


BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! We at Ohr Chodosh have worked very hard to offer you, the author, a comprehensive, affordable and quality alternative to the all too often frustrating world of conventional publishing. We offer the following services to enable you to realize your dream of becoming a published author.

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Israel 08.688.4352 USA 718.926.8967 UK 07515.645.682


Ohr Chadash InstituteSplendor and Magnificence in Publishing

After serious investment of time and thought, your precious manuscript is complete. Now, your fervent hope is to print and package the fruit of your labor in a manner that will enable it to reach the homes and hearts of readers who can gain from your efforts. Where do you begin?

Ohr Chadash offers comprehensive services that will take your manuscript, step by step, from a raw state to the finest standards of perfection. Dozens of works of all types have been processed by Ohr Chadash to successful completion and now enhance the shelves of prominent bookstores and discriminating homes. We also cater to the writer whose manuscript is not at the final stage, to the potential author who has an idea he wants us to publish, and to one who wants to reprint an existing work at a higher level of excellence.

Your work can be our next project.


From handwritten notes to complete

printed Sefer.


Whether you have a single piece of work that needs typing or an entire book in the making, our team of professional typists provides the service to suit your needs. With over a decade of typing

experience, our typists offer the highest degree of accuracy. Equally important, we guarantee prompt and satisfactory completion of all typing jobs at the most competitive rates. We have special expertise in converting documents that are unclear or in poor handwriting into editable format with a bare minimum range of errors.


We take pride in our ability to turn PDF files, scanned documents, typed or handwritten manuscripts into MS Word format, at excellent prices and record speed, making sure that your manuscripts are delivered well ahead of time.

When applicable, we also provide OCR services. Optical character recognition (OCR) is the process of converting data from non-editable printed material or scanned text images – such as graphs and tables – into electronic format that can be edited.


If you need professional and prompt Hebrew/English or English/Hebrew translation services, we can help you obtain the most accurate translations available. Our translators are native Hebrew/English speakers, well-trained professionals with at least five years of experience in the field. Even the most complex multilingual projects do not pose a

problem for our expert translators.

Whether the material you need translated is a letter, document, contract, website, sefer or any other type of text, at, you are assured of professional, accurate and culturally sensitive translations, and with our fast turnaround time, we guarantee that your translation will be ready when you need it. Give us a call, and we will be pleased to give you a free, non-obligatory quote.



As meticulous as a writer may be, every work will inevitably be marked by an occasional typographical error or small grammatical mistake that may be overlooked even after reading the work over several times. If your sefer or article is to be presented in the best possible light,

it should be looked over by someone other than yourself prior to the production stage to detect errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and to check for general consistency in spelling of names, locations, and such.

For a nominal fee, your manuscript can be proofread by our highly professional proofreader, who will comb the document for even the finest errors, including typographical errors, misspellings and formatting inconsistencies.


Best selling authors value their editors above almost everyone else involved with their book. A serious writer wants his readers to focus their full attention on the central storyline or on the powerful message – and not to be distracted by thoughts of where this piece or that could

have been better written. Surely, if someone of influence in the publishing world will be reading your book, you want him to be impressed with the content, not annoyed at poor structure or syntax that could easily have been corrected before the printing stage.

A capable editor irons out the wrinkles in your work – improving the structure, smoothing out awkward wording, and giving the text an overall polishing that can greatly enhance the writing standard of the book.

At Ohr Chadash, we offer authors editing services by our professional writing team. This might well be the best money spent prior to having your book published.


In order to spare authors the tedious job of seeking out sources for their text references, we provide source search services to locate pesukim, ma'amorei Chazal and other quotes from the classic works appearing in the text, using

the extensive tools available to us – the Bar Ilan, Otz'ros Ha'Torah, Otzros Ha'Chochma and Bayis Molei Seforim software.


In our age, when droves of information are available to anyone who needs it, the role of the “compiler” is crucial – not just the material he compiles, but also the material he sifts out. Many projects, especially in thee Torah realm, are based today on comprehensive and broad-based compilation work.

