Broadcasting Authority Resignation Request Withdrawn, Times of Malta, 14MAR2013


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  • 7/29/2019 Broadcasting Authority Resignation Request Withdrawn, Times of Malta, 14MAR2013


    Thursday, March 14, 2013, 15:30

    The government has withdrawn a request for the members of the Broadcasting Authority to hand in their resignation.

    Informed sources said the chairman of the BA had received a request from the Office of the Prime Minister seeking the


    The members refused, pointing out that the BA was a constitutional body whose members were appointed by the President.

    The position was then explained to the government and the request was withdrawn.

    Broadcasting Authority resignation request withdrawn


    T MifsudYesterday, 20:11

    PL STRATEGY: Rock the house while the PN is in disarray and humbled by the majority.

    However what this latest OPM instruction shows is that the Government wants to get establish itself by its own people, and not by their own mantra on

    the billboards of meritocracy.

    Mr Michael PiccininoYesterday, 20:01

    If I'm not mistaken, the labour party used to complain about accountability. Now the person responsable should shoulder his responsability for taking an

    Unconstitutionl desicion and resign!

    Am CamilleriYesterday, 21:21

    Agreed! And be replaced with the competent and experienced Dr Herrera . . . pleeeease.

    Norman E GrechYesterday, 19:48

    Complaining and critising will not move away the fact that the pn have acceded to a record defeat! Now be patient for at least 5 years ta! Bravi!!

    H. MeilakYesterday, 20:11

    Norman, people do not complain and criticize to move away the fact that the PN got a record defeat. People complain and criticize because

    they are living in a democratic country, Malta taghna lkoll. People who criticize can come from all the political spectrum, not only PN. Please do

    not even think of shutting up people whom you do not agree with, because this would be typical 70s/80s Labour.

    Richard CaruanaYesterday, 19:26

    And this large cabinet is going to cost the country at least som 90 million Euro over the next five years.

    The least one expects is efficiency, or else....

    Angelo VassalloYesterday, 19:19

    @Wally Vella-Zarb

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    Copyright Allied Newspapers Ltd., printed on - 15-03-2013 - This article is for personal use only, and should not be distributed

    "Yes, let us look at the future" you said.

    But without knowing, you fell into your own trap. When you spoke of education and spelling mistakes, you were speaking about the PAST and not the


    Saviour AquilinaYesterday, 19:10

    I wish that from those of BA there was ex PN voters that this time vote for PL, so by that they know what wrong they make. I have NO REGRET FOR


    Joseph CamilleriYesterday, 19:05

    Muscats politics are those of an inexperienced zatat. This is not scaremongering now, these are facts. When jobs start to dwindle I hope that those who

    voted according to how many parties and packs of socks and necklaces and spot prizes they reveived will be the first to feel the pinch. Lejber is already

    showing signs that styles change but old habits never change. Il lupu jbiddel sufu!

    John ZarbYesterday, 19:04

    Mela Anglu Farrugia qtajnielu rasu ghax ikkritika magistrat. Min ghamel din il-paprata u l-paprata l-ohra li gieghel lis-segretarji permanenti jirrizenjaw, sejirrizenja?

    Joseph GrechYesterday, 19:03

    No, Jason Micallef. You won't get your throne.

    A. ZammitYesterday, 18:58

    What a gaff ! Are these the professionals promised by Muscat? Poor Malta.

    Vince CamilleriYesterday, 18:55

    Gvern tad-dilettanti!

    H. PsailaYesterday, 19:08

    Ma jafux kif tahdem l'Awtorita tax-Xandir ahseb u ara kemm jafu mmexxu Gvern dawn. L'ewwel paprata taghhom, kemm ghadd jigu iktar minn

    dawn matul il-hames snin.

    T GauciYesterday, 18:53

    Broadcasting Authority is not TVM!!!. Too much ado about nothing

    Peter BonniciYesterday, 18:39

    "The position was then explained to the government and the request was withdrawn" - Classic !

    Alfred CassarYesterday, 18:33

    Gaffata din,it is like requesting the President to resign. OMG, was it Mario Cutajar who did this?

    Annie PaceYesterday, 18:45

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    Nope, it was Minister Manuel Mallia if I'm not mistaken

    ANTHONY PAVIAYesterday, 18:48

    This would have been a civil servant's "eager beaver" honest mistake. Otherwise it would certainly not have been withdrawn. Obvious to those

    without bias. Unless spokes in the wheels are at work alread.........!

