Brunswick Park Labour Leaflet April 29 2014


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Working hard for a Better Barnet One Nation Labour

l a b o u r . o r g . u k

Your Labour Candidates / Cllr Andreas loannidis

Since being elected, Andreas has worked with local residents and given you a voice in t h e Town Hall. He is currently campaigning for more neighbourhood watch schemes and a cleaner, g reener Brunswick Park.

Working for you. We listen t o residents and ac t on your concerns. Based on local meetings, door knocking, surveys and calls from residents, our action plan is: -Burglary and car crime. Working with police t o make Brunswick Park ward safer for residents. -State of pavements and roads. Our pavements are unsafe and roads are potholed and poorly repaired, We respond t o problems and will conduct a full review of roads and pavements . -Road safety. Making local roads safer for pedestr ians, cyclists and motorists. Where residents w a n t it, introduce 20mph limits on residential roads. Support Walksafe N14. -Parking. Returning pay-by-cash parking and 3 0 minute f ree parking in town centres.

Kathylev ine Kathy has lived in Barnet for over 4 0 years and is a longstanding Governor a t local primary and secondary schools. Her priorities are road safety, t h e proper maintenance of pavements and footpaths and working with local police t eams .

James Rowe James has lived in Barnet for 1 8 years. As a resident, taxpayer and par tner a t a corporate finance firm, h e is worried t h a t t h e Council's huge 'One Barnet' outsourcing program doesn ' t provide residents with value for our money.

We'll listen and put residents first. Barnet 's Tories didn ' t listen o n parking, library closures a n d mass privatisation. We'll give you a say over local budgets, in t roduce Public Question Time, a n d set-up a Fairness Commission to restore democracy a n d fairness.

We'll give you 3 0 minu tes f r ee parking in all town centres & cash-enable meters. Barnet 's Tories hiked u p parking charges a n d removed cash meters while claiming free parking themselves. We'll scrap the free councillors' parking pe rk a n d make parking fairer.

We'll agree 20mph limits and safer crossings where residents support them. We'll fix potholes a n d pavements to improve travel a n d he lp to keep people safe. We will p u t more money in to street cleaning.

We'll build more genuinely affordable homes. Housing is extremely unaffordable in Barnet. We will s tand u p to developers, b r ing more empty homes back in use a n d set u p a n i ndependen t Barnet Housing Commission.

We'll cut waste & help families with the cost of living. We'll introduce a free bulky item collection service and help those unfairly hi t by the Bedroom Tax. We'll cut waste o n consultants, spin and councillors' allowances. A Labour government will increase free child care for 3 a n d 4 year olds.

Why we're voting Labour " Brunswick Park residents have already seen the positive change that Andreas has had on our local community. By electing three Labour councillors this May, we can make our corner of Barnet a better place to live and work. " Mark Ferguson Local resident and journal ist

" Andreas, Kathy a n d James are commit ted to working with t he residents of Brunswick Park a n d building o n all t he h a r d work tha t Andreas has b e e n doing since his election in 2012. " Andrew Dismore London Assembly Member for Barnet & Camden

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Promoted by Jacob Lister on behalf of t h e Barnet Labour Party both a t 7 9 t h e Burroughs Hendon London NW4 4AX Printed by A McLay & Company Ltd, Longwood Drive, -orest Farm. Cardiff CF14 7ZB

-K T h e Labour Party may contact you from t ime t o t ime using t h e detai ls you have supplied. If you d o n o t wish t o receive information from t h e Labour Party p lease wri te t o 7 9 T h e Burroughs, Hendon, London NW4 4AX

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to be your Labour councillors

Cllr Andreas loannidis Kathy Levine James Rowe
