


A 24+7-hour comic

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Matt Madden

Bridge, a 31-hour comic by Matt Madden, © 2013.

This comic was drawn at la maison des auteurs, mostly during their seventh annual 24-hour comic day, January 28-29 2013. A 24-hour comic is 24 pages written and drawn from scratch in 24 consecutive hours. I only got through 16 pages; I finished the remaining eight pages in seven hours on February 15.In addition to the time constraint, every year one artist is tasked with coming up with a starter constraint, announced only at the beginning of the 24 hours. This year I was invited to create the constraint. Here’s what I came up with:

Your story has to take place in the duration of 24 units of time: seconds, hours, days, years, etc. The time frame must be directly related to the story. Time must be distributed equally throughout the story. That is, if you are doing a 24-year story, each page takes place during one year. The story must be 24 pages long. The first page must contain a title and the 24th page should have “the end” at the bottom.

In order not to cheat myself, I invited the gathered artists to suggest a unit of time for me to use. Lewis Trondheim piped up: “decades.”
