Broadwater News June 2016



Half-termly newsletter for Broadwater School, Godalming, Surrey UK

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Our Year 7 Netball Team with their bronze medals at the Surrey County Finals this term

Dear Parents Well the GCSEs are now in full flow with core subjects English and science already having taken some of their exams, with maths to come next. I have been very impressed by the positive attitude shown by year 11 towards their exams and I look forward to August when they will be celebrating the successes of their hard work and effort. I'm sure they will be looking forward to the school prom at the end of June first though, with the cruise down the Thames into the heart of London. Education once again has been hitting the headlines, this time for the so-called government U-turn on all schools having to be academies by 2022. With the publication of the White Paper following the Chancellor's announcement in the budget that all schools would have to become academies we were beginning to explore our options. I don't think the expectation for all schools to be academies has


J U N E 20 16

BROADWATER SCHOOL SUMMERS ROAD GODALMING SURREY GU7 3BW Telephone: 01483 414516 Fax: 01483 425782


changed though and I am sure that the government will continue to push in this direction possibly through the funding formula. So I feel I should share with you our views on what we would do. Fundamentally the governors and I wish to maintain the ethos and character of the school. Our focus on Philosophy for Children and the 4Cs of Collaborative, Creative, Critical and Caring Thinking is at the heart of what we do and I would not want to see this lost by being part of a wider group of schools. We already work closely with our local primary, junior and infant schools as well as being an integral part of the Waverley Federation of Schools (Rodborough, Glebelands, Woolmer Hill, Gosden House and Godalming College) that helps us to broaden the educational opportunities beyond our single schools. We would look to maintaining these close links and look to continue collaboration at a local level in any new structure that may eventually come about. As it stands now, there is no rush to become an academy and we will ensure that all options are reviewed and consulted on to ensure that the best is achieved for the current and future students of Broadwater School. I received a breakdown of the successes of SW Surrey sports teams at the Surrey County finals. The south west of Surrey includes all Guildford, Farnham and Waverley schools. I am pleased to report that we had two successes in county finals, gaining two third places for year 7 netball and inclusive cricket. Only George Abbott and Howard of Effingham schools had more first, second or third places than Broadwater. Considering our size we had more finalists than much larger schools within the south west. Well done to the students involved including those who did reach County finals but weren't placed. I congratulate the PE staff on their efforts with the students. At this half term we say goodbye to our French and Spanish language assistants. Miss Tarsiguel and Miss Ciudad Borrego have worked well within the modern foreign language department these last two terms and I wish them every success when they return to their native countries. The government continue to expect the majority of students to study a language at GCSE and Ofsted are expecting children in the primary schools to start a language now. Languages are important and help to develop cognitive skills in young people as well as providing an understanding of other cultures. In fact, I read an article that learning a new skill helps anyone at any age to help the brain grow. So those of you out there that want to expand your neural pathways learning a language would be a good way forward. Some of you will be aware of the recent High Court judgement around taking holidays in term time. I find, as the government do, this decision very disappointing as it sends out completely the wrong message. There is a direct link with attendance and success at GCSE. Missing school affects students’ final grades. I know that it is very tempting to opt for cheaper holidays in term time, but before you do this you need to think of the long term consequences of your son or daughter missing school and the impact on their learning. I will continue to refuse to authorise holidays in term time except

in exceptional circumstances, so please take holidays in the 13 weeks that are available for this purpose. We are pleased to welcome back to the school Mrs. Blanchfield this week after her maternity leave. We are also saying goodbye to Mr. Williams in the SEN department who is going to be starting a teaching course. Remember you can keep up to date with school news by following the school on Facebook and Twitter @BroadwaterNews.

