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Brigitte Bardot

This article is about the French actress and animal rightsactivist. For the Sea Shepherd Conservation Societyvessel named after her, see MV Brigitte Bardot.

Brigitte Anne-Marie Bardot[1][2] (French: [bʁiʒitbaʁˈdo]; born 28 September 1934) is a French formeractress, singer and fashion model, who later became ananimal rights activist. She was one of the best knownsex symbols of the 1950s and 1960s and was widely re-ferred to by her initials.[3] Starting in 1969, Bardot be-came the official face of Marianne (who had previouslybeen anonymous) to represent the liberty of France.[4]

Bardot was an aspiring ballerina in early life. She startedher acting career in 1952 and after appearing in 16 rou-tine comedy films, with limited international release, be-came world-famous in 1957, with the controversial filmAnd God Created Woman. She later starred in Jean-LucGodard's 1963 film Le Mépris. For her role in LouisMalle's 1965 film Viva Maria! Bardot was nominatedfor a BAFTA Award for Best Foreign Actress. Bardotcaught the attention of French intellectuals. She was thesubject of Simone de Beauvoir's 1959 essay, The LolitaSyndrome, which described Bardot as a “locomotive ofwomen’s history” and built upon existentialist themes todeclare her the first and most liberated woman of post-war France.[5]

Bardot retired from the entertainment industry in 1973.During her career in show business, she starred in 47films, performed in several musical shows and recordedover 60 songs. She was awarded the Legion of Honourin 1985 but refused to receive it.[6] After her retirement,she established herself as an animal rights activist. Dur-ing the 1990s, she generated controversy by criticizingimmigration and Islam in France and has been fined fivetimes for inciting racial hatred.[7][8]

1 Early life

Bardot was born in Paris, the daughter of Louis Bardot(1896–1975) and Anne-Marie “Toty” Bardot (née Mu-cel; 1912–1978). Louis had an engineering degree andworked with his father, Charles Bardot, in the familybusiness. Louis and Anne-Marie married in 1933. Bar-dot grew up in an upper middle-class Roman Catholicobservant home.[9] When she was seven she was admit-ted to the Cours Hattemer, a private school. She wentto school three days a week, and otherwise studied at

home. This gave time for lessons at Madame Bourget’sdance studio three days a week.[10] Brigitte’s mother alsoenrolled Brigitte’s younger sister, Marie-Jeanne (born 5May 1938), in dance. Marie-Jeanne eventually gave updancing lessons and did not tell her mother, whereasBrigitte concentrated on ballet. In 1947, Bardot was ac-cepted to the Conservatoire de Paris. For three years sheattended ballet classes by Russian choreographer BorisKnyazev. One of her classmates was Leslie Caron. Theother ballerinas nicknamed Bardot “Bichette” (“LittleDoe”).[11]

At the invitation of an acquaintance of her mother, shemodelled in a fashion show in 1949. In the same year,she modelled for a fashion magazine "Jardin des Modes"managed by journalist Hélène Lazareff. Aged 15, she ap-peared on an 8 March 1950 cover of Elle[12] and wasnoticed by a young film director, Roger Vadim, whilebabysitting. He showed an issue of the magazine to direc-tor and screenwriter Marc Allégret, who offered Bardotthe opportunity to audition for Les lauriers sont coupés.Although Bardot got the role, the film was cancelled butmade her consider becoming an actress. Her acquain-tance with Vadim, who attended the audition, influencedher further life and career.[13][14]

2 Career

Although the European film industry was then in its as-cendancy, Bardot was one of the few European actressesto have the mass media’s attention in the United States,an interest which she did not reciprocate. She debutedin a 1952 comedy film, Le Trou Normand (English title:Crazy for Love). From 1952 to 1956, she appeared in sev-enteen films; in 1953 she played a role in Jean Anouilh'sstageplay L'Invitation au Château (Invitation to the Cas-tle). She received media attention when she attended theCannes Film Festival in April 1953.[14]

Her films of the early and mid 1950s were generallylightweight romantic dramas, some historical, in whichshe was cast as ingénue or siren, often appearing nude ornearly so. She played bit parts in three English-languagefilms, the British comedy Doctor at Sea (1955) with DirkBogarde, Helen of Troy (1954), in which she was under-study for the title role but appears only as Helen’s hand-maid and Act of Love (1954) with Kirk Douglas. HerFrench-language films were dubbed for international re-lease. Roger Vadim (her husband) was not content withthis light fare. TheNewWave of French and Italian art di-



Brigitte Bardot and the young Billy Mumy inDear Brigitte, 1965.

rectors and their stars were riding high internationally andhe felt Bardot was being undersold. Looking for some-thing more like an art film to push her as a serious actress,he showcased her in And God Created Woman (1956)opposite Jean-Louis Trintignant. The film, about an im-moral teenager in a respectable small-town setting, wasa huge success and turned Bardot into an internationalstar.[14]

During her early career, professional photographer SamLévin’s photos contributed to her image of Bardot’s sen-suality. One showed Bardot from behind, dressed in awhite corset. British photographer Cornel Lucas madeimages of Bardot in the 1950s and 1960s, that have be-come representative of her public persona.She divorced Vadim in 1957. In 1959, she married actorJacques Charrier, with whom she starred in Babette Goesto War. The press took great interest in her marriage,while she and her husband clashed over the direction ofher career. Bardot’s only child, Nicolas-Jacques Charrier,was a product of her marriage to Jacques Charrier.Bardot was awarded a David di Donatello Award for BestForeign actress for her role in A Very Private Affair (Vieprivée, 1962), directed by Louis Malle.[15]

