Browerville Blade - 12/26/2013 - page 01


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    Tue. Dec. 24

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    Wed. Dec. 25

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    Thur. Dec. 26

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    Fri. Dec. 27

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    Sat. Dec. 28



    Sun. Dec. 29

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    A community newspaper serving Browerville, MN and surrounding areas. USPS 067-560

    Thursday, December 26, 2013

    Volume 98; Number 26


    By Rin Porter

    At the Dec. 17 county board

    meeting, about 30 citizens

    crowded into the commissioners


    some to


    B o a r d

    C h a i r

    C o mm-


    R a n d y

    N e u -

    m a n n ,

    a n d

    some to

    p r a i s e


    T h e


    w e r e

    t h e r e

    e i t h e r

    as mem-

    bers of

    t h e

    Lives tock

    A d v i s o r y

    C o u n c i l

    (LAC) or as

    members of

    the Todd

    County Concerned Citizens

    (TCCC) two groups with differ-

    ent purposes and agendas.

    The members of the Livestock

    Advisory Council were there to

    protest Neumanns support of a

    lawsuit recently filed by the

    Humane Society of the United

    States (HSUS) and some neigh-

    bors against the Gourley

    Brothers hog facility built earli-

    er this year in Gordon Township.

    The suit contends that the DNR

    should not have approved the

    construction of the facility

    because the hog farm uses more

    than eight million gallons of

    groundwater per year, according

    to an HSUS press release pub-

    lished Nov. 26, 2013.

    LAC members Mark Buntjer

    and Delvin Durheim criticized

    Neumann for his support of the

    suit and for not attending their

    meetings, which they interpret-

    ed as showing that Neumann is

    against agriculture.

    Neumann vehemently denied

    being against farming. Im

    just against putting these facili-

    ties too

    close to

    h o u s -

    es, he

    said, in


    ing his

    p o s i -

    t i o n .

    He said

    he cant

    a t tend

    L A C

    m e e t -

    i n g s


    t w o

    o t h e r

    c o m -

    m i s -


    a t t e n d

    t h e m .

    H a v i n g

    three com-

    mis s i o n -

    ers at a

    meeting is

    against the Minnesota Open

    Meeting law, he said.

    Neumann also criticized the

    LAC for not contacting him

    about their concerns before

    showing up at a public meeting

    to condemn him. He said, Its

    just common courtesy for you to

    notify us. He said the LAC has

    not been sending its minutes to

    the board, as required by any

    organization that receives coun-

    ty support.

    TCCC member Nancy Judd

    spoke on behalf of what she

    described as many concerned

    citizens to thank Neumann for

    listening to the citizens of Todd

    County, showing leadership, and

    proving that an administrator

    is not necessary to the running

    of the county.

    Nancy Judd presented Randy

    Neumann with a plaque in recogni-

    tion of what the TCCC sees as his

    leadership and recognition of citi-

    zens concerns during his term as

    chair of the county board.

    Citizens Groups Applaudand Criticize Todd Board Chair

    Greetings of the seasons fromChrist the King and Zion Lutheran

    Fr. Peter, Christ the King

    Ready or not here I comethose famous words from my childhood ring in my ears these days. As

    children we loved to play the game hide-n-seek. Who would be clever enough to outwit the other and

    avoid being found by the seeker? Of course great strategy went into such decisions. Would you choose

    a secluded place, or an open space? Would you journey high or stay down low? How much cover of

    camouflage would be needed? It seems that times were simpler back then. There were no GPS sig-

    nals to track you, or cell phones to text. It seemed like there was more than enough time. One might

    even struggle with the occasional case of boredom, but dont tell mom!

    Today things just seem to be different. Life went and got itself busy. With all of the hustle and bus-

    tle of the Christmas season one might forget how Christmas began, or what it is all about. Please

    remember that Jesus is the reason for the season. Prepare to make room in your heart for his com-

    ing. Ready or not here he comesOn December 22nd at 7:00pm, Christ the King is hosting an Advent/Christmas reflection night

    with music and the reading of the Christmas story from Lukes Gospel. We will gather for Mass

    Christmas Eve at 9:00 pm and Christmas morning at 8:30 am. St. Joseph in Clarissa will celebrate

    Mass Christmas Eve at 4:00 pm, and St. Joseph in Bertha will celebrate Mass Christmas day at 10:30

    am. All are welcome.

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas,

    Fr. Peter,

    Pastor of Christ the King Parish, St. Joseph Parish in Clarissa, and St. Joseph Parish in Bertha.

    Rev. Gena Maria Koeberl

    The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.

    I love this line from O Little Town of Bethlehem. Hope and fear met in Bethlehem. Hope and fear

    also met on the cross, so that today you and I might be among those who, for the love of Jesus and

    one another, comfort the grieving, tend the suffering, and work together with courage and hope for

    the day when we wont need to anymore.

    We ache in the wake of senseless violence throughout the world, especially when it is our children

    who suffer. We want to do what we can to shield ourselves and those we love. But what good does thatreally do us? Mary sings in the story from Luke 1:39-55 of a day when the world is turned upside

    down. She encourages us to grasp this hope that is meant for us. Even as we sort out our rage, grief,

    and fear, there is hope born in us today.

    My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.

    Marys song begins by singing praises to God. She knows her own lowliness. Her faith looks beyond

    the obstacles to the possibility, knowing Gods blesses her anyway.

    For he who is might has done great things through me.

    God reached out to her. This unexplainable generosity completely disrupted her life. She sings of

    great things God is doing in her, while living in exile with constant unknowns.

    He has shown strength with his arm, he has scattered the proud in the imagination of their

    hearts. He has put down the mighty and exalted those of low degree. He has filled the hungry with

    good things, and the rich he has sent empty away.

    Marys song inspires a few questions: Do we believe that a blessing is waiting within us to be born?

    Do we realize that in our hunger, depression, grief and questioning we open ourselves to accepting

    Jesus birth as meaningful and significant? As uncomfortable as these feelings are they are the vehi-

    cles through which deeper meaning is born. When we run or deny the powerful presence and dis-

    comfort of grief, disappointment, outrage, or loss, we deny ourselves an even greater birth of hope.Christmas is a time in which our hopes and fears unite. In this union, God with us is revealed.

    I pray this Christmas to sing with Mary the Good News of what is about to take place. A child came

    to be a deeper and fuller manifestation of Gods love in the world.

    I pray that we let go enough of trying to control the messiness of life to recognize our blessed low-

    liness our own need for God.

    I pray we say yes to our calling to birth into being again this year the blessing of God with us,

    revealed where hopes and fears meet tonight. Ask as the spiritual writer, Meister Eckhart once did,

    What good is it that Christ was born a long time ago if he is not born now in your heart?

    Rev. Gena Maria Koeberl

    Zion Lutheran Church, Browerville

    Merry Christmas fromAaron, Peggy, Stacey,

    Venus, and Rin!