Bradley and Rulofson's celebrity catalogue


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'-,^ ,, ,a, ^SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. J .---_.


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Accession' ShelF Mark.

For Reference


CAT. NO. 1935 ^/— f$~- -JQ LIB»AB> BU.E;


fk* V"* ~"V" ^~ !»&^S?*





Pbinted by B. F. Steeett, 532 Clay, opp. Leidesdoeef Steekt.





The Federal Government of the United States of America 9

Senators 10

Governors of California 10

Congressmen. 10

Hayors of San Francisco 11

Federal and State Government of California 11

Justices <»f the Supreme Court of California 11

Uistrirt Courts of California 11

National Guard of California 12

Division National Guard 12

United States Government Officers 12

City Government of San Francisco 12

Supervisors IS

School Directors 13

Nubility.. ; 13

Diplomatic Corps 15

Army and Navy 16

The Law .".20

The Clergy 22

Masonic Fraternity, I. 0. O. F., etcv


Newspaper Fraternity 25

Scientists, Authors, Poets and Lecturers 26

Painters, Artists, Sculptors, etc 27

Steamship Men 28

Publications by Bradley & Rulofson 30

War Vessels 31

4 Index.

Communists .31

Prominent Buildings, Hotels, etc 31

Chinese, Japanese, Indians, etc 32

Railroad Men 32

Theatrical Managers, Agents, etc 33

Actors 34

Actresses 38

Juvenile Actors and Actresses '. 41

Dwarfs, Giants, etc... 42

Magicians, Phrenologists, Spiritualists, etc 42

Musicians 42

Premieres Danseuses 43

Theatrical and Musical Companies 43

Acrobats, Gymnasts, etc., and others, not classified 44

Theatrical Groupes, ' 45

Copies from Paintings, Engravings, etc 45

Odds, and Ends 46

Prominent Men at home and abroad, not otherwise classified 48

PREFACE.In issuing this little volume we feel that no apology is necessary, as it

hi intended to dm < t a want long felt by out numerous customers, both at homeand abroad, as well as an imperative demand of the general public for some

convenient method of obtaining the portraits of their friends and distinguished

who have visited California.

The unparalleled success of this establishment, and the high appreciation

iu which its work is held, is shown by its being awarded Gold and Bronze

Medals and Diplomas, at Philadelphia, Vienna, and San Francisco, for the

best photographs in the United States, the World, and California.

Always affable and polite, whether to visitor or customer ; employing

none but the most talented artists in the various branches of the business,

and possessing the most extensive appliances known to photography, wehave secured for this house, both from public institutes and private individ-

uals, a recognition of its excellence never approached by any photograph

gallery in the world.

In addition to the names found in this catalogue, we have on our register

over one hundred thousand names of customers in private life, to whom we

are prepared to furnish duplicate photographs at reduced rates.

We invite your attention to our collection of celebrities, which embraces

every person of note who has visited the Pacific Coast—statesmen, noblemen,

actors, authors and others, whose talent, culture, wealth or birth give them

right among the celebrated of the world.

As we are constantly making additions to this list, orders for any celeb-

rities who have ever visited this city may be sent to us at any time, with cer-

tainty of being filled, as we have negatives of every person of note who has

visited this Coast since 1849. Very respectfully,



Following are a few opinions, selected from many in our possession:

" Her Majesty, the Queen, commands me to thank you for the very excellent photo-

graphs of the Earl ami Countess of Dufferiu you kindly sent her."

Lieut.-Gen'l Sib T.

U. Biddulph. Buckingham Palace, Nov. lHth, 1S7C.

" The commodore and ward-room officers of H. M. steamer ' Amethyst ' heg to thank

you for your kindness and civility, and the great attention sln-wn to the officers' desire,

and wish to sny how much they »re pleased with the result."—H. M. S. Amethyst, Sept.

21st, lXTli,

" Everyone who has seen them pronounces them the beet ever taken of me, in whichopinion I unite with great respect."—War. Inghaham Kip, Bishop of Cal.

'• Bradley & Rulofson, the celebrated photographers, have been awarded Gold Medals

at San Francisco, Philadelphia, Chile, Vienna, and *ther places they have exhibited for

the last two years. These awards are the strongest testimony of merit, and conclusive

proof that their photographs are the best in the world."—S. F. Bulletin, October, 1875.

" The finest photographs I ever bad."—Dom Pedro, Emperor of Brazil.

" My phutographs are the best I ever had."

Admiral Murray. U. S. N.

" MoBt beautiful work of art."—17. S. Grant.

'• Ait in your hands surpasses itself."—H. H. Bancroft.

" Thanks for kind attention and superb photographs."—Sm Habby Parks.

" I commend these gentlemen to my friends in the Colonies."

Sib Redmond Barry.

' The best in the world."—King Kalakaua.

"Your pictures admired by everybody at Melbourne."

Sib Geo. Ferutjsos Bowkn,

" A better picture than I ever was able to get in Paris, London, or elsewhere, has

been taken of me by the firm of Bradley &. Rulofson."—P. T. Baekum.

"Many thanks for 'Men of Mark.; recognize almost everyone—grouped so skill-

fully."—Wu. T. Sherman, General tf. S. A.

" All these pictures aie splendid specimens of the art which you have done so muchto improve, perfect and illustrate."—Gov. Wm. lawns.

On* 7

• Bradley kI Mark." embracing the liken -

19, is it perfect gem of nil. The pictures ar«

striking and eoi n well imaged, and the whole le lingme--

" Palace Hotel, with four»psge description, surpassing anj photo "f tins mammothI, end commended by the enl its beauty and finish in

detail. The bent thing to itern friends is one of Bradley and Rulofsou'e ' Paluce

n t i phol «, wiih fall description attached thereto."—Nevada Tbxbuhb.*

i photogi phtc portrait you have taken ol me by t'.ir the very best I

s. P., Sept. 14, 1876.

• Man j- thank* for my photo id."—Mas, Si orr-SitrooMS. June 38d,


"Have nn<- thousand b Bnished in time for the nest Australian steamer.

—Geo. Bsioxou>. July 14. 1876.

•The best I over had."—0HA8. Feohteb.

Never had any better in iny life."—Ristobi.

"Tour pictures don't need any recommendation ! They speak for themselves.

Alice Donatio.

"The best pictures ever taken of me were made at your establishment."


"The finest photograps I ever had."—Theodore WaoHTEL.

•• Bradley k Rulofaon have brought the Art to the highest degree of perfection."

i "i kif.h. July 2, lHTti.

" Bradley & RulofBon's pictures beat the world. Over two thousand of their "Celeb-

rity" pictures were sold in two weeks."

Sydney Herald, Sept. 25, 1875.

*• As giving some idea of the favor in in which Bradley tc Rulofaon are held in the

Kn^t. w note that they received yesterday forty-three orders from dramatic celebrities

in the Eastern States."—S. F. Daily Alta, April, 1676.

" Bradley k Rulofson's pictures are creditable to the state of arts in California. If

the Golden State eould make wine that would compare with their photographs, it would

be the talk and envy of the world."—Pbilad.lpha Item, May 26, 187G.


" Bono d'opinione che non eipossano Biiperare i voBtri lavori fotografici."—G. Tag-


" Tour wort is considered by the whole dramatic profession to be the beat in the


Johm McCuixoogh.

" The most artistic and graceful photographs, and the most natural in pope and

expression of all that I have had taken."

JAmes Iff. CoNliY, U. S. Minister to Hawaii.

S. F., Sept. 12, 1877.


"A gem of Art. My friends are greatly pleased with it."—L. F. Gboveb, Senator.

Oregon, January 23.

" Telegraph price 5000 Cabinet to aell during my Eastern engagement."

EdwinBooth. Dec. 28, 1878.




His Excellency Rutherford B. Hayes, President of the UnitedStates of America.

Ex-Phestdbnt, D. S. Grant.

Ex-President, Abraham Lincoln.

Ex-Vice-President, Schuyler Colfax.

Ex-Secretary of War, J. D. Cameron.

Postmaster General, D. M. Key,

Secretary of the Senate, Geo. C. Gorham.

Associate Justices 1 Judge Stephen J. Field,

Supreme Court I Judge Samuel F. Miller,

United States, Judge How. Clifford.

Director of Mint, H. K. Linderman.

10 Bradley & Eulofson's Celebrity

SENATORS.These marked with an * are Ex-Seuators-some other public office.

12. 'Black, Jerry S., Pa.13. Booth, Newton, Cal.

14. Burbank, J. A., Ind.15. Bruce, B. K., Miss.

16. "Cameron, Simon, Pa.17. Cameron, Don, Pa.18. "Casserly, Eugene, Cal.

19. "Cole, Cornelius, Cal.

20. Cooper, Henry, Tenn.21. Dennis, Geo. E., Md.22. Farley, Jas. T.. (elect), Cal.

23. "Gwini Win. M., Cal.

-either retired into private life or holding

24. Grover, Lafayette, Or.25. "Hager, J. S., Cal.26. Jones, John P.. Nev.27. Mitchel, John H., Or.28. Morton, .0. P.. Ind.29. *Nye Jas. W., Nev.30. Pinchback, P. B., La.31. Sargent, A. A., Cal.32. Sharon, Wm., Nev.33. 'Steward, Wm. M., Nev.34. Saulsbury, Eli, Del.35. "Washburn, Wm. B., Mass.

GOVERNORS.Those marked with an * are Ex-Cr >vcrnors-

r. s. Senate, or holding some other public

38. "Bigler, John, Cal.

37. "Blaisdell, H. D., Nev.38. "Burnett, Peter H., Cal.

39. "Booth, Newton, Cal.

40. Bradley, L. E., Nev.41. Cheney, P. C, New Hampshire.42. "Dowrney, John E., Cal.

43. Emery, Geo. W., Utah.44. "Grover, Lafayette, Or.

45. 'Haight, H. H„ Cal.

46. "Hayes, E. B,, Ohio.47. Hoyt, J. P., Arizona.

43. Hunt, A. C, Colorado.

49. Irwin, Wm., Cal.

-either retired into private life or in theoffice.

50. "Latham, M. S., Cal.51. "Low, F. F., Cal.52. "McCormick, E. C, Arizona.53. McClellan, Geo. B., New Jersey.54. Fremont, John C, Arizona.55. "Pacheco, E., Cal.56. Pinchback, P. B. S., La.57. "Purdy, Sam., Cal.

58. Safford. A. K., Arizona.59. "Stanford, Leland, Cal.

60. "Tilden, Sam. J.,N. Y.61. "Washburn, Wm. B. Mass.62. 'Walker, G. G, Virginia.