In May 1958, Bardot withdrew to the seclusion ofSouthern France, where she had bought the house LaMadrague in Saint-Tropez. In 1963, she starred inJean-Luc Godard's film Le Mépris. Bardot was fea-tured in many other films along with notable actors suchas Alain Delon (Famous Love Affairs; Spirits of theDead); Jean Gabin (In Case of Adversity); Sean Con-

Bardot in 1968.

nery (Shalako); Jean Marais (Royal Affairs in Versailles;School for Love); Lino Ventura (Rum Runners); AnnieGirardot (The Novices); Claudia Cardinale (The Legendof Frenchie King); Jeanne Moreau (Viva Maria!); JaneBirkin (Don Juan, or If Don Juan Were a Woman). Hercareer had traversed epochs where it was possible to say,“In the Sixties and early Seventies, there was no betterknown - or more scandalous - movie star on earth. —Not since the death of Valentino had a star aroused suchinsane devotion in their fans.”[16] In 1973, Bardot an-nounced she was retiring from acting as “a way to getout elegantly”.[17] A decade later she was diagnosed withbreast cancer, which she survived.[18][19]

She participated in several musical shows and recordedmany popular songs in the 1960s and 1970s, mostlyin collaboration with Serge Gainsbourg, Bob Zaguryand Sacha Distel, including “Harley Davidson"; “Je MeDonne À Qui Me Plaît"; “Bubble gum"; “Contact"; “JeReviendrai Toujours Vers Toi"; “L'Appareil À Sous";“La Madrague"; “On Déménage"; “Sidonie"; “Tu Veux,Ou Tu Veux Pas?"; “Le Soleil De Ma Vie” (the coverof Stevie Wonder's "You Are the Sunshine of My Life");and the notorious “Je t'aime... moi non-plus”. Bardotpleaded with Gainsbourg not to release this duet and hecomplied with her wishes; the following year, he rere-corded a version with British-born model and actress JaneBirkin that became a massive hit all over Europe. Theversion with Bardot was issued in 1986 and became apopular download hit in 2006 when Universal Recordsmade its back catalogue available to purchase online, with

3.1 Animal welfare activism 3

this version of the song ranking as the third most populardownload.[20]

3 Personal life

On 21 December 1952, aged 18, Bardot married directorRoger Vadim, seven years her senior. To receive permis-sion from Bardot’s parents to marry her, Vadim, origi-nally a Russian Orthodox Christian, was urged to convertto Catholicism, although it is not clear if he ever did so.They divorced five years later, but remained friends andcollaborated in later work.

Bardot and Sami Frey in St. Tropez, 1963

Bardot had an affair with her And God Created Womanco-star Jean-Louis Trintignant (married at the timeto actress Stéphane Audran) before her divorce fromVadim.[13][14] The two lived together for about two years.Their relationship was complicated by Trintignant’s fre-quent absence due to military service and Bardot’s af-fair with musician Gilbert Bécaud, and they eventuallyseparated.[13]

In early 1958, Bardot recovered from a reported ner-vous breakdown in Italy, according to newspaper reports.A suicide attempt with sleeping pills two days earlierwas also noted, but was denied by her public relationsmanager.[21]

On 18 June 1959, she married actor Jacques Charrier,by whom she had her only child, a son, Nicolas-JacquesCharrier (born 11 January 1960). After she and Char-

rier divorced in 1962, Nicolas was raised in the Charrierfamily and did not maintain close contact with Bardot un-til his adulthood.[13]

Bardot’s third marriage was to German millionaire play-boy Gunter Sachs from 14 July 1966 to 1 October1969.[13][14] In the 1970s, Bardot lived with sculptorMiroslav Brozek and posed for some of his sculptures. In1974, Bardot appeared in a nude photo shoot in Playboymagazine, which celebrated her 40th birthday.

Brigitte Bardot in a scene of A very Private Affair, 1961.

Bardot’s fourth and current husband is Bernard d'Ormale,former adviser of Jean-Marie Le Pen, former leader ofthe far right party Front National; they have been marriedsince 16 August 1992.[22]

3.1 Animal welfare activism

In 1973, before her 39th birthday, Bardot announced herretirement. After appearing in more than forty motionpictures and recording several music albums, most no-tably with Serge Gainsbourg, she chose to use her fameto promote animal rights.In 1986, she established the Brigitte Bardot Foundationfor the Welfare and Protection of Animals.[23] She be-came a vegetarian[24] and raised three million francs tofund the foundation by auctioning off jewellery and per-sonal belongings.[23]

She is a strong animal rights activist and amajor opponentof the consumption of horse meat. In support of animalprotection, she condemned seal hunting in Canada duringa visit to that country with Paul Watson of the Sea Shep-


herd Conservation Society.[25] On 25 May 2011 the SeaShepherd Conservation Society renamed its fast intercep-tor vessel, MV Gojira, as MV Brigitte Bardot in appreci-ation of her support.[26]

