Buddhist Aphorisms for Everyday Life...Buddhist Aphorisms for Everyday Life BY REV. HARRY GYOKYO...


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Buddhist Aphorisms for Everyday Life BY REV. HARRY GYOKYO BRIDGE


with a quote from Shakyamuni

Buddha, whether sent by a friend or

just a general email that someone else

shares – there are often similar Face-

book or Twitter posts too. Usually they

are nice, positive sentiments, but I often

fi nd myself wondering – are these really

Buddhist? Sometimes they might be in-

terpretations of a Buddhist idea; other

times, they are actually quoting some-

thing else and attributing it to the Bud-

dha! There is even a website devoted to

determining whether a “Buddha quote”

is real or not, called fakebuddhaquotes.

com! Short, positive quotes can be nice

for a quick pick-me-up, but sometimes

they are just too simple to be really

meaningful, even if they are real.

I came up with one recently: “As-

sume Nothing, Appreciate Everything.”

I like to think it’s pretty good! The fi rst

part, “assume nothing,” is trying to re-

mind us not to take anything at face

value, especially our own opinions.

When things seem obvious is when we

should be asking questions! It is con-

nected to the Buddhist idea of aware-

ness, which is what I want to focus on

this month – in fact, it is the theme for

Dharma School for October!

The second part, “appreciate


Minister’s Message 1 & 2

President’s Message 1 & 5

Dhama School News 2

Keiro Kai Luncheon 2

29th Annual BCO 2 Golf Tournament Ad

BCO Obon 2016 3

10th Anniversary Jodo 4 Shinshu Center Flyer

Momiji Kai News 5

OBWA News 5

In Memoriam 5

Busshin Deadline Info 5

29th Annual BCO 6-8 Golf Tournament Info and Forms

Hidden Legacy Info 9

BCO Halloween 2016 10 Information Flyer

October Shotsuki 11 Service

Calendar 12-13


VOL 59 NUM 10




R 2



going to be crazy-busy! First is the Jr.

YBA Fundraiser on Sun 10/2 – come

meet and support our High School

Youth group as they kick-off the

2016-17 year. Fri 10-7-Sun 10/9, I’ll

be in Bellevue, WA for the FBWA

Conference (with Gayle and the BCA

Bookstore). Unfortunately, this means

that I’ll miss the Keirokai Apprecia-

tion Service/Luncheon. Congratula-

tions and best wishes to all our Senior

members! Sat 10/15 is our Life

Enrichment Program (see details,

pg 5). Mon 10/17 is the BCO Golf

Tournament in El Cerrito. Sat 10/22

is the BCA Jodo Shinshu Center 10th

Anniversary (see pg 4), and Sun

10/30 is the Dharma School Hallow-

een Party (see pg 10). This year, we’ve


President’s Message BY ROBERT NOGUCHI



everything,” is related to gratitude.

Gratitude is sometimes portrayed as

a key element of Jodo Shinshu, if not

the key element. But my question has

always been, “Gratitude for what?”

For the material items I have? For the

compassion of the Buddha that en-

ables my birth in the Pure Land when I

die? For the simple fact that I am alive?

When we start digging in and asking

questions, maybe we fi nd that the

answer to the question, “What should I

be grateful for?” isn’t so simple. “Appre-

ciate Everything” tries to address this,

suggesting that we are often not aware

of the compassionate teaching energy

that comes from the Buddha. The Dalai

Lama is reported as saying that he even

views his enemies as his teachers.

But does the aphorism work?

I like it, but again, maybe it’s too

simple or leaves too much room for

interpretation. Hopefully it points in the

right direction – to continue listening

to the Buddha’s teachings, to try and

be aware and mindful, and to appreci-

ate everything we experience. Maybe

it’s too obvious and too diffi cult at the

same time. Ultimately, it’s just words.