    Alfred CassarYesterday, 19:09

    No Anthony it was not a civil servant's honest mistake. It was surely someone at a much higher position. I think it was either Mario or someone


    Richard CaruanaYesterday, 19:19

    No, Star Candidate and super lawyer Manuel Mallia.

    In PN times this column would have been full of calls for resignations!

    J. CalamattaYesterday, 20:14

    Anthony Pavia: Are you seriously saying that a civil servant asked the B.A. members to resign, without the minister's intervention? Ticcajta

    intiex biased jekk tahseb hekk!

    Mario BorgYesterday, 18:30

    In order to have Malta for ALL, first the PL must take it off the hands of the clique that pretended that this island and everything in it is theirs to play with

    as they please.. So it is only understandable that those that were involved with that clique are showed the door, not out of spite but they must be held

    accountable of the mess the previous govt left behind just to accommodate the few !!

    Leslie DarmaninYesterday, 18:39

    @ Mario Borg

    You clearly have no idea what you are talking out. The BA is not a clique but a consitutional body. It consists of appointees proposed by Muscat

    when Opposition leader.

    With thinking like this, no wonder Labour won with such a landslide.

    Shame on Malta!

    Peter BonniciYesterday, 18:56

    @ Leslie Darmanin. Like many others, Mario Borg confuses the PBS board with that of the BA. Labour relies on such ignorance, which it finds

    in abundance on this sunny isle, and thus it can flourish.

    Ms Sandra GrechYesterday, 19:15

    So you sack everyone? Or is Malta tal-Labour only now?

    Carmel Camilleri

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    Yesterday, 18:28

    The first gaffe of DR. Mallia. Shall we call for his resignation as many used to do to previous Ministers.

    Angelo VassalloYesterday, 18:23

    @ Martin Attard

    Speak for yourself please. I did not vote for change.

    A CachiaYesterday, 18:28

    X'vote for change....sewwa ghamilt!

    Joanne MicallefYesterday, 18:17

    Owwwww they did such a good job these past few years, why would anyone want them to resign

    Martin AttardYesterday, 18:15

    we voted for change, and change we will have...

    issa, if it will be a change for the best... well and good, if no, we will decide again in 5 years, God willing

    :) i prefer to remain positive

    D. VellaYesterday, 18:26

    Martin - you have no alternative now whether it is postive or negative. However I am sure you would never admit that what you thought would

    be positive really did not happen. We wait and see. To me postive has a different perspective.

    Martin AttardYesterday, 19:51

    i respect your opinion... but i respect democracy... the people chose PL... now lets hope for the best... and honestly... I think this is a good move


    D. VellaYesterday, 21:14

    Martin, according to PL the people voted for the movment no? and that it was willing to work with everyone who wanted to work with the

    movement. I repeat not PL. So why did not this movement at least (not only on this matter) ask if they wanted to work with them - then and only

    then take the necessary steps to replace but keep a balance. Sorry but this is not positive thinking it is demands.

    Henry S PaceYesterday, 18:11

    This appears to be the first gaffe by the new government and the designate Permanent Secretary.

    His militancy of his Trade Union is still quite obvious.

    He should have had a legal advice from the Attorney General.

    A CachiaYesterday, 18:28

    So very true!

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    What a gaffe!

    Imagine 5 years of this kind of politics.....

    I think we should start packing our bags..

    Angelo VassalloYesterday, 18:10

    @ Wally Vella-Zarb

    The PN's humiliating and crushing defeat is now history and forms part of the past.

    Now let us look at the future. And what do we see? An arrogant partit LEJBURISTA in government.

    Wally Vella-ZarbYesterday, 19:02

    Yes, let us look at the future. For example we can start by looking at education. It has been so 'successful' that you still have not learned how to

    spell properly. The word is "L A B U R I S T A" and not " lejburista". Don't worry, there will be ample time for you to learn how to spell it...unless,

    of course, you are too arrogant to learn from the mistakes of the past.

    Richard CaruanaYesterday, 19:24


    Spell it whichever way, cause that's not a proper name but a neologism.

    What stops me from spelling 'labour' lejber? We've turned these into Maltese sounding words, so there's no need to have an education to do


    Angelo VassalloYesterday, 18:08

    @ Wally Vella-Zarb

    The PN's humiliating and crushing defeat is now history and forms part of the past.

