Brendan O’Brien School Council President Ian Muir Dates to ... · 22 June 2016 Carranballac P-9...


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22 June 2016

Carranballac P-9 College 9395 3533

In our unique, innovative and growing community we develop a passion for life long learning

so that students achieve individual excellence and are confident, capable, respected citizens

of our local and global communities.

Statement of Purpose

Dates to Remember:

Student Absence: Please SMS student absences by 9.00 am to

0429 305 552

College Director Brendan O’Brien School Council President Ian Muir

Every minute


Monday 20 June-Friday 24 June Cultural Diversity Week

Wednesday 22 June Boardwalk Yr 3/4 C,J & L Heat & Energy Incursion

Thursday 23 Jun Boardwalk Yr 3/4 A & B Heat & Energy Incursion

Friday 24 June End of Term 2—2pm finish Saturday 2 July Election day BBQ

Monday 11 July Curriculum Day—Students do not attend

Tuesday 12 July Students resume Term 3

Thursday 21 July Student Learning Conferences 3.30 ti 7.00 pm

Parents & Friends Meeting

Friday 5 August School Disco at Boardwalk School Gym

Saturday 27 August P&F Trivia Night

D irector’s Report

Dear Parents and Carranballac Community Members

Welcome to our final newsletter for this term.

We are encouraging all families to register for our newsletter on line as we move into the paperless world of communica-tion. Currently we have a significant prize to be drawn for one lucky family who registers. Details are on the webpage.


Mrs Krajewski (Year 2 at Jamieson Way) is moving away from the local area and will be replaced by Miss Lythgo as the full time class teacher.

Mr Klein (Year 8 at Boardwalk) has decided to seek employment closer to his hometown and will be replaced by Mr Ander-


Ms Harrison (Early Years music at Boardwalk) will also take up a new position closer to home and our replacement will be selected in the coming week.

Mr Richmond (Facilities) has decided to retire and his replacement will be Mr Curran.

Mrs Kearney (Campus Principal at Boardwalk) will remain on leave and her replacement will continue to be Mrs Myors. Miss Kompa will continue as Mrs Myors replacement as Middle Years Assistant Principal at Jamieson Way.

Ms Bogunovic (F/1 - Jamieson Way) has decided to resign her position and Miss Sam Burden will be her replacement. Jen-

ny Kompa and Brenda Lycke will be participating in a Korean exchange during this coming holiday and for the first two weeks of next term. We wish them a safe and educational trip as they represent the College.

I will be on leave for week one of Term 3 - Ms Naughton will replace me and Mrs Hall will pick up Ms Naughton's position.

Yes there are a number of changes, all of which are the result of natural staff movement. We have strong belief in our selection and replacement processes and look forward to your continued support, especially for new staff and for those in

acting positions. CULTURAL DIVERSITY WEEK:

Our College continues to demonstrate it's commitment to acknowledge and respect the diversity of our local community. The breadth and quality of the many activities being undertaken this week is amazing. Both assemblies on Monday, posi-

tively highlighted our diverse community profile and the depth of respect that our student community has for Cultural Di-


My congratulations go to our CDW team, all staff and students for the excellent manner in which they have organised and participated. A special thanks also goes to the many parents who took the time to attend some of the week's special

events. Take the time to check out the door displays - I am sure you will be impressed. ANCIENT CIVILISATIONS:

I had the pleasure of attending our Year 7 presentations of their recent study around Ancient Civilisations. Students im-pressed me with their understandings, use of varied mediums in presentations, ability to articulate their knowledge, confi-

dence with which they shared their learning and ability to interact with other classes as they toured the displays. Well

done Year 7. SPORT:

In recent weeks College students have participated in rugby, netball, basketball, cross country, athletics, football to name a few. Staff have been most pleased with our student's teamwork skills, high levels of effort and sportsperson ship. Well

done students and thank you staff for your commitment to our quality sports program. Special thanks goes to our two physical education staff for their leadership and 'behind the scenes' organisation.


