Bringing bash to Xcode - MacAdmins Conference


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Bringing bash to







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i.e., letting the genie out of the bottle

Leslie N. HelouSenior Professional Services EngineerJamf

• Create an application based on a bash script. • Customized GUI asking for the computer name, providing

feed back to the user. • Build the application so that it is properly signed.

What we will accomplish:

Start with a bash script* to rename a computer:#!/bin/bash# check that script is run as root userif [ $EUID -ne 0 ]then

/bin/echo $'\nThis script must be run as the root user!\n'exit

fi# capture user input namewhile true;do

name=$(osascript -e 'Tell application "System Events" to display dialog "Please enter the name for your computer or select Cancel." default answer ""' -e 'text returned of result' 2>/dev/null)

if [ $? -ne 0 ];then # user hit cancelexit

elif [ -z "$name" ];then # loop until input or cancelosascript -e 'Tell application "System Events" to display alert "Please enter a name or select Cancel... Thanks!" as warning'

elif [ -n "$name" ];then# user inputbreak

fidonescutil --set ComputerName "$name"scutil --set LocalHostName "$name"scutil --set HostName "$name"

jamf recon

*Author - Daniel Mintz

Goal 1: Create the app.

Quick look at the script

We’re greeted with a simple window.

Launch Xcode and create a new project

Select macOS and AppleScript Application

Name and save project

The main window for our project:

Bring the bash script into our project my first clicking AppDelegate.applescript, then paste the script into the applicationWillFinishLaunching_ section.

As we’re in an AppleScript environment we need to enclose the bash script in a ‘do shell script(“…”)’. Escape existing quotes (\”) and newlines ( add \ to the end of each line).

--Insert code here to initialize your application before any files are opened #!/bin/bash # check that script is run as root user do shell script ("if [ $EUID -ne 0 ]\ then\ /bin/echo $'\nThis script must be run as the root user!\n'\ exit\ fi\ # capture user input name\ while true\ do\ name=$(osascript -e 'Tell application \"System Events\" to display dialog \"Please enter the name for your computer or select Cancel.\" default answer \"\"' -e 'text returned of result' 2>/dev/null)\ if [ $? -ne 0 ]\ then # user hit cancel\ exit\ elif [ -z \"$name\" ];then # loop until input or cancel\ osascript -e 'Tell application \"System Events\" to display alert \"Please enter a name or select Cancel... Thanks!\" as warning'\ elif [ -n \"$name\" ];then # user input\ break\ fi\ done\ scutil --set ComputerName \"$name\"\ scutil --set LocalHostName \"$name\"\ scutil --set HostName \"$name\"\ \ jamf recon")

Let’s see if we can build the application - command+b

Now let’s give it run - on a test machine of course.

We should see the following, just a blank window.

Double-click to launch.

So let’s launch the application with elevated

Nope, try a different approach.

Third time’s a charm?

SCORE! We now get prompted for the computer name.

Might as well continue and see if it works…

Now let’s dress it up a bit.

Go from here…

Now let’s dress it up a bit.

…to here.

-- Insert code here to initialize your application before any files are opened #!/bin/bash # check that script is run as root user # do shell script ("if [ $EUID -ne 0 ]\ # then\ # /bin/echo $'\nThis script must be run as the root user!\n'\ # exit\ # fi\ # # capture user input name\ # while true\ # do\ # name=$(osascript -e 'Tell application \"System Events\" to display dialog \"Please enter the name for your computer or select Cancel.\" default answer \"\"' -e 'text returned of result' 2>/dev/null)\ # if [ $? -ne 0 ]\ # then # user hit cancel\ # exit\ # elif [ -z \"$name\" ];then # loop until input or cancel\ # osascript -e 'Tell application \"System Events\" to display alert \"Please enter a name or select Cancel... Thanks!\" as warning'\ # elif [ -n \"$name\" ];then # user input\ # break\ # fi\ # done\ # scutil --set ComputerName \"$name\"\ # scutil --set LocalHostName \"$name\"\ # scutil --set HostName \"$name\"\ # \ # jamf recon")

Comment out the existing script and add a new section.

Hint: Select the block of code to comment out, then press command+/

Add a label along with a text field to type the computer name into.

Goal 2: The GUI

Add a couple buttons.

Double click the label and buttons to add appropriate names.

Back to the code, let’s add some lines.

Connect our new lines of code to the GUI objects.

Click and drag the open circle to the associated object.

Build the app, command+b, and test it. Remember to launch it through Terminal.

Enter a new name and click ‘Rename’.

Dress up the GUI a little more, add a progress indicator (spinner).

Let’s also set the Rename button as the default.

Click in the ‘Key Equivalent’ field and hit return.

Next we’ll add some graphics to our project so that we’re able to set a background along with a custom image. Click on Assets.xcassets and drag in the images, drop them just below ‘AppIcon’.

Back to the MainMenu.xib, add the images.

Click and drag the objects into the GUI. Be sure to move the background to the back: Editor —> Arrange —> Send to Back

In addition to the spinner providing evidence the application is running, let’s add a text field to display recon output.

Set the text field to blend into the background.

Now, back to coding. We added a spinner and text field to display some output, let’s utilize them.

script AppDelegate property parent : class "NSObject" -- IBOutlets property theWindow : missing value property compName_field : missing value property spinner : missing value property reconStatus_field : missing value

Two new properties. We need to link them to their objects in the GUI.