But whatever Buddhist aphorisms we

encounter, let’s use them to try and

come to a deeper understanding and

experience of Namo Amida Butsu.


our Dharma School Classes will have

begun! And we are already letting

you know about our Halloween Party

on October 30!! The fl yer is includ-

ed and we hope you can attend. We

love to see children, teens, Moms,

Dads, Aunties, Uncles, Grandparents,

and honorary family try to take a bite

out of the elusive hanging powdered

donuts!! We’ll have games, prizes,

lunch and of course, the Haunted


Happy Birthday We wish a happy birthday to Emiko

Masamori, our one student born in

September. Wishing you a wonderful


Dharma School News BY MAYA LAWRENCE


Appreciation Service is on Sunday,

October 9 at 10:00 AM. Follow-

ing the service we will have Happy

Hour in the Social Hall, followed by a

luncheon. We will be sending an

invitation to Keirokai members -

please keep an eye out and RSVP!

Non-Keirokai members can attend

too - we will be sending an email with

details as the date approaches..

Keiro Kai Appreciation Service & Luncheon 2016


BCO Obon 2016


buddhistchurchesofamerica.org For more information email: jkono@bcahq.org

Saturday, Oct 22, 20168:30am - 7:00pm

Commemoration and Memorial Service

Commemorative Events Jodo Shinshu Center214 Durant Ave. Berkeley, CA 94704

Jodo Shinshu CenterRealizing the Vision

10thAnniversary of the


fundraisers for the Church, the Bazaar

and Obon, are behind us, hopefully,

we will be able to plan some activi-

ties for the remainder of the year at

our upcoming meeting on Thursday,

September 1. Suggestions we have

discussed so far are a movie, visita-

tions to some institutions, etc., and

of course, going out for lunch. The

coming meet will include the regular

mini service and the usual Yoga with

Patti, our wonderful instructor.



their generous donations:

• Michael Endo in memory of Mrs. Chieko Endo’s 7th year service

• Maya Murashima in memory of Sumi Murashima’s Hatsubon service

We’d also like to thank:

• Everyone who helped with Obon preparations and Obon- it was a great

success with your help!

• Those who contributed to the success of our greeting card fundraiser a

success- those who created the cards and those who generous purchased


• Renie Grohl for the beginning knitter kits for our new knitting project,

knitted caps for local hospitals. Watch for our next workshop if you would

like to participate.



invited the Gakuen students and

Youth Club players and their families.

AND…don’t forget Monthly Evening

Service and Discussion (Wed 10/12-

7pm) and Study Class (Sat 10/29-


Keirokai: Our annual salute to

BCO’s Senior members (75 and old-

er) is Sunday, October 9th, starting

with Service at 10am, followed by

the Keirokai Appreciation Luncheon

and program. If you, or someone you

know is turning 75, please notify the

Church offi ce so they can be invited

to the event.

BEC Life Enrichment Program:

On Saturday, October 15th, the

Buddhist Education Committee will

present Hidden Legacy: Japanese

Traditional Performing Arts in the

WWII Internment Camps, a one-hour

documentary of pictures, fi lm clips,

performances and interviews with

interned Japanese-Americans, and

how they enriched the camps with

song and dance. The program will

be hosted by BCO member Shirley

Muramoto, who will also perform on

the koto.

Please join us for these fabulous

October events!


IN MEMORIAM:The Buddhist Church of

Oakland extends its deepest

condolences to the families of:

Takashi Otsuka

July 1, 2016

Kimiko Sasaki

July 8, 2016

Sylvia Nomura

August 8, 2016

May the family members fi nd

comfort and solace in the

Nembutsu, Namu amida butsu.


Articles submitted after this date

may not be printed.

SEND ARTICLES TO: Joyce Yokomizo

email: joyce@yokomizo.com or

fax: (415) 970-0810.

You can also send articles to the

church offi ce.

BUSSHIN COLLATION:Sunday, October 9th, 2016

by HOST 11


Dear Members and Friends:

The Buddhist Church of Oakland is proud to sponsor its 29th Annual Benefit Golf Tournament to be held at the Mira Vista Golf & Country Club, 7901 Cutting Boulevard, El Cerrito, CA 94530 on Monday, October 17, 2016. It is with deepest gratitude and appreciation to the many participants and donors over the years that we are able to continue having this annual event.

