Buddhism. What do you desire ? Siddartha Gautama 5 th Century BC Wealthy Hindu Family The Four...


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What do you desire ?

Siddartha Gautama

• 5th Century BC• Wealthy Hindu Family• The Four Sights

• A very old man• A sick person• A dead body• A beggar

• Sought Enlightenment• Given the title of Buddha

• Means “the enlightened one”

Quest for Enlightenment

• Renunciation• Comfort vs. Ascetism

• Middle Path• Prayer and Meditation• No extreme self-deprivation

• Found enlightenment• Beneath a tree in Bodh Gaya,

India• Gathered disciples• Dhamma- teachings

Four Noble Truths

• Life involves suffering• Suffering originates in our desires• Suffering will cease if all desires cease• There is a way to cease all desire

• The Eightfold Path• Results in Nirvana

The Eightfold Path

The Eightfold Path

Right View• Looking at things

appropriately• Beginning• End• Realization of the Four

Noble Truths

Right Intention• Commitment to Self-

Improvement• Renunciation• Good will• Harmlessness

The Eightfold Path

Right Speech• Words can break or save

lives; make enemies or friends; start war or create peace

• Tell the Truth• Speak friendly, warmly

and gently• Talk only when necessary

Right Action• Unwholesome actions

lead to unsound states of mind

• Don’t take life, or cause intentional harm

• Be Honest• Abstain from sexual


The Eightfold Path

Right Livelihood• Earn living in a manner

that is legal and peaceful• Prohibited:

• Weapons• Meat (raising or

butchering)• Drugs and Alcohol• Slave trading• Prostitution• Any thing that would

violate right speech or action

Right Effort• Seen as prerequisite for

other principles• Without effort nothing can

be achieved• Prevent negative thoughts

and actions yet to occur• Correct negative thoughts

and actions that have occurred

• Start positive thoughts and actions yet ot occur

• Maintain positive thoughts and actions occurring now

The Eightfold Path

Right Mindfulness• Controlled and perfected

cognition• Mental ability to see

things as they are with clear consciousness

• Awareness• Body• Feelings• State of Mind• Phenomena

Right Concentration• Concentration on

wholesome thoughts and actions

• One-pointedness of mind• Meditation

Eightfold Path Exercise

Schools of Buddhism

Theravada• Way of the Elders• Pali “Cannon”

• Emphasis on monastic life• Lay people encouraged to

support monks

• Primarily in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia

Mahayana• Great Vehicle• Emphasis on common

person• Enlightenment• Compassion• Bodhisattvas

• Enlightened beings dedicated to liberating others from suffering

• Primarily in Nepal, Tibet, China and East Asia

Schools of Buddhism- Vajrayana

• “Diamond Vehicle” – Tibetan Buddhism• Form of Mahayana Buddhism • Emphasis on meditative practices, compassionate living, and

advanced mystical practices• One can become a Buddha in this lifetime• Teachers known as “lamas”• Dalai Lama

• Spiritual and Civil Leader of Tibet• 14th incarnation• Exiled to Himalayas


• Persecuted by Hindu Kings• Pushed out of India

• Now more prevalent outside of India• Spread to West

• Zen • Tibetan

Current State

• Although detachment encouraged some leaders have promoted proactivity

• Engaged Buddhism• Thich Nhat Hanh• Meditation followed by action on insights received

• Social, Political, and Economic Justice• Environmental Activism

Meditation Exercise