Best wishes Chris Lee Headteacher

Aquila House Update It has been a pleasure to lead Aquila House since January. I have really enjoyed getting to know the tutor groups and spending time with Aquila students assisting with day to day issues but more importantly celebrating the success of our young people. I have been amazed at the breadth of activities Aquila students are excelling in both at school and home and find myself feeling immense pride in our school community. I have learnt a great deal working at this level with Aquila students and I shall continue to endeavor to help drive forward the level of pastoral care we provide at Broadwater so we can meet the needs of every student. On a personal note I have also discovered that I am actually rather competitive and have been delighted that as a team Aquila continue to outperform the other houses! I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of Aquila for your warm welcome and support over the last few months and to wish Miss Lindsay Lee all the very best as she takes on the Leader of Achievement role from June. May I wish you all a happy and restful half term break. Mrs Jenny Hanson, Assistant Headteacher And from Aquila’s new Leader of Achievement…. I am delighted to have been appointed Leader of Achievement of Aquila House. I have a lot of visions for Aquila House and through the collaborative efforts of both students and staff I am certain we will reach them! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Miss Lindsay Lee Email: Phone: 01483 520633

Y8 Engineering Island Challenge at the University of Surrey

On Friday 13th May, I took

a small group of Year 8

students to take part in

an engineering challenge

as part of the University

of Surrey’s Widening


Programme. This

programme is designed

to give students the

opportunity to get a

flavour for how

engineering impacts on

the world around us and hopefully to discover and

encourage some new talent in the engineering


The students were absolutely great and thought

really carefully about strategic ideas to overcome

the challenges that they were set. This involved building a raft, a tornado shelter and

a bridge all out of a back of resources that they had been given such as lollipop sticks,

string and a small piece of bubble wrap.

Congratulations go to the team that represented Broadwater: Nell Hutson, Lily

Horner, Olivia Braiden, Finn Thompson, Alex Bickmore, Poppy Campbell, Spike

Barnes, Connie Sharp and Toby Brewer.

Mr Wait - Alternative and External Curriculum Co-ordinator

Praise for our helpful students

A couple of weeks ago we received a lovely message from a very grateful lady, Mrs Keene. "I was walking my dog in Broadwater Park on Tuesday morning this week. I walk with 2 sticks as I have MS. I had a fall as I was walking down towards the lake from near the tennis courts. (Falling isn't unusual!!) When I fall I find it very difficult to get up without help or something to pull myself up on. There were about 5 Broadwater boys walking towards school. They were a little way away but when they saw I was in difficulties one called out - 'Do you want help' and I said 'Yes please.' They all came over and helped me up. I was very grateful but also very impressed as I know young people can be sometimes embarrassed and would rather pretend they haven't seen than offer help. I didn't get any of their names but I just wanted to tell you and perhaps you could say a thank you to the school generally. Young people often get bad press and most of the time they often don't deserve it. I'd also like to say how smart the majority of your students look when I see them on their way to school. Thank you."

Well done to our Year 8 students Ted, Toshi, Sean, Spike and Toby!

We would also like to thank Mrs Keene for taking the time to contact the school and for allowing us to publish the story.

PE Department News Wednesday 11th May saw the Annual Year 1 Multi Skills Festival take place at Broadwater. Approximately 180 Year 1 pupils from Farncombe Infants, St Edmunds, Moss Lane and Loseley Fields Junior schools took part in the festival. Pupils participated in multi skills based activities which ran on a circuit basis, ensuring all pupils had a go at lots of different sports stations. Around 30 Year 7, 8 and 9 students from Broadwater were leaders on each of the stations and showed the younger pupils what to do and helped to coach them. The Young Leaders did an amazing job and had an excellent rapport with the younger students. They were excellent ambassadors for the school. The Year 1 students thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon and we hope to run the event again next year.