    Now let us look at the future. And what do we see? An arrogant partit LEJBURISTA in government.

    carmel cassarYesterday, 18:04

    surprised and confused, do we know our job or not. Just remember that these votes that brought the change are like a pillow full of feathers, once holes

    start to appear, in no time it will be empty. I hope this mistake will bring you back to your senses.

    Joe CallejaYesterday, 18:04

    If Dr. Godwin Grima is still the Principal Permanent Secretary at the OPM, did Mario Cutajar consult him before issuing the resignation request. If not

    what is he still doing there?

    Lawrence CamilleriYesterday, 18:25

    As far as I know from the news, Dr Godwin Grima acted on the orders coming from Mario Cutajar. Obviously poor soul he could not refuse.

    Would you?

    A Abela

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    Yesterday, 18:00

    Why all this fuss. PBS 15 days ago asked for the resignation of the MBA chairman. Government withdrew the request while PBS did not.

    D. VellaYesterday, 18:24

    A Abela - the fuss is on incopetence - something that your secret partner Franco used to say to Ministers. Where is Franco now I say - is he

    going to comment on this?? of course not. JPO is also cuddled with PL. I wonder what other 'deals' are going to emerge from those taking part

    with Bundi tomorrow - Like someone said MORE OF THE SAME....

    Roy FavaYesterday, 17:56

    Wara l falliment totali...nirrepeti l falliment totali ta dawn in nies....l inqas li wiehed jistenna huwa li jirrizenjaw....

    Corinne VellaYesterday, 18:09

    It is the government request for the BA board's resignation that is the news story here.

    Richard CaruanaYesterday, 17:56

    OMG, 'the position had to be explained to the government'.

    What's the next gaffe? We're not amused.

    D. VellaYesterday, 17:53

    @Anthony Sultana - My worry is that is such mistakes happen and possibly trying to get rid of these people to have full control of PBS the one has to

    worry. Once again the censorship of EFA name and the word Nazzjon comes to mind. Oh well that is what people voted for and so they were more then

    happy to believe MJ then LG. So be it.

    Mark TaboneYesterday, 17:49

    these are very worrying things...very

    Henry J BonettYesterday, 17:47

    A toothless watchdog that gets bitten by whatever it is watching, If the BA had any self respect it would have resigned on its own ages ago.

    Wally Vella-ZarbYesterday, 17:45

    With all these PN 'experts' and 'professionals' telling off the PL, one wonders how come they let their party suffer such a humiliating and crushing defeat.

    Had they applied their 'expertise' and 'know-how' to help their party in power they wouldn't be licking their wounds so pathetically today...assuming, of

    course, that their 'expertise' really exists outside of their imaginative egos.

    Galvan FYesterday, 17:44

    Assolutament kontra dak li jippriedka Joseph Muscat.... "Tista ma taqbilx maghna, imma tista' tahdem maghna" mela aqta' kemm! Diga tfajtilom

    ir-rizenja, diga mort kontra il-policy tieghek Muscat... xejn sew.

    Roger CamilleriYesterday, 17:43

    So first it was the permaneant secretaries and now the BA ... TAGHNA LKOLL TAGHNA LKOLL TAGHNA LKOLL!!!

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    Alfred CassarYesterday, 17:43

    First the Permanent Secretaries, now the BA, who's next? Could be YOU. Beware, this is just the beginning

    Ms Sandra GrechYesterday, 19:19

    Exactly. And this is just after a couple of days. God help us all

    An CachiaYesterday, 17:40

    Regret after day 4 is not good.

    A CachiaYesterday, 18:29

    Not at all!

    By day 365 we will be looking for another country to live in...

    Angelo VassalloYesterday, 17:36

    Imma kemm il-darba ser ikolli nirrepeti l-istess haa :- IL-LEJBURISTI MA JINBIDLU QATT U QATT U QATT !!!!

    m. borg (slm)Yesterday, 17:55

    Angelo ghandek hames snin u fuqhom sejjer hekk, tant li tisppicca jahsbuk li tlaqt.

    jane galea

    Yesterday, 17:58

    Pacenzja Ang.Kif tista temnek qabel kollox sewwa u issa kollox diga hazin,il-poplu tkellem u int ghadek wahdek ma tistax temmen,TLIFT XI

    HAGA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Angela GaleaYesterday, 17:32

    OMG. Bring back the real statesman - Dr Gonzi. I never thought it was going to be this quick, although I am praying for it.

