BT Image Gallery · BT Shortcode is a smart Joomla plugin to help ... use shortcode with Custom...


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JOOMLA EXTENSION User Manual Version 1.0

Copyright © 2014


Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 2

INSTALLING AND UPGRADING ..................................................................................................... 4

1. System Requirement .....................................................................................................................................4

2. Downloading .....................................................................................................................................................4

3. Manual Installation ........................................................................................................................................4

4. Plugin Upgrading .............................................................................................................................................6

5. Uninstalling ........................................................................................................................................................6

HOW TO USE ...................................................................................................................................... 7

1. Add shortcode to content ................................................................................................................................7

2. Search and Filter ..................................................................................................................................................8

3. Use controllers with sample shortcodes ..................................................................................................9

4. Select Style ........................................................................................................................................................... 10

5. Choose Color with Color Picker ................................................................................................................. 10

6. Icon Picker ........................................................................................................................................................... 11

7. Setting number with slider .......................................................................................................................... 12

8. Textbox and other controller types ......................................................................................................... 13

9. Preview ................................................................................................................................................................. 13

10. Carousel shortcode with Image Source option ............................................................................... 14

11. Setting shortcode up by typing ............................................................................................................... 22

12. Make article’s layout with Columns Shortcode ............................................................................... 23

13. Shortcode in shortcode ............................................................................................................................... 25

14. Save and load presets .................................................................................................................................. 27

15. Customize style with additional class .................................................................................................. 29

CONTACTING BOWTHEMES ........................................................................................................ 32



BT Shortcode is a smart Joomla plugin to help effortlessly customize your own

content by using shortcodes without HTML code knowledge. It supports Joomla

Content, K2, Easy Blog component as well as Custom HTML module. This plugin

comes with 22 built-in shortcodes, you can freely create nice and complex content.

Just using additional classes and you can easily make your site be unique.

Product Features

Responsive support: Any shortcodes are fully responsive on desktops,

smartphones and tablets for Joomla 2.5.x and 3.x

Easy customization: Shortcode is easily customized with using additional classes

or overriding original styles

Various content types support:

- Flexible column layout: You are freely to create up to 6 columns for flexible

column layout with Columns Shortcode.

- Impressive image galleries support: Image galleries smoothly show images

with Lightbox, Slideshow and Carousel support

- Great text styles support: Styles of text are flawlessly added with Label,

Tooltip, DropCap, Heading… support

- Fantastic grouped content support: Content in Accordion, Tabs or Table…is

grouped perfectly.

- Other essential shortcodes support: Shortcodes of Price Table, Google Map,

Buttons is available for use and customization.

Extension demo:

Extension details:

Support forum:


Powerful management: Visual Preview and live search is supported for almost

shortcodes. In addition to searching modules, you can easily preview almost

modules before publishing them online. Also, you can save your time thanks to

saving presets of shortcodes features.

Multiple cross-browser support: Firefox, IE9+, Opera 9.5, Safari, Netscape, Google

Chrome, Camino, Flock 0.7+.

Detailed user guide and great support: This extension came with the detailed pdf

manual, video tutorials and great support.


Installing and Upgrading

1. System Requirement

Server requirements

PHP 5.0 or above with GD library is enabled. Please follow this

link to check it

MySQL 5.0 or above

Joomla 2.5.x or above;

Client requirements Firefox 2.x, 3.0.x, 3.5.x, Internet Explorer 8+.

2. Downloading

BT Shortcode is a free extension. Feel free to download it here.

3. Manual Installation

Please follow these steps to install the product:

Step 1: Go to Extension Manager

Step 2: Browse the install package

Step 3: Click “Upload & Install”


Figure 1: Upload and install extension

Illustrated image of successful installation:

Figure 2: Installation is successful


4. Plugin Upgrading

Upgrading of this extension to newest version can be easily done by following again

installation steps above. But we recommend you to back up your changes of source code

and language files in this extension before starting any upgrades.

5. Uninstalling

For uninstalling the product, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to “Extension Manager”

Step 2: Click to “Manage” tab

Step 3: Choose “Package” type or more quickly with searching “BT Shortcode”

Step 4: Mark checkbox of the package

Step 5: Click “Uninstall” button

Figure 3: Uninstall package


How to use

1. Add shortcode to content

BT Shortcode is a system plugin so you can add shortcode to any content type as long as

you see “Insert Shortcode” button under the editor tool like this image. Of course, you can

use shortcode with Custom HTML module.

Figure 4: Insert Shortcode Button


A modal box will be showed up after you click the button

Figure 5: Shortcode List on modal box

2. Search and Filter

This modal contains all shortcodes that are supported by BT Shortcode. You can use search

box and filter bar to find out shortcode that you want.

Figure 6: Search box is supported


Figure 7: Use filter bar to find shortcodes in a group

3. Use controllers with sample shortcodes

There are many types of controllers that help you configure a shortcode before inserting it

to content. Almost of them are not only simple controllers such as text box, text area, select

box etc… but also few special types like icon picker, tabs generator …

We will see all of them and understand how to configure a shortcode by following few

popular ones.