We have had an excellent start to the rounders season. So far the Year 10 team and the Year 9 team have won their district tournaments, beating Woolmer Hill, Glebelands and Rodborough, which means they go through to the next round to play the winner of the Guildford tournament. The Year 7, 8 and 9 teams all beat Guildford County in a friendly match. Keep up the hard work girls! Last week we held inter house rounders at lunchtime. After half term we will have inter house cricket and tennis. Please keep your eyes on the notice boards for more information. The final of the inter form cricket competition took place on the last Monday before half term. It was a fantastic final and PBA won the game pushing DBF into 2nd place. Well done to all that took part and the Cricket Committee for the organisation and time given up on numerous lunch times. Nolli Waterman, women’s England rugby player, presented the teams with medals and trophies. We hope to run the event again next year. Broadwater Cricket Club is out on the field most lunchtimes practising. If you would like to join please see Mrs Fowler or Adam Lee or just go along and join in the fun at lunch time. We also have two trips to the Kia Oval planned to watch cricket matches and to take part in cricket skills beforehand. This should be two great days out for the students involved. If there are any girls wanting to play in a cricket fixture please see Mrs. Fowler. The Year 10 girls’ netball team attended the County Finals in the last week of term. They came 6th overall with Rodborough 7th. The Year 7 netball team also attended the County Finals and did exceptionally well. They came 3rd overall, beating Howard of Effingham in the 3rd / 4th play off. A great achievement. Sports Day is being held on Wednesday 22nd June; all students will be involved. This is National Cricket Week, so I am sure there will be lots of sport to get involved in during the week. The cricket committee are hoping to hold a staff v. pupils match and inter house cricket. Over the next few weeks we have Mavericks Baseball Club coming into lessons to run some taster sessions - something new and different for students to have a go at. NEW YOUNG AMBASSADORS FOR SPORT WANTED! If you are in Year 9 and are interested in becoming one of our Sports Ambassadors please speak to Mrs. Fowler. We need two keen and enthusiastic pupils to take on

this role which involves promoting sport and helping out the P.E department, as well as a training day outside of school. All applicants welcome, girls and boys needed. The PE department welcomed professional athlete and 10,000 meter runner Lily Partridge to the school this half term where she spoke to GCSE students and year 9 students about her career and what it takes to be an elite performer. The students heard about her experiences at school and how running for the school athletics team and Aldershot Athletics Club encouraged her to make a career of her talent. She spoke of her daily training routine and the level of dedication that is required to sustain a career in top level sport as well as her nutrition programme and sponsorship . This was very relevant to the GCSE students as these issues are part of the final exam. The PE department would like to thank Lily for her inspirational talk and wish her the best of luck for the Rio Olympics.

This term Broadwater are working with Sport Godalming and other local secondary schools to celebrate the Olympics with our own event. Sport

Godalming is funding the medals for four events, each to be held at a local school where students will compete in a different activity at each school. Broadwater will be hosting the softball, but there will also be tennis, a biathlon and handball. Hopefully this event will be a great success and our students will get to enjoy some different sports and competitions.

The Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award students completed their practice expedition around the Surrey Hills whilst being based out of Henley Fort in Guildford. The camping was very cold at night but hot during the day and the students were excellent at helping each other and ensuring most groups did not get too lost. Many thanks to Mrs Boulter, Mr Harris, Miss Cooper, Mr Whitman, Mrs Simmons, Mrs Ashby, Mrs Hatcher and Mrs Pearson-Jury for giving up their weekend to support the students. The final expeditions will be later this term and students will need to pick up letters from the PE department.

Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions

Many congratulations to Tim May in year 11 who has been selected to be part of the Talent Inspiration Programme run by the Youth Sport Trust. The PE department nominated Tim earlier this year for his high standard of tennis where he regularly plays at county level for his tennis club. Being nominated is a huge step as Tim will be among 200 hopeful performers from across the country from a variety of sports taking part in a two day event at Loughborough University in August. The event will give Tim access to coaching and

funding advice to help him make the most of his talents and put him on the path to a career in sport if he chooses. It is a fantastic opportunity and we all wish Tim luck and hope to see him involved with British tennis in the future. One final request – please can all parents check that they have their child’s own PE kit at home and return anything that is not theirs to the school as soon as possible. Thank you. Mr Cook and Mrs Fowler, PE Department