CONGRESSMEN.Those marked with :m * arc Ex-Congressmen—either retired into private life or holdingsome other public office.

63. "Clayton, Chas , Cal.

64. Dee'ring, N. C , Iowa.65. Lutrell, J. K., Cal.

66. "McCormick, E. C, Arizona.

67. Meade, Edwin E., N. Y.68. "Pacheco, E., Cal.

69. 'Piper, W. A., Cal.

70. 'Seeley, J. H., Mass.71. Davis, Horace, Cal.

72. Page, H. F., Cal.73. Wren, Thos , Nev.74. Wiggingtou, Cal.

75. Walker, G. C, Virginia.

!'E. S.VN Fll.VSVls. ". 11

MAYORS,;tli *n * are Ex-Mnvurs—Dither r, tir<-<l iut.i private life or boiih

other piii

•'.. AlTord, Wm., s. P.

im, r. T.. Bridgeport, Con.Bryant, A. J., s. 1'.

FaiUng, Henry, Portland, Or.

80. Hill. Morgan, St. Louis.81. "lis. Jns., S. F.n2. 'Selby, Thos. H., S. F.83. 'McCoppin, Frank, S. F.



His Excellency Governor Wm. Irwin.His Excellency Lt. Governor. -Ins. A. Johnson.

86. Secretary of State. Tims. Beck.87. Treasurer, -I. G. Estndillo.

Surveyor General, Wm. Minis.

89. Controller, W. B. C. Brown.90. Attorney General, .To. Hamilton.91. Supt. of Public Instruction,

E. S. Carr.


9-2. W. T. Wallare.

93. J. B. Crockett.94. A. L. Rhodes.

95. A. C. Niles.

96. E. W. MeKinstry.97. D. B. Woolf, Clerk.


Ird, Samuel B. MeKee.99. 4th, Boot. F. Morrison,ion. 12th, Wm. P. DaingeriieM.101. 15th, Sam'l H. Dwindle.11)2. 19th, Edward D.Wheeler.103. County Court. Selden S. Wright.104. Probate Court. MiltonH. Myrick1(15. Muu. Crim. Court, Maurice C.

Blake.106. City Crim. Court, Boljt. Ferral.

107. Police Court, David Louder-bach, Jr.

108. Justice of the Peace, James C.Pennie.

109. Justice of the Peace, Lyman W.Kansorn.

III). Justice of the Peace, F. A. Saw-yer.

HI. Jrrstice of the Peace, H. L.Joachimsen.

112. Justice of the Peace, J. P. Hardy.

12 Beadley & Eulofson's Celebeity

NATIONAL GUARD OF CALIFORNIA.113. His Excellency, Gov. Wm. Irwin, Commander in Chief.

114. Brigadier General, P. F. Walsh, Adj't General.

115. Colonel Chas. Scott, Engineer.

116. Colonel Wm. Harney, Paymaster General.

117. Colonel J. Campbell Shorb, Surg. General.

118. Colonel James D. Murphy, Judge Adv. General.

119. Lt. Colonel C. Livermore, Aid-de-camp.

120. Lt. Colonel J. Hanley Smith, Aid-de-camp.

121. Lt. Colonel Chas. E. Travers, Aid-de-camp.

122. Lt. Colonel Ab. Newman, Aid-de-camp.

123. Lt. Colonel J. H. Budd, Aid-de-camp.

124. Lt. Colonel Thomas M. Logan, Aid-de-camp.

125. Major Geo. E. Aiken, Aid-de-camp.

DIVISION NATIONAL GUARD.126. Major General E. J. Lewis, Commanding.

127. 1st Brigade, Brigadier General E. N. Sanford.

128. 2nd " " " JohnMcComb.129. 3rd " " " Ed. Canavan.

130. 4th " " " M. S. Moran.

131. 5th " " " Chas. Cadwalader.

132.6th " " " Joseph G. Wall.

U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS.133. Collector of Port of San Francisco, Hon. Thos. Shannon.

134. Circuit Court, Hon. Stephen J. Field.

135. Circuit Court, Hon. Lorenzo Sawyer.

136. District Court, Hon. Ogden Hoffman.

137. District Attorney, Hon. John McCoghlan.

138. Internal Revenue Collector, Hon. Wm. Higby.

139. V. S. Marshal, Hon. J. L. Poole.

140. U. S. Mint Superintendent, Hon. H. L. Dodge.

141. Postmaster, Hon. James Coey.

142. U. S. Assistant Treasurer, Hon. Wm. Sherman.

143. U. S. Surveyor General, Hon. Theo. Wagner.

Catalogue, Sax Fbaki is, o. 13

CITY GOVERNMENT OF SAN FRANCISCO.111. His Honor, Mayor A. J. Bryant,


11".. Shariff, M. Xnnan.148. Luditor, O. F. Maynard.117. Bee qfder, 8. M. Taylor.

148. l>ist. Attorney, D. J. Murphy.I hief .•( Polios, J. Kirkpatrick.

Collector, Bichard H.Rinton,

151. Public Administrator, Wm, Doo-lan,

158. of Schools, A. L. Mann.

163. Fire Commissioner, Gns Eeis.

164. Tai Colleotor, Wm. Mitcholl.l","'. Treasurer, 0. Huh< it.

156. County Olsrk, T. H. Reynolds.157. City Attorney, W. (". Burnett.168. Assessor, Alex. Badlam.169, Coroner, L. L. Dorr.160. Surveyor, Wm. Humphreys.161. Syipt. of Streets, L. M. Manzer.162. Fire Commissioner, Gordon Sloss103. Port Warden, Jo. Austin.

SUPERVISORS.164. 1st Ward, John Foley.

165. "Jnd " Martin Mangels.166. :!r.l " Horace L. Hill.

H'.7. 4th " Edwin Danforth.168. 5th " J. H. Smith.169. 6th " Jas. O. Eountree.

170. 7th Ward, John W. Fan-en.171. 8th172. 0th173. 10th174. 11th

175. 12th

Thos. S. Acheson.A. W. Scott.

Bobt. Haight.F. A. Gibbs.H. Brickwedel.

17fi. Jos. Clement.177. J. A. Laveu.178. J. F. Sullivan.179. A. A. O'Neil.180. J. J. Mountain.181. A. C. Hiester.

SCHOOL DIRECTORS.182. Jos. Leggett.183. J. W. Taylor.184. J. Berminghain.185. H. M. Fiske.

186. J. S. Bacon.187. W. A. Phillips.

NOBILITY.Under this heading may be found all the distinguished persons that have

visited this Coast, and had their Portraits taken by Bradley & Kulofson.

188. His Imperial Majesty, The Emperor Dom Pedro, Brazil.

189. His Eoyal Majesty, The King Kalakaua, Hawaii.

190. Her Eoyal Majesty, The Queen Victoria, England.{From an Engraving).

191. Her Eoyal Majesty, The Queen Kapilani, Hawaii.

192. Her Eoyal Majesty, The Queen Emma, Hawaii.

14 BeADLEY & BtTLOFScVs Celebbity

193. His Highness, Prince Henri de Leichtenstein, Germany.

194. His Highness, Prince Alfred de Montenuovo, Germany.195. His Highness, Prince Boman Potoki, Austria.

196. Her Eoyal Highness, Princess Like-Like, Hawaii.

197. Her Boyal Highness, Princess Liliiiokalaiii, Hawaii.

198. His Grace, The Duke of Manchester, England.

199. His Grace, The Duke of Genoa, Italy.

200. His Grace, The Duke de Penthievre, France.

201. His Grace, The Earl of Dufferin, Canada.

202. Her Grace, The Countess of Dufferin, Canada.

203. His Grace, The Earl of Ilchester, England.

204. His Grace, The Earl of Lewes, England.

205. His Excellency, The Marquis del Grillo, Italy.

206. His Excellency, Lord DArcy Osborn, England.

207. Count Diego Barrilis, Italy.

208. Count Derfoure, Austria.

209. Count Von Moltke, Germany.210. Count Marescalchi, France.

211.. Count Nierod, Bnssia.212. Count de Perunivoff, Bussia.213. Countess Bozenta, Poland.

214. Viscount de Montmorand, France|215. Viscount B. Katero, Brazil.

216. Baron de Lasselin, France.

217. Baron Ton Frankensdorf, Ger-many.

218. Baron de Bussierey, France.

219. Baron de Mouhchoisy, France.

220. Baron von Beibnitz, Germany.221. Baron Schleppenbach, Bussia.

229. Sir Jas. Ashburry, England.230. Sir Bedmond Barry, Australia.

231. Sir Geo. Ferguson Bowen, Aus-tralia.

232. Sir Daniel Cooper, Bart., Eng-land.

233. Sir Douglas Forsyth, India.

240. Lady Hackett, England.241. Lady Agnes Flower, England.








Baron de Vaux, France.Baron von Halleben, Germany.Baron Geo. H. Levi, Italy.

Baron de Serre.

Baron von Oestreicher, Austria.

Baron Boussin, France.Baron von der Haer, Holland.

234. SirBich'd. AVilbraham, England.235. Sir Thomas Hackett, India.

236. Sir H. W. Norman, England.237. Sir Harry Parkes, England.238. Sir Joseph Hooker, England.239. Sir Julius Vogel, England.

1 242. Lady Sykes, England.

|243. Lady A. Nicolson, England.

Cataloock, Sam V 15


mnm s, etc,

ling United States ami Foreign Representatives that hav«

i on this (.'oast.

visited, or

M4. Av-rv. Hon. Benjamin, i, B.

Ifinister to China.245. Adamson, Hon. Thomas. V . s,

mi-General to Australia.*24**». Barritis, Count Diego, Consul

for Italy to San PranciiJ47. Baum, Chas., Consul for Axgen-

tina to San Francisco,248. Bentlev, W. r>.. Consul for

Brazil to San Francisco.849. Bergin, Aug., ConsulforSiami Norway to Ban Francisco.

260, Berton, Francis, Consul for

Portugali d sco

25!. Booker, Wm. Lane Consnl for

Great Britain to San Francisco.252. Brown, T. Boss. United States

Minister to China.253, Burlin -/jtrue. Anson. TJ. S. Min-

ister to China.'254. Casanueva, F., Consul for Chili

n Francisco.255. Carter. H. A. P., Hawaiian

Minist' r to England.25*;. Comly, James M., U. S. Minis-

ter to Hawaii.257. Denny. O. W., U. S. Consul to


258. De Fremery, J., Consul for theNetherlands to San Francisco.

259. De Long, Chas., U. S. Ministerto Japan.

260. Elmore, J. F.. Peruvian Minis-ter to China and Japan.

261. Forrest, Antoiue, Consul forFrance to San Francisco.

262. Griffin, G. W., U. S. Consul to

Apia.2C3. Grisar, Emil, Consul for Bel-gium to San Francisco.

