Branches of the German Army - Mittler Report Verlag · Branches of the German Army Mittler Report...


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In cooperation with the German Army Concepts and Capabilities Development Centre and with the Support of the Association of the German Army (Förder-kreis Deutsches Heer e.V. - FKH) Mittler Report Verlag is publishing the Defen-ce Technology Review issue titled:Branches of the German Army: Task - Equipment - Requirements

The current security-political environment has significantly changed - the Bundeswehr is anticipating a comprehensive and demanding task spectrum. NATO’s heads of state and government have taken the political decision to strengthen the collective defence capability in light of current developments, which constitutes a new set of challenges for the German Army.Again, military requirements have to be moderately adapted to the requirements of the changed task spec-trum. For the Army this development results in an increase of completely different tasks. Gaps that have been identified in the capability profile have to be bridged as fast as possible, both in terms of quality and quantity. A paradigm change is required.As a rule, as far as planning is concerned this process commences in the Army Concepts and Capabilities Development Centre based on a comprehensive approach.In this Defence Technology Review issue the system of army development and the current tasks of the Army will be introduced in detail. The structure, equipment status as well as capabilities required in future for the branches of the Army - special forces included - will be presented in topical contributions.The security and defence industry is offered the opportunity to showcase products and future-oriented developments in support of the Army’s capabilities. The same applies for company portraits.


• Welcome Address by the Chairman of the German Parliament’s Defence Committee

• Foreword by the Chief of Staff, German Army• Structure and tasks of the Army• The Army System - Interaction of the Branches• Training in the Army• Multinationality and Interoperability in the Army• The Reconnaissance, Command & Control, Effect,

and Support Domains

The Branches of the Army• Artillery Troops• Signal Corps• Army Reconnaissance Troops• Army Aviation Troops• Army Logistics Troops• Infantry• Armoured Troops• Engineer Troops• Medical Service of the Army• Special Forces

Editorial Schedule

Branches of the German Army

• Army Concepts and Capabilities Development Centre• Training Facilities of the Army• Federal Ministry of Defence• Subordinate offices and superior command authorities of the Bundeswehr• Decision makers in politics, the military, public administration and industry• Decision makers in relevant NATO and EU institutions• Foreign defence attachés in Germany, German military attachés

Target Groups and Distribution

Branches of the German Army

Editorial Team:Col. (ret) Michael Horst, phone: +49 (0)228-3500881, mail: Dorothee Frank, phone: +49 (0)228-3500885, mail: dorothee.frank@mittler-report.deLtCol.(ret.) Gerhard Heiming, phone: +49 (0)228-3500878, mail:

Advertisements:Uwe Nemeyer MBA, phone: +49 (0)2226-909637, e-mail:

Facts & FiguresPublisher: Col. (ret) Michael HorstCirculation: 7,000Editorial Deadline: August 18, 2016Copy Deadline (ads): August 31, 2016Publication Date: September 19, 2016Published in German!

Points of Contact

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Branches of the German Army

Mittler Report Verlag GmbHBaunscheidtstraße 11D-53113 Bonn , Germany

Fax: +49 (0)228 35 00 871Mail:

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