Broadwater Cricket Association News This month the BCA has been very busy. First of all, on the 11th May, there was a multi-skills festival where year 1 students came and experienced different activities. Members from the BCA ran a cricket station with bowling, batting, throwing and catching sections. It was very successful and we think that the kids had a good afternoon. There was also a cricket trip to The Oval on 17th and another trip on the 24th May for girls only. The trip on the 17th was a fun day out, with a cricket match to watch and different cricket activities to take part in around the stadium. The teams that were playing were Surrey and Middlesex. Some people were lucky and got signatures from players from the teams. Some upcoming events are the girls’ trip to The Oval on the 24th and the girls’ cricket match. National cricket week takes place from 20th-24th June and we are planning many different activities and competitions for that week. PBA won the inter form cricket against DBF. It was a really close match but in the end PBA came out on top. They received medals, a trophy and sweets. We are currently in the process of electing a new vice chairman since Nathan Trigwell stepped down from his position and left the committee.

Broadwater School Trips and Educational Packages 2016/17

To enable parents to plan in advance for the varying trips and educational packages we offer, please see the proposed plan for the next academic year. This is available on the school website

You will notice that Challenge Week has moved to the last week in June, and the Ski trip will now be in February (the week before half term.)

Letters for the Ski Trip, Spanish and Water Sports trips will all be available from the trip leaders listed below. Please note that some of these prices are dependent on a minimum number and as such may be subject to cancellation, or a change in price.

Please note we have now categorised all trips.

A: ESSENTIAL: The visit is essential to the course because students could not

complete or pass the course without it. The visit aims to involve all students

studying the course. The suggested financial contribution is relatively low

compared to most trips (usually under £50)

B: INTEGRATED: The visit is not essential for studying the course. However, the

visit is tightly integrated with the course, closely linked to the scheme of work,

and used as a resource for lessons, student classwork and homework. The visit

aims to involve at least half to all the students studying the course. The

suggested financial contribution is medium level (usually £50-£100).

C: CONNECTED: The visit is not essential for studying the course. However, the

visit has connections to the course and offers useful extended experiences for

subject knowledge, cultural insights, and personal development. The visit tends

to involve a minority of the students studying the course. The suggested

financial contribution ranges from high to expensive (usually £100 upwards).

Please see proposed plan on the school website:

Science Snapshots!

Y7 testing the rate of photosynthesis of pondweed

Y9 learning about forces using Malteasers!

Miss Lindsay Lee – Science Department

Friends of Broadwater School

Good luck to all students currently taking GCSE exams!

Donations Needed – Can you help?

The Friends are seeking donations of 2nd Hand Uniform, Raffle Prizes and Unwanted Clothing/Textiles. Thank you for any help you’re able to provide.

Uniform Donations We urgently need donations of outgrown/unwanted uniform (blazers, trousers, skirts, shirts/blouses, jumpers, ties, PE kit &

bags etc). We're especially in need of girls skirts and blazers. We accept items in any condition: items we can't sell will be added to the next textile recycling collection. Please mark bags '2nd Hand Uniform', and hand them in at Reception

as soon as possible - so we can prepare them for a sale at the New Intake Evening on Weds 6th July.

In the meantime, if you're interested in purchasing any 2nd hand uniform (we have a great selection of boys trousers/shirts) please contact us via, or leave a message with Reception.

Raffle Prize Donations We’d welcome raffle prize donations such as toiletries, chocolate bars, a bottle of wine, or any other suitable item that you may have. Please leave any raffle donations at Reception – marked 'Friends Raffle'. Raffles will be held each night of the school production performances and summer concert.

Textile Donations: Mon 27th Jun – Fri 8th July

Clear out your cupboards during half term and bring bags of unwanted clothing and textiles (clothes, shoes, hats, bags, belts, bedding, towels) to school Mon 27th Jun – Fri 8th Jul. Bags can also be dropped off at Reception on Weds-Thurs 29th & 30th June, Friday 1st July – Annie Production and Wednesday 6th July – New Intake Evening.

Annie Production Weds-Thurs 29th & 30th June, Friday 1st July

Summer Concert/Presentation Evening Weds 20th July

Friends will be holding a raffle and serving refreshments each night of the Annie production. We’ll also be holding a raffle at the Summer Concert/Presentation Evening.