Or Chadash Publications employs avreichim who are particularly skilled in the area of compilation. They have excellent access to a broad variety of material on every subject. Our company’s compiler uses all possible auxiliary tools: books, brochures, computer files, computerized information pools, archives, libraries, personal knowledge, interviews, websites and more.

The compiler presents the maximum amount of relevant material to the editor and his staff during the entire process of production.


Nikud – vowelization – is no longer the realm of children’s books alone. Today, many of the classic Torah seforim and works that form the foundation of Jewish culture are published with full vowels. Reading material that is voweled reduces errors in understanding, enhances correct reading skills and lends the intellectual experience to reading and learning.

Our staff of vowelers are masters of the grammatical science and carry out their job in precise accordance with all the classic and modern grammar and punctuation rules. Many of the voweled texts are in loshon ha’kodesh, Aramaic, or “Yeshiva jargon” (like Talmud Bavli, Rambam, Shulchan Aruch, Siddur, Tanya). In these texts, the challenge of correct vowelization is even more demanding and requires profound torah knowledge. Therefore, these Torah texts are submitted to talmidei chachomim to check voweling accuracy.


The first step in producing a book is: “General editing” which includes planning the book in all its details until it can be presented to the reader. The planning is done after “studying” the vision of the author in depth, locating and defining the target group and checking the wealth of material that comprises the content of the book.

In Or Chadash, the general editing is carried out by the chief editor, who submits a “general outline” tracing the components of the book, the professional human resources, the necessary stages of execution and editing staff. In the course of the work, the chief editor supervises and controls each stage, meeting regularly with each of the executive staff, until the final product is complete.

Oh Chadash specializes in developing and launching each project, both when the creator comes with no more than an idea and a central subject, and when he has already begun or concluded writing the book. In “Planning” we will explain what is necessary to produce a book from the moment the work is received until the final, finished product.


Your book deserves to look its best. Our professional layout will impress all your readers, even before they begin to read the actual text.

Our layout designers use creative insights and techniques that will draw a reader to the book and keep his attention to the last page. By attending to the most minute details, they give the book a quality, professional layout.

We will take your Microsoft Word document and fashion it into a work of art, while ensuring that you retain complete control over the overall look and feel of your book. Our designer will be happy to offer advice on appropriate fonts and suggested layout, or will follow your brief if you already have a clear idea of what you want.

Whether your work is a novel, self-help manual, autobiography, business text or cookbook, we will make sure that the finished product looks its best.


A good book deserves a good index. The quality of a book's index can often affect its overall ranking and success in the marketplace. An expert indexer will thoroughly comb through the contents of your book and create a truly practical, quality index.

Our staff of professional indexers will make your book a genuine reference text by ensuring that the reader can locate the information he needs with the greatest ease and effectiveness.


Technical designs must be functional as well as attractive, and should be efficient to implement in a fast-paced production environment. The Ohr Chadash book design department offers all of these qualifications.

If you are a publishing company, and can supply us with specifications and template files for the book design based on one of your existing book series, we can implement your previous design. If you are a private author, or a company seeking change, we can employ a graphic designer to create an attractive, original design for your book.


Although the common adage claims that "you can't judge a book by its cover," statistics show that eighty percent of all seforim and books are sold based on the cover design alone. The cover design is the single most powerful marketing tool used to sell your book. If you have illustrations or photographs you would like to include in the cover design, our graphic artists will incorporate these images into your cover design.

We will create an original, eye catching cover that truly reflects your vision for your book.


Ohr Chadash offers you the full range of alternatives in choosing the quality of printing. We carry many types of paper in a variety of thicknesses and sizes, a choice of hard cover or soft cover, full color or black and white. Our experts will sit down with the author to determine which option is most appropriate for the book in question.

For specialty, high class printings, we also offer linen paper and leather bindings, as well as hand-made leather book covers – all at reasonable prices.


We will guide the author until this final step – arranging a distributor to release the book for sale in shops in Jewish communities around the globe. To reach as many people as possible, there might also be an option of selling books online.

Find the differences...

“why would you type

it in vilna?”