She once had a neighbour’s donkey castrated while look-ing after it, on the grounds of its “sexual harassment” ofher own donkey and mare, for which she was taken tocourt by the donkey’s owner in 1989.[27][28] Bardot wrotea 1999 letter to Chinese President Jiang Zemin, publishedin French magazine VSD, in which she accused the Chi-nese of “torturing bears and killing the world’s last tigersand rhinos to make aphrodisiacs".She has donated more than $140,000 over two years fora mass sterilization and adoption program for Bucharest'sstray dogs, estimated to number 300,000.[29]

In August 2010, Bardot addressed a letter to the Queenof Denmark, Margrethe II of Denmark, appealing for thesovereign to halt the killing of dolphins in the Faroe Is-lands. In the letter, Bardot describes the activity as a“macabre spectacle” that “is a shame for Denmark and theFaroe Islands ... This is not a hunt but a mass slaughter outmoded tradition that has no acceptable justificationin today’s world”.[30]

On 22 April 2011, French culture minister Frédéric Mit-terrand officially included bullfighting in the country’scultural heritage. Bardot wrote him a highly critical letterof protest.[31]

From 2013 onwards the Brigitte Bardot Foundation incollaboration with Kagyupa International Monlam Trustof India has operated annual Veterinary Care Camp. Shehas committed to the cause of animal welfare in Bod-hgaya year after year.[32]

4 Politics and legal issues

Bardot expressed support for President Charles de Gaullein the 1960s.[13][33] Her husband Bernard d'Ormale is aformer adviser of the Front National, the main far rightparty in France, known for its nationalist and conservativebeliefs.[5][14][33]

In her 1999 book Le Carré de Pluton ("Pluto’s Square"),Bardot criticizes the procedure used in the ritual slaugh-ter of sheep during the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha.Additionally, in a section in the book entitled, “Open Let-ter to My Lost France”, Bardot writes that “my coun-try, France, my homeland, my land is again invaded byan overpopulation of foreigners, especially Muslims”. Forthis comment, a French court fined her 30,000 francs inJune 2000. She had been fined in 1997 for the originalpublication of this open letter in Le Figaro and again in1998 for making similar remarks.[34][35][36]

In her 2003 book, Un cri dans le silence ("A Scream in theSilence"), she warned of an "Islamicization of France”,and said of Muslim immigration:

Brigitte Bardot in Nice in 2002.

Over the last twenty years, we have givenin to a subterranean, dangerous, and uncon-trolled infiltration, which not only resists adjust-ing to our laws and customs but which will, asthe years pass, attempt to impose its own.[37]

In the book, she contrasted her close gay friends with to-day’s homosexuals, who “jiggle their bottoms, put theirlittle fingers in the air and with their little castrato voicesmoan about what those ghastly heteros put them through”and that some contemporary homosexuals behave like“fairground freaks”.[38] In her own defence, Bardot wrotein a letter to a French gay magazine: “Apart frommy hus-band — who maybe will cross over one day as well — Iam entirely surrounded by homos. For years, they havebeen my support, my friends, my adopted children, myconfidants.”[39]

In her book she wrote about issues such as racial mix-ing, immigration, the role of women in politics and Is-lam. The book also contained a section attacking whatshe called the mixing of genes and praised previous gen-erations who, she said, had given their lives to push outinvaders.[40]

On 10 June 2004, Bardot was convicted for a fourth timeby a French court for “inciting racial hatred” and fined€5,000.[41] Bardot denied the racial hatred charge andapologized in court, saying: “I never knowingly wantedto hurt anybody. It is not in my character.”[42]

In 2008, Bardot was convicted of inciting racial/religioushatred in relation to a letter she wrote, a copy of whichshe sent to Nicolas Sarkozy when he was Interior Minis-ter of France. The letter stated her objections to Mus-lims in France ritually slaughtering sheep by slitting theirthroats without anesthetizing them first. She also said, inreference to Muslims, that she was “fed up with beingunder the thumb of this population which is destroyingus, destroying our country and imposing its habits”. Thetrial[43] concluded on 3 June 2008, with a conviction andfine of €15,000, the largest of her fines to date. The pros-ecutor stated that she was tired of charging Bardot withoffences related to racial hatred.[7]

During the 2008 United States presidential election, she


branded the Republican Party vice-presidential candidateSarah Palin as “stupid” and a “disgrace to women”. Shecriticized the former governor of Alaska for her stance onglobal warming and gun control. She was also offendedby Palin’s support for Arctic oil exploration and for herlack of consideration in protecting polar bears.[44]

On 13 August 2010, Bardot lashed out at director KyleNewman regarding his plan to make a biographical filmon her life. She told him, “Wait until I'm dead beforeyou make a movie about my life!" otherwise “sparks willfly”.[45]

5 Influence in pop culture

Statue of Brigitte Bardot in Buzios, Brazil

In fashion, the Bardot neckline (a wide open neck thatexposes both shoulders) is named after her. Bardot pop-ularized this style which is especially used for knittedsweaters or jumpers although it is also used for other topsand dresses. Bardot popularized the bikini in her earlyfilms such asManina (1952) (released in France asMan-ina, la fille sans voiles). The following year she was alsophotographed in a bikini on every beach in the south ofFrance during the Cannes Film Festival.[46] She gainedadditional attention when she filmed ...And God CreatedWoman (1956) with Jean-Louis Trintignant (released inFrance as Et Dieu Créa La Femme). Bardot portrayed animmoral teenager cavorting in a bikini who seduces men

in a respectable small-town setting. The filmwas an inter-national success.[14] The bikini was in the 1950s relativelywell accepted in France but was still considered risqué inthe United States. As late as 1959, Anne Cole, one ofthe United State’s largest swimsuit designers, said, “It’snothing more than a G-string. It’s at the razor’s edge ofdecency.”[47]

She also brought into fashion the choucroute(“Sauerkraut”) hairstyle (a sort of beehive hair style)and gingham clothes after wearing a checkered pinkdress, designed by Jacques Esterel, at her wedding toCharrier.[48] She was the subject for an Andy Warholpainting.