Please Help Advertise Open Evening

Last year 22 families helped raise awareness of our School's Open Evening by displaying an advertising board (shown) on their property. The boards contributed to the great turnout at Open Evening and their sponsorship from Belvoir estate agents raised £220 for our school!

This year, Open Evening takes place on Tues, 11th October. To publicise the event and boost funds, we're working with Belvoir Estate Agents again, but we need your help.

We need (parents/staff, friends, relations & neighbours) willing to display a Broadwater School Open Evening advertising board on their property (any GU1 to GU8 postcode). Whether you live on a main road, or in a cul-de-sac, we'd appreciate you taking part.

Belvoir will produce the boards, and organise for them to be erected, and removed – you won’t need to do a thing. The boards will be put up (in late September) and taken down (asap after 11th October) by their team. Last year, all the boards were removed within 3 days of the event.

Up to 50 families can sign up to help. If all 50 boards are erected, Belvoir will donate £500 to the Friends/PTA. The money raised will be used to buy items on the school's wish list.

If you can support the school in this way, please complete and sign the consent form which will be sent out via Parentmail (also available at Reception and on school website) and return it to School Reception/Student Services (in an envelope marked 'PTA Open Evening Board).

Thank you for your support!

Fundraising Update

We’d appreciate your ongoing support to raise the additional funds needed for the remaining items on the school’s wish list, which include:

Read & Write Gold Software (£320) - enhanced exam support for SEN students;

Visual PC/How a Computer Works (£400) - enabling students to visualise computing concepts.

This term, your support has resulted in the purchase of a:

Wireless A3 Printer/Scanner (plus accessories) for the Art Department. This will enable students to enhance their artwork.

The Friends of Broadwater School


The very talented pupils from Godalming Junior school taking part in an Annie

Workshop in May

Wednesday 29th June to Friday 1st July 2016

A Broadwater School production.

3 performances. Tickets available soon.

Save the dates!

Student Services Update

Medical Conditions

As we enter the summer months and the hay fever season, we

would like to remind parents of our policy of ‘Supporting

students in schools with medical conditions.’ Which can be

found on our website.

Broadwater School has clear guidance on the administration

of medication at School:

All use of medication is defined as a controlled drug, even if the pupil can

administer the medication themselves, is done under the supervision of a

named member of staff at Broadwater School.

If a pupil requires regular prescribed and non-prescribed medication parents

are asked to provide consent giving the staff permission to administer

medication on a regular/daily basis.

Students are not permitted to have medication on their person unless it is for

emergency medical reasons, for example an inhaler for Asthma.

All medication should be supplied whenever possible, in its original container.

All medication to be labelled with the pupil’s name and the provider’s

instructions, expiry date and including dose and frequency.

It’s the parent’s responsibility to inform the school if their child has a medical

condition and of any changes to their child’s condition and on-going


Please do not hesitate to contact Student Services if you have queries or questions

you wish to discuss regarding the above.

Water Bottles

Please remind students to bring in water

bottles during the warmer weather.

Lost Property

Please collect lost property from Student Services by Friday

10th June. Uncollected items will be disposed of after this

date. Please remember to label all items.


Our full attendance policy can be found on the school website:

Dear Parent/Carer Please note below guidance that has been issued by Surrey County Council that I need to draw to your attention.