We are, once again, offering corporate sponsorships to invite local community organizations, companies or individuals to further participate in the church’s programs including community outreach. Three levels of corporate sponsorship are available. Each level provides corporate representatives to participate as well as opportunities to identify your company or business in our program and at the golf course.

Other opportunities include providing a donation that could be used as a raffle or door prize. We also ask you to consider supporting this fundraiser by being a hole sponsor for the tournament. In recognition of your monetary donation of $100 or more for the hole sponsor, a sign advertising your business or your personal sponsorship will be displayed at one of the 18 tee areas and will be acknowledged in the printed program.

A list of the types of sponsorships and donations are on the second page. In order for your donation to be properly acknowledged in the program, please complete and return the form on Page 2 to the church by FRIDAY, September 23.

Your consideration of supporting this event is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.


Keiju Terada, Committee Chair

Committee Members: Michael Endo, Mary Hiromoto, Eric Ikeda, Linda Minamoto, Edward Mon, Peter Nakaso, John Neishi, Ron Nomura, Jeff Suda, Ted Tanisawa, Gary Tominaga, Janet Tsukahira

825 Jackson Street ● Oakland, California 94607 ● (510) 832-5988 ● TIN: 94-1498382



Please submit this form with enclosed envelope with checks made payable to the BUDDHIST CHURCH OF OAKLAND

Yes to Corporate Sponsorship:

□ Gold Sponsor $2000- one four-some including carts, meals, and hole sponsor sign designating Gold Sponsor. Display company-provided banner at the tournament banquet, and one page advertisement in the tournament program booklet.

□ Silver Sponsor $1000 - one two-some including cart, meals, and hole sponsor sign designating Silver Sponsor. Display company-provided banner at the tournament banquet, half (1/2) page advertisement in the tournament program booklet.

□ Bronze Sponsor $500 - one player including cart, meals, and hole sponsor sign designating Bronze Sponsor. Display company-provided banner at the tournament banquet, one-third (1/3) page advertisement in the tournament program booklet.

□ I wish to be a hole sponsor for the 2016 BCO Golf Tournament. The minimum donation is $100. The name you wish to have appear on the hole sponsor sign:


□ I do not wish to sponsor a hole, but I would like to provide a monetary donation to assist with the purchase of prizes for the tournament.

Amount enclosed: $___ ____

□ I wish to make a merchandise donation for use during the tournament. The committee will contact you.


Phone Number: ( ) _______________ E-mail Address: _____________________________

Page 2 of 2

825 Jackson Street ● Oakland, California 94607 ● (510) 832-5988 ● TIN: 94-1498382

Monday, October 17, 2016 Mira Vista Golf & Country Club

El Cerrito, CA


Buddhist Church of Oakland 29th Annual Benefit Golf Tournament

Monday, October 17, 2016 Mira Vista Golf & Country Club

7901 Cutting Boulevard, El Cerrito, CA 94530

Entry Fee: $200.00 per player (Includes green fees, cart, tee prizes, range balls, bento box lunch, buffet dinner, and door prize ticket.)


Deadline: All registration forms must be received by October 3, 2016.

Tournament Scoring Format: Stroke play. You may play with your chosen foursome or enter as pairs or singles. There will also be an All Women’s Team Flight.

Registration: 9:30 am; Bento Box Lunch pick up at Registration Shotgun Start: 11:00 am; Buffet Dinner and Awards: 5:30 pm

Individual Low Net Prizes also awarded. Dress Code for players and guests: Collared shirts (No tee shirts, tank tops) are required. Long pants or golf shorts (No tennis, gym or short shorts. No denim). Mandatory soft spiked golf shoes (No tennis shoes). Hats and cell phone use are not permitted in clubhouse.

Please complete and detach. Check payable to Buddhist Church of Oakland at 825 Jackson Street, Oakland, CA 94607


GHIN No._____________ If no index, list your 3 lowest scores: ______________

Golf Club affiliation (if any) ___________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________ Address City & Zip Code

(______)______________________________________________________________________ Phone Number Email Address

I would like to be paired with_______________________________ INDICATE ANY FOURSOME REQUEST ON REVERSE SIDE


$200.00 Golf includes golf round, cart, bento box lunch, buffet dinner, door prize ticket.

