BST ka ria+tri


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  • 7/28/2019 BST ka ria+tri


    Case Presentation

    A 28 years old woman was admitted to HB Saanin emergency unit on September 29th, 2011 at

    8 p.m and escorted by his family. This patient was permitted to hospitalize by dr. Fadil. Sick for

    the third time and hospitalized for the third time. The sickness is worse than before.

    Patient identity:

    Name and Age : Etmayeni / 28 years old

    MR : 66976

    Gender : Female

    Place and date of birth : Pesisir Selatan,July 1st1983

    Marital status : Married

    Address : Tanjung Merdeka, Indrapura Utara Pesisir Selatan

    Occupation/School : No Occupation/Senior High School Indrapura

    Religion : Muslim

    Citizen : Indonesian

    Tribe : Minangnese

    Allo-anamnesis was given by:

    Name/Age : Sawir / 38 years old

    Address : Tunggul Hitam (075131422)

    Occupation : Enterpreneur

    Relationship with patient : Cousin

    A. Internal Status

    General appearance : Compos Mentis

    Blood pressure : 110/70 mmHg

    Pulse : easily palpable, regular, 74x per minute,

    Respiration : abdominotorakal pattern, regular, 17x per minute

    Temperature : 36,80C

    Body Shape : astenikus


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    Height : 150 cm

    Weight : 43 kg

    Cardiovascular system : No abnormality detected

    Digestive system : No abnormality detected

    Specific disorder : No abnormality detected

    B. Neurological Status

    Cranial Nervous (five senses) : Vision, smelling, hearing, tasting, and tactil are well

    Meningeal Signs : None

    High Intracranial Pressure Signs : None


    - Movement : Free to all direction

    - Perception : No nystagmus, no diplopia

    - Pupil : Round and isokor

    - Light Reflex : +/+

    - Convergence Reaction : Not examined

    - Ophtalmoscopic examination : Not examined


    - Tonus : Eutonus, tremor (+/+)

    - Turgor : Good

    - Strength : Good


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    - Coordination : Good

    - Reflex : Physiologic (+/+), pathologic (-/-)

    Sensibility : No abnormality detected

    Vegetative Function : Good appetite, sleep well

    Basic Function : No abnormality detected

    Specific disorder

    - Rigid : None

    - Tremor : +/+

    - Nasal Stiffness : None

    - Oculogyric Crisis : None

    - Torticolis : None

    - Others : None

    Laboratorium (September, 30th 2011)

    Hemoglobin : 11,5 g/dl

    Leukocyte : 7400/mm3

    Thrombocyte : 250.000/mm3

    Diff Count : 0/0/1/73/22/4

    Autoanamnesis, November 20th 2011 :

    Questions Answers Interpretation


  • 7/28/2019 BST ka ria+tri


    Assalamualaikum ni,,

    Uni siapa namanyo?



    cooperativePanggilan ibu sia?

    Baa kaba ibu kini?



    Lai lamak makan?

    Siang ko alah makan tadi?



    Lai lamak lalok ni? lai

    Lah bara lamo uni disiko? Lah lamo

    Samo sia uni dulu dibawakasiko?

    Jo amak, keluarga

    Oh iyo uni, baa caritonyo

    sampai uni dirawat disiko,

    caritoan la ka kami,,

    Mmm,,,(pasien senyum)

    Baa uni lai wajar uni dirawat

    di siko?

    Bilo awak pulang buk???

    Ee alun buliah lai tanyo kadokternya besok yo

    Yo buk

    Lai tau dima iyet kini? Di rumah sakit

    Bara urang iyet badunsanak? Rami, kakak awak hebat ma,

    inyo punya penghasilan 1

    miliar (ha,,ha,,pasien senyum)

    Yo bana tu? Iyoo..

    Rumahnyo gadang, rancak..

    Pitih awak banyak juo ma

    Lah manikah iyet? alah

    Dima suami kini? Di kampuang


  • 7/28/2019 BST ka ria+tri


    Anak alah ado? Alah,,

    Dimanyo kini? Di rumah

    Samo sianyo? Jo ibu

    Lai tarakak iyet jo inyo lai

    Kalo lah pulang bisuak ko jan

    marabou-rabo juo ka ibu jo

    anak ndak

    Ndak buk,,(senyum)

    Dulu tu ado masalah iyet

    sampai marabou ka ibu jo


    Ndak ado do buk

    Tu baa ko marabo se? Hmmm,,

    Ada yang menyuruh

    /membisikkan ka talingo ga?