Let’s begin with “Icon box” shortcode that will be showed like this image

Figure 8: Icon Box - Style: "Icon on top - Out Side"


4. Select Style

Some shortcodes come with many styles, you can choose one of them, such as Icon Box has

5 styles


Icon Inleft – Circle

Icon Inleft – Square

Icon On Top – Inside

Icon On Top – Outside

Figure 9: Some shortcode supports many styles

5. Choose Color with Color Picker

Icon box shortcode allows you set main title and its color.

After setting a title and clicking to Title Color textbox, a color picker will appear. You can

drag two circles on picker to get a color. You can click outside to hide it after you got a

favorite color.


Figure 10: Color Picker

6. Icon Picker

Icon Picker which is one of the coolest controllers supports you get Font Awesome Icon

quickly without remembering its code. More flexibly, the picker also supports you get an

image from Joomla’s folder instead of an icon with button “Select Media”. This button

works like “Image” button under Text Editor.


Figure 11: Font Awesome Icon Picker

7. Setting number with slider

In BT Shortcode, all number type controllers are changed to slider type. You can set number

by dragging the slider or inserting value directly to a text box as the following image.

Figure 12 Slider Controller


8. Textbox and other controller types

The shortcode has many parameters under textbox, text area, toggle button types… All of

them have available description, so you will understand what they are used to set for.

Take a look to all parameters of “Icon box”.

Name Type Description

Style Dropdown List Choose one style for icon box

Title Textbox Set box’s main title

Title Color Color picker Choose title’s color

Icon Icon picker Choose box’s icon

Icon size Slider Set icon’s size in pixels

Font-size Slider Set font size for main title and sub text with formula Main title’s size = font size + 6

Text color Color Picker Choose sub text’s color

Read more Link

Text box Add a read more button to the box with an URL

Class Textbox Add extra class to icon box. It helps you create other style for the box.

Content Text area Set content of sub text

9. Preview

After configuration, you can use “Preview” button to see the shortcode before

inserting it to content.


Figure 13: Preview Button

If the shortcode is generated as you want, click “Insert Shortcode” to insert it to

content. If not, scroll up or click “Go Up” button to continue setting up.

Note: Almost changing that you do on the page will change preview immediately

10. Carousel shortcode with Image Source option

BT Shortcode has 2 two shortcodes that use this parameter. It allows users choose one or

more images from Joomla Folder, Content Category and upload them from local computer.

Figure 14: Select Image Source dropdown box


Step 1: Choose a source from dropdown:

- Media: This source allows you to get images from “images” folder under Joomla root

folder and its sub.

- Categories: It allows you to get intro image or first image of articles that are in

selected category.

After choosing source, new dropdown box will appear to allow you to choose folder or

category, following is two buttons:

- Load Images: Display all available images in selected folder

- Upload more photos: Upload image from your local computer

Figure 15: Choose a source and load available images

Step 2: Choose a folder or a category.

Step 3: Click “Load Image” button, all available images are listed as the following image


By default, all loaded images are selected to add to carousel or slideshow but you can

deselect any images by clicking “Deselect” button on top right corner of each thumbnail


Step 4: Click Add Selected Images


Step 5: Upload more photos from your computer if you want.

Figure 16: Upload more photos


After choosing one or more photos, you can see that they are uploaded with progress

message as the following image.

Figure 17: Uploading progress


Step 6: Order images by dragging and dropping them to new position.

Figure 18: Drag and drop images to order

Step 7: Edit images’ information. An image’s name will be hashed after getting or

uploading. And it is also used for image’s title. So you should edit image’s title with right

bottom button. Clicking the button will display a modal form. You also can set link to

images with this form.


Figure 19: Edit Image's title and link

Other parameters of carousel shortcode you should to know

Name Description

Links target

Set target for images’ link. There are 3 options: Current Page New tab/window Popup window

Width Set width for the carousel. Set it by 0 if you want to for auto width and responsive mode.

Thumbnail Width Set thumbnail width in pixels

Thumbnail Height Set thumbnail height in pixels


Scroll Per

Set a way to scroll carousel. If you set it by “Item” carousel will scroll by item one by one. If you set it by “Page” carousel will scroll by page. This parameter is applied to next/prev buttons, mouse/touch event but navigate bullet.

Show title Show/Hide image title

Center Align the carousel center when it has specified width that you set with “Width” parameter.

Arrows Show next/back arrow buttons

Pagination Show/Hide carousel pagination and you can choose its type with 2 options: Number and Bullet.

Autoplay Set interval time between each animation. Set it by 0 if you don’t want the carousel auto play. The unit is millisecond

Speed Set animation speed. The unit is millisecond.

Class Set Extra Class that help you customize style for whole carousel

Finally, after setting something up, you click preview button and view your work.

Figure 20: Carousel ShortCode


11. Setting shortcode up by typing

As you know with previous shortcode, there is a parameter called “Content” at the end of

setting page. With Icon box, it is only a simple text, however, with carousel, it is set of

“child” shortcode “image”.