    Martin ZammitYesterday, 18:27

    Int bis serjeta?! Mela jekk ikun hawn bad governance u ma jkunx hawn xoghol mhux anke jien u int inbatu?? J alla jibqa jmexxi tajjeb bhal Dr.

    Gonzi bdw jiena 1st time voter lil PL nahseb kien hemm bzonn bidla nispera li ma jidispjaciniex!

    Toni BorgYesterday, 17:27

    Gaffata ohra mill PL. ibqaw sejrin hekk. Sissa diga impresjonajtuna!!!

    Francis FarrugiaYesterday, 17:26

    Dak li qalet Helena Dalli beda jigi attwat.!!!!!!!!!!! u aktar ghadu gej.

    Zeppi ZammitYesterday, 17:26

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    A very professional new labour...from the very first days

    Steve ZammitYesterday, 17:26

    This is getting entertaining and we're still on day 4. LOL

    david alamangoYesterday, 17:24

    amateur party

    Guido FarrugiaYesterday, 18:01

    An amazing 36.000 plus votes for an amateur party, plus 39 to 26 parliamentary seats, absolute majority on 9 districts which amounts to 55% to

    43%. The professional party has lost to an amateur party. What would have happened if the PL government (got it?) was professional?

    Roderick MicallefYesterday, 17:22

    What is this? Shall I start regretting that I voted labour a few days after the election? LABOUR PARTY can you explain what is going on here?

    Mark StivalaYesterday, 17:57

    You'll face palm yourself for doing so ...

    anthony sultanaYesterday, 17:17

    I was PN supporter all my life,what did I get,the gonzipn policies put me out of business. Now I strongly support the PL government at all cost, to send a

    strong message to who ever comes in the PN party.The reason we have 3 PL MPs in Gozo because 5 of my friends voted PL this time.I hope you learn

    a lesson from my act.

    Peter BonniciYesterday, 18:19

    If your business meant a monopoly, then we're not sorry, and the defeat was worth it.

    carmel parnisYesterday, 18:37

    Hemm 3 membri parlamentari laburisti ghax hekk riedet il qorti kostituzzjonali

    anthony sultanaYesterday, 17:16

    I was PN supporter all my life,what did I get,the gonzipn policies put me out of business. Now I strongly support the PL government at all cost, to send a

    strong message to who ever comes in the PN party.The reason we have 3 PL MPs in Gozo because 5 of my friends voted PL this time.I hope you learn

    a lesson from my act.

    Neil DentYesterday, 17:27

    I think you picked the wrong article, to post your rather peculiar comment!

    Steve ZammitYesterday, 18:00

    Anthony i thought you were AD reading your comments from previous articles.

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    paula cipriottYesterday, 17:14

    I fear the worst is yet to come !! here's to new beginnings

    John ZarbYesterday, 17:10

    Tista ma taqbilx maghna imma tista tahdem maghna... imma l-ewwel trid tirrizenja! Ma nafx ghalhiex ried inehhi l-membri tal-awtorita tax xandir. Mhux

    dejjem mal-lejber zammew?

    Francis Saliba M.D.Yesterday, 17:21

    Evidentement ma zammewx bizzejjed mal-LP billi ma xxandret l-ebda ghajta ta' "Bongu Malta Socjalista" u "Run Rabbit Run". L-smokescreen

    ta' Malta Taghna Lkoll" qed jitferrex mar-rih bis-sekondi.

    K. VellaYesterday, 17:05

    Might is RIGHT....this is the policy now....and please be positive...please

    Mario FrendoYesterday, 17:05

    Come on JM! Don't make me regret this!

    Kevin CaruanaYesterday, 17:04

    oops. And I imagine the promised public consultation process for their replacements was already in place no? ....yeah right

    joe farrugiaYesterday, 19:02

    mhux suppost kellna nivvutaw biex jinhatru membri f'boardijiet mela suppost qabel ma jirrezenja board l-ewwel jigu nominati il membri l-godda

    nivvutaw ghal board il gdid biex ma jkunx hemm vacuum jew milli jider min dak li ghadna qabel l-elezzjoni ma hemm xejn.

    R MalliaYesterday, 17:02

    I am not a guy who think that we should have a BA, I hate them and they keep our TV stuck in the 80s. But to ask for people to resign like that and

    basically make them unemployed is not european and I think it is illegal. What if someone has a loan, children to feed etc..