Penalty Notices to Address Poor Attendance at School A Penalty Notice may be issued as an alternative to the prosecution of a parent/carer for their child’s unauthorised absence from school and will be used by Surrey County Council in the following circumstances:- 1. Pupils identified by police and education welfare officers engaged on Truancy Patrols and who have incurred unauthorised absences. 2. Leave of absence in term time (5 days or 10 sessions or more). Please be aware that The Education (Pupil Registration)(England)(Amendment) Regulations 2013, which becomes law on 1st September 2013 state that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. The Headteacher is also required to determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if leave is granted. In such cases the Headteacher/Governing Body have to judge whether there are exceptional circumstances and may request that the Local Authority issue Penalty Notices when the absence is not authorised. Warnings will not be given where it can be shown that parents have been notified that such absences will not be authorised. 3. The issue of a Penalty Notice will also be considered where it is judged that a parent is failing to ensure their child's regular school attendance. This will be considered if the attendance is below 85% and there are 10 or more unauthorised sessions in the previous 6 school weeks, which may include a pupil arriving late after close of registration. If you believe at any stage that your child’s absence from school may leave you liable to receive a Penalty Notice, it is extremely important that you take action without delay to secure their regular attendance. If you have any questions or require further support to achieve an improvement, please contact the school or the Education Welfare Officer.

Penalty Notice relating to Exclusions If a child is excluded from school, Section 103 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 places a duty on parents/carers to ensure that their child is not in a public place without justifiable cause during school hours. This duty applies to the first five days of each exclusion. Failure to do so will render the parent/carer liable to a Penalty Notice. (Alternative education provision will be made available from the sixth day of any exclusion.)

Amount Payable for a Penalty Notice The amount payable for a Penalty Notice issued in any of the above circumstances is £60 if paid within 21 days of receipt of the Notice, rising to £120 if paid after 21 days but within 28 days. If the Penalty Notice is not paid, the recipient will be prosecuted in the Magistrates Court for the offence for which the Notice was originally issued. Please be aware that each parent is liable to receive a Penalty Notice for each child who incurs unauthorised absences; for example, if there are two parents and one child, each parent will receive one Penalty Notice. If there are two parents and two children incur unauthorised absences, each parent will receive two Penalty Notices, which in this case would amount to £120 each if paid within 28 days. Advice and support is available from an Education Welfare Officer by contacting your local Education Office as follows:- South East - Tel: 01737 737600

Poetry Corner

Love that cat Love that cat Like a teacher loves naughty children. I said love that cat Like a polar bear likes the sun. Like to say “Don’t scratch me” Love that cat Like a bird likes the cold I said love that cat Like a cat likes the water. I like to say “GO AWAY!” Love that cat Like a fish likes the dessert I said love that cat Like an elephant likes a mouse I like to say “Get out the house!”

By Owen Rees, Year 7 This is inspired by Walter Dean Myers

Emotional Literacy Drop-in Sessions

ELSA is running from

Monday to Wednesday lunchtimes from 12:20 to 12:45pm

and on Thursdays from 12:45pm in Room 108.

Please speak to Miss Walters for further details.

E-Safety Support: Radicalisation and the Internet

Please see full document on the school website:


Exam Timetables: Please check the school website for updated events and further information.


Friday 27th School closes for Half Term at 3.20pm

Monday 30th Spring Bank Holiday

HALF TERM Tuesday 31st May – Friday 3rd June


Monday 6th Return to school. Week A

Friday 10th Y7 Reports home

Monday 13th Year 10 Exams week

Thursday 16th Year 7 Parent Evening 4-7pm

Wednesday 22nd School Sports Day (change of date)

Friday 24th Y11 Prom and River Cruise. Coaches depart school at 5.30pm

Monday 27th Friends Textile Collection starts for 2 weeks

Wednesday 29th School Production of ‘Annie’ 7pm

Thursday 30th School Production of ‘Annie’ 7pm

Thursday 30th District Sports


Friday 1st INSET DAY

Friday 1st School Production of ‘Annie’ 7pm

Wednesday 6th New intake day and evening (7pm)

Monday 11th Valentino Schoolwear available at school, 1.30 – 6.30pm

Monday 11th Norfolk Lakes activity trip depart (4 nights)

Friday 15th Norfolk Lakes trip returns

Friday 15th Year 10 Reports Home

Tuesday 19th Year 10 Parent Evening 4-7pm

Wednesday 20th Presentation Evening and Summer Concert

Thursday 21st End of Term. School closes at 1.00pm

Thursday 21st Year 9 Reports home
