Bryce 7 Integration Guide



Getting started with Bryce 7

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Bryce to DAZ|Studio QuickStart GuideThank you for purchasing Bryce 5.5! This quickstart guide will show you how to use the key features ofthe Bryce 5.5 to DAZ|Studio integration.

Bryce to DAZ|StudioBryce 5.5 has introduced a simple way to get your Poser figures into Bryce. Simply use the “LaunchDAZ|Studio” button on the top right of your interface to open up DAZ|Studio. Load, Pose, Texture, addClothing and Hair all in DAZ|Studio. Once you are done, simply close DAZ|Studio or click on the“Return to Bryce” button and your scene will automatically load into Bryce exactly as it looked in DAZ|Studio!And even better, if your character doesn’t look quite the way you would like, just click the DAZ|Studiobutton again. DAZ|Studio will open up just as it was when you left it, and you can adjust whateverparameters you want. Once you are satisfied with the changes, return to Bryce, and your scene, with allof your adjustments, will appear in Bryce again!

Opening BryceWhen you first open Bryce, you should see a screen like this:

On the top right corner of the Create menu, you will see the DAZ|Studio Logo. Click on this to launchDAZ|Studio.


Search for Content Directories:

When DAZ|Studio opens for the first time, you should beprompted to do a Content Search. If you do not see thisprompt, you will need to manually tell DAZ|Studio to searchfor content. On the PC, go to your Edit>Preferences menu,and select Poser Content Directories from the drop-downmenu. On the Mac, go to DAZ|Studio>Preferences, andselect Poser Content Directories from the drop-down menu.

Click Search, and select the drives that contain content thatDAZ|Studio can load, then hit, “Do Search.” Once the Search is complete, click OK to return to DAZ|Studio.

Exploring the Work Area

1. Viewport: This is where your figures will appear for you to manipulate.2. Content Tab: Access your Content folders and add items to your scene.3. Scene Tab: The scene tab contains an ordered list of all objects (figures, clothing, props, etc.)

cameras, and lights in your scene. You can use this list to select any item in your scene, including


body parts on figures. You can also set up hierarchical (parent/child) relationships betweenobjects by dragging items in this tab. Please refer to the DAZ|Studio Artist Guide for moreinformation about the Scene tab.

4. View Tab: These are your camera controls. Starting at the top left and moving clockwise, thesecameras are:

Rotate Camera: Rotates the selected camera on its axes.Zoom Camera: Zooms the camera in and out for close-up or distance work.Bank Camera: Tilts the camera side to sideFrame Selection: Moves your camera so that your selection is “framed” in the working area.Aim at Selection: Sets your current selection as the center point of the camera’s view andorbit.Reset Camera: Resets your camera to defaultDolly Camera: Moves the camera forward/backward and left/right.Orbit Camera: Moves the camera in a circular orbit around your selection.Pan Camera: Moves the camera up/down or left/right.

5. Quick Access Toolbar: Contains shortcuts to commonly used controls6. Mini Camera Tools: From left to right, the three Mini Camera Tools are

Orbit/Rotate: Left clicking and dragging this button orbits the selected camera. Rightclicking and dragging rotates the selected camera.Pan/Dolly: Left clicking and dragging this button Pans the selected camera. Right clickingand dragging dollies the selected camera.

7. Bryce Tab: Contains the Return to Bryce button. Click this when you are ready to move yourscene into Bryce.

8. Parameters Tab: Allows you to move, scale, or rotate your character using dials. This is alsowhere you will find object- or body-part specific morph targets, which you also control usingdials.

9. Surfaces Tab (not shown): The Surfaces tab is where you control how the surfaces of yourobjects look. You can load and customize your surface color, textures, opacity, and so forth. 3Dfigures use images called texture maps, which are 2D images which DAZ|Studio wraps around anobject to create a realistic looking surface. To view this tab, select Window>Surfaces. Pleaserefer to the DAZ|Studio Artist Guide for more information about the Surfaces tab.