Bardot’s fashion in 1961.

In addition to popularizing the bikini swimming suit, Bar-dot has been credited with popularizing the city of St.Tropez and the town of Armação dos Búzios in Brazil,which she visited in 1964 with her boyfriend at the time,Brazilian musician Bob Zagury. The place where shestayed in Búzios is today a small hotel, Pousada do Sol,and also a French restaurant, Cigalon.[49]

A statue by Christina Motta[50] honours Brigitte Bardotin Armação dos Búzios.Bardot was idolized by the young John Lennon and PaulMcCartney.[51][52] They made plans to shoot a film fea-turing The Beatles and Bardot, similar to A Hard Day’sNight, but the plans were never fulfilled.[14] Lennon’s firstwife Cynthia Powell lightened her hair color to moreclosely resemble Bardot, while George Harrison madecomparisons between Bardot and his first wife Pattie


Boyd, as Cynthia wrote later in A Twist of Lennon.Lennon and Bardot met in person once, in 1968 at theMayfair Hotel, introduced by Beatles press agent DerekTaylor; a nervous Lennon took LSD before arriving, andneither star impressed the other. (Lennon recalled in amemoir, “I was on acid, and she was on her way out.”)[53]According to the liner notes of his first (self-titled) al-bum, musician Bob Dylan dedicated the first song he everwrote to Bardot. He also mentioned her by name in “IShall Be Free”, which appeared on his second album, TheFreewheelin' Bob Dylan. The first-ever official exhibitionspotlighting Bardot’s influence and legacy opened in Parison 29 September 2009 – a day after her 75th birthday.[54]

A type of Czechoslovak diesel-electric locomotives(Classes 751 and 749) manufactured in the 1960s/70swas nicknamed “Bardotka”, reportedly because of thefact that the locomotive has a distinctively shaped front,resembling a woman’s bosom.

6 Filmography

7 Discography

Bardot released several albums and singles during the1960s and 1970s[55]

• “Sidonie” (1961, Barclay), lyrics by Charles Cros,music by Jean-MaxRivière andYanis Spanos, guitarby Brigitte – first song, from the film Vie privée

• Brigitte Bardot Sings (1963, Philips) – collaborationsby Serge Gainsbourg (“L'Appareil à sous”, “Je medonne à qui me plaît”), Jean-Max Rivière as writer("La Madrague") and singer (“Tiens ! C'est toi!"),Claude Bolling and Gérard Bourgeois

• B.B. (1964, Philips) with Claude Bolling, AlainGoraguer, Gérard Bourgeois

• “Ah ! Les p'tites femmes de Paris”, duet with JeanneMoreau in Viva Maria (1965, Philips), directed byGeorges Delerue

• Brigitte Bardot Show 67 (1967, Mercury) with SergeGainsbourg (writes “Harley Davidson”, “ComicStrip”, “Contact” and "Bonnie and Clyde"), SachaDistel, Manitas de Plata, Claude Brasseur and DavidBailey

• "Je t'aime... moi non plus", duet with Serge Gains-bourg (1967, published by Philips in 1986)

• Brigitte Bardot Show (1968, Mercury), themes byFrancis Lai

• [Burlington Cameo Brings You] Special Bardot(1968. RCA) with “The Good Life” by Sacha Disteland “Comic Strip (with Gainsbourg) in English

• Single Duet with Serge Gainsbourg “Bonnie andClyde” (Fontana)

• “La Fille de paille"/"Je voudrais perdre la mémoire”(1969, Philips), collaboration with Gérard Lenor-man

• Tu veux ou tu veux pas (1970, Barclay) with the hit“Tu veux ou tu veux pas” (the French version of theBrazilian “Nem Vem Que Não Tem”), directed byFrançois Bernheim; “John and Michael”, hymn tothe collective love; “Mon léopard et moi”, a collab-oration with Darry Cowl, and “Depuis que tu m'asquitté"

• “Nue au soleil"/"C'est une bossa nova” (1970, Bar-clay)

• “Chacun son homme”, duet with Annie Girardot inLes Novices (1970, Barclay)

• “Boulevard du rhum” and “Plaisir d'amour”, duetwith Guy Marchand, in Boulevard du rhum (1971,Barclay)

• “Vous ma lady”, duet with Laurent Vergez, and “Tues venu mon amour” (1973, Barclay)

• “Le Soleil de ma vie”, duet with Sacha Distel

• “Toutes les bêtes sont à aimer” (1982, Polydor)

8 Books

Bardot has also written five books:

• Noonoah: Le petit phoque blanc (Grasset, 1978)

• Initales B.B. (autobiography, Grasset & Fasquelle,1996)

• Le Carré de Pluton (Grasset & Fasquelle, 1999)

• Un Cri Dans Le Silence (Editions Du Rocher, 2003)

• Pourquoi? (Editions Du Rocher, 2006)

9 References[1] “Films and Music by Brigitte Bardot”. Rate Your Music.

Retrieved 13 March 2010.