“I cant take it

any more!!!”

“I am Rushing from

here to there like


“...Much more work than I thought...”

“can I use your copy machine to make my book covers?”

“I wanted to change the

font, but don’t want to

retype my sefer...”

“I have to do it all myself”

“do I use outlook for


“does our uncle do source searching?”

“I dont know what to do!”

“I dont know what to do!”







LAYOUT AND PAGINATION Trying to do it yourself...

or giving in your handwritten papers to “Ohr Chadash” to do it all for you.






Relax…Your book is in good hands.Machon Ohr Chodosh will turn your handwritten notes into a work of art.

M 07515.645.682 F 0161.880.2444 E

הבטה אל הבפנים...

דוגמאות לעימודים היפהפיים של ספרים

שהוצאו לאור בהוצאת "אור חדש".

שימו לב לגרפיקה

המושקעת והמפוארת בתוך הספר, המאפיינת

את מכון “אור חדש”

‘ימי שמונה’ לחנוכה.ליקוט נפלא ונדיר של חמש מאות

תירוצים לקושיית הבית יוסף המפורסמת לחנוכה, יוצא לאור באופן

מהודר ומאיר עיניים.

‘וזאת התורה’כל בו לכל עניני כתיבת ספר

תורה והכנסת ספר תורה, ועוד אוצר חידושי תורה בענינים


‘שמחת הסופרים’דברי תורה מלוקטים מלאכת

מחשבת, על כל עניני נישואין, זיווגים, הנהגת הבית ועוד, מתורתם

של מרן בעל החתם סופר זצוק”ל וצאצאיו ממשיכי דרכו.

‘דברים על הפרק’ פירושים נאים וביאורים נפלאים על פרקי אבות, מאת הרה”ג ר’ דוד אולבסקי שליט”א

‘מסורת אבות’מסכת אבות עם פירוש הרע”ב, נלווה עליהם

ליקוט נפלא של ציצים ופרחים מתורתן ומשיחת חולין של ת”ח מרבותינו הק’

לבית גור זצוק”ל על סדר המסכת.

זמירות שבת עם ליקוטים יקרים מתוך ספר

הבן יקיר לי אפרים להרב ר’ משה חיים אפרים

הלוי קליין זצ”ל

‘אדברה נא’חידושים ופלפולים על דרך הדרוש

בעניני שמירת הלשון, מדרשות שנאמרו על ידי הרה”ג ר’ דוד

אולבסקי שליט”א בשיעור בספר חפץ חיים מדי שבת בשבתו.

‘תורתך שעשועי’ בעניני כתיבה

והכסת ספר תורה

‘נר למאה’ לחנוכהספרו המפורסם של הרה”ג ר’

ירחמיאל זלצר שליט”א, ובו מאה תירוצים לקושיית הבית יוסף

לחנוכה, בהוצאה מחודשת ומאירת עיניים, בסידור ועיבוד נפלא.

‘פרשת העקידה’ספר בעניני

פרשת העקידה

שימו לב לכריכה

המושקעת והיפהפיה,

המאפיינת את ספרי מכון “אור


‘כהלכות הפסח’ קובץ פסקי הלכות לפסח

ולערב פסח שחל להיות בשבת



חלוקה יפה לפסקאות

הגהה מחודשת

עיצוב יפהפה וברור

כמה מעלות טובות...עמוד זה הוא עמוד מתוך

הספר “יסוד ושורש העבודה”, במהדורתו החדשה והמשופצת,

אשר תצא לאור בקרוב בהוצאת “אור חדש”.

ניתן להשים לב כאן לבהירות ולעבודה היפה

המושקעת בספר.

יש עדיין אפשרות

להנצחה ולחסות על ספר זה

Invations for dinners a

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Signs and memorial pla


Journals and brochur


All kinds of advertis




Unique expertise in editing books, from start to finish

Special Invitations that will impress all your guests!

Booklets and magazines at a higher standard than you ever thought possible!

Tel: 0161.708.8446 Fax: 0161.880.2444 mobile: 07515.645.682