$ 40.00 Additional Dinner(s)

Total Amount Enclosed:


Date: Saturday, October 15, 2016 – 2:00-4:00pm

Place: Social Hall - Buddhist Church of Oakland, 825 Jackson St., Oakland, CA

Admission: FREE. Donations are welcomed and appreciated.

Parking: Available in Church parking lot – enter on Jackson Street.

More info on the film: email: info@jcalegacy.org or call 510-482-1640

Questions: Contact the Church Office: 510-832-5988


O C T O B E R 1 5 , 2 0 1 6


Party Sunday, October

30, 2016 Join us for Family

Dharma Service @10am

Games, lunch, haunted house

Come in your favorite costumes

OCTOBER 201610

2016 October Shotsuki Memorial ServiceService: Sunday, October 2, 2016, at approximately 10:45 a.m.

Sermon by Reverend Harry Gyokyo Bridge

Family and friends are invited to attend this monthly memorial service for those listed below. If any errors appear in the list

below, please notify the church offi ce at (510) 832-5988 at your earliest convenience. For next month’s Shotsuki Service,

please check the Busshin calendar.

Mrs. Maya Aikawa

Mr. Charles S. Ajari

Mrs. Kane Aochi – 50th year

Mr. Shigeru Asakura

Mrs. Kane Baba

Mr. Takashi Baba

Mrs. Ichi Chiyoda

Mr. Hachiro Endo

Mr. Heitaro Fujii

Mrs. Kikuno Fujii

Mr. Fred Fujii

Mr. Rikizo Fujinami

Mrs. Marie Miyako Fujino

Mr. William Furuta

Mr. Miyao Harada

Mr. Sunao Harada

Mr. Katsuji Harano

Mrs. Seki Hayashi

Mrs. Saki Hirao

Mrs. Fumiyo Honda – 3rd year

Mr. Horizo Horimoto

Mr. Kiichi Hiramoto

Mr. Jitsuro Hiramoto

Mrs. Loralee Tucker Hiramoto

Mrs. Kiyoko Idehara

Mr. Jukiji Igaki

Mr. Tomenosuke Inouchi

Mrs. Fusayo Inouye

Mr. Shokichi Isono

Mr. Seitaro Iwamoto

Mr. Jitsugo Iwata

Mrs. Yuki Kamano

Mrs. Tatsumi Kanada

Mr. Seiso Kanesaki

Mrs. Alice Kaneshige – 3rd year

Mr. Shonosuke Kato

Mrs. Hatsu Kawabe

Mr. Tokichi Kawamoto

Mr. Shuichi Kawaoka

Mr. Ichiro Kayatani

Mr. John Kido – 25th year

Mr. Meiji Kido

Mrs. Teiko Kido

Mr. Takashi Kimoto

Ms. Setsuko Kimura

Mrs. Shige Kisanuki

Mr. Kokichi Kiya

Mr. Tameji Kobori

Mrs. Kathleen Koeber – 3rd year

Mrs. Yoshiye Kume

Mrs. Tama Kuritsubo

Mrs. Tamae Kurotori

Mr. Shoroku Kuwahara

Mr. George Matsutani

Mrs. Grace Masui

Mrs. Sachi Masuyama – 13th year

Mr. Gary Matsumoto

Mrs. Misty Minamihara

Mrs. Tomiko Minamoto

Miss Yuki Minamoto

Mr. Tomijiro Miyagawa

Rev. (Rinban) Shoki Mohri – 7th year

Mrs. Kazue Mori

Mr. Gene Tatsuo Moriki

Mrs. Sumiko Murashima – 1st year

Mrs. Taki Nagafuji

Mr. Kohachi Nakao

Mrs. Satsuki Nakao

Rev. Juko Nakashima

Mrs. Tsuneno Nakatani

Mr. Ben Nakaya

Mr. Torataro Nakayama

Mr. Yaichi Nakazono

Mr. Alan Neishi

Mr. Motomu Neishi – 3rd year