[2] “Daily Celebrations ~ Brigitte Bardot, Cat Transformed” Retrieved 13 March 2010.

[3] Institut Francais Royaume-Uni, And Bardot Became BB

[4] Anne-Marie Sohn (teacher at the ENS-Lyon), Marianneou l'histoire de l'idée républicaine aux XIXe et XXe siè-cles à la lumière de ses représentations (résumé ofMauriceAgulhon’s three books,Marianne au combat,Marianne aupouvoir and Les métamorphoses de Marianne) (French)


[5] Happy birthday, Brigitte Bardot, The Guardian. 22September 2009.

[6] “The Big Question: How does the French honours sys-tem work, and why has Kylie been decorated?",, 8 May 2008.

[7] “Bardot fine for stoking race hate”. London, UK: BBCNews. 3 June 2008. Retrieved 3 June 2008.

[8] “Bardot fined for racist remarks”. London, UK: BBCNews. 16 June 2000. Retrieved 4 June 2008.

[9] Shanley, Valerie (27 September 2009). “Profile: BrigitteBardot – And God created Bardot”. Sunday Tribune. Re-trieved 19 September 2010.

[10] Singer, Barnett (2006-07-06). Brigitte Bardot: A Biogra-phy. McFarland. pp. 10–11. ISBN 978-0-7864-8426-3.Retrieved 2015-07-01.

[11] Caron, Leslie. Thank Heaven, Plume Publishing (2009)

[12] “Brigitte Bardot Biography”. The Biography Channel.Retrieved 13 March 2010.

[13] Bardot, Brigitte (1996). Initiales B.B. Grasset &Fasquelle. ISBN 2-246-52601-9.

[14] Robinson, Jeffrey (1994). Bardot — Two Lives (FirstBritish ed.). Simon & Schuster (London). ASIN:B000KK1LBM.

[15] Awards for Brigitte Bardot info,; retrieved 21August 2010

[16] Brigitte Bardot celebrates her 75th birthday,; accessed 4 August 2015.

[17] “Brigitte Bardot Gives Up Films at Age of 39”. TheModesto Bee (Modesto, California). UPI. 7 June 1973.p. A-8. Retrieved 17 August 2010.

[18] Famous breast cancer survivors,; accessed 4 August 2015.

[19] Famous proof that breast cancer is survivable,; accessed 4 August 2015.

[20] “Bardot revived as download star”. BBC News. 17 Octo-ber 2006. Retrieved 3 August 2010.

[21] “LA times 1958”. The Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 21August 2010.

[22] “Gunter Sachs”. The Daily Telegraph (London). 9 May2011.

[23] “Brigitte Bardot foundation for the welfare and protectionof animals”. Retrieved 21 Au-gust 2010.

[24] Follain, John (9 April 2006) Brigitte Bardot profile, TheTimes Online: Life & Style; retrieved 2 April 2009.

[25] “Hardline warrior in war to save the whale”. The NewZealand Herald. 11 January 2010. Retrieved 22 Septem-ber 2011.

[26] “Sea Shepherd Conservation Society”. May 2011. Retrieved 25 December 2012.

[27] “PHOTOICON ONLINE FEATURES: Andy Martin:Brigitte Bardot”. Retrieved 13 March2010.

[28] “Mr Pop History”. Mr Pop History. Retrieved 13 March2010.

[29] “Bardot 'saves’ Bucharest’s dogs”. BBC News. 2 March2001. Retrieved 13 March 2010.

[30] Brigitte Bardot pleads to Denmark in dolphin 'slaughter',AFP, 19 August 2010.

[31] Victoria Ward, Devorah Lauter (4 January 2013).“Brigitte Bardot’s sick elephants add to circus over Frenchwealth tax protests”,; accessed 4 August2015.

[32] Bardot commits to animal welfare in Bodhgaya,; accessed 4 August 2015.

[33] “Drinking champagne with: Brigitte Bardot; And GodCreated An Animal Lover By Alan Riding, published: 30March 1994”. The New York Times. 14 January 2008.Retrieved 14 January 2008.

[34] “Bardot fined for racist remarks”. London: BBC News.16 June 2000. Retrieved 13 March 2010.

[35] “BBC News Bardot racism conviction upheld”. London:BBC News. 11 May 2001. Retrieved 17 January 2008.

[36] “Bardot anti-Muslim comments draw fire”. London: BBCNews. 14 May 2003. Retrieved 17 January 2008.

[37] “Brigitte Bardot’s Cry in the Silence”. By David Orland.2 September 2003. Retrieved 14 January 2008.

[38] Webster, Paul; Hearst, David (5 May 2003). “Anti-gay,anti-Islam Bardot to be sued”. The Guardian (UK). Re-trieved 3 October 2009.

[39] “Brigitte a Political Animal by David Usborne”. The In-dependent. 24 March 2006. Archived from the originalon 24 April 2008. Retrieved 9 January 2008.