TutorialThis tutorial is a quick introduction to loading and working with some of the content included with DAZ|Studio.

Loading from the Content TabThe Content tab’s default folder, “Studio,” contains the free content included with your copy of DAZ|Studio.

In this directory, select People>Victoria, then double-click the file named Victoria 3 RR LE. TheVictoria 3 Reduced Resolution Light Edition figure appears in your scene. Open the Scene tab, ifnecessary, by selecting Windows>Scene. Once you have the Scene tab open, you’ll notice that Victoriais listed as blMilWom_v3Lo.


Adding ClothingLet’s add some Clothing to the Figure. In the Content tab, click the Clothing>Faerie Outfitsubdirectory, then double-click the file named Dress. The dress appears in your Scene but is not yetattached to the Victoria figure. If you have the Scene tab open, you’ll notice that the dress is listed asblFaerieDress_V3.

To fit the clothing to the figure:

1. Make sure that blFaerieDress_V3 is selected in the Scene tab2. Open the Parameters tab. The dials are grouped into General and Morphs.3. The very last General option is Fit To. Click the drop-down menu and select

bl_MilWom_v3Lo.The Faerie Outfit will now move with Victoria as she moves.


Adding Hair and Fitting to VictoriaGo to the Content tab and navigate back to the root Victoria directory using the scroll bars on thebottom and right sides of the Content tab. This time, select the Hair subdirectory.Double-click the file named Updo V3.

Select Windows>Scene to open the Scene tab if necessary. In your Scene tab, click on the word hairand drag it on top of the Victoria Head entry. This parents the hair into place, allowing it to move as herhead moves. You can use this same general method to parent a prop to a figure (such as a faerie wand to Victoria’shand). Parenting props makes the props retain the same distance and angle relative to the parent object.For example, parenting the hair to Victoria’s head makes the hair follow Victoria’s head as it moves intodifferent poses. Try using the Morph dials in the Parameters tab to customize the hair.Please note that this method of conforming hair doesn’t apply to all hair styles. Some hair is loadedfrom the Figures directory, and is Fit-To, similar to clothing, rather then dragged and dropped.


PoseSo far, Victoria is still standing in the default pose. Let’s move her into a more interesting pose.Navigate back up to the Victoria folder and open your Poses>Faerie folder instead. With Victoriaselected, double-click on the Dance 01 icon.

Return to BryceNow that we have V3 posed and dressed, we want to get this into Bryce. To do this, simply click on the“Return to Bryce” button or close DAZ|Studio. Bryce will convert the model, and your characters willappear in the working area of Bryce.


Now, just position your character and camera, render, and you’re done!

Hint: Don’t forget to add in some of the free content you get with Bryce 5.5 to spice up your scene!

This concludes our brief introduction on how the Bryce-DAZ|Studio integration works. For moredetailed explanations see the Bryce Artist Guide under the section “Adding DAZ|Studio Objects.”



DirectoriesAs mentioned before, your Preferences>Directories tab lists all of your available Contentdirectories. For use in DAZ|Studio, all content must reside in recognized Directories.To point to a directory with DAZ|Studio files in it (.daz, etc), select DAZ|Studio ContentDirectories from the drop-down menu, then select Add to browse to the location of the files.To point to a directory with Poser content files (.cr2, pz2, etc), select Poser Content Directories,then select Add to browse to the location of your Poser content. You can also hit Search to haveDAZ|Studio search your drives for Poser content. This may take a few minutes depending onyour computer speed and hard drive size.

InterfaceThe Preferences>Interface tab allows you to set yourInterface options. You can change the manipulationdraw style, assign a startup scene, and choose yourinterface and text colors. You can also turn on/off tooltip help, and have DAZ|Studio automatically set up adefault camera for every scene.

Keyboard ShortcutsThe Keyboard Shortcuts tab lists all of the keyboard shortcuts in DAZ|Studio.