264. Ganrin, David, Consul for Col-ombia to San Francisco.

265. Gaxiolo, Nicholas, Consul for

Salvador to San Fi'ancisoo.

266. Gibbs, Geo. W., Oonsnl for

Turkey to San Francisco.

267. HaU, H. H., U. S. Consul to

Sydney.268. Hanks. Leslie C, Consul for

Guatemala to San Francisco.

269. Herrera. F.. Consul for Bolivia

to San Francisco.

270. Holleben, Baron von, GermanMinister to Buenos iyres.

271. Iwalrura, Japanese Prime Min-ister,

272. Kelton, Ed. G., XT. S. Consul to

Mazatlan.273. Kasson, John A., U. S. Minister

to Austria.

274. Long, Owen M., U.S. Consul to

Panama.275. Martin, C, Consul for Spain to

San Francisco.

276. Meyer, T. L., Consul for CostaRica to San Francisco.

277. Muecke, G. A. E., Consnl for

Austria to San Francisco.27S. Montmorand, Viscount de,

French Minister to China.279. Printer, I. W., Consul for Rus-

sia to Honolulu.280. Pritchard, M. G., Consul for

Mexico to San Francisco.

281. Parks. Sir Harry, British Min-ister to China

282. Pierce, H. A., U. S. Minister to

Hawaii.283. Rosenthal, Adolph, Consul for

Germany to San Francisco.

16 Bradley & Rbxofson's Celebrity

284. Sutter, John A., U. S. Consul to


285. Sutter, E. V., Consul for Greeceto San Francisco.

286. Schaeffer, P., Consul for Italy

to Honolulu.287. Scott. James, U. S. Consul to

Honolulu.288. Stilton, Julius A., IT. S. ConsulGeneral to Mexico.

289. Sonnichsen, Nicholas, Consulfor Denmark to San Francisco.

290. Severance, H. "W., Consul for

Hawaii to San Francisco.291. Subiral, Frederico de, Consul

for Peru to San Francisco.

292. Takaki, Samo, Consul for Japanto New York.

293. Tinoeo, Jose M., Consul for

Costa Rica to San Francisco.294. Van Buren, Theo. B., XI. S. Con-

sul-General to Japan.295. Vogel, Sir Julius, Prime Minis-

ter to New Zealand.296. Weletsky, Vladimir, Consul for

Russia to San Francisco.297. Willard, Alex., U. S. Consul to

Guaymas.298. Woods, G. A., Prime Minister to


299. Yanagia, Kentoro, Consul for

Japan to San Francisco.300. Yoshida, Vingarani, Japanese

Minister to TJ. S. A.

ARMY AND NAVY.Comprising the higher officers of both branches of the service, who have

honored Bradley & Rulofson with their sittings. In this list are not included

the Junior Officers below the rank of Lt. Comd'r. (XJ. S. N.) or Major,

(U. S. A.) of which B. & R. have over 2000 in number.

301. Alexander, B. S., Colonel U.S.A.302. Albert, John S., Chief Engineer

TJ. S. Navy.303. Almy, John J., Admiral U. S. N.304. Allen, L. H., General U. S. A.305. Anson, Chas. V., Captain R. N.306. Augur, C, General U. S. A.307. Bailey, E. I., Medical DirectorU. S. A.

308. Baldwin, Chas. H., CommodoreTJ. S. N.

309. Batione, D. B., Paymaster U. S.

N.310. Baxter, J. F., Chief MedicalPurveyor TJ. S. A.

311. Beaman, Geo. W., Paymaster TJ*.

S.N.312. Bedford, F. G. D., Captain R. N.313. Biddle, J., Major TJ. S. A.

314. Boyle Captain, Russian Navy.915. Breck, Sam., Major U. S. A.316. Breeze, K. R., Captain TJ. S. N.317. Brown, John M., Medical In-

spector, II. S. N.318. Burns, W., Colonel TJ. S. A.

319. Broadhead, J. A., Major TJ. S. A.

320. Casey, Silas, Jr., CommanderU. S. N.

321. Carpenter, John B., Chief En-gineer TJ. S. N.

322. Canby, J. P., Paymaster IT. S. A.

323. Campion, W. E., Chiof EngineerR. N.

324. Canevaro, Captain N., Italian

Navy.325. Clark, Lewis, Lt. Commander

TJ. S. N.

rr.. Sax Fi 17

Clark, F.. Paymaster D. 8. K.I hatfield, A. •!.. Commander

i; K...iv. \. <;.. Conun ndi r D. S.

Ntz, John B., Commander r. s.

N.• ilhcuui. E. E., Command- r TJ.

S. N.

331. Cooper, G. E., Colonel TJ. 8. A.332. Cochrane, A. A., admiral R.N.333.

j ..shy. Frank 0., Pay InspectorT. S. Navy.

335. Cochrane, Geo., Paymaster I".

s. N.336. Colby, Henry G„ Paymaster TJ.

B.N.337. Crook, Gen. I.. General U. B. A.

I raven, ThoB. J., Admiral TJ.S.N.I raven, Chas. H., Lt.-Coininan-

der TJ. S. X.34ii. Cunningham, John S., Pay Di-

rector 1". s. X.341. Curtis, H. P.. Major TJ. S. A.

312. Compton, 0. E., Major 0. B. A.

343. Coffin, Geo, W., Lt.-CommanderD. s. X.

344. Davids, Henry S.. Chief Engi-neer, TJ. S. N.

34.1. De Cateret, Colonel E. C.34<i. De Livron, Russian Navy,347. De Horsey, A., Admiral B. X.348. Devvev, Geo., Commander TJ. S.

X.349. Dickens, F. W., Lt.-Commander

D. s. x.350. Doran, Edward C, Pay Director

TJ. S. X.351. Dnke. W. E., relict of the fa-

mous 13th Light Dragoons.352. Dunn, T. S., Major in the U.S.A.353. Dungan, Jacob S., Medical Di-

i"r TJ. S. N.354. Dyer. General U. S. A.355. Eaton, J. H., Chief Paymaster

t'. S. A.

356. Eddy. A. R.. Colonel U. 8. \.

257. Emmons, Geo. F., Admiral 0.s. x.

358. English, Earl. Captain 1". S. N\359. Evashintoff, Captain BnsaianN.360. Farragut, Admiral 1". s. X.361. Fargunaar, Admiral R. N.362. Fitzhngh, IViu. E.. Captain TJ.

S. X.363. Fletcher, Montgomery, ChiefEngineer 1". s. x.

364. Fonreroy, Captain de, FrenchNavy. ,

365. Fowler, L. H., Paymaster TJ. S.


366. Frailey, T. M., Commodore U.S. X.

867. Franklin, S. E., Captain TJ. S. N.368. Frecinet, Captain de, FrenchNavy.

369. French. Wm. H„ Colonel U. S.

A. •

370. Fulton, J., Pay Director TJ. S.

N.371. Gherardi, Bancroft, Captain TJ.

s. x.372. Glass, H., Lt.-Commander U. S.

N.373. Gidley, Theo., Captain MexicanArmy.

374. Goff, E., Major E. A.375. Goldsborough, J. E., Comman-

der U. S. N.370. Green, A. S., Chief Engineer TJ.

S. X.377. Grant, TJ. S,, General TJ. S. A.378. Greer, Jas. A., Captain U. S. N.3711. Greer, General TJ. S. A.380. Grier, W. N., General TJ. S. A.381. Grinding, Geo H., Paymaster TJ.

S. N.382. Green, John, Major TJ. S. A.383. Grover, C, Colonel U. S. A.384. Gully, A.. Colonel TJ. S. A.385. Halleck, W„ General U. S. A.386. Halford, Wm., TJ. S. N.357. H. A. Court, Captain E. X.

18 Bbadley & Edxofson's Celebrity

388. Hendee, Geo. E., Paymaster U.S.N.

389. Horniman, Wm., Paymaster B.N.

390. Hopkins, W. E., Captain U. S.

N.391. Howe, A. P., Major "D. S. A.

392. Howard, O. P., General U. S. A.393. Ingalls, Eufus, Colonel, U. S. A.

394. Irwin, John, Captain IT. S. N.395. Isherwood, Ben. P., Chief En-

gineer U. S. N.396. Ito, .Captain Japanese Navy.397. Jones, Wm. H-, Surgeon U. S. N.398. Johnson, P. C, Captain U. S. N.399. Kautz, A. V., General U. S. A.400. Kautz, A. XJ., Colonel U. S. A.401. Keefer, J. B., Paymaster U. S. A.

402. Keeney, Chas. C., Medical Di-rector U. S. A.

403. Kelton, John C, Colonel U. S. A.404. Kerapff, Louis, Commander U.S.N.

405. Kennedy, W. B., Captain E. N.406. Kcenig, Captain French Navy.407. Kutz, Geo. P., Chief Engineer

IT. S. N.408. Kreitman, Captain L., FrenchNavy.

409. Lapeliu, Admiral French Navy.410. Lamden, Win. J., Chief EngineerU.S.N.

411. Lawton, E. Chief Engineer U.S.N.

412. Littleton, E. G. P., ColonelE. A.

413. Ludington, E. H., Major 17. S. A.414. Loaego, General I., MexicanArmy.

415. Magee, G. W., Chief EngineerU. S. N.

416. Martin, J. P., Major U. S. A.417. Mansfield, Chas. D., Paymaster

XJ. S. N.418. May, Ed., Pay Inspector U.' S.

N.419. Mason, E. C, Major U. S. A.

420. McClellan, General U. S. A.421. McCormick, A. H., CommanderU. S. N.

422. McCann, Wm. P., Captain U. S.


423. McDongal, D., Admiral IT. S.N.424. Maynadier, W. M., Pay'r U. S.

A.425. McDougal, Chas. J., Admiral U.S.N.

426. McDowell, Irwin, General U.S. A.

427. McKee, J. C, Medical DirectorU. S. A.

428. Meade, Kichard W. Comman-der IT. S. N.

429. Mendell, Geo. H, Major IT. S.

A.430. McAllister, Julran, Colonel IT.

S. A.431. Merriman, E. C, Commander

IT. S. N.432. Miller, Jos.N., Captain IT. S.N.433. Moltke, Count von, GermanArmy.