[40] “Bardot fined for 'race hate' book”. BBC News. 10 June2004. Retrieved 3 June 2008.

[41] Larent, Shermy (12 May 2003). “Brigitte Bardot un-leashes colourful diatribe against Muslims and modernFrance”. Indybay. Retrieved 13 March 2010.

[42] “Bardot denies 'race hate' charge”. BBC News. 7 May2003. Retrieved 17 January 2008.

[43] “Brigitte Bardot: Heroine of Free Speech”. Retrieved 13 March 2010.

[44] “Brigitte Bardot calls Sarah Palin a 'disgrace to women'"The Telegraph, 8 October 2008.

[45] “Brigitte Bardot: ‘Wait Until I'M Dead Before You MakeBiopic’". Showbiz Spy. 14 August 2010. Retrieved 21August 2010.


[46] “Bikinis: a brief history”. Telegraph. Retrieved 20 Au-gust 2013.

[47] Johnson, William Oscar (7 February 1989). “In TheSwim”. Sports Illustrated. Archived from the original on2013-10-02. Retrieved 18 August 2013.

[48] “Style Icon: Brigitte Bardot”. Re-trieved 13 March 2010.

[49] “”. Retrieved27 December 2012.

[50] “”. Retrieved 13March 2010.

[51] Miles, Barry (1998). Many Years From Now. Vintage–Random House. ISBN 0-7493-8658-4. pg. 69

[52] Spitz, Bob (2005). The Beatles: The Biography. Little,Brown and Company (New York). ISBN 171

[53] Lennon, John (1986). Skywriting by Word of Mouth.Harper Collins. ISBN 0-06-015656-2. pg. 24

[54] Brigitte Bardot at 75: the exhibition,, September 2009; accessed 4 August 2015.

[55] “Brigitte Bardot discography”. allmusic. Retrieved 21August 2010.

10 Literature• Brigitte Tast, Hans-Jürgen Tast (Hrsg.) Brigitte Bar-

dot. Filme 1953–1961. Anfänge des Mythos B.B.(Hildesheim 1982) ISBN 3-88842-109-8.

• Singer, Barnett Brigitte Bardot: A Biography (Mc-Farland & Company, 2006) ISBN 0-7864-2515-6,ISBN 978-0-7864-2515-0

