Brief History of the Archives


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Archives Evolution,a brief history

Class Outline

• Archives 1.0 – The Archives• Archives 2.0 – The Profession• Archives 3.0 – The Future

Ancient Archives to Archives 1.0

• Sumer • Egypt • Rome• Medieval to Modern Europe

Archives 1.0 to 2.0

• The establishment of the Archives• The establishment of the


“Archivists commit their time and their talents first to saving the permanently valuable records of individuals and groups, then to organizing those records in a systematic and coherent way, and finally (an most importantly) to making those records and the information they contain available to users.” - James O’Toole

Archives 2.0 – The Profession

• Degree (Bachelors and Masters)• Experience• Jack of All Trades

o Preservationo Educationo Outreacho Technologyo Authorshipo Grant Writingo Project Management

Archives 3.0 – The Future

• Evolution or Extinction?

n. ~ 1. An individual responsible for appraising, acquiring, arranging, describing, preserving, and providing access to records of enduring value, according to the principles of provenance, original order, and collective control to protect the materials’ authenticity and context. – 2. An individual with responsibility for management and oversight of an archival repository or of records of enduring value.

- Society of American Archivists