Staff have now completed the important task of report writing and are in the midst of finalising Individual Learning Plans. I would like to thank them for their professionalism and commitment in order to provide families with the best advise re-

garding their children's learning.

Parents it is now your turn to spend time sitting down with your child(ren) going over their report and then allocating time to attend next term's Student Learning Conferences.

In conclusion I do hope everyone has a lovely holiday and I look forward to meeting more families early

in Term 3.

B rendan O’Brien

B oardwalk School Report

Cultural Diversity Week is always a highlight on the

Carranballac College calendar. There are many exciting

activities planned this week acknowledging and cele-

brating our culturally rich and diverse community.

Congratulations to our successful Year 5/6 Volleyball

students. They will next play at district level under Ms

Robinson as their coach.

Mr Klein noted great sportsmanship and team work

from the Boys Netball team last week. Congratulations

on representing our school so magnificently.

Another sporting success is Clancy Freemantle compet-

ing in Judo in the 19th KIC Cup. Clancy was placed first

in his individual division and also first in the team com-

petition. Congratulations Clancy. A credit to you and

your many hours of dedicated, daily practice.

Our Rock bands entertained at Boardwalk last Friday.

The Year 5/6 BER building was rocking as our talented

musicians entertained an excited group of Year 3-7’s.

Well done everyone involved.

I have noted an improvement in student respect shown

through wearing the correct college uniform. Thank you

to these students and their families who continue to

support our college in this important way.

Last Friday, our Year 7’s put on a magnificent expo in

their classroom titled Ancient Civilisations. This exhibi-

tion was enhanced by the surprise visit of our very own

Pharaoh, none other than the King Tutankhamen (aka

our College Director, Mr O’Brien.)

My sincere thanks for the wonderful support I have en-

joyed at Boardwalk this term.

R os Myors

Acting Principal

J amieson Way School Report

A huge THANK YOU to our wonderful Classroom Help-ers who supported our teachers and students on ex-cursions. These amazing parents supported our Year 2 students when they went to Scienceworks last week and also supported our Year F/1 students when they went to the Botanical Gardens yesterday. Such posi-tive support is invaluable to our teachers and helps make the learning experience stronger for our stu-dents. Well done to our students - we can be very proud of the manner in which our youngest students represented our college. Congratulations to our Year 5/6 students who went in several different directions last week to play inter-school sport against other schools. Our teachers re-ported strong sportsmanship and great college repre-sentation. This week has been incredible as we celebrate Cultural Diversity Week at Carranballac. Each day has provided sensational learning experiences for our students as they learn about the cultures and customs of their peers. We are looking forward to our National Cos-tume Parade this Friday - parents are most welcome to join us for this celebration! It is hard to believe that half the year has disappeared already! Thank you to our dedicated staff for their amazing commitment to our students. Thank you to our families for the trust and positive support to make this community strong. Most importantly, thank you to our students for their respect, their pride in our school, and their enthusiasm towards their learning. From all at Jamieson Way, we wish our families an enjoyable break.


S andy Naughton


S tudent Awards

Sarah Nugent

Yumin Pasqual

Anastasia Stankovic

Eliana Beha

Luke Keenan

Shanae Millyard

Audrey Abelard

Lily Newey

Ella Strange

Ethan Boardman

Lucian Jenkins

Ashton Tran

Dania Chehaita

Amelia Mullalli

Ghaida Alobaidi

Rahman Sohail

Dahlia Fathelbab

Henry Wong

Riley Burgess

Layila Sharif

Aadi Shetty

Amelia Boyle

Sally Hodgkins

Jordan Ngo

Japanese Awards:

Gina Yang William Koleski

Art Awards:

Kasper Bramwell Zoe Evans Charlie Withers Dennym Simmons

Music Awards:

Eloise Steinle Kandeh Barrie Amber Rutherford

Sport Awards

Kyle Douglass Jack Shields

H ouse Points

Boardwalk School Jamieson Way School

Sea Eagles: 34 Sea Eagles: 180

Cheetham: 33 Cheetham: 206

Golden Wattle: 33 Golden Wattle: 199

RAAF: 32 RAAF: 185

Overall winner for Term 2: Sea Eagles Overall winner for Term 2: Golden Wattle

Congratulations to all of our award winners this fortnight!