Update the rename_ function: on rename_(sender) set newName to compName_field's stringValue() if newName as string is equal to "" then display dialog "Oops, forgot to enter a computer name." return end if

spinner's startAnimation_(me) do shell script ("\ /usr/sbin/scutil --set ComputerName \"" & newName & "\"\ /usr/sbin/scutil --set LocalHostName \"" & newName & "\"\ /usr/sbin/scutil --set HostName \"" & newName & "\"\ \ jamfBin=$(which jamf)\ $jamfBin recon > /tmp/recon.txt 2>&1 &") try set recon_check to do shell script ("ps -ax | grep recon | grep -v grep") on error set recon_check to "complete" end try repeat while recon_check is not equal to "complete" set log_text to do shell script ("tail -n3 /tmp/recon.txt") reconStatus_field's setString_("Running Recon: " & text of log_text) delay 0.2 try set recon_check to do shell script ("ps -ax | grep recon | grep -v \"grep\\|tail\"") on error set recon_check to "complete" end try end repeat reconStatus_field's setString_(text of log_text & return & "Updated.") spinner's stopAnimation_(me)

display dialog "Rename complete!" buttons {"OK"} quit end rename

{Display output as recon is running.

Make sure we don’t have a blank name. {

start the spinner

stop the spinner

output redirection

Lastly, cleanup the code we’re not using in applicationWillFinishLaunching_ and add a function to bring the application to the foreground when launched.

on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification) -- Insert code here to initialize your application before any files are opened end applicationWillFinishLaunching_ on applicationDidFinishLaunching_(sender) activate me theWindow's makeFirstResponder_(compName_field) end applicationDidFinishLaunching_

Build (command+b) then launch the application through Terminal.

We can check the application signature current state using codesign -dv in Terminal.

Signature=adhoc tells us the application is not signed by a known developer.

Goal 3: Properly sign the application.

If you haven’t already, add your (paid) developer account to Xcode. From the menu bar, Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts, then click the + sign.

Enter the appropriate credentials and click ‘Sign In’. Close the preferences window.

Back to the main window, click the top level of the project and make sure we’re on the General tab.

Click ‘Enable Development Signing’.

If necessary select a team from the drop-down.

Build and check the application to see if it is signed. Use codesign -dvv to get a little extra info.

Now even though the application is sign, it is not ready to be shared, say through GitHub. If the application is download in its current state, we’ll likely see the following when it is opened.

As the final task, we need to ‘Archive’ the project. From the menu bar, Product -> Archive.

Click Export…

Select Export a Developer ID-signed Application

Click Next, ensure we have the right developer account and click Next again.

There will be some processing then you’ll be presented with the application to export.

Select a name and location for the application and click Export.

The application is now ready to be shared.

Thank you!

• Add an icon for the application. • Enable the application to work when launched from the Finder. • Tweak the application window.

Extra time, extra credit…

Looking at the options for icons for the application we see several sizes are available.

Start with the hello.png from the application. Open with Preview and resize the image to 512x512 pixels.

• Make a copy of hello.png, call it something like helloIcon.png • Open helloIcon.png with Preview, click Tools -> Adjust Size… • Click the lock so that it is unlocked and select pixels from the drop down next to the lock • Set the width and height to 512

We’ll need several other sizes, but rather than creating them manually let’s use a script.


## used to create square png files from single png file ## helpful when creating icons for Xcode apps

theImage="$1" fileName=$(basename "$1" | sed -e 's/.png//') username=$(stat -f%Su /dev/console) mkdir "/Users/$username/Desktop/$fileName.iconset"

for i in 16 32 128 256 512; do newName="icon_"$i"x"$i".png" retinaName="icon_"$i"x"$i"@2x.png" /bin/cp "$1" "/Users/$username/Desktop/$fileName.iconset/$newName" /bin/cp "$1" "/Users/$username/Desktop/$fileName.iconset/$retinaName" /usr/bin/sips "/Users/$username/Desktop/$fileName.iconset/$newName" -z $i $i /usr/bin/sips "/Users/$username/Desktop/$fileName.iconset/$retinaName" -z $(( i*2 )) $(( i*2 )) done

/usr/bin/iconutil -c icns "/Users/$username/Desktop/$fileName.iconset"

Run the script in Terminal, passing the helloIcon.png as a parameter.

From the folder created on the Desktop, drag the images to the appropriate location in the project.

Once all the images have been placed rebuild the application.

Locate the application in the Finder, the new icon should be displayed.

Time now to make the application function properly if double-clicked.

spinner's startAnimation_(me) do shell script ("\ /usr/sbin/scutil --set ComputerName \"" & newName & "\"\ /usr/sbin/scutil --set LocalHostName \"" & newName & "\"\ /usr/sbin/scutil --set HostName \"" & newName & "\"\ \ jamfBin=$(which jamf)\ $jamfBin recon > /tmp/recon.txt 2>&1 &")

do shell script ("\ /usr/sbin/scutil --set ComputerName \"" & newName & "\"\ /usr/sbin/scutil --set LocalHostName \"" & newName & "\"\ /usr/sbin/scutil --set HostName \"" & newName & "\"\ \ /usr/local/bin/jamf recon > /tmp/recon.txt 2>&1 &") with administrator privileges spinner's startAnimation_(me)

Current Code:

Updated Code:

Let’s build the application and launch it from the Finder.

Minor adjustments to the application window.

One more time, build the application. How does it look? Can we resize the window?

Thank you!(again)