    Ado Nampak bayangan ga



    Siapo tu? Wajah kakak

    Ado yang dikecekkannyo ka



    Waktu itu lai di pegangnyo ga



    Lai pandai iyet manggambar,

    buek gambar di karate ko

    yo,,suret jadih juo,,

    Ayolahh Yet,,

    Ee,,ndak bisa do buukk

    Ndak tau do bu mau buek

    gambar apo,,

    E malu iyet, jan dibaco beko


    Aman tuu E malu iyet a,,(setelah itu

    pasien melemparkan tulisan

    yang dibuatnya, lalu lari ke


  • 7/28/2019 BST ka ria+tri


    Makasih yaa niii,,,,

    kamar karena malu)


    Primary couse of hospitalization

    Patient was restless, knocking her head to the wall, harm her mother and her daughter. She

    used to naked, destroying household appliances, often threatening, talkative, smiling and

    laughing alone, almost never slept at night, inconsequential, irritable, suspicious of others,

    since 1 months before hospitalized.

    Present complain of patient

    There is no complaint at this time.

    History of illness:


    Patient was going to Bintan for 2 years work as at an employee. Patient was unsatisfied with

    her salary and decided to quit and applied to be a bank employee. But she failed the test and

    felt desperate then going insane, talkative, smiling and laughing alone, almost never slept at

    night, inconsequential, irritable, suspicious of others. Patient was brought home to Pesisir

    Selatan and admitted to voodoo, but theres no respond through this treatment. Patient was

    going more insane, irritable, attacking her mother cause thinking she was an evil. Patient

    admitted to HB Saanin hospitalized for 2 months and patient went home in a state of calm

    and on a regular basis.


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    2000 (beginning of the year)

    After several months of treatment, no installment, the patient was brought back to the Puti

    Bungsu Hospital. Patient treated at Puti Bungsu asylum for about 23 days. Patient went home

    in a state of calm and on a regular basis. The patient always controlled his present condition

    after discharge.

    2007 (forgot month)

    Patient was restless, angry, always suspicious of other people, hitting a parked vehicle with

    wood beams, and lots of talking. Previously, patient was not taking medication regularly

    since last year. The patient was taken to Puti Bungsu and treated for about 25 days. Patient

    went home in a state of calm and on a regular basis. The patient always controlled his present

    condition after discharge.

    2010 (October)

    Patient often visited the house of relatives, neighbours and friends, because that is still in an

    atmosphere of Eid. Each visit, patient always asked for were treated with coffee. Until that

    day, he drank up to 8 cups of coffee at the shop. Suddenly, throwing his coffee cup on the

    floor. From then on, he complained that he could not sleep. Patient was restless, loquacious,

    inconsequential, alternation, always felt everything the world mean for him, felt as if by

    magic, and complained about short sircuit sound. The patient was taken to the HB Saanin

    asylum and hospitalized there about 1.5 months. Patient went home in a state of calm and on

    a regular basis. The patient always controlled his present condition after discharge.

    2011 (September)


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    Since early 2011, the patient did not want to take medication because they feel healthy. The

    patient began to show abnormalities in June. The patient was restless, almost never slept at

    night, talked a lot, inconsequential, irritable, suspicious of others, often threatening, like

    chasing other people, hitting a parked vehicle with wooden beams, destroying household

    appliances, felt as if by magic, and complained about short sircuit sound. The patient refused

    to hospital. Finally Patients family deceived him and took the patient to a HB Saanin asylum

    for treatment.

    Premorbid history

    Infant : born spontaneously, birth was assisted by midwife, no history of

    jaundice, cyanosis, and seizure.

    Childhood : growth and development according to his age.

    Adolescence : had a lot of friends, easy making new friends and outgoing person

    Educational background

    Elementary School at Indrapura, graduated in 6 years

    Junior High School at Indrapura, graduated in 3 years

    Senior High School at , graduated in 3 years, graduated in 3 years

    Marital history

    Married at 2005, have one daughter,dan meninggalkannya pada tahun 2008 karena tidak

    tahan dengan kelakuan pasien

    Social economy history


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    Living with her parents, had a semi permanent house, had a TV and electricity on it, water

    supply from well, had no home-phone, had no a motorcycle. Her parents have occupation is

    farmer. He got money from her older sister. Usually, Rp. 20.000/day, and she feels not


    Biological development background

    Head traumas history was present, but not vomiting and was never hospitalized after


    No history of malaria, typhoid, or brain and neurological disease

    Family history of illness

    There were no family members that has same symptoms like this.