Kids Teaching Kids

Kids Teaching Kids is a program whereby all students at the College cele-

brate Science Week each year. Each class invites another class to attend a

workshop, performance or activity which is based around environmental sci-


We celebrate Science Week in Kids Teaching Kids Week from Monday 5 Sep-

tember to Friday 9 September.

The College also hosts the KTK Western Region Conference on site during

that week whereby other schools join us and take part in workshops. In

2016, Year 7 will assist with organisation at Boardwalk School on Wednes-

day 7 September and Year 5/6 classes conduct the second day of that con-

ference at Jamieson Way School, on Thursday 8 September. Finally a select-

ed group of students will represent us at the Melbourne Water KTK Confer-

ence on Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 October at Melbourne University.

Sponsor for KTK week 2016 is the Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning.

C anteen News

The canteen will be closed on Friday 24 June, the last day of term, for all lunch orders. Please make sure your child has their lunch.

I would like to thank our volunteers who have assisted us over the term. We hope everyone has a lovely break. See you back safe and sound next term.

Ros Grylls

Canteen Manager

S ports Update

Point Cook District Lightening Premiership Results

On Friday 17 June, a number of the Jamieson Way students participated in the Point

Cook District Lightening Premiership. The students braved the inclement weather and produced some out-

standing results.

Congratulations to the following teams—

Jamieson Way Football Team—Achieved 3rd Place

Johnathon Moustaklis, Jack McGraw, Mason Preiss, Nathan Burns, Harry Cook, Remy McGowan, Zac Moore

Scrignari, Jayden Nettelbeck, James Mackrell, Paul Fangu Fangu, Soloman Pollard, Mykenzie Burke, Brayden

Gardner, Daniel Graham, Scotty Rutherford, Brodie Hinkson, Hamish Renkin, Tyler Ramsay, Bayden Pickersgill,

Mia Jackson, Devan Djarkaria and Tipene Te Whare. Thank you to the coach Peter Gardner, Bek Pelar and Yr

9 Helpers Thomas Stott, Zak Muir and Marina Velickovska.

Jamieson Way T.Ball Team - Achieved 3rd Place

Archi Bhatia, Mikyle Chung, Adam Epps, Jacob Burfoot, Harry Stanton, Rovin Pasqual, Will Trease Gordon, Max

Strange, Jayden Raymond, Sourin Patel and Will Strange. Thank you to the coach Angie Seeckts and the Yr 9

Helpers Janae Mackrell and Grace Akioka.

Jamieson Way Girls Netball Team—Achieved 3rd Place

Jessica Mackenzie, Sienna Fowler, Laura McLeod, Imogen Te Whare, Gemma Hatton, Mia Steinle, Poppy

McAteer, Tessa Menjivar, Tahana Aitu, Isabella Monje-Gonzalez and Broklyn Palu.

Jamieson Way Mixed Netball Team— Achieved 1st Place

Ella Strange, Gavin Pasqual, Bryce Strong, Kayla West, Alicia Stanton, Richelle Siahaan and Yasmin Harrop

Toa Toa

Thank you to the coaches Xiomara Hennessy and Sarah Farrugia.

Congratulations to the Mixed Netball Team that have qualified for the next round of competition.

S port Update

Western Zone Cross Country Championships

On Wednesday the 8th of June, a squad of 14 students participated in the Western Zone

Cross Country Championships at Brimbank Park. The students achieved outstanding results

as they competed on a difficult course.

