Brochure CME (HIT) IAMI (Pune)



Brochure CME (HIT) IAMI (Pune)

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Credit  hours  


IT  in  Healthcare  

The   Indian   Association   for   Medical   Informatics  (IAMI),  a  professional  society  formed  in  1993  at  Hyderabad,   is   now   almost   600   strong   with   its  members  being  mostly  IT  savvy  doctors,  software  professionals  working  on  healthcare  applications,  students   and   biomedical   engineers.   The  members  hold  key  positions  in  both  major  public  and   private   sector   health   care   institutions   and  many  are  decision  makers  in  policy  issues  relating  to  Healthcare   Information  Technology.   IAMI   is   a  National   Member   of   the   International   Medical  Informatics  Association  (IMIA).  



Dr  Lavanian  Dorairaj  With deep knowledge in the Healthcare IT domain,we provide time-bound solutions in HL7, DICOM, ICD, HIPAA, EMRs and Telehealth.    

Dr D Lavanian MBBS,MD CEO and MD HCIT Consultant Certified HL7 Specialist Joint Secretary - Indian Association for Medical Informatics Co-Chair, Memberships - HL7

Healthcare  –IT  expert  Visiting  faculty  for  MBA-­‐Healthcare  at  IHMR,  Jaipur  IIHMR,  Delhi  Symbiosis,  Pune  SBIIMS,  Pune  

IAMI   has   been   holding  conferences   and   regional  meetings   regularly   since   its  inception   and   has   a   highly  vocal   and   vibrant   online  discussion  group  where  news,  research   updates   on   various  healthcare-­‐IT   related   topics,  including   telemedicine  and  e-­‐Health,   are   presented   and  discussed.   IAMI   has   started  Indian   Journal   of   Medical  Informatics   (IJMI)   (ISSN:  0973-­‐0379)   to   encourage  research   and   promote  awareness   on   healthcare  informatics.  


From  IAMI  Pune  Chapter,  Dr  Lavanian  and  Dr   Bhatia   have   been   conducting  workshops  and  CMEs  to  create  awareness  about   medical   informatics.   As  professional   informaticians,   they   also  help   hospitals   and   healthcare  organisations  adopt  Health-­‐IT  

Dr  Saurabh  Bhatia  MBBS(AFMC),  MS,  FCR  Managing  Director  TSML  Solutions  Pvt  Ltd  Medical  Informatician  Member,  National  Exec  Council  IAMI  

CME  Healthcare-­‐IT  

Conducted  under  the  aegis  of  

The  Indian  Association  for  Medical  Informatics  

Anyone  having  a  career  in  Healthcare  now  cannot  afford  to  remain  aloof  from  Information  Technology  anymore.  The  future  of  medical  record  keeping  lies  with  computers  and  computerization  of  medical  processes.  

Various  medical  councils  of  our  country  have  also  made  it  mandatory  now  to  continue  to  earn  credit  points  for  continued  education  in  healthcare  if  you  want  your  licenses  renewed.  

Enabling  both  the  processes,  Indian  Association  for  Medical  Informatics,  through  its  Pune  chapter  brings  you  a  workshop/  CME  for  updating  yourself  in  Medical  Informatics  Knowledge  and  also  earn  approved  2  credit  hours  for  license  renewal.  

Who  Should  Participate:  

Doctors,  Hospital  Administrators,  Paramedics  &  Nurses  

Students  of  Medicine  or  Healthcare  Administration  (MBA)  


1  Day  

Location  &  Date  

Determined  in  consultation  with  your  organization  

Organising  Experts  

Dr  Lavanian  D,  Jt.  Secretary,  IAMI  

Dr  Saurabh  Bhatia,  Member,  National  Executive  Council,  IAMI  


2  Hours  CME  Credit  

Cost  INR  9,900/-­‐  For  first  10  participants    INR  800/-­‐  for  each  additional  participant    


The  following  are  the  details  of  a  1  day  CME/  Workshop  covering  topics  about  Healthcare  –IT  or  Medical  Informatics.  This  is  conducted  under  the  aegis  of  IAMI  and  carries  2  hours  of  credit  points  for  participants.  

Session  3  2  Hrs    

Interoperability  Concepts  of  HL7  Public  Health  Informatics  

Contact  Information  

Dr  Saurabh  Bhatia   Dr  Dorairaj  Lavanian  91755  22499                     99709  21266    

Lorem  Ipsum  Dolor  

Session  1  2  Hrs  

Introduction  to  Medical  Informatics  Basic  Concepts  Device  based  and  computer  based  systems  

Session  2  2  Hrs    

Electronic  Medical  Records  Clinical  Decision  Support  Systems  Hospital  Systems  

Session  4  2  Hrs    

Legal  aspects  Compliance  issues  Test  for  certification  