Mr. Tsunekichi Niizawa

Mrs. Toshiko Ninomiya

Mr. Sam Hoyo Noma

Mr. Seizo Nomura

Mrs. Tamayo Norimoto

Mrs. Miyeko Okamoto

Mrs. Sei Okawa

Mrs. Fujie Oniki

Ms. Etsuko Onizuka

Mr. Edward Otake

Mr. Ted Hitoshige Sakaki

Mr. Kumamashichi Sakamoto

Mrs. Kikue Sameshima

Mrs. Hisa Sasaki

Mrs. Tomekichi Satake

Mr. Hidemi Seiji

Mrs. Tomiye Seta

Mr. Yasumatsu Shigaya

Mrs. Ruth Shimada

Mr. Harvey Shinomoto

Mrs. Fumiko Evelyn Soga – 3rd year

Mr. George S. Takahashi

Mrs. Tame Takahashi

Mr. Shinobu Tani

Mr. Masayuki Terada

Mr. Loren Teramura

Mr. Eiya Ugai

Mrs. Misao Watanabe – 25th year

Mr. Wataru Watanabe – 17th year

Mrs. Ruth Miyoko Wong

Mrs. Dai Yamabe

Baby Yamamoto

Mrs. Miyuki Lois Yamamoto

Mrs. Tatsuyo Yamamoto

Mrs. Chizuko Yamanaka – 13th year

Mrs. Michi Yamane – 7th year

Mr. Kuhachiro Yamaoka

Mrs. Tsuya Yamashita – 50th year

Mr. Choshiro Yokoyama

Mrs. Yoshino Yokoyama

Mrs. Ino Yoshida

Mrs. Misa Yoshida

Mr. Yozo Yoshida

Mrs. Grace Yoshioka

Mr. Shosaburo Yoshioka

OCTOBER 201611

Host Team 11 Leader: June Masuyama Coverage for October support tasks including:

Sunday services coffee & refreshments; Dharma chat refreshments;

Sunday services greeters; Straighten hondo the week before Keirokai (10/2); Keirokai Appreciation luncheon; After-Shotsuki set-up; Weekend garden clean-up; Busshin collation; Wed evening Dharma service greeters and

refreshments; Sat Study Class greeters and refreshments.

1 Gakuen Issei Kaikan 9:00-12:00 pm Jr. YBA Kitchen-Prep

2 Dharma Family Service 10:00-10:45 am Shotsuki Memorial/Adult Service 10:45-11:30 am Jr. YBA Spaghetti Fundraiser

3 Karaoke, Social Hall 7:30-9:30 pm

4 EBYAL Issei Kaikan 7:30-9:00 pm

5 Board of Directors Meeting, Small Chapel 7:00 pm

6 Momijikai Small Chapel 10:00 am-2:00 pm Gakuen-Adult Advanced Class Issei Kaikan 6:30-8:30 pm


8 Gakuen Issei Kaikan 9:00-12:00 pm Ikebana Issei Kaikan 2:00-4:00 pm

9 Dharma Family Service/Keirokai Appreciation 10:00-11:30 am Keirokai Luncheon 11:30 am-1:00 pm Busshin Collation

10 Wanto Shodo Kai Issei Kaikan 10 am-12 Noon Karaoke, Social Hall 7:30-9:30 pm


12 Evening Dharma Service & Discussion 7:00-8:30 pm

13 Gakuen-Adult Advanced Class Issei Kaikan 6:30-8:30 pm Concord Howakai 7:00-8:30 pm


15 Gakuen Issei Kaikan 9:00-12:00 pm BCO Life Enrichment Program: Hidden Legacy 2:00-4:00pm Social Hall

16 Dharma Family Service 10:00-10:45 am Dharma Chat 10:45-11:30 am Ashland Howakai 5:00-6:30pm

17 BCO Golf Tournament Mira Vista Golf & Country Club Registration: 9:30 am Start: 11:00 am

18 Oakland Fukuoka Sister City Association General Meeting Issei Kaikan 7:00-9:00 pm EBYAL Meeting Social Hall 7:30-9:00pm