Congratulations to the following students:

Campbell Waddell 11 Boys—47th

Broklyn Palu 11 Girls—50th

Hafisa Mohamed Umar 12 Girls—63rd

Emkay Prins 12 Boys—59th

Myah Snow 13 Girls—67th

Alyssa Reitter –13 Girls - 63rd

Cody Siborowski 13 Boys—30th

Janae Mackrell– 14 Girls—2nd

Cadel Ianna 14 Boys—41st

Riley Ianna 14 Boys—83rd

Kyle Whitehead 15 Boys– 36th

Sean Suttock 16 Boys—27th

Congratulations to Janae Mackrell who has qualified for the State Cross Country Champion-

ships early next term.

S port Update

Junior Boys Netball

Well done to both the Year 7 & 8 boys netball teams who played in the Hobsons Bay Division

competition held at Altona stadium on Wednesday 15 June: Jermaine Cenina, Mickey Samson,

Xander Ianna, Cadel Ianna, Riley Ianna, Luca Jackson, Kyle Douglas, Jack Butler, Cody

Sibrowski, Darian Fangufangu, Max Harris, Adam Allwood, Suilago Pio, Jett Templer Collins,

Lachlan Couch, Leejay Devcich and Max Stott.

The final results were:

Year 8 Carranballac College 9 Williamstown Bayview (C) 9

Year 8 Carranballac College 1 Point Cook College (A) 14

Year 8 Carranballac College 11 Williamstown Bayview (B) 3

Year 8 Carranballac College 16 Altona College 1

Year 8 Boys Soccer

Congratulations to the Year 8 students who participated in

the Hobsons Bay Soccer competition held at Paisley Park in

Altona. The team played outstandingly winning all matches

and making the grand final which unfortunately they just

lost in the final minutes by one goal. Thank you to Ozer

Gurpinar and Daniel Guerrieri who assisted with coaching

the team:

The final results were:

Year 8 Carranballac College 2 Alamanda P-9 College 0

Year 8 Carranballac College 2 Laverton P-12 College 0

Year 8 Carranballac College 3 Williamstown Bayview (B) 0

Year 8 Carranballac College 0 Williamstown Bayview (A) 1

S tudent Learning Conferences

Thursday 21 July 2016

You will be given the opportunity to attend a Student Learning Conference on Thursday 21 July 2016.

Conferences will be ten minutes duration and will be conducted in classrooms from 3.30 pm to 7.00 pm.

To enhance our Middle Years students’ responsibility as learners, all Middle Years students (Years 5 to 9)

will be expected to participate in the discussion with their teacher and parents.

Using Parent Teacher Online you will be able to book the interview times that suit you best from any inter-

net-connected computer. If you do not have internet access please contact the college on 9395 3533 and

we will arrange an interview for you.

Parent’s login and passwords will be sent home on Friday.

We urge all parents to attend these important conferences.

Please access the system as follows:

Go to the school’s home page

Click the PTO icon as shown here …

Enter your surname and PIN, provided in the letter sent to you

O SHC News

With the holidays fast approaching families are able to access Vacation Care information via the College

Website or at either BOSHC or JOSHC. Enrolments close on Friday 24 June. Enrolment forms and per-

mission notes can be handed in to BOSHC or JOSHC or emailed to

Families are reminded that accounts must be up to date for enrolments to be accepted.

Any queries can be directed to Chriss Barker , Debra Stripeikis or Samita Bisto.

Note: All the children are to wear appropriate clothing, closed toe shoes and have a water

bottle while at OSHC. Payment for excursions/incursions must be made at the time of en-

rolment. Please alert staff about special dietary requirements.

Thank you from the OSHC TEAM

Chriss Barker

OSHC Manager




June THURSDAY 30 June FRIDAY 1 July

Create your own

Finding Dory to

add to our Theme mural.

Drawing, Lego Construction,

Board games, Out-door play

Create your own


Supreme Incursion

Mind & Body Skills taught through

age appropriate stories, songs and

games. 2pm

Cost $15

EXCURSION Collingwood

Children’s Farm. Years F - 2

Leaving at 9.15am Returning at 2pm

Cost $25 Get ready for an

exciting farm adventure!

