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2 Dawson Road, Brentwood. 6153 Phone: 9364 2709 Email:

16th June 2020


Principal’s Message

Hello again and welcome to Week 8 Term 2. It seems like yesterday everything was uncertain and unsure and today it feels more normal with parents allowed back onsite and playgrounds finally opened. The wild weather last week was a little challenging but the sounds of laughter and joy from the students always make you smile. It was great to have our first open assembly with physical distancing practices in place. Thank you to Room 14 for the fabulous entertainment and for those who missed it, the virtual assembly is available with a link through Connect. A special shout out to all this week’s merit certificate recipient's. This week some of our stu-dent councillors have organised a “Wear your PJs to school day” with a gold coin donation, I look forward to the photos for our next newsletter. I am impressed with the leadership and enthusiasm of our student council and the purposeful way they consider their roles and responsibilities as student councillor. I am excited to

watch their leadership development throughout the year, especially post COVID 19 as more leadership opportunities will arise. As mentioned in previous posts, school reports will be distributed early Term 3, rather than Week 10 of this term. Teachers have contin-ued to focus on what matters in classes, learning, and where possible have had conversations with parents about student progress and identify any emerging concerns ahead of reporting being completed. As always, should you have any concerns, your child’s classroom teacher is the first point of contact. I want to thank all the families that listened to our requests to allow students to contin-ue with their independence by allowing them to enter school grounds from the gate. Their confidence and resilience is evident as a result. Finally, I mentioned at assembly the large amount of lost property that has accumulated at school, all without names. A reminder to please mark your child’s jumpers and hats as these are the most common items taken off and left on the oval or verandahs. As we count down until the school holidays, as always I thank the Brentwood Family for being diverse, supportive and

engaged. We are WA’s best kept secret.


Donna Bridge


Upcoming Events

Pyjama Day Thursday June 18th

Faction Cross Country Tuesday June 23rd

Assembly RM 1 Friday June 25th

Interschool Winter Sports Friday June 26th

Last day of term Friday July 3rd

First day term 3 Tuesday July 21st

Pre-Primary Lachie,Juaquin, Olli, Ava

Year 1 Rm 10 William, Amasha

Year 1 Rm 12 Japheth

Year 2 Rm 11 Matthew, Ben

Year 2 Rm 13 Aly, Andy

Year 3 Rm9 Carmen, Maverick

Year 3 Rm 4 Ethan, Cooper

Year 4/5 Rm 8 Quade

Year 4 Rm 14 Kefas, William

Year 5,6 Rm 3 Aiden

Year 6 Rm 1 Emma, Tristan

Japanese Alexander, Matilda

Sport Eamon, Tessa

English as an Additional Language or Dialect

Hello 你好 (néih hóu) Kumusta ਸਤ ਸਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ Hola


The EAL/ D Program at Brentwood Primary School, assists stu-

dents in accessing language across the curriculum while their

English (Standard Australian English) language skills develop.

EAL/D students may include: students who have recently arrived

in Australia with a home language other than English; students

who have been born in Australia but speak another language or

dialect at home; students who have been born in Australia but

have been educated in another language or country; students of

a refugee background; and students who speak English at home

but whose parents are using English as a second language occa-

sionally, also receive support through the program.

Our EAL/D Program is designed to support mainstream

education and to develop each student’s English language skills

by providing focused support.

These sessions of support may occur within the classroom

environment or through small group or individual withdrawal.

Through these sessions the EAL/D teacher aims to:

• support the Western Australian curriculum;

• promote oral language and phonemic awareness;

• improve writing and spelling skills;

• focus on enhancing reading and comprehension skills;

• provide focused support in the completion of specific class

tasks, e.g. preparing for an oral presentation.

Please feel free to discuss your child’s needs with the classroom

teacher, or visit me in the learning hub next to room 4 on a

Monday or Tuesday.

Moya Foxwell - EAL/D Support Teacher

Kindy and Pre-Primary Applications Close Friday 24 July 2020

You need to apply to enrol your children in public school for 2021 if

they are:

Starting Kindergarten – 4 years old by 30th June 2021

Starting Pre-primary, the first year of compulsory school – 5 years

old by 30 June 2021

Starting Year 7, the first year of secondary school

Changing schools

Applications for enrolment in a public schools for 2020 close on Friday

24 July 2020.

Application forms can be printed off the school web site https:// or you can contact the office by Email or phone 9364 2709 to arrange

pick up of an enrolment pack.

Virtue of the Fortnight –

Virtue of the Fortnight - EXCELLENCE

Excellence is doing your best in everything you do; in the tasks you complete and in the way you build relationships with people. It is a desire for perfection. Excellence is a key to success. People who don’t practice excellence just do

things half way.

You practice excellence when you:

Give your best to whatever you do

Give your best to others

Set realistic goals

Remember to plan and practice

Don’t try to do everything

Develop YOUR special gifts

My pledge: “I give my best to the work I do. I give my best to others. I dare to

set goals. I choose excellence in all things.”