    Corinne VellaYesterday, 17:32

    You cite the wrong reasons. The BA is an autonomous institution which is independent of government. Asking for its board members'

    resignation is unconstitutional.

    James CataniaYesterday, 16:59

    Unprofessional is the fact that every institution should offer their resignation without being asked for it. If everyone in a high position is worth for the post

    we wouldn't be in this situation now would we ?... You need to clean up to start doing changes.

    Corinne VellaYesterday, 17:31

    Institutions cannot resign. The Broadcasting Authority is not a government body. It is an autonomous institution.

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    Don Caligari ContiYesterday, 17:42

    so should the president police comm and many other tender in there resignation who next the bishop

    Wally Vella-ZarbYesterday, 17:59

    @Corinne Vella

    Do the members appoint themselves? If not, who appoints them?

    "It is an independent statutory body consisting of a Chairman and four other members appointed by the President of Malta acting in accordance

    with the advice of the Prime Minister given after consultation with the Leader of the Opposition."

    Ergo, ALL of them are, by definition, Political Appointees.

    Corinne VellaYesterday, 18:56

    Political appointee is a technical term. Once the Broadcasting Authority board is constituted, its members cannot be removed at government's


    Carmela BuhagiarYesterday, 16:59

    C. Buhagiar

    Well done Broadcasting Authority. " Malta Taghna Lkoll".

    An CachiaYesterday, 16:56

    Hope the BA remains a constitutional body, and no changes are done to that effect.

    Paul MeilakYesterday, 16:53

    Partit tal-amateurs.

    E BonelloYesterday, 16:51

    I Must say that no one is safe in the goverment departments......everyone feels threatned by the latest action from the new government. a lot of people

    feel that they will be victimised by either their collegues or some top goverment official much for Malta taghna ukoll now the masks are falling off.

    the new goverment will sweep these departments & bring in new employees

    Paul MeilakYesterday, 16:50

    MALTA TAGHNA LKOLL .... my foot

    Mr Alan ZahraYesterday, 16:46

    This government will be renowned by his comedy of errors.

    M CallejaYesterday, 16:44

    Mit-tagen ghal gon-nar!

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    John LusignanYesterday, 16:43

    LOL. Already showing how amateur this government is. Congratulations to all the so called 'nationalists' a.k.a. opportunisti who voted labour and brought

    back a bunch of dinosaurs. Thats what happens when you think of petty issues vs. big picture issues. The mask is already fading. Enjoy the next 5-10

    years opportunisti.

    John L GaleaYesterday, 16:43

    Jahasra x'disperazzjoni ghandhom l-apologisti ta' partit irrelevanti PN. Kull ma qed jigri iridu jikkummentaw bla sens bhas-soltu. Flok jiehdu gost bil-gid

    jiehdu gost bid-deni, ara x'tip ta' nies huma. Insomma uzaw dak il-kompressur ha tfarfu t-trab mit-tkaxkira li hadtu. Ahjar taraw kif forsi tibnu partit sura.

    Aaron VellaYesterday, 17:11

    Int insejtu zmienek? Xammar il-komma habib tieghi ghax ghandek bicca xoghol tiddefendi lil dan il-gvern li fl-ewwel tlett ijiem diga beda

    jaghmel il-frejjeg. I'm assuming you're the new j brincat ghax issa qieghed jistrieh mit-tmaqdir... :)

    Corinne VellaYesterday, 17:26

    If government is unaware of constitutional rights and obligations, everyone's rights are at risk. That includes yours, Mr Galea.

    Alfred ZammitYesterday, 16:41

    here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Ray BuhagiarYesterday, 16:41


    Carmel EllulYesterday, 16:40

    Isn't Dr. Mallia the responsible minister?

    It seems he does not have any idea of the constitution.

    Minister of Justice?

    Yes Mr.PM, will you do to the repeat of Dr. Anglu Farrugia?

    Monica DebonoYesterday, 16:38

    Another case of Malta taghna lkoll! So if it was in their power the new labour government would have requested the resignation of the BA. Mela first the

    Perm Secretaries, then the BA....... I wonder who's next in line to be told to resign?!

    Maria FrendoYesterday, 16:37

    Seriously? LOL

    Corinne VellaYesterday, 16:34

    "The position was then explained to the government and the request was withdrawn."

    The position should not have to be explained to government.