Make your own PIZZA

For Lunch. Grade 3/6


Popcorn & Drinks at the Sun Theatre to watch the latest


Finding Dory

Cost $25

Everyday children

will be able to choose from a

range of sports, art & craft activities and indoor and outdoor play.

CITY EXCURSION Year 5/7 travel to

the city by Public transport for a day of exploring.

Children to bring

money for lunch on the day

Drawing, Lego Con-struction, Board games, Outdoor

play, etc.



OSHC mini Olympic games

Board games, Lego Construction,

Drawing, Outdoor play

Make the RIO Olympic Mascot


Olympic cut out

Flag and city around the world.

Supreme Incursion Dance Jam

Simply follow each step and learn how to dance and share

your talents!!! Cost $15

CREATE your own

carnival theme mask (eyes mask)




Year3-7 onward Leaving at 12:15 Returning at 2:30

Cost 25

Make your own

PIZZA For Lunch. Year F-2

Electronic Day Bring along your

own Board games & Electronic games and challenge your


Dress Up as your favourite movie



TRIVIA NIGHT 2016 Term 3: Saturday 27 August

We have an enthusiastic team of parents well into the planning stages for this “back by

popular demand” event. It’s going to be a great night once again and we hope as many of you

as possible can attend. This is a fantastic opportunity to socialise amongst our school com-

munity and show your support for our school. This year the funds raised from this event

will be directed towards the schools playground equipment and in support of other projects

for our kids!


If you are able to donate a product, voucher or service towards the Trivia Night or

know someone who may, please contact Valetta Johnston (Boardwalk) at valet-, or Melissa Turner (Jamieson Way) at You can also speak to someone in either

office who will contact the Trivia Team.








_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I would like to help at the Election Day BBQ

Name __________________________________________

Contact Phone _____________________________________

School (please circle) Boardwalk Jamieson Way


Stay tuned for further information.....

T hey’re Back...

Dear Parents/ Guardians/ Carers

It has come to our attention that some students in the school may have head lice and I seek

your cooperation in checking your child’s hair this week.

Head lice do not transmit infectious diseases – they are transmitted by having head to head

contact with someone who has head lice. You may be reassured to know that head lice are

commonly found in places other than in schools. Head lice are common in school-aged children

and are the most adaptable of creatures. They have survived living solely on humans for 10,000


What can you do?

We seek your cooperation in checking your child’s hair and in those instances where head lice

or eggs are found, treating your child’s hair.

Please see the information at to help with the detection

and treatment of head lice. Please feel free to talk to me about any problems you are experi-

encing with treatment.

If head lice or eggs are found on your child’s hair you need to inform:

The College and advise when the treatment has started. Parents or carers of your child’s friends

so they too have the opportunity to detect and treat their children if necessary.

When can my child return to school?

Health regulations requires that where a child has head lice, that child should not return to

school until the day after appropriate treatment has started. Please note, this refers only to

those children who have live head lice and does not refer to head lice eggs.

Carranballac P-9 College is aware that head lice can be a sensitive issue and is committed to

maintaining your confidentiality.

Kind regards

Jenny Gault

Acting Assistant Principal

Jamieson Way School

Wow, what a Term. It is hard to believe that it is nearly over. Students have done a fantastic job this term at get-ting to their lessons and working hard. Term 3 is the big Term where concert preparation begins! We start thinking

about what we would like to perform and then band practice begins!

If you would like to continue with the Soundhouse program or if you would like your child to start, please head to the school office to pay for Term 3.

SOUNDHOUSE FEES DUE Wednesday 22 June: To ensure your place in Soundhouse and to help with timeta-bling the lessons correctly around the specialist timetable, please make your payment before the school holidays.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Maddie Owen at or 0401 844 522

S oundhouse

‘Welcome to our

Cultural Diversity Week!’