19 Board Nominating Committee Meeting Location: TBD 6:30-8:30 pm

20 Momijikai Small Chapel 10:00 am-2:00 pm Gakuen-Adult Advanced Class Issei Kaikan 6:30-8:30 pm


22 Gakuen Issei Kaikan 9:00-12:00 pm

23 Dharma Family Service 10:00-10:45 am Eshinni/Kakushinni/Lady Ohtani Memorial Service 10:45-11:30 am

24 Wanto Shodo Kai Issei Kaikan 10 am-12 Noon Karaoke, Social Hall 7:30-9:30 pm


26 Asian Health Services Monthly Meeting Social Hall 9:00 am-12:00 pm

27 Gakuen-Adult Advanced Class Issei Kaikan 6:30-8:30 pm

28 Hiroshima Kenjinkai Board Meeting Social Hall 12:30-3:30 pm

29 Gakuen Issei Kaikan 9:00-12:00 pm Jr. YBA Haunted House Prep-1:00 pm Study Class Small Chapel 2:00-4:00 pm

30 Dharma Family Service 10:00-10:45 am Halloween Party & Luncheon-Dharma School 10:45 am-1:00 pm

31 Karaoke, Social Hall 7:30-9:30 pm Happy Halloween!


OCTOBER 201612

OCTOBER 201613


Busshin Articles Due

2 Board of Directors Meeting Small Chapel 7:00 pm

3 Momijikai Small Chapel 10:00 am-2:00 pm Gakuen-Adult Advanced Class Issei Kaikan 6:30-8:30 pm


5 Gakuen Issei Kaikan 9:00-12:00 pm

6 Daylight Savings Time Ends Dharma Family Service 10:00-10:45 am Shotsuki Memorial/Adult Service 10:45-11:30 am Hondo Cleaning

7 Karaoke, Social Hall 7:30-9:30 pm

8 EBYAL Issei Kaikan 7:30-9:00 pm

9 Evening Dharma Service & Discussion, 7:00-8:30 pm

10 Gakuen-Adult Advanced Class Issei Kaikan 6:30-8:30 pm Concord Howakai 7:00-8:30 pm


12 Gakuen Issei Kaikan 9:00-12:00 pm Ikebana Issei Kaikan 2:00-4:00 pm

13 Eitaikyo Service 10:00-11:30 am Refreshments 11:30 am-1:00 pm Busshin Collation

14 Wanto Shodo Kai Issei Kaikan, 10 am-12 Noon Karaoke, Social Hall 7:30-9:30 pm


Oakland Fukuoka Sister City Association General Meeting, Issei Kaikan 7:00-9:00 pm


17 Momijikai Small Chapel 10:00 am-2:00 pm Gakuen-Adult Advanced Class Issei Kaikan 6:30-8:30 pm Business Committee Meeting Small Chapel 7:00-9:00 pm


19 Gakuen Issei Kaikan 9:00-12:00 pm Study Class Small Chapel 2:00-4:00 pm

20 Dharma Family Service 10:00-10:45 am Dharma Chat 10:45-11:30 am Ashland Howakai 5:00-6:30pm

21 Karaoke, Social Hall 7:30-9:30 pm



24 Happy Thanksgiving! Office Closed No Gakuen

25 Office Closed

26 No Gakuen

27 Dharma Family Service 10:00-10:45 am Dharma Chat 10:45-11:30 am

28 Wanto Shodo Kai Issei Kaikan, 10 am-12 Noon Karaoke, Social Hall 7:30-9:30 pm

29 Busshin Articles Due

30 Asian Health Services Monthly Meeting Social Hall, 9:00 am-12:00 pm

Host 1 Team Leader: Gary Tominaga Coverage for November support tasks including:

Sunday services coffee & breakfast refreshments; Dharma chat refreshments;

Sunday services greeters; Straighten hondo the week before Etaikyo (11/6); Etaikyo refreshments; After-Shotsuki set-up; Weekend garden clean-up; Busshin collation; Wed evening Dharma service and Study Class

greeters and refreshments.