperatures on the two sides of the slab is 1 degree Kelvin. One degree Kelvin is exactly the same as one degree Centigrade. If the difference in temperature of the two sides is 10C, (for example if the temperature outside is 35C and inside, in an air-conditioned office, it is 25C), then 10 W of heat will flow across our slab. One watt is equal to one Joule, a unit of energy, per second.

Chapter No-4Result

Estimation of Building ConstructionAt the time of the house construction there are many steps to be followed such as preparation of architectural drawings, structural drawings and obtaining approvals from concerned authorities etc. After doing all these exercises when we start construction work then we have towork onthe preparation of budget, procurement of material and hiring the contractor etc and theseprocesses can besimplified if you have a detailed construction cost estimate.Here are somenotes to help you understand the importance of cost estimation:-In most of the home construction projects, the money runs out before the home is completed. This happens because the home owners do not have a stage by stage cost estimate. A detailed cost estimate can help you avoid this problem.From detail estimate you will get the information about all type of materials required for the work and the information about the actual quantity of all the materials required. You can use this knowledge to make agreement with the supplier in advance to avoid fluctuation in the market.If you do not know the estimated quantity of material required to build your home, the contractor may charge more amount to do the same work. With the detail estimate sheet you can cross check the quotation provided by the contractor.With the help of detail estimates we can arrange the materials according to the needs at site. This will avoid unnecessary storage of materials, save the wastage of materials and blockage of money. It will also save unnecessary carriage and time.With arranging all the materials according to need it will help in smooth working and to avoid wastage of labor.This will help to arrange funds according to requirement.Detail estimate also give the specification of the material required for the construction which will help in checking of the quality of the materials at site.If all the materials and labor will be arranged according to need it will help for timely completion of construction work which will save the expenditure spent on storage, watchman etc.

Timely completion means timely use of house.Big projects in India such as Delhi Metro were completed on time because they used these estimation techniques to identify the exact quantity required step wise.

Chapter No-5

ConclusionHajara Building Pvt. Ltd is the largest Public sector construction Company. But it is not yet a Schedule A company. Hajara Building Pvt. Ltd is a public sector company as a wholly owned by Government of India Enterprise under the aegis of the Ministry of Urban Development with 51% shares held by them.Corporation achieved a total turnover of Rs.2981.98 crore as against Rs.2041.20 crore in the previous year. For the year, profit before tax was Rs. 174.59 crore ( previous year Rs.239.95 crore).Hajara Building Pvt. Ltd ,at present, has a very healthy order book of over 10,000 crore and net worth of the company too,has shown exponential growth.The entire paid up share capital of Rs. 120 crore of the company is held by the President of India and its nominees.There is net increase in closing balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents for the year 2010-11 by 104515.07 lakhs.ERP Software System is in final stages of implementation.The turnover of Hajara Building Pvt. Ltd increased from Rs.1969.99 crore to Rs.2041.20 crore representing an increase of 4% and earned a Net Profit before tax of Rs.239.95 crore after providing depreciation of Rs.3.07 crore and interest of Rs.3.22 crore.The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention and generally accepted accounting principles in accordance with the Companies Act,1956 and with the compliance of Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered accountants of India(ICAI) to the extent applicable.Hajara Building Pvt. Ltd has Fixed Assets Management Software (FAMS) for maintaining records of Fixed Assets and it manges its Fixed Assets very efficiently.Currently Hajara Building Pvt. Ltd uses Oracle and Tally Software for maintaining all other accounts.

Hajara Building Pvt. Ltd follows the following procedure for maintaining accounts: Firstly, accounts for all sites of a project are compiled at unit in charge of the project whether the project is undertaken in India or Outside India. Then the acconts of all units are compiled at specific Zones of the Company Then these Zonal Accounts are compiled at the Corporate Office of Hajara Building Pvt. Ltd,at Delhi, to prepare the final Consolidated Balance Sheet of the Company as a whole.

The basic data for compilation of final accounts as to be furnished by various units to the Zone. For a systematic and timely flow of information from the units, the various reports and returns (Monthly/Quarterly/Annual) are to be submitted by units incharge,after proper and intelligent scrutiny, to Zone/Head Office by the prscribed dates. The timely submission of these returns is to be watched by Officer Incharge of Accounts in the Zone as well as Officer INcharge of the Compilation Group in the Zonal Office.