    Graphic of illness


    Drug Withdrawalalcoholic historydapekonomi keluagaya, lalu lari ke kamar karena


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    Examination is on November 19th 2011, 1 p.m WIB

    1. General appearance

    Consciousness/sensorial : compos mentis/good

    Attitude : cooperative

    Motoric : active

    Facial expression : in appropriate

    Verbalization : speak clearly

    Physic contact : could be done / inappropriate / long enough

    Attention : not good enough

    Initiative : not good enough

    2. Specific condition

    A. Affective

    1. Affective condition : flat

    2. Emotional :

    a. Stability : unstable

    b. Control : not good enough


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    c. Echt/unecht : echt

    d. Einfuhlung : inadequat

    e. Deep/shallow : shallow

    f. Differentiation scale : narrow

    g. Emotional flow : fast

    B. Intellectual condition of function

    a. Memory : not good enough

    b. Concentration : not good enough

    c. Orientation : good

    d. General and schooling knowledge : can not predicted

    e. Discriminative insight : disturbed

    f. Intelligence prediction : average

    g. Discriminative judgment : disturbed

    h. Intelectual deterioration : none

    C. Sensation and perception abnormalities

    1. Illusion : none

    2. Hallucination :

    Acoustic : present, since 3 month ago lost in last 7 days

    Visual : present, since 3 month ago lost in last 7 days


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    Olfactory : none

    Tactile : none

    Gustatory : none

    D. Thought process condition

    1. Speed of thought processs : fast

    2. Quality of thought process:

    a. Clear and sharp : clear enough and sharp enough

    b. Circumstantial : none

    c. Incoherent : present

    d. Sperrung : none

    e. Hemmung : none

    f. Flight of ideas : none

    g. Verbigeration : none

    h. Preservation : none

    3. Thought condition

    a. Central pattern : none

    b. Phobia : none

    c. Obsession : none

    d. Delusion : present, have much money and treasure


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    e. Suspicion : none

    f. Confabulation : none

    g. Repulsion : none

    h. Inferior feeling : none

    i. Much/little : much

    j. Feeling guilty : none

    k. Hypochondria : none

    l. Others : none

    E. Instinctual drive and behavior abnormalities

    a. Abulia : present

    b. Stupor : none

    c. Raptus/impulsivity : none

    d. Excitement state : present, since 3 month ago, decrease in

    the last 1 and half months

    e. Sexual deviation : none

    f. Echopraxia : none

    g. Vagabondage : none

    h. Pyromania : none

    i. Mannerism : none

    j. Others : none


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    F. Over anxiety : none

    G. Reality testing ability : disturb in behavior, feeling and thinking


    Axis I. Clinical Syndrome

    Patient was restless, almost never slept at night, talked a lot, inconsequential, irritable, suspicious

    of others, often threatening, like chasing other people, hitting a parked vehicle with wooden

    beams, destroying household appliances, lack of sleep and adequate diet since 3 months before

    hospitalized. Sick for the fifth time and hospitalized for the fourth time. The sickness is worse

    than before.

    Phsyciatric examination:

    General Appeareance: compos mentis,cooperative, active, in appropriate, speak clearly, Physic

    contact could be done / inappropriate / long enough

    Specific condition:

    a. Affective condition: flat, unstable, Control not good enough, echt, inadequat, shallow,

    narrow, fast

    b. Intellectual condition and function: Memory not good enough, Concentration not good

    enough, Discriminative insight disturbed, Discriminative judgment disturbed

    c. Sensation and perception abnormalities: acoustic and visual hallucination present since 3

    month ago, lost in last 7 days.

    d. Thought process condition: fast, clear and sharp clear enough and sharp enough,

    Incoherent present, delution present (have much money and treasure)


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    e. Instinctual drive and behavior abnormalities: Abulia present, Excitement state

    present, since 3 month ago, decrease in the last 1 and half months

    f. Overt anxiety: none

    g. Reality testing ability, disturbed: behavior, feeling and thinking

    Axis II : Personality Disorder and Mental Retardation Disorders

    Personality: outgoing, has a lot of friend

    Mental retardation: none

    Axis III : General Medical Condition

    Head traumas history was absent

    No history of malaria, typhoid, or brain and neurological disease

    Axis IV : Phsychosocial Stressor and Environment

    Merasa terbebani oleh pekerjaan, merasa bertanggung jawab terhadap ekonomi keluarga,

    putus obat.

    Axis V: Global Assessment of Function

    Dayli activity as eating, taking a bath couldnt be done since sick

    Social relationship couldnt be done since sick

    Spending time with watching TV, travelling, couldnt be done since sick


    I. F.31.2 Bipolar Affective Disorder Manic Episode with Psychotic Symptoms

    II. No Diagnosis.


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    III. No Diagnosis


    V. GAF 41-50.


    I. F 31.6 Bipolar Affective Disorder Mixed Episode

    II. F 25.0 Manic type schizoaffective


    Risperidon 2 x 1 mg

    Haloperidol 2 x 5 mg

    THP 2 x 2 mg


    Clinical : dubia at malam

    Functional : dubia at malam

    Social : dubia at malam


    Education to the family