‘Carranballac College has been truly buzzing this week!’

The week began with our cross campus Assemblies being delivered by our amazing Guardians and their peers in many wonderful languages. These ranged from Mandarin, Vietnamese, Greek, Malaysian and French ably translated into English. This had our audience transfixed and it was a very special way to begin this wonderful week!

Following this, our students across all levels proudly shared interesting facts about the countries they will be learning about this week, the F/1 (JW) and Year 2 students (BW) performed songs learnt in Japanese, the Choir sang beautifully, Year 7 performed the Haka (BW) and students presented a special ‘Word of the Week’ related to Cultural Diversity.

Then onto our creative and interactive Lunchtime activities! Supported brilliantly by our Teachers and Guardians, these activities have been a wonderful success and it’s great to see the children lining up in anticipation. In only 3 days the children have had many opportunities to make Japa-nese Windsocks, Sri Lankan Shades, Chinese Dragon Masks, try Sumo wrestling, Bollywood Dancing, The Haka, Cultural Games, Indian Rangoli Chalk designs, Koorie stories with Judy Dal-ton-Walsh, Aboriginal rock painting, Vandna teaching Bollywood dancing, African drumming, Polish and Hirigami activities.

My, my, my what fun!

We would encourage you to talk to your child/ren about their experiences this week, either around the dinner table or travelling home in the car as they are bursting to share their fabulous experiences with you. Please don’t forget our Cultural Dress parade this Friday in the Gym at 9.00am. All parents and friends are invited and we hope you can join us. Thankyou. There will be more information to follow in our next Newsletter.

Terimah Kasi, 谢谢, Cam on, K̄hxbkhuṇ, Dhan'yavāda, Arigatō, Spasibo, Hvala,


Thankyou from the C.D.W Team :

Karolina, John, Shirley & Jen

Carranballac College P-9 Enrolment Form 2016

Instrumental Music and/or Singing and Performing

Contact: Maddie Owen 0401 844 522 or email: ABN 81 556 680 70


Soundhouse lessons cost $140 per discipline per term and fees are payable, in advance, by quarterly BPay or up-front payments to the office. If you require further information on the program please contact Maddie Owen on mobile or email shown above.

Child’s name:

Year Level (2016):

Parent/guardian name/s:

Contact number:

My child would like to learn (please tick appropriate boxes):

SAP (Singing & Performance)




To ensure your child gets a position in the program, payment via BPay or directly to the office is required before Wednesday June 22nd.

Soundhouse Terms and Conditions over page

Contact Information

PO Box 6106, Point Cook 3030 Phone: 9395 3533 e-mail:

Boardwalk School Jamieson Way School

Cnr Foxwood Drive & Dunnings Road, Point Cook, 3030 Cnr Jamieson Way & La Rochelle Blvd, Point Cook, 3030

Principal Kay Kearney Principal Sandy Naughton

S oundhouse

Terms and Conditions, 2016 Lessons (held during school hours)

Soundhouse lessons are held in small groups. The Soundhouse program runs for 12 months and includes a Term 4

concert. There can also be other performances throughout the year. Soundhouse students are guaranteed a mini-mum of 32 lessons per year. However, children will usually receive more than 32 for the year.

Fees are payable IN ADVANCE for the term and there are no refunds for children who drop out during the term. Fees can be paid in 4 equal instalments of $140.00, each Term, BPay, or directly to the office.


Withdrawal from the program must be notified via the Soundhouse exit form available from the office. This ena-

bles groupings and staff to be organized ahead of any change. Unfortunately, lessons lost due to illness or school

activities cannot, in general, be made up. Circumstances such as long-term holidays or illness etc. can be dis-cussed with The Soundhouse Music Schools coordinator and appropriate arrangements can be made.

M usic News

Minor Sensation Our talented rock bands performed at Boardwalk School last Friday. These talented singers entertained a huge lunch time crowd at Jamieson Way during Cultural Diversity Week