11 External links• Brigitte Bardot Foundation for the welfare and pro-tection of animals

• Brigitte Bardot at the Internet Movie Database

• Brigitte Bardot at the TCM Movie Database

• Brigitte Bardot at AllMovie


12 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

12.1 Text• Brigitte Bardot Source: Contributors: Kpjas, Tarquin, Koyaanis Qatsi,

Danny, Vaganyik, Unukorno, Deb, Ortolan88, Zoe, Olivier, Ericd, Stevertigo, Frecklefoot, Jtdirl, Jahsonic, Gabbe, Sannse, Minesweeper,Tregoweth, NuclearWinner, Stw, Ijon, Александър, GCarty, HolIgor, RodC, Jihg, Dcoetzee, Wik, Tpbradbury, Maximus Rex, Nv8200pa,VeryVerily, David.Monniaux, Dimadick, MK~enwiki, Gentgeen, Marleau, Palnu, Altenmann, Postdlf, Meelar, Caknuck, Catbar, Hadal,Xyzzyva, Matt Gies, Smjg, DocWatson42, Rossrs, Mintleaf~enwiki, Philwelch, Everyking, Ezhiki, Bobblewik, Btphelps, Quadell, Minem-inemine, MisfitToys, Kevin B12, DMM9999, Sam Hocevar, Klemen Kocjancic, Kasreyn, Mike Rosoft, D6, Freakofnurture, Econrad, Dis-cospinster, Rich Farmbrough, Zoso Jade, Cnwb, FiP, EliasAlucard, Bender235, RJHall, Kwamikagami, Vanished user kjij32ro9j4tkse, ArtLaPella, Orlady, Migozared, Pablo X, TMC1982, Smalljim, Irrawaddy, HasharBot~enwiki, Jumbuck, Hektor, Cammoore, A.M.~enwiki,SlimVirgin, DreamGuy, Knowledge Seeker, Docboat, Grenavitar, Jg325, Embryomystic, Dismas, Angr, Woohookitty, Morning star, Ro-castelo, BillC, Benbest, Pol098, SP-KP, Trödel, Kelisi, Isnow, Hovea, Volatile, Mandarax, Graham87, Kbdank71, Ted Wilkes, Taber-cil, Rjwilmsi, ErikJanVens, Nightscream, Robotwisdom, OneWeirdDude, Himasaram, XLerate, Tomtheman5, The wub, Cfortunato,FlaBot, Hazey Jane, Who, Bcsurvivor, Leslie Mateus, Phatcat68, BMF81, Chobot, Jared Preston, Bgwhite, Dj Capricorn, EamonnPKeane,YurikBot, Sceptre, FrenchIsAwesome, Gaius Cornelius, ENeville, Irk, Msoos, Aeusoes1, Astorknlam, ExRat, 7121989, Jpbowen, Py-roclastic, Zwobot, Lockesdonkey, BOT-Superzerocool, BraneJ, Black Falcon, TransUtopian, Fallout boy, Cursive, Calaschysm, Asnatuwiki, Outsidethewall, Saranghae honey, Arthur Rubin,, Kyla, Lil Flip246, Silverhelm, VodkaJazz, T. Anthony,Pred, Garion96, RunOrDie, NeilN, John Broughton, Gaudio, Vulturell, BomBom, CarmelitaCharm, SmackBot, ShadowRanger, McGed-don, D C McJonathan, Kerryseed, AtilimGunesBaydin, Arniep, Ck4829, PeeJay2K3, Rune X2, Hmains, The Gnome, Kitrus, Izehar,Pecher, Persian Poet Gal, MK8, MalafayaBot, DHN-bot~enwiki, Zephyrad, Narco, Daddy Kindsoul, Mike hayes, Shalom Yechiel, Cobain,AussieLegend, Sumahoy, Pushit, Fuhghettaboutit, Nakon, Caniago, Jiddisch~enwiki, JJstroker, MichaelBillington, KoopaTroopa, RolandR,BullRangifer, Adrigon, Wybot, Salamurai, Tuning Spork, Andrew Dalby, Ohconfucius, Tweety21, SashatoBot, Ser Amantio di Nicolao,BrownHairedGirl, T-dot, Kuru, John, Mathiasrex, Tazmaniacs, Willy99, Kipala, Gobonobo, Surfsupusa, MonsieurET, BillFlis, Timmeh,Grandpafootsoldier, Jstupple7, Jkaharper, Vincent Simar, Hu12, Keith-264, Iridescent, WillyK99, Clarityfiend, Twas Now, Pimlottc, Lui-gibob, Charleenmerced, Malickfan86, JForget, RCS, Makeemlighter, Jerry Jones, Rwflammang, Drinibot, MrFizyx, Logical2u, Location,Chicheley, JettaMann, Themightyquill, Cydebot, Treybien, Younsmere, Dadofsam, Mato, Vanished user vjhsduheuiui4t5hjri, Otto4711,Jeremy68, Lugnuts, Ss112, B, DumbBOT, Woland37, Algabal, The Honorable, Moviefan~enwiki, Mtijn, RandomOrca2, Thijs!bot,Epbr123, Politicallyincorrectliberal, Akuru, Miss Dark, StarGeek, Jtres21, Chrism583, Eastmain, CharlotteWebb, MachoCarioca, RobotG,WinBot, Dr. Blofeld, DarkAudit, Nemobius, Tjmayerinsf, Killbill74, Glennwells, Donwithnoname, Pemilligan, Ingolfson, Bigjimr, JAnD-bot, Deflective, MER-C, Sitethief, Luv2Edit, Wildhartlivie, Magioladitis, ZPM, No substitute for you, Hullaballoo Wolfowitz, Mbc362,GlynJames7, Singularity, J.B., Not a dog, Animum, EagleFan, Paris By Night, SlamDiego, Chris G, Philg88, Lu33, Seba5618, Mart-inBot, EyeSerene, BetBot~enwiki, Icenine378, CommonsDelinker, Johnpacklambert, KTo288, Nono64, Zurhale, JBC3, BigrTex, Mer-curyBlue, Ginsengbomb, Russell McBride, Acalamari, Jamesmcardle, McSly, L'Aquatique, Stymphal, Vanished user 39948282, Simy-nazareth, Paularblaster, Jvcdude, Ad43, Inwind, CA387, Bwalshjr, Idioma-bot, Peterengels, Deor, VolkovBot, Jmrowland, Wcrosbie,Teatreez, Diesel1718, TXiKiBoT, Hawkeye tibor, Oshwah, Art PR, Tovojolo, Zrb, Planetary Chaos, ElinorD, CoJaBo, BlueLint, Ay-matth2, Lambdoid, Steven J. Anderson, Wordsmith, Broadbot, James Blond, Raymondwinn, Katimawan2005, Billinghurst, Darlingbella18,Cantiorix, PeterHuntington, Ana570, Synthebot, Townlake, Oldwes, EmxBot, SieBot, Tomasboij, Portalian, WereSpielChequers, Lemon-flash, Gerakibot, Viskonsas, Aurorainthesky, Inglis, Wedg~enwiki, Monegasque, Yerpo, Dhb101, Aspects, RWMarloe, Ufinne, Tombomp,Svengali46, Emperor Kahless II, BenoniBot~enwiki, Coppertop Guy, OKBot, Videmus Omnia, A21sauce, Tkreuz, Feecher, PuercoPop,Martarius, Captain-Scooby-Doo, ClueBot, Trojancowboy, Dashanna, Ndgp, GorillaWarfare, Timeineurope, Askedoffer, Wikievil666, TheThing That Should Not Be, All Hallow’s Wraith, Newzild, Dedachan, Plastikspork, Enthusiast01, Lane, Savacek, Paul Abrahams, Dr-mies, Soulsonic Bambaataa, Joao Xavier, Ewin, Boing! said Zebedee, The great albean, Eversman, Paul5121, Les woodland, DragonBot,Jeanenawhitney, Nymf, Asmaybe, Retne, Jotterbot, IamNotU, Gennarous, Light show, RenamedUser jaskldjslak901, Sandri, Thingg,Lord Cornwallis, Qu1et, Papa’sHeir, Teleomatic, V i P, Egmontaz, Betty kerner, DumZiBoT, Olybrius, LHMike, Mcstoopid8, Gor-donUS,MaxPride, Werdnawerdna, Rror, Dthomsen8, Doc9871, Stooge1970, Subversive.sound, MystBot, Addbot, Dan56, Nottooangelic1,Jeanne boleyn, Ironholds, GD 6041, Leszek Jańczuk, Cst17, AndersBot, Favonian, Quiksilversurfteam1, LinkFA-Bot, Blaylockjam10,Catuskoti, 20yearoldboyfromNY, Tassedethe, Prowikia, Numbo3-bot, Anas1712, Lightbot, Алый Король, Gail, AussieLegend2, Her-culeBot, Legobot, Pointer1, Luckas-bot, Yobot, Cherylene, Themfromspace, Woutvisser, Arjoccolenty, AnomieBOT, DemocraticLuntz,Stormedelf, 1exec1, Jim1138, Redhed84, JackieBot, Rex Momo, Ulric1313, Faquinteros, Materialscientist, Citation bot, SpacerPower,Scandalist, Xqbot, Hohenzollern2, Betty Logan, J0D825, GrouchoBot, Jandkay, Dextrovix, Svengali48, RibotBOT, SassoBot, Pereantantiburchius, Rodrigogomesonetwo, GhalyBot, Nietzsche 2, Shadowjams, AlickaV, George Pelltier, Cgersten, Celuici, FrescoBot, Big-weeboy, Naitken74, Jun Nijo, Czlowiek Nietoperz, Grammarspellchecker, Rogriv, Degen Earthfast, DANE YOUSSEF, Tinton5, Oftess,Moonraker, RedBot, Thinking of England, Wikiain, B2project, CeeKatzRun, Na zdravy, Kgrad, Anthony Winward, Betty Kerner, An-tipastor, President Bosch, Updatehelper, RjwilmsiBot, COG-528, EmausBot, And we drown, Bunykises, Dewritech, GoingBatty, JoshRumage, Yinzland, Skyeerocketss, Jim Michael, Tommy2010, Pediacaps, John Cline, Bongoramsey, Alpha Quadrant, Esc2003, Betterart,H3llBot, Unreal7, SporkBot, L Kensington, Prikytera, Willthacheerleader18, Flight714, FurrySings, Towncrier77, BryanGatwood, Ebehn,Gunbirddriver, ClueBot NG, GroupieFoxe, Lauraburlington, CactusBot, NordhornerII, Justlettersandnumbers, Frietjes, Masssly, Help-ful Pixie Bot, Curb Chain, BG19bot, Manxwoman, Bradforce28, Metricopolus, Pinkmlover, Dutchy85, Observateurdelamode, Carlstak,NotWith, MisterMorton, Pedro gabriel viero, Jason from nyc, EricEnfermero, BattyBot, 99appleseed, Andomedium, Rí Lughaid, Mdann52,DemirBajraktarevic, Khazar2, Bromarcon, Marine LP, Dexbot, Hmainsbot1, Lugia2453, VIAFbot, Praticien, TOemBUZIOS, Existskiss,Robert4565, Joao viero, Laurencebeck, Trouveur de faits, Valetude, Antonyj0403, Xenxax, IPadPerson, Wikiuser2803, Filedelinkerbot,Doris Kami, TheQ Editor, Watcbru, 115ash, João Marcelo Fasbinder, UhfjdjJ, Gyhvhy, PedroCampoBom, PedroGabrielCB, KasparBot,MaxamillionSmart and Anonymous: 577