Figure 21: List of child shortcode

You also see this with other shortcode like Tabs – that has many [bt_tab] child shortcodes

or Accordion with [bt_spoiler].

With these shortcodes, you flawlessly add more images and tabs by copying and typing a

new child shortcode to Content parameter when installing shortcode or after inserting

shortcode to article’s content.

Each shortcode has many attributes. Some of them are important but some of them are not.

Example with [bt_image], src attribute is important.

So you need to insert

[bt_image src=”images/image_path”]

To add new image to carousel without getting image steps above.

Of course, you can remove image by deleting a [bt_image] shortcode

One more thing, you can not only add new image or tab but also change shortcode

configuration by typing. After clicking Insert Shortcode button, take a look to article

content and you will see shortcode is generator like that


Figure 22: Full shortcode in editor

As you see, the first open tag contains anything that you set up as tag’s attributes, it means

you can re-configure the shortcode by changing their value.

12. Make article’s layout with Columns Shortcode

Columns shortcode helps you create multi-columns layout for article content’s without

using bored HTML Table or creating DIV by your hand. Specially, BT Shortcode uses

Boostrap 3.2.0, so the columns are complete responsive.

Take a look to Columns setting page

It has only main parameter “Set Columns”

Figure 23: Set number of columns


The shortcode supports max 6 columns and allows you merge columns to create some

special layout such as 1/3 and 2/3 columns or 1/4 and 3/4 columns.

Click number buttons above to initialize layouts with same number of columns, then click

arrow button of top right corner of each column to merge it with next one.


Initialize layout with 4 columns

Figure 24: Four columns layout

Merge the first column with the second one to make 2/4, 1/4 and 1/4 layout

Figure 25: 2/4, 1/4 and 1/4 columns layout


Continue merging (the first + the second) column with the third one to make 3/4 and 1/4


Figure 26: 3/4 and 1/4 columns layout

Finally, edit columns’ content with Content parameter as you know about Iconbox and

Carousel shortcodes

Figure 27: Edit column's content

13. Shortcode in shortcode

After you insert many shortcode to your article, you will see that they are displayed row by

row, you can’t align it left, right or same row.

Columns shortcode solves this problem

Instead of plain text, you can add a shortcode to [bt_column] shortcode as content by




Figure 28: Quote in column shortcode

This is result image

Figure 29: Quote shortcode in 1/2 column


14. Save and load presets

On a website, maybe you will need to add many shortcodes with same styles, it means you

need create and set shortcode up many times.

“Presets” button will be saved your time, with it, you can save configuration of shortcode.

You need to choose a shortcode then load saved preset, all parameters will be set value


Follow these steps to load or save a preset

Step 1: After configuring a shortcode, click button Presets and a modal will appears. It

contains “Save current settings as preset” and list of saved preset.

Figure 30: Presets button


Step 2:

Click “Save current settings as preset” button, new modal will appears. Set name for

preset then click “OK”

Figure 31: Set preset's name

Or click to a saved preset to load its configuration

Figure 32: Load a preset


15. Customize style with additional class

You are bored with default style of shortcode and you want create your own style.

There are two ways to do this:

Override BT Shortcode’s CSS files. This way helps you replace default style of shortcodes

with new styles for each your template.

Follow these steps to override the files

1. Open folder /templates/{your_template}/html

2. Create sub folder “bt_shortcode_system”

3. Copy folder “plugins/system/bt_shortcode_system/css” to new folder

In “css” folder, there are many files and you should edit following three files:




These files contain style for all shortcodes

Adding new style by using additional class.

Every shortcode has a “Class” parameter, it helps you add more classes to shortcode.

Then you can use these new classes to create some CSS rules to style shortcodes. You can

add these CSS rules to any your CSS files that are loaded to webpage. But we recommend

you to use both ways and add new rules to copied files.



This is original default CSS style of Tabs shortcode – Verticle Default

Figure 33: Tabs shortcode in default vertical style

And here is one of many CSS rules that is used to style tab buttons

.bt-tabs-nav span { border-top-left-radius: 3px; border-top-right-radius: 3px; color: #333; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; font-size: 13px; line-height: 20px; margin-right: 3px; min-height: 40px; padding: 10px 15px; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; }

You add “your-class” to the “Class” parameter then add some CSS rules to your css file. One

of them is:

.your-class .bt-tabs-nav span { border-bottom: 1px solid #f2f2f2; border-radius: 0; color: #666 !important; font-size: 14px; }


New rule will remove tab button rounded corner and change font a little like following


Figure 34: Customized style with new class


Contacting Bowthemes

All Bowthemes products include forum support, email support and ticket support.

Please refer your membership package to select the compatible kind of support, as we may

be able to solve the problem without delay.


Forum support:

Email support:

Ticket support:

If you encounter any issues with Bowthemes extensions and templates, email us at and we would like to answer your questions.

This document is proprietary and confidential. No part of this document may be disclosed in any

manner to a third party without the prior written consent of Bowthemes Team.