434. Murray, Eobt., Medical Director

U. S. A.

435. Murray. A. Admiral IT. S. N.436. Myers, Win, Major IT. S. A.437. Nelson, J. H., Paymaster IT.

S.A.438. Norman, Sir N. W., General

E. A.439. Novosilsky, Captain KussianNavy.

440. Oestreicher, Captain von, Aus-trian Navy.

441. Ord. Ed. O., General U. S. A.442. Otis, Elmer, Lt.-Colouel IT. S. A.4-13. Patterson, Thos. H., Admiral

IT. S. N.444. Pattison, Thos., Captain IT. S. N.445. Penthievre, Duke de, FrenchNavy.

446. Pennock, A. M., Admiral IT.

S. N.447. Perigot, Admiral French Navy.

CiTUXMH-E, SaS Fi. 19

41- Phelps, Thos. B., Captain I".

S V44'.'. rhilip. John W., Commander

V. S. K.45<>. Potter, J. B. M.. Paymaster

r. s. a.

151. Pope, John, Genera] 0. s. A.

Ponsino, Admiral Basaian Xaw.Preble, Geo. H., admiral 0.

S. X154. Pasco, E.. Captain French Navy.156. Prince, Henrv, Chief Paymaster

r. s. a.

156. Qneen, W. \v.. Captain 0. 8. N.167. Baban H.. General R. A.45s. Bedfield, J. B., Paymaster D.

s. N.159. Reibuitz, Captain von, GermanXaw.

160. Reynold, Wm., Admiral U. S.N.461. Beynolds, C. A.. Major U. B. A.

168. Bice, E., Captain K. X.463. Roche, .las. 1;.. Payr. 0. S. A.464. Roberts, J., General U. S. A.41.13. Bodgers, C. B. P., Admiral U.S.N.

166. Bodgers, .T.>hu. Admiral U. S. N.167. Bonssin, Admiral French Navy.168. Rose. Heun-, Captain R. N.46'.t. Rueker. Wm. A., Paymaster U.

B. A.47ii. Bossell, John H., Captain II.

S. N.471. Saigo, General Japanese Army.47-2. Sartori, L. C, Commander 0.

S. N.473. Saunders, M. W., Commander

0. S.N.474. Saiif.ird, Geo. B., Major U.S.A.47o Schenk. Caspar, Pay Inspector

D. S. N.176. Sohleppenbach, Baron, Russian

Navy.477. Schofield, John M., General U.

S. A.

478. Selfridge, Thomas P., AdmiralU. S. N.

I7.i. Beawell, Win., General V. S. A.ichriver, Edmund, Colonel I'.

S. A.

181. Shantz. Captain von, RussianNavv.

I-'.'. Shirley, Paul, Commodore I".

B. X.

183. Sherman. Wm. T., General V.S. A.

184. Sicard, Montgomery, Comniand-er 0. S. X.

185. Sheridan. Phil.. General U. S. A.186. Skerret, Jos. S., Commander

0, S. N.187. Smith, Jos. A., Paymaster U.

S. X.188. Smith, Rodney, Chief Paymas-

ter 0. S. A.

489. Spotts, Jas. H. Commodore U.s. x.

190. Sniffin, Culver C, Major U.S. A.4H1. Bhamm, Wm. S., Chief Engineer

0. S. X.492. Stancliff, H. T., Paymaster U.S.N

493. Stevenson, John H., Paymaster0. S. N.

494. Stoneman, General 0. S. A.195. St, wait, C. S., Colonel U. S. A.496. Sntter, General U. S. A.497. Stewart, Jos. Major U. S. A.498. Taylor, W. R.. Admiral U. S. N.499. Taylor, Wm. E., Medical In-

spector 0. S. N.5(10. Taylor, Henry C, Lt.-Comman-

der 0. S. N.501. Terry, A. H., General IT. S. A.502. Terentieff, V., Commander R. N.503. Thatcher, H. K., Admiral U. S.

N.504. Thornton, G. E., Pay InspectorU.S.N.

505. Towler, R. H., Pay'r U. S. A.506. Train, Chas. J., Lt.'-CommanderU. S. N.

507. Trnxton, W. T., Captain U. S. N.

20 Bradley & Eulofson's Celebbitt

508. Trenchard, S. D., Admiral XJ.

S.N.509. Turner, Thos., Admiral U. S. N.510. Vaux, Baron de, French Navy.511. Visehniakoff, Captain BussianNavy.

512. Wadleigh, G. H., Lt.-Comman-der U. S. N.

513. Watson, J. C, Commander TJ.

S.N.514. Ware, E. H., Surgeon, U. S. N.515. Ward, B. F., Captain B. A.516. Wheaton, Frank, Colonel 1

TJ. S.

A.517. Willis, S. A.,FleetSurg'n, B.N.518. Wilkins, J. D., Colonel U. S. A.519. Wilson, J. M., Major U. S. A.520. Wilson, Samuel L., Lt.-Com-mander TJ. S. N.

521. Wilcox, P. B., Colonel TJ. S. A.522. Whitehouse, Ed. N., Paymaster

TJ. S. N.

523. Whiting,Wm. H., Lt.-Command-er TJ. S. N.

524. Wilbraham, Sir B., GeneralB. A.

525. Williams, General TJ. S. A.526. Winslow, J. A., Admiral TJ. S. N.527. Wingard, C. W., Payr. U. S. A.528. Wilkins, John D., Colonel TJ. S.

A.529. Williams, E. S., Colonel TJ. S. A.530. Wood, H. C, Major TJ. S. A.531. Wood, W. W., Chief Engineer

U. S. N.532. Woods, Sam., Paymaster TJ. S. A.533. Wood, Geo.W.,i,t.-CommanderU. S. N.

534. Wright, Henry J., PaymasterTJ. S. N.

535. Wright, Arthur H., Lt.-Com-mander TJ. S. N.


A List of the most distinguished Lawyers of San Francisco, and abroad.

536. Andros. Milton.537. Ames, Fisher.538. Barstow, George.539. Bishop, Thos. B.540. Blake, M. C.541. Blanding, Wm.542. Blanding, J. G.543. Barnes, W. H. L.544. Barry, Sir Bedmond.545. Campbell, Alexander, Sen.546. Campbell, Colin.

547. Campbell, Henry C.548. Carpentier, E. E.549. Carpentier, H. W.550. Casserly, Eugene.551. Churchill, Clark.552. Clark, Alfred.553. Clarke, Sam'l J.

554. Clifford, How.555. Cohen, A. A.556. Cole, Cornelius.

557. Coghlan, John M.558. Crockett, J. B.559. Currey, John.560. Daingerfield, W. P.561. Darwin, C. B.562. Deuprey, E. N.563. Dwindle, John W.564. Dwindle, S. H.565. Englander, L.566. Estee, M. M.567. Ferral, Eobert.5G8. Field, Stephen J.

569. Fifield, Wm. H.570. Finkler, Carl.

571. Flood, Noah F.


Gibbs, Charles E.57-1. Goodfellow, W

C. Jr.

578. *ir. atbousi . 0. K\. D.

578. Haggin, Jam< a B.579. Haggin, Louis F.


581. Height, H. H.582. Hackett, Sir Thomas.583. Ball, s,th P.

i! lis y, Charles585. Hamilton, Joseph.588. Harrison. Robert.587. Hayes, G. B. B.">XX. Haves. Wm.589. HevdeuMdt. S.590. Higbv. William.591. Highton, H. E.592. Hoge, J. P.593. Hoffman, Ogden.594. Hofflnan, Southard695. Holland, N.596. Iglesias, Jose II,

597. Jarboe, John R.698. Lake, Delos.599. Latimer, L. D.BOO. Lloyd, Reuben H.601. Loughborough, A. H.602. Lowe, Chas. A.603. Lvon. David.604. McAllister, 0.605. McAllister. Hall.

806. McElrath. John E.607. UcKee, S. B.608«McEinstry, E. W.609. Montgornerv Zack.610. Mhoon, J. B.611. Miller, Sam. F.612. Moore, H. K.613. Morrison, R. F.614. Molt, G. N.615. Murphy, Daniel J.

616. Myrick, M. H.617. Naphthaly, B. F.618. Neuman, Paul

619. N.-whall. H. 0.620. Xewlauds. Frank G.621. Niles, A. 0.622. O'Beirne, J. F.

I'Conner, Frank.624. Olney. "Warren.625. Otis.' Frank.626. Perkins, James 0.627. Phelan, Joseph P.628. Pillsburv, E. S.

629. Pixlev. Frank M.630. Porter. Nathan.681, Pratt. Orville C.632. Quint. Leander.633. Redfield, L. H.634. Reardon, T. H.635. Rhodes. A. L.636. Royce, C. E.637. Boysden, A. W.638. Ryan, James H.639. Saunders, John H.640. Sawyer, Lorenzo.641. Sawyer, L. S. B.642. Sepulveda. Y.643. Sharp, G. F.644. Sharp, Solon.643. Sharp, Wm. H.646. Skinner, T. L.647. Smith, C. W. M.648. Stetson, E. G.649. Stow. Wm. W.6311. Sumner, Chas. A.651. Swift, John. F.65-2. Taylor, Frank F.653. Teare. Philip.

654. Tevis, Lloyd.655. Tewksbury, L. M.656. Thornton, James D.657. Tobin, Richard.658. Tobin, Robert.659. Travers, Chas. E.660. Treadwell, James P.661. Tvler, George W.662. Van Duzer, A. P.663. Verdenal, J. M.664. Voorhees, James.665. Wallace, W. T.

22 Bradley & Ruloi-son's Celebrity

666. Whalen, J. H.667. Wheeler. E. D.668. Williams, John J.

669. Wilson. E. E.670. Wilson, R. J.

671. Wilson, J. M.672. Wilson, S. M.673. Woods, George L.674. Wright, S. S.

675. Wright, Stuart S.


Including some of the most distinguished members of the Clergy that are

stationed here, or -working abroad.

676. Alemany, Most Reverend Arch-bishop.

677. Accolti, Rev. Michael678. Ackerley, Eev.679. Alexander, Rev. Bishop.680. Anderson, Rev. W.681. Afflerbach, Rev. C. H.682. Allis, Rev. J. M.6S3. Bacon, Rev. G. B.684. Baker, Rev. E. P.685. Berger, Rev. M. L.686. Beers, Rev. H. W.687. Beecher.JRev. Henrv Ward.688. Benton, Rev.689. Bettelheim, Rev. Dr. A. S.

690. Brennan, Rev. R. P.691. Buchler, Rev. J. M.692. Bush, Rev. Dr.693. Carpenter, Rev. Dr.694. Callaghan, Rev. T.695. Carlsen, Rev. L.696. Christcburch, Bishop of.