12.2 Images• File:Bb_buzios.jpg Source:

License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Chistina Motta (São Paulo, 1944)• File:BrigitteBardot.jpg Source: License: CCBY-SA 3.0Con-

tributors: Own work Original artist: Cdrik b06


• File:Brigitte_Bardot.jpg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0Contributors: Own work Original artist: Michel Bernanau (grand père de Oolong06400 ref)

• File:Brigitte_Bardot_-_1965.jpg Source: License:Public domain Contributors: ebay Original artist: Movie studio

• File:Brigitte_Bardot_-_Sami_Frey_-_Saint-Tropez_-_1963.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Self-photographed Original artist:If you use this image outside of the Wikimedia projects, I would be happy to hear from you par courriel (<ahref='//' class='image' title='mail'><img alt='mail' src='' width='20' height='20'srcset=' 1.5x, 2x' data-file-width='128' data-file-height='128' /></a> royonx <a href='//' class='image'><imgalt='At char.svg' src='' width='12'height='12' srcset=' 1.5x, 2x' data-file-width='10' data-file-height='10' /></a> Thanks !

• File:Brigitte_Bardot_in_A_Very_Private_Affair,_1962..jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Originalartist: Unknown (Mondadori)

• File:Brigitte_Bardot_in_Spoleto,_Italy_on_August_11,_1961..png Source: License: Public domain Contributors: artist: Photo by Pierluigi Praturlon\Reporters Associati & Archivi\Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images

• File:Commons-logo.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Originalartist: ?

• File:Paw_(Animal_Rights_symbol).svg Source: License: GFDL Contributors: Paw (Animal Rights symbol).png: <a href='//' class='image'><img alt='Paw (Animal Rights symbol).png' src=''width='64' height='61' srcset=' 1.5x, 2x' data-file-width='1256' data-file-height='1195' /></a>Original artist: Fred the Oyster

12.3 Content license• Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0