Branding & Licensing. Hmmmm?????? Has anyone seen a Farrelly Brothers or Quentin Tarantino film...


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Branding & Licensing


• Has anyone seen a Farrelly Brothers or Quentin Tarantino film in the past? Why did you choose to see that particular movie? Did you have an idea of what the movie film would be like?

• With the rise in popularity of “retro” or “throwback” sports jerseys and apparel, overall sales of merchandise are booming. What might deter anyone in our class from opening up a shop and selling these vintage clothes themselves?

• When you see a favorite celebrity (entertainer or athlete) in an advertisement for a particular product, do you remember the product name (brand)? Why do you think that is? Discuss…

What exactly is “Branding”?

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By definition……..

• Many different definitions but the most effective is:• A brand is a name or symbol that is commonly known to

identify a company or it’s products and separate them from the competition.

• Well known brand is one everyone knows / recognizes• Even if they do not know about the company or its product(s)• Can be name of business / product

• Overall “brand” can stretch to• Logo• Symbol• Trademark

• A device that legally I.D.s ownership of a registered brand or trade name

• Graphics

How long has Branding existed for?

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Guideline for a successful brand

• Positive, distinctive and generates positive feelings and association

• Easy to remember AND pronounce

• Logo is easily recognizable

• Legally and ethically permissable

How to build your “brand”

• Awareness• Maximizing recognition

• Image• Consumer perceptions linked to your brand (health, excitement,


• Equity• Value placed on a brand by consumers• Nike

• Loyalty• Preference of your brand over another similar• Nike, Adidas, Under Armour

Brand identity

• Create a product that is –• Distinctive• Exclusive

• The world has enough sporting events

• Without differentiation you are lost

• Give people a reason to get involved

Objective and target

• What do you want the sport/event to achieve?• Who do you want to appeal to most?

• Once you know the objectives and the target – then you build the brand identity

• The brand is a representation of the overall objective focused towards the target audience

Event branding opportunities

• Naming rights

• Promotions and co-promotions

• Sponsorship opportunities and presenting rights

• Merchandising opportunities

• Hospitality

Go beyond the physical event to create value

• Passion

• Speed

• Power

• Grace

• Money

Sell the emotional experience

Wimbledon represents refinement• Strawberries and cream, anyone?

The Olympic Games “celebrate humanity”

Build distinctions

• Create traditions

Show commitment “off the field”

• Create community based events• Parades• Charity events• Pro/am’s

Emotional branding leads to emotional bonding

• “Only when a product or service kindles an emotional dialogue with the consumer, can this product or service qualify to be a brand”

• Emotional branding, Gobe

Forms of branding

• Corporate Brand• Represents an entire COMPANY or organization

• Pepsi-Cola• McDonalds• Frito-Lay

• Product Brand• Represents a particular product of a company or organization

• Diet Pepsi• Chicken McNuggets• Fritos

• Store Brands

Levels of Brand Recognition

• Non-recognition• Consumers are unable to identify the brand

• Rejection• Consumers will not purchase the product because of the brand

• Recognition• Consumers can recall the brand name, but it has little influence on


• Preference• Consumers view the brand as valuable and will choose it if it is


• Insistence• Consumers value the brand to the extent that they reject other


Branding in Sports & Entertainment

• Differentiating themselves from one another• Unique differention (favorite celebrity / team loyalty)

• Brand extension• Use of successful brand name to launch new product

• P. Diddy & Eminem launching clothing lines• Michael Jordan cologne• David Beckham – cologne, movie name (Bend it Like Beckham), adidas

apparel• Others?

Benefits of having a strong brand

• Loyalty

• Competitive advantage• Price premiums

• Reduce risk and attract and retain talented staff

Top brands of 2014

• Apple - $145.3 bil.

• Microsoft - $69.3 bil.

• Google - $65.6 bil.

• Coca-Cola - $56 bil.

• IBM - $49.8 bil.

• McDonalds - $39.5 bil.

And now a word from our sponsor

• Sponsors are an extension of your communication program• They do not own your brand• But, let them borrow it

• Sponsors can add value • Make them your branding partner


• Your main focus is on developing and delivering a sport/event

• However……..

the way to maximize your value is to build a brand