697. Chamberlain. Eev. C.

697^. Chase,' Rev. Lyman.698. Clark, Rev. Charles.699. Cohn, Rev. E.700. Coyle, Rev. John.701. Cunningham. Rev. T. M.702. Damon, Rev.Father.703. Davis, Rev. Geo. E.704. Deal, Rev. D.705. Dean, Rev. Wm.706. Doughty, Rev. John,707. Dyer, Rev. J. J.

708. Francis, Rev. John.709. Franz, Rev. J.

710. Field, Rev. H. M.711. Fiske, Rev. Asa S.

712. Gallagher, Rev. H. P.

713. Garriga, Eev. Andres.714. Gregory, Eev. Uriah.

715. Grey, Eev. P. J.

716. Gibney, Eev. Thos.717. Gibson, Eev. Otis.

718. Gibson, Eev. M. M.719. Guard, Eev. Thomas.720. Hamilton, Eev.721. Harrington, Eev. J. F.

722. Hammond, Rev. L. P.

723. Hemphill, Rev. John.724. Herde, Eev. J.

725. Hulbert, Eev.E. B.

726. Ijams, Eev. W. E.

727. Je-n-ell, Eev. F. F.

728. Johannes, His Eminence, Bishopof Alaska.

729. Kalloch, Rev. I. S.

730. Kavanaugh, Rev. H. H., Bishopof Kentucky.

731. Kedrolivanski, Rev, P. J.

732. Kip, Rev. Wm. Ingraham,Bishop of California.

733. Krueger, Rev. J. H.734. Lathrop, Rev. H. D.735. Lacy, Eev.736. Laird, Eev. John.737. Largah, Eev. James.738. Loomis, Rev. A. W.

I 5, Sax 1 83

. K. v. J.

i nngh, R * . J. N".

711. M1>.

71 i. M li. W.McCarthy. Rev. B. <;.

746. Mills, Bev. C. T.717. Morris, Hev„ Bishop of Oregon.


749. Mochlsteph, Rev. G.750. N I

. K.751. Newton, Bev. Geo.7.Vj. Patterson, Rev. Egbert.

753. Peake. B iv. E. 8.7.". I. Piatt, Rev. Win.755. Pond, Bev. Wd

. II, Ber. Win. ('.

757. Pius IX.. His Holiness, Pope.i ird, Bi v. E. L.

759. Robert, Bev. P.760. Bowell, Bev. Joseph.

661. Sawt< 111 . Bev.762. Btono, Rev. A. I,.

' v. W. A.

hwartz, Bev. H.765. Shogrcn, Bev, E.

766. Spanlding, C. X.

767. Stebbins, Bev. Horati >.

768. Stror Ri i V. K.769. Snndborn, Bev. P. W.77". Tener, Bev. I. W.771. Threadway, E v. Dr.77J -I'm. 1. 1. Kev. E. 8.

77::. Todhunter, Bev. A.

774. Vidaver, Bev. Dr. H.770. Voegelein, Bev. F. W.776. Williams, Bev. J.

777. Williamson, Bev. K. W.77s. Woodbridge, Kev. S.

7711. Woodsworth, Rev James.780. Worcester, Rev. Jos.7s 1. Wythe, Rev.782. Young, Bev. J. K.


uning the names of some of the highest Masons, Odd Fellows, etc.,

in Ban Francisco, and elsewhere, who have been photographed at this estab-


7>::. Abell, Alex. G., Grand SecretaryGrand Lodge Free and AcceptedMasons of California; Grand High

.:. Boyal Arch Masons of Cal.;

Grand Treasurer Knights Templars784. Anderson, Peter, M. E. G. H. P.,

Boyal Arch Masons.785. Aycr, W . s. M.786. Barnard. I. D , I. 0. 0. F.7s7. Barber, J. A , Grand Master,Most Worthy Sovereign GrandLodge or F. ,v. A. Masons of Cal.

7ss. Barton, J. B., F. A- A. M.78!). Belcher, Wm C, S. M.690. Beatty, F. G., I. O. 0. F.791. Bnuti'e, J. H.O., F. &A. M.792. Boyd, Colin M., 1. O. 0. F.

793. Bradford, Wm., F. &. A. M.794. Brett, R. W„ F. & A. M.795. Brown. John M., 33°, Grand

Master, Grand Lodge F. A- A. M.,of Cal.. and Grand King, R >yal

Arch Mason.7%. Brader, R. C, F. &. A. M.707. Brown, J. F., I. 0. O. F.

798. Bromley, Geo, T., K. T.790. Brooks, H. B.. I. 0. 0. F.800. Brown, Chas. F., S. M.801. Burkett, Alex., S. M.802. Caswell, Thos.H., R.A. M., 33°.

803. Callnw, Thos., K. T.804. Carrington, John B., GrandWorthy Chief Templar.

805. Chaplain, Wm. G., I. 0. O. F.


806. Cond, "W. G„ I. O. 0. F.

807. Craigue, S. W., F. & A. M.808. Cunningham, John S. 32, S. E.

F. A. M.809. Davies, Wm, A., S. M.810. Day, A. 0., I. O. 0. F.811. Daiin, F. P., I. 0. O. F.812. Dodge, P. P., I. 0. O. F.813. Driver, Thos., S. M.814. Dnnker, E., I. O. 0. F.815. Ellsworth, L„ I. O. 0. F.816. Farnsworth, E. D., I. O. O. F.817. Fletcher, B., F. & A. M.818. Foy, S. C, F. & A. M.818. Graves, Sarn., F. & A. M., andK. A. M.

820. Graves, H. T., E. A.M.821. Grimes, Geo. T., E. A. M.822. Guardian, W. G., I. O. O, F.823. Harmon, John B., I. 0. 0. F.824. Hayes, J. W., I. 0. O. F.825. Hedges, E. E., K. T.826. Heller, M., F. & A. M.827. Herald, W. G., I. O. O. F.828. Hines, J. D., F. & A. M.829. Hobe, Geo. J., S. M.830. Hunter, D , I. 0. O. F.831. Jeffrey, Wm., S. M.S32. Kuh, L„ F. & A. M.833. Knapp, H. H., E. A. M.834. Laird, D. W., S. M.835. Lee, B., K. T.K36. Lemmon, W. C, F. & A. M.837. Levy, S. W., S. M.838. Lot, Charles F., K. T.839. Lyon, W. B., I. O. .0. F.840. Mayer, Samuel D„ F. & A. M.and E. A. M.

841. Marshall, W. G., I. 0. 0. F.842. McAllister, A. A., S. M.843. McCrindle, Wm., S. M.844. Meyer, Marcus C, S. M.845. Miller, J. F., I. 0,0. F.846. Morse, John F., Grand Past

Master, I. O. O. F.847. Moody, Wm. E., F. & A. M.

848. Moses, Wm. S., S. M.849. Oglesby, Jas., F. & A. M.850. Oliver, Alex. G., F. & A. M.851. Orme, H. S., E, A. M., andGrand Master of Grand Council ofEoyal and Select Masters of Cal.

852. Palher, John G., F. & A. M.853. Petrie, Wm. M., F. & A. M.854. Pike, General Albert, 33°, Sov-

ereign Grand Commander of ScotchMasons TJ. S.

855. Prescott, Ch. J., S. M.856. Randall, C. H., I. O. 0. F.857. Eeade, Samuel W., Sup. Chan-

cellor Knights of Pythias.858. Eedington, A. A., K. T.859. Eodgers, E. A., F. & A. M.860. Boot, Ira C, E. A. M.861. Eosenbaum, M., S. M.862. Sanderson, A. L., F. & A. M.863. Schaefler. J. W., F. & A. M.864. Sheldun, H. B., I. 0. O. F.865. Simmons, Wm. J., F. & A. M.866. Sargent. A. A., F. & A. M.867. Smith, Geo. J., I. 0. 0. F.868. Spauiding. Nath. W., E. A. M.869. Terry, C. N., I. 0. 0. F.870. Tilden, H. J., M. W. G. M., I.

0. 0. F.871. Tinnin, W. J., E. A. M.872. Titus, I. S., S. M.873. Vance, Jas., F. & A. M.874. Van Voorhees, Ealph J., K. T.875. Walker, Jabez, G. W. C. T.876. Waterhouse, G, S. M.877. Wells, Wm. S„ F. & A. M.878. Whitcher, J. E., S. M.879. Wiggin, Ch. L., F. & A. M. and

E. A. M.880. Williams, A. F., S. M.881. Winn, H. S., M. W. G. P., I. 0.

O. F.882. Wing, Stephen, S. N.883. Woolf. D. B., I. O. O. F.

Cataloocs, Sax Francisco. 25


Viiil. r this heading are comprised the iiiffcreiit Newspaper Proprietors

and writers attached to local and foreign papers— al.o correspondents of

foreign Papers stationed in this city,

884. Arndt, Dr. Robt. S., Correspon-dent N. Y. Tribune.

Ulstroin, W., Correspondent

Austin. Frank B.887. Austin. Mrs. Joseph.888. Beruales, Albo de, Correspon-

dent London Review.889. Burke, H. M.890. Bowman, James F.891. Barnes. W. H.892. B-kh, Alfred.

893. Barnes, W. D.894. Barnes. George.895. Beales, Ch.896. Beirce, A. G.897. Bailev, J. M.898. Bogart, E. D.899. Bomck, Marcus D., Spirit of the

J. M., Golden Eta.901. Bunker. Geo.902. Brewster, F. J.

903. Cash, Thus.9<)i. Oarcuany, John W.905. Cameron, Win. S.906. Carie, Henrie.907. Creighton, E. James.908. Cremonv, J. C.909. Cohn, M., Correspondent N. Y.


910. Con-ell, John E.911. Cosgrove, J. P.912. Damon, Eev. Father, Honolulu


913. Dargie, W. E.914. Davis, Samuel, Virginia City


915. Dam, Harry J.

916. Densmore, G. B.

917. Delehanty. J.

918. Darmore, Dora.919. De Young, Chas.920. 1 le Young, Mike., S. F. Chronicle.

921. Dalziel, D., S. F. Mail.922. Dewey, Fred.923. Field,' Eev. H. M., N. Y. Evan-


924. Fitzgerald, O. P., S. F. HomeJV. wspaper.

925. Fitch, Geo. K., Bulletin.

926. Frost, Win. P. Jr.

927. Garran, Dr. A., Sydney Herald.928. Greeley, Horace.929. Gassawav, Frank H.930. Harper, Olive.

931. Henderson.932. Hittell, John S., Daily Alia.933. Hinton, Richard J.

934. Hull, J:

935. Huhu, A. V.936. Irwin, Joseph.937. Jackson, Col. John P., S. F,

Evening Post.

938. Jessop, Geo. H.939. Johnson, J. A.940. Leslie, Frank.941. Lambert, Richard.942. Lathrop, B. T.943. Latham, Jas. F., Ingoldsby.944. Lyster, Fred.945. Levy, Geo. Collins, Australia.946. MacCrellish, Fred., Proprietorand editor S. F. Alta.

947. Marriott, Fred., S. F. Newsletter.948. Massett, Stephen.949. McComb, John, Alia.

950. McEwen, Arthur.951. McEoberts, D. J.

952. McCarthy, John F

26 Bkadlet & Kulofson's Celebrity

953. Mahoney. Conn. A.954. Medill, S. J., Correspondent

Chicago Tribune.

955. Murrdiv, P. J.

956. Moss, Wra. S.

957. Nesnekl, D. W. C.958. Newcomb, Thos.959. Norcross, W. F., S. F. Sew Age.960. Neilson, fm, M.961. Oartraan, F. \V.

962. O'Kelly, Jas. J., CorrespondentN. Y. Herald.

963. O'Connell, Dan.964. O'Brien, E. A.965. Odgiers, J. L.966. Osbon, B. S.

967. Parker.968. Partington, Mrs. [Bulletin.

969. Pickering, Loring, S. F. Call and970. Prior, Melton, Correspondent III.

London News.971. Phelps, G. W.972. Pixley, Frank M., Argonaut.973. Koacii, Philip, S. F. Examiner.974. Robertson, W. M.975. Bienian, Geo. B., Correspondent

N. Y. Mercury.976. Stoddard, 'Chas. Warren.977. Shaw, H. G., S. F. Pacific Life.

978. Soruers, F. M., Argonaut.979. Strattroan, Jack.980. Stenhonse, T. B. H., Correspon-dent N. Y. Herald.

981. St Maur, Jack.982. Sutliff, Albert.

983. Sutherland, Chas.984. Simonton, J. W.985. Spring, Ed. S.

986. Twain, Mark.987. Thrum, John F., CorrespondentN. Y. Dramatic News.

988. Thompson, Albert.989. Vivian, F. J.

990. Visscher, W. L.991. "Warren, Frank J.

992. Wetniore, Chas. A., Correspon-dent Daily Alia.

993. Whym'per, Fred.994. Williams,' Geo. F., Correspon-

dent N. Y. Herald.995. Williams, Samuel.996. Wright, Wm. Horace.


Under this heading will be found a number of distinguished Literati and

others, who have earned a niche in the Temple of Fame.

997. Agassiz, Prof. L., Naturalist.

998. Anthony, Susan B., Lecturer.

999. Anderson, Hans Christian, Au-thor.

1000. Adler, Prof. Felix, Lecturer.1001. Bancroft, H. H., HistorianAuthor.

1002. Barry, C. W., Author.1003. Barnes, W. H. L., Author.1004. Beecher, Bev. Henry Ward, Lec-


1005. Billings, Josh, Lecturer.1006. Boucicault, Dion, Author.

1007. Bromley, Geo. T., Lecturer.1008. Brown, J. Boss, Author.1009. Campbell, Bartley, Author.1010. Claflin, Tennie C, Lecturer.1011. Clark, Eev. Chas., Lecturer.1012. Couzins, Phoebe, Lecturer.1013. Colfax, Schuyler, Lecturer.

1014. Coolbrith, M'iss Ina D., Poet.1015. Davidson, ' Prof. Geo., Presi-

dent Cal. Academy of Sciences.1016. Daly, Augustin, Author.1017. Dickens, Chas., Author.1018. Dickinson, Anna, Literary.

CiTXLOorr, Svx Fi 27

1019. Dm-ant, Prof., University of



W., First Ocean

Qillman, Prof. D. t.\. Pnddi lit

University of Maryland.Claj St., Author.

1036. Guard, Rev. Thos., Lecturer.1097. of. John, England,


1088. ll.m. . Bret, Author and Poet.3019. .!. M . Poet.

1030. Harkawav, .lack. Author.1081. Harper, Olive, Lecturer.

1089. Henningsen, 0, P., Author.

1033. Hayes, Dr. A. H., PeabodyM. dicaJ Institute.

1034. Hitchcock, Prof. B., AmherstOoll

1035. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Poetand Author.

1036. Ingersoll, Bobt. G., Lecturer.

1037. II.. Poet.lo:ts. Kingsbury, Alice, Authoress.

1039. Le Conte, Prof. John, PresidentUniversity of California.

1040. Lemon J. G., Botanist.1041. Lewis, Dr. Dio, Author and

I.- cttvrer.

1042. Lord, Dr., Lecturer.

1043. Massett, Stephen, Poet and' Lecturer.

1044. MacDonald, Calvin B., Lec-turer.

loi".. McClellan, Wm. IV, Author.nin, Poet.

luiT. Miller, Mrs. Minnie Myrtle.lit turcr.

1048. Moreno, Cesser, Atlnniie Cable.1049. Morgan, Geo. w., Poet.

Mui.l. .ell. Miss A. U., Lecturer.1051. Neville, Mis M. 0., Authoress.1052. Orton, Wm., President W. U.

T. I. Co.1053. Pavy, Octavio, Arctic Explorer.1054. Paul. Howard, Author.1055. Perkins, Eli, Lecturer.1056. Pinard, A., Savant.1057. Pike, Gen. Albert, Author.1058. Plnmmer, C'has. B., Lecturer.1059. Potter, Miss Helen, Lecturer.1060. Phelps, Prof, A., Literary.1061. Rhodes, Win. H„ Poet.1062. Rulofson, Wm. H., Author.lui;::. Seelye, Prof. J. H., PresidentAmherst College.

1064. Sims, Dr. Marion, PresidentAmerican Medical Association,

1065. Stanton, Mrs. Elizabeth Cady,Lecturer.

1066. Shunt, Hector, A., Poet.1067. Sheppard, Prof. Nathan, Lec-


1068. Tayleure, C, Author.100!). Taylor, Howard, Author.1070. Tilton, Theodore, Lecturer.1071. Train, Geo. Francis, Lecturer.1072. Twain, Mark, Lecturer,1073. Vogel, Dr. Herman, Author.1074. Woodhull, Victoria, Lecturer.


Comprising the principal Artists of the Pacific Coast.

1075. Bierdstadt, Albert, Landscape.1076. Bloomer, H. E., Landscape.1077. Bradford, William, Arctic.

1078. Bush, Norton, Landscape.1079. Dayton, Geo., Scenic.1080. Denny, G. T„ Marine.

28 Bradley & Rulofson's Ceusbbity

1081. Frenzeny, Paul, Carricaturist.

1082. Garriboldi, G., Fresco Painter.

1083. Graham, H. L., Scenio Painter.1084. Graham, Win.1085. Hamilton, Jaa., Marine.1086. Hairing.1087. Hill, Thos., Landscape.1088. Irwin, Benomi, Portrait.

1089. Keith, L. E., Landscape.1090. Kunath, Oscar, Crayon.1091. Loomis, Pascal, Landscape.1092. Marple, Wm. L., Landscape.1093. Merry, Harley, Scenic Artist.

1094. Mezarra, Pedro, Sculptor.

1095. Nahl, Chas., Indian Painter.

1096. Narjot, Ernest, Landscape.1097. Nea'l, David, Historical Painter.1098. Paris, Walter.1099. Perry, E. W„ Portrait.

1100. Porter, Wm., Scenic Painter.

1101. Regamey, Felix, Artist.

1102. Bix. J., Landscape. .

1103. Bobinson.1104. Sogers, Randolph, Sculptor.1105. Rosenthal, Tobey, Painter.1106. Sears, B., Sketch.1107. Schultz, Carl, Crayon.1108. Strauss, Scenic.

1109. Tavernier, Jules, Landscape.1110. Tojetti, Virg., Allegorical Por-

trait, etc.

1111. Tojetti, D., Allegorical Portrait,


1112. Tucker, J. O.Mrs. Water Color.1113. Voegtlin, Wm., Scenic.

1114. Wandesforde, J. B., Professorof Drawing.

1115. Williams, Virgil, Painter.1116. Witham, C. W., Scenic.1117. Yelland, Landscape.

STEAMSHIP MEN.Under this heading may be found the names of Captains and Pursers of

all ocean steamers plying to and from San Francisco; also, Agents and others

connected -with the maritime service.

1118. Austin, Captain D. S..P.M. S.

S. Co.1119. Beardsley, Purser S. A., P. M.

S. S. Co.1120. Bevans, Purser Jno. M., 0. &

0. S. S. Co.1121. Berry, Capt. G. G., P. M. S. S.

Co.1122. Blanchard, H. P., Agent P. M.

S. S. Co.1123. Brewster, PurserD. E., P. M. S.

S. Co.1124. Bradbury, Captain George H.,President O. & 0. S. S. Co., S. F.

1125. Bugg, Purser E. S., P. M. S.

S. Co.1126. Bosworth, Purser C. H., P. M.

S. S. Co.

1127. Bulger, Martin, Supt. P. M. S.

S. Co., S. F.1128. Brady, Dr., P. M. S. S. Co.1129. Cargill, Capt. W., P. M. S. S.

Co.1130. Colton, D. D., President 0. &

O. S. S. Co.1131. Caverly, Capt. J. M., P. M.

S. S. Co.1132. Chevalier, CaptH., P. M. S. S.

Co.1133. Cobb, Capt. W. B., P. M. S. S.

Co.1134. Connolly, Capt. M;, P. M. S. S.

Co.1135. Cox, Capt. Jennings S., late

agent P. M. S. S. Co., S. F.

1136. Dean, PurserD., P. M.S.S. Co.

Catalogck, Sax Francisco. 29

1137. p.;irl~im, Capt, H. 0., P. M.

1138. Dc Lngnel, Parser I. A., P. If.- Co.

1139. Dabedat, Purser, J. P., P. If.•

1140. Debney, Cant, Steamer Ancon.1141. Eldridge, Captain Oliver, lute

P. M1142. Brans, Purser Robert G., 0. &

0. B.

114:!. Entire, Capt II. C. Alaska Co.114). IVrri.s, Captain J. S„ P. M. S.

1145. Fisher, Dr.. O. A- O. S. S. Co.1146. Graham, Purser, P. M. S. S. Co.1147. Hennessey, Purser H.. P. 31. S.

114s. Hudson, Dr., F. M. S. S. Co.1149. Howard, Captain H. Z., T. 31.

8. 81150. Howard, Purser B. C, P. 31. S.

8. Co.1151. Holladay, Ben.115a. Jerome, Purser H. A., P. 31. S.

S. S. (.',,.

117.:-:. Johnson, Capt, Geo. A. steamerOrizaba.

1154. Kidley, Captain W.H., O. &0.B. 8. Co.

1155. Lyman, Purser J. O., P. 31. S.

S. Co.1156. McDonald, Purser R., P. 31. S.

S. Co.1157. JIcLane, Purser Geo., P. M. S.

S. Co.115s. Maury Commodore Jeff, P. M.

S. S. Co.1159. 3Ietcalfe, Captain John, 0. &

O. S. S. Co.






























Merer, Capt. Louis, 0. & 0. S.


Hills, Purser Fred C, 0. & 0.S. Co.

. Moore, Capt: P., P. M.S. S, Co,Morton, Capt. T. H., P. M. S.

Co.Morse, Capt., P. 31. S. S. Co.Newell, Captain Fred, P. M. S.

Co.Parselle, Capt. H., 0. &0.S.

Co.Piatt, Purser E. T., P. 31. S. S.

Puckering, Purser J. R., 0. &S. S. Co.Robinson, R. W. E., Auditor P.S. S. Co.Rack, Purser Geo., P. M. S. S.

Ryan, Purser, L. J., O. & 0. S.Co.Searle, Capt. R. R , P. 31. S. S.

Seabury, Capt. W. B., P. M. S.

Co.Smallman, Purser Geo., O. &

S. S. Co.Tanner, Capt. Z. L., P. M. S.

Co.Waddell, Capt, W. W., Supt.& 0. S. S. Co.Waddell, Capt. James I., P. M. SCo.Wafer, Purser Henry, P. M, S.

Co."Webb, Commodore.Williams, H. B., Agent P. M.

S. Co.


These Pictures are Original with this Firm,

And have Acchieyed a Large Sale,

1181. Bradley & Kulofson's Celebrities. Comprising over one hundred ofthe principal Actors and Actresses, grouped together; with Key attached.The Dramatic News, speaking of this remarkable picture, says: "A photo-graphic gem, in the shape of a group of 110 of the more celebrated actorsand actresses, has been published by Bradley &Kulofson, of San Francisco.The space occupied by the group is 4x6%, and every head stands out asclearly and distinct as if it were on a separate card, and all appear excellentlikenesses." Ten thousand of this beautiful mementum of our great stars

were sold in six months, and another edition of ten thousand is near ex-hausted.

1182. Bradley. & Kulofson's Men of Mark. A galaxy of over one hund-red persons of distinction—Statesmen, Noblemen, Artists, Authors, Soldiers,

etc.; with ,Key attached. A companion picture to Bradley & Kulofson'scelebrities.

1183. Bradley & Kulofson's Centennial Group. Comprising nearly onehundred and fifty prominent San Francisco citizens who participated in theCentennial Celebration in San Francisco, July, 1876.

1184. Bradley & Kulofson's Babies. A collection of nearly a thousandBabies, all on one card; being the most remarkable picture of the age.

1185. Bradley & Kulofson's Dramatic Critics of San Francisco.

C'.TAKXR-E, San Frihctsco. 31


Under thii heading an comprised all tin- prinoipa] Mcn-of-War that have

visited this (.'":i^t. The picture represents the vessel surrounded by the

officers, iiu.l meets with a great sale.

inier Tuscarora.BeneeiA.Portsmouth.

' " Pensacola, Flag-

1186, 1




1190. I". B. Steamer I.ackawaua.1191. " • Hassler.

1192." ' Jamestown,

1193. German Corvette Arcona.ll'.'l. French Corvette Volta.

U95, " *' l'luferuet.

1196. " Frigate La Galission


1197. French Corvette Limier.lliis. • • > Second.U99, Austrian Corvette friederich.1200. H. B. M. Steamer Opal.1201. •• •' Albatross.

1809. H. B.1208.




U. Steamer Amethyst." Repulse." Rocket.

Shah." Zealous." Turquoise.11 Osprey.

Daring.1210. Japanese Oorvette Tskubah Kan1211. Russian Flagship Bayon.1212. " Mau-of-War Abreck.1213. " " Ermack.1214. " " Vsadnick.1215. " !' Toungouss1210. " " Japonetz.1217. " " Crayser.1218. Italian Corvette Christofore Co-lombo.

COMMUNISTSThat made their escape from New Caledonia.

1219. Henry Rochefort.1220. Paschal Gronsette.

1221. Thos. Grossi.

1222. Francis Jourde.


Including views of their Parlors, Dining Rooms, etc. Those markedalso issued with the Proprietor and Stan' surrounding it.

1223. "Baldwin's Hotel, S. F.1224. Grand Hotel, 8. F.1225. 'Palace Hotel, S. F.1226. "Occidental Hotel, S. F.1227. Cosinojxilitan Hotel, S.

1228. Lick House, S. F.







Palmer House, Chicago.Grand Central Hotel, Oakland.Albert Memorial, London, EngCapitol, Washington, D. C.

King Solomon's Temple, Jeru-

32 Bbadlex & Rdxofson's Celebbitt

1234. Mechanics' Fair Building (in-

side and outside), S. F.1235. California Theatre, S. F.1236. Nevada Bank, S. F.1237. Gov. Stanford's House, S. F.1238. Mrs. Hopkins' House, S. F.1239. Disi. Court Building, S. F.1240. Grand Opera House, S. F.1241. Masonic Teuple, S. F.1242. Overland Depot, S. F.1243. The Well of Moses.

1244. Suez Canal.1245. View from the Arctic Region.1246. Chinese Quarters, S. F.1247. Japanese Scenery.1248. Alaska Islands.1249. Safe Deposit Building, S. F.1250. U. S. Mint, S. F.1251. U. S. Post Office.

1252. TJ. S. Custom House, S. F.1253. Belmont.


1254. Arabs, (Bedouin,) in their na-tive costume. [India.

1255. Clubwalla Fireworshippers of

1256. Chinese Embassy with AnsonBurlingame.

1257. Chinese Embassy with ChinLan Pin.

1258. Chinese Merchant.1259. Chinese Women.

1260. Capt. Joe, Chief of WashoeIndians.

1261. Indians— Apaches, Washoes,Piutes—of all tribes, sexes, etc.

1262. Capt. McDonald's trained In-dians.

1263. Mexicans. -

1264. Negroes.1265. Japanese Embassy.

RAILROADMEN.1266. Bean, P. G., G. W. E. E.1267. Buckley James, Erie E. E.1268. Croc'rer, Chas., C. P. E. E.1269. Childers, H. C. E., PresidentGreat We. am Railway,

1270. Colton, D. D., C. P. E. E.1271. Hollac'ay, Ben., Oregon E. E.1272. Hopkins, Mark, C. P. E. E.1273. Huntington, Gen'l, C. P. E. E.1274. Hitchcock, D. W., C. B.J& Q.

1275. Foster, J. D., M. C. E. E.1276. Davies, Wm. J., Lake Shore

1277. Knox, M., New York.

1278. Goodman, T. H., C. P. E. E.1279. Grey, Col., Gt. Western E. E.1280. Morse, F. E., Chicago.1281. Meaham, John, P. P. C. C.

1282. McCall, J. G., N. Y., L. E. &W. E.

1283. McKay, Tom. D., M. C. E. E.,

and Great Western E. E.1284. Meiggs, Harry, (Peru).1285. Eoberts, W. G.1286. Stanford. Leland, C. P. E. E.1287. Towne, A. N., C. P. R. E.1288. Schley, Wm., Northwest'n E.R.1289. Seott, Col. Tom., Texas R. R.

CiT.ii.oorE, Ban Francisco. 33


Comprising every Theatrical Manager, Act in or, Agent or BusinessManager connected with the leading theatres or companies which are, or havebeen, on this Coast. Those marked with an * are Lessees of and Mansof tin
































Allison. JanAllinson, .T. W. 1331.

W. A. 1332,Aiuun i 1333,Bacon, (/has. I!. 1334,"Bamnni. P. T. 1335.'Bar. Ben de. I.: 6,

Bailey, A. P. 1337.,n, Wa, B.

Becks, Alfred. 1339."Bert. Fred W. 1340.

. Fred G. 1311.Borst, Win. H. 1342.Babcock. John P. 1343.Campbell, Hartley. 1344.Calendun, F. P.


1345.'Canning, M. 1346,Chapman, Will. 1347,Ohipman, Geo. R. 1318.Cbizzola, 0. A. 1319.Oilley, F. B. 1350.Corbyn, Sheridan. 1351.Couklin, Win. C. 1352.Crosby, Chas. A. 1353.'Dale, Augustine. 1354."Denier, Tony. 1355.Iientcli, Wm. 1356.Dust, Stanley. 1357.Edwards, Maze. 1358.Emerson, Billy. 1359.^Emerson, Mrs. 1360.Filkius, Ftobt. 1361.FitzS , raid, W. H. 1362.Griffin, Hamilton. 1363.Fritch, Madame A. Genee. 1364.Goodwin, Frank L. 1365.Goodwin, Chas. H., Jr. 1366.Greenwald, Maurice 1S67.Haverly, J. H. 1368.Hayden, M. K. 1369.

Harman, A. L.Hess, C. D."Hill, Barton.Hill, J. B.Homer, Nat.*Hoolev, Richard.*Hanlev. M.Jack, John.'Jarrett, Henry C.Joyce, Martin.Johnson, H, W."Kennedy, M. A.Kernan, Eugene.Kiiby, P. H.Kiraify, Bolossy.Lawlor, Frank.*Locke, Chas. E.Leaniy, E. J.

Lonsdale, H. B.Lyster, Fred.Lynch, Leigh.Leavitt, A.Leavitt, M. B.Mann, Harry.;

Mrtguire, Tom.Magur/e, James T.Mayer, Marcus R.McClellan, Wm. B.*McCollough, John.Morrissey, Jas. \Y.

Miles, R. E. J.

"Pastor, Tony.Paul, Howard.Pennoyer, A. S.

*Piper, John.Pond, J. B.Rogers, John R.Roberts, Nick.Ryan, John H.Rickabee.

34 Bradley & Rulofson's Celebrity

1370. Sargent, H. J. 1382. Thatcher, Bichmond.1371. Schroder, 0. 1383. Thall, F.1372. Shutz, Carl. 1384. Vivo, D. de.

1373. Simmonds, Morris. 1385. Waldron, D. G.1374. Snyder, A. 1386. "Walton, C. S.

1375. Strakosh, Max. 1387. Wetherill, Sam.1376. Strakosh, Maurice. 1388. Welch, Chas.1377. St Maur, J. H. 1389. Williams, Chas. H.1378. Strickland. 1390. Wing, Chas. A.1379. Smart, H. C. 1391. Zimmerman, J. F.1380. Tayleure, Clinton W. 1392. Zimmerman, E. E.1381. Titus, Tracy.