    K. VellaYesterday, 16:32

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    Bye Bye Democracy now........Bye Bye Constitution......

    Mario MerciecaYesterday, 16:32


    K. VellaYesterday, 16:32

    The masks have started to fall... government trying to control a Constitutional body. Muscat still believes in totalitarian governance.

    F'Malta kollox tagna.

    Paul MeilakYesterday, 16:31

    Buzullotta ohra !

    Monica DebonoYesterday, 16:27

    Another case of Malta taghna lkoll! So if it was in their power the new labour government would have requested the resignation of the BA. Mela first the

    Perm Secretaries, then the BA....... I wonder who's next in line to be told to resign?!

    Pierre VassalloYesterday, 16:26

    That's what happens when you don't have seasoned Permanent Secretaries around you.

    George JamesYesterday, 16:24

    promised positions should be made vacant first!!

    Henry S PaceYesterday, 16:23

    It seems that the new government is brooming across the board everyone including constitutional bodies.

    quo vadis Joey?

    Chris BorgYesterday, 16:20


    Ronnie CallusYesterday, 16:19

    Do you feel confident in your position when you were so much one sided during the election campaign, when you should have been representing us

    people of every colour paying our taxes for your salaries ???

    One should see about it .

    jm busuttilYesterday, 16:19

    A case of Malta taghna lkoll

    Antoine Vella

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    Yesterday, 16:18

    I do not believe that Manuel Mallia did not know such basic information about the Broadcasting Authority

    Neil DentYesterday, 16:56

    Exactly what I first thought. He (they) tried it on today - just 4 days in.

    Francis Saliba M.D.Yesterday, 16:16

    First "faux pas" of the Malta Taghna Lkoll.

    May it be the last.

    Gary JamesonYesterday, 16:14

    Is this the People's Democratic Republic of Malta led by Chairman Admiral General Supreme Leader Muscat that we have suddenly found ourselves in ?

    Matthew SalibaYesterday, 16:13


    Nenu CassarYesterday, 16:12

    Muscat & Co. want all members on committees to sing to the government's pleasure. I suggest that that from now on committee meetings should start

    with the members singing '' Malta Taghna Llkol''

    Alan Vassallo

    Yesterday, 16:09

    hehehe thats what you get when you are biased!

    Aaron VellaYesterday, 16:07

    Oh amazing, our government doesn't even know Malta's Constitution. I'm pretty sure we'll be having another Dardir Malta in the coming years. And why

    does Helena Dalli's name keep coming to my mind?

    Reuben AbelaYesterday, 16:00

    Ara kemm hareg ikkargat biex jitlob rezenja lill kulhadd!!


    Marco GaleaYesterday, 15:52

    bdew ihawwdu ...

    L ZammitYesterday, 15:50

    Basta fattruha. Fejnhom l-impjegati tac-civil ta zmien Borg Olivier?

    Mark Anthony BugejaYesterday, 15:49

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    This shows that democracy is working and the constitutional checks and balances are working.

    Michael SeychellYesterday, 16:29

    This was not rectified because of 'Vhecks and balances' but due to the fact that the M.B.A. members are aware that vthey were not appointed

    by the government but by the President of Malta, whilst Mario Cutajar or whoever sent the letter were not aware of this. This confirms that

    certain high positions were removed to be filled by less able persons.

    Francis Saliba M.D.Yesterday, 16:40

    This shows that, on present showing, the new LP government is not at all "Malta Taghna Lkoll" if they can get away with it and not at

    competent. The "spirit" may be willing but the flesh is weak.

    Gary JamesonYesterday, 16:42

    Sort of, except that it shouldn't have happened in the first place.

    Neil DentYesterday, 16:44

    Nonsense - it shows that the 'new brooms' have rushed in to make a clean sweep, and screwed this particular one up very badly. MLP has

    been left with a ton of egg on its face, thanks to new MLP hero, Dr. Manwel Mallia. With his self-proclaimed reputation and standing in the legal

    arena, and specific ministerial responsibilities, you'd think he'd be fully aware of the BA's standing.

    Corinne VellaYesterday, 16:50

    The Broadcasting Authority is one of the constitutional checks you refer to. The government should not have to take advice from the

    Broadcasting Authority on what is or is not unconstitutional.

    P. CiantarYesterday, 15:35

    unprofessional to say the least

    adcasting Authority resignation request withdrawn -