School Dress Code

Congratulations to all students who make every effort to wear their

school uniform on a daily basis. With the colder weather it is noticeable

that some students are wearing jumpers and jackets that do not meet

the agreed Brentwood Dress Code.

If students do not have an embossed Brentwood jacket then blue must

be the base colour for non-Brentwood uniform items. White socks are

requested to be worn as per the Dress Code. Colourful and patterned

socks are unacceptable.

Semester 1 Student Reports

Parents are reminded that the Semester One student reports will be sent home on Wednesday 22nd July (Week One, Term 3). The information provided in the report provides a summary of your child’s achievement, effort and attitude. Reporting this year is different than previous years due to the impact of Covid-19 on teaching and learning programs. In some learning areas there will be no awarding of grades. The report is just one of a number of strategies used by the school to communicate with you about your child’s progress. Parents and Carers are asked to spend time with their children to discuss the report. We believe this to be a very valuable exercise and would encourage all parents to acknowledge the wonderful work completed by their children and

look at setting some goals for Semester Two.

Interschool Winter Sports vs Attadale PS

1-3pm Friday, 26th June (Week 9)

While our usual program of competing against five schools has been disrupted this year, it is pleasing to report that the Brent-wood AFL, Soccer A and B and Netball A, B and C teams will be competing against Attadale PS. Soccer A and Netball C will travel to Attadale, with all other teams playing at Brentwood. The school will be covering the cost of the bus fare. Matches will begin at approximately 1:25 and continue for 60 minutes. An information bulletin and permission signing form will arrive home

before the end of this week.

Faction Cross Country Championships

9am Tuesday, 23rd June (Week 9)

The children have been training hard over recent weeks. Year 4-6 competitors will run a distance of 1.6km twice around the campus and oval, with younger students and Years 1-3 complet-ing two full laps of the oval, 950m. The first event will start at 9:15am. Mr Lloyd and Mr Gibson will be conducting before school training for any child interested in increasing their training schedule. They will be on the oval, Tuesday , Wednesday and Friday from 8:25 to assist and supervise students running around the oval. Parents are welcome to join in if they’d like to test their

aerobic endurance and increase fitness.

Buddies year 6 and Pre Primary

Last week the Pre-primary and Year 6 students joined together for library time. The children introduced themselves to one another and became buddies. The Year 6 students read some stories to their Pre-primary buddy and explored the books and displays in the library. It was lovely to see the children sharing this time together.

We will definitely meet up for some Buddy reading again soon.

Donna Cappleman Early Childhood Teacher

Office Notice Board

Well done to Room 12


Brentwood Bites is back in business!

Lunch ordering: We strongly encourage you to please continue ordering lunches online via by 8am on day of lunch delivery. This minimiz-es the need for you to be on site and money handling in the canteen. The window will be open from 8.30am for children who need to order with cash. They will need to bring exact funds enclosed in a sealed envelope to drop in the box on the counter. We are not providing change, pens, lunch order bags and other communal items at the window. Please ensure you write on the front of your envelope and include:

Child’s name

Child’s room number

Lunch items and total cost/money enclosed

Lunches will be packed in individual, labelled bags and disposable single

use cutlery provided in each bag as required.

Recess and lunch sales: Children are encouraged to continue social distance when attending the Canteen. Markers will be placed on the ground to indicate areas to line up and how to use the space. We will provide sanitizer for children to use before they attend the counter and purchase food. As always, our coun-ters will be sanitized prior to and after service, we will use utensils and gloves to serve, and we will remind children to maintain safe practices. Best wishes, Amanda (0419 851 028) and


Thank you to our Cleaners

On Monday 15 June it was “International Cleaners Day” and the staff at Brentwood provided a morning tea to our wonderful cleaners, Marina, Daysi, Ali and Andrew (absent) to say A HUGE ‘THANKYOU’ for the wonderful work they do and the extra lengths they have gone to during the COVID-19 to ensure our school is clean and safe for our school environment. They are so truly appreciated for their efforts and we are grateful to have such a dedicated team at


School Banking temporarily paused.

The health, safety and wellbeing of our communities and our people is

our first priority. Due to the rapidly developing situation with coronavirus,

School Banking has been temporarily paused until furfur notice . We will

do our best to keep you informed as the situation progresses. Please

note, our team of School Banking Specialists are still available to support

you and your school via mobile and email.

Paula O'Brien (0414 778 432) and Helen Simi School Bank-

ing Coordinators

Uniform Shop - Open Wednesday , undercover area

If you require uniform items your options are:

Order online through the uniform section of our online canteen at sign up for canteen ordering and uniforms and we will deliver to your child's class

Fill in an order form and send to the school office and we will deliver to your child's class

Please remember that all returns and exchanges must be in a new, unworn condition with tags attached. Please be patient during the busy start of term as the uniform shop is run by volunteers of the P&C.