Comprising every one of any note that has visited California since 1849.

For Acrobats, Magicians, Lecturers, etc., see under their proper heading.

1393. Aibisher, L. 1419. Becks, Alf.

1394. Adams, Edwin. 1420. Beverley, Richard.1395. Adair, Thos. 1421. Berland, L.1396. Aheame, John. 1422. Bernard, Pierre.1-397. Allen, Chas. 1423. Billings, A. D..

1498. Allen, Harry. 1424. Bill, Buffalo.

1399. Allen, Paul. 1425. Bishop, C. B.1400. Anderson, D. C. 1426. Booth, Junius Brutus1401. Arlington, Billy. 1427. Booth, Edwin.1402. Arnold, Chas. 1428. Bonner, E.1403. Aston, Knight. 1429. Boucicault, Dion.1404. Atlee, S. Yorke. 1430. Bock, Frederick.1405. Bassett, Russel S. 1431. Braham, Harry.1406. Baccei, Pietro. 1432. Bradley, A. D.1407. Bangs, F. C. 1433. Bradley, H. B.1408. Baker, C. F. 1434. Bracy. Hemy.1409. Barrows' J. O. 1435. Bree, T. W.1410. Barry, C. W. 1436. Brignoli, Signor.1411. Barrymore, Maurice.


1437. Brbckman. G.1412. Barrett, Lawrence. 1438. Brown, H.' M.1413. Bartlett, James. 1439. Bruno, Gus.1414. Bar, Ben de. 1440. Buckley, E. J.

1415. Bell, Arthur H. 1441. Burnett, J.

1416. Bell, George. 1442. Byron, Oliver Dowd1417. Belmoui-, L. 1443. Butler, C. W.1418. Bert, Eddy. 1444. Carroll, J. W.

Catalogue, Sas FBAticuwo. 35





1451.II'. j.

































Carlofon, W. T.l'as>< Iv. Wm.Campbell. Chas. J.

Oaaue, Tom.Chaplin.Chauirau, Frank.Clnevers. J. E.Ciprico.

Cleaves, I".

Oody, W. F.h o. H.

Collins. 0, M.Coghlan, Chas. F.Conly, Geo. A.Conrtaine, Harry.Conrtrigbt, Wm.Coutte. Chas.Connell, Edward.Cotton, Ben.Cotter, Frank G.Crane, Wm. H.Crawford. Jack.Cronin, Wm.Crosbie, W. C.

Chas.Cummings, T. H.Curtis. 51. B.Cushman, Frank.Dauphin, Jo.

Danipier, Alfred.

Davenport, E. L.Davis, J. M.Decker, Nelson.Delehauty. W. H.Deschamps, Julian.

Drew, 0. H.Duschesne, Mr.Dntton, Wm.Dixon, T. B.liberie, Bol.t. M.Edmonds, Chas. J.

Edwards, Harry.Egberts, T. F.

Emerson, Billy.

Emmett, Joe.Eytinge, Harry.Farron, T. J.




1 195.









































Farley. Edward.Peohter, Chas.Fielding. John.Fiske, Mose W.Fisher. Franz.Fitzgerald. W. H.Florence, T. W.Formes, Carl.

Forrest, Edwin.Forti, L.Freeman. Max.Fredericks, Chas. SFulford. Robert.Fraser, Robert.Gale, Walter.Gates, Harry.Galloway, G.Giammona, A.Goodwin, Nat 0.Gourlay, John.Gossmau, Tom.Graff, J.

Grave, Victor.Grismer, J. R.Golden, Richard.Harrison, Louis.Hart, Franklin.Habelman, Theo.Hall, Chas.Hall, J. L.Hall, Gustave.Hardy, Mr.Haskins, Mr.Hastings, A. H.Heme, James A.Herne, JohnHicks, Chas. B.Hill, Barton.Holmes. Matt.Howson, John.Holland, E. M.Hedley, King.Imhaus, L. A.Jack, John.James, Louis L.Jan-is, J. H.Jennings, John W.

36 Bkadley & Euxofson's Celebrity

1539. Julean, Mr. 1586. McKenzie, John.1540. Jepson. Eugene 0. 1587. MeWade, Bobert.1541. Karl, Tom. 1588. Meade, J. A.1542. Keene, T. W. 1589. Mestayer, Chas.1543. Kelleher, Alf. 1590. Mestayer, Wm.1544. Kennedy, M. A. 1591. Milbu.n, L.1545. Kennedy, E. J. 1592. Montague, H. J.

1546. Kenible, John B. 1593. Moreland, A. C.1547. Kilday, Frank. 1594. Morley. Carmini.1548. Knight, G. S. 1595. Morton, J. W.1549. Kinross, W. H. 1596. Mortimer, John.1550. Kirk, Bobt. 1597. Morrison. Lewis.1551. Klein, Alfred. 1598. MuUer, Jacob.1552. Lafontaine, F. 1599. Murdoch. H. S.

1553. Lauber, August. 1600. Murdoek, A. E.1554. Laurent, Henri. 1601. Murphy, J. H.1555. Lawlor, Frank. 1602. Murphy, Joe.1556. Lavarnie, Frank, 1603. Murphy, Con T.1557. Leach, Stephen. 1604. Murray, Dominick.1558. Leeds, Mr. 1605. Murray, Ed.1559. Leman, "Walter. 1606. Newcomb, Bobby.1560. Lester, Wm. 1607. Noreross, J. M..1561. Lewis, James 1608. Norris. J. W.1562. Linden, Ernest. 1609. Norton, Wash.1563. Lingard, Wm. Horace. 1610. Niemeyer, Bobt.1564. Lingham, M. V. 1611. Niebling, E. T.1565. Lipsis, Elias. 1612. Oberist, J. F.1566. Little, Frank. 1613. O'Neil, James.1567. Long. N. 1614. Osten, L. Von.1568 Lonsdale, H. 1615. Pastor, Tony.1569. Loreton. J. S. 1616. Pateman, Bobert.1570. Majeroni, Signor. 1617. Palmieri, Signor.1571. Maas, Jos. 1618. Paul, Howard.1572. Mae, Little. 1619. Parkes, George.1573. Mackay, F. F. 1620. Peakes, W.1574. Mackin, James. 1621. Pflueger, Chas.1575 Mackley, Fred J. 1622. Pemberton, W.1576. Maeder, Frank. 1623. Plympton, E.1577. Marson, Chas. 1624. Pope, Chas.1578. Martin, Master. 1625. Polk. J. B.1579. Marlowe, Owen. 1626. Proctor, Jas.1580 Marshall, Edward. 1627. Piercy, Samuel.1581 Mayo, Frank. 1628. Bankin, McKee.1582 McDonald, W. H. 1629. Eae, Frank.1583. McCarthy, Chas. 1630. Eamsay, Walden.1584 MeCollom, J. C. 1631. Barera, Nicola.1585. McCnllough, John. 1632. Baymond, John T.


Citalooui, Sis Francisco. 37

1633. Read, Benmont. 1676 Thorne, Charles R., Jr.1634. Reed, Charlie. 1676 Thorne, Edwin F.

Reynolds. Geo. ir,77 Thome, Fred'k.da, Charley. 1678. Thompson, Denman.

Rice, Hilly. 1679 Thompson, Frank.Richards. Geo. 1680 Thompson, H. F.

Rickey, Sam. 1681 Tyrrell, R. T.1640. K lulvio. 1682. Thayer, E. N.1641. Rignold, Geo.

Robinson, ('has.

1683. Urban Ferdinand.1613. 1684. Varena, A.1643. Robinson, Justin. 1685. Verati, Gaetans.1644. Robinson, Forrest. 1686. Verdi, G.1646. Robson. Stuart. 1687. Victor, Mr.1646. Roche, Frank. 1688. Vinson, J. H.1647. Rooney, Fat. 1689. Vivian, Chas.1648. Kossi, Sylvas. 1690. Vokes, Ford.1649. Rowe, Geo. Fawcett. 1191. Votes, Fawdon.1650. Russell. J. G. 1692. Ward, Fred B.1651. . J. B. 1693. Wachtel, Theodore.1662. Rnsasll, Sol Smithy 1694. Wallace, John.1653. Ryan, T. J. 1695. Wallack, Lester.1654. Rynian. Ad. 1696. Wallack, Jas. W.1655. Salsbury, N. 1697. Waldron, Ban.1656. Barrator, Ernest. 1698. Waltz, Fred.1657. Scanlan, Win. 1699. Waie Mr.165S. Schober, H. 1700. Wheatleigh, Chas.1659. Schoolcraft, Lute. 1701. "Webster, John.1660. Sheldon, W. P. 1702. Welsh, Favette.1661. Seymour. Wm. 1703. Wellen, Charles.166-2. Simms. W. 1704. West, C.1663. Smith, W. H. 1705. Wilkie, A.1664. Sothern, E. A. 1706. Wilkie, Ed.1665. Stanley, Chas. 1707. Williams, John.1666. Sullivan, Barry. 1708. Williams, Gus.1667. Sutton, Chas. 1709. Williamson, J. C.1668. Sweatnam, W. P. 1710. Wilson, Billy.

1669. Stoddard, J. H. 1711. Wilson, John.1670. Tagliapietra, Signor. 1712. Wilson, Harry.1671. Tarns, A. W. 1713. Wilson, Frank.1672. Tilla, W. H. 1714. Woods, Murray.1673. Thaver, E. N. 1715. Woodiield, W. H.1674. Thorne, Chas. E., Sen. 1716. Whiteear, W. A.

38 Bradley & KtttorsoN's Celebkity

ACTRESSES.Including <3very Actress of any note that has visited this Coast ; also, every

lady that may have appeared on the concert platform, with the exception of

Premieres Danseuses, Lecturers, Musicians, etc., who will be found under

their proper classification.

1717. Adams, A. A. 1757. Clifton, Viola.

1718. Allen, Nellie. 1758. Claston, Kate.1719. Anderson, Mary. 1759. Colville, Florence.1720. Aimee, Marie. 1760. Congdon, Stella.

1721. Armandale, Miss. 1761. Correlli, Blanche.1722. Banta, Mrs. Mary. 1762. Corlett, Miss.1723. Badger, Ella F. 1763. CotreUy, Mathilda.1724. Bach, Nani. 1764. Cook, Mary E.1725. Baker, Emily. 1765. Crews, Mrs. Leona.1726. Bailey, Hannah. 1766. Cobb, Lottie.

1727. Barber, Julia. 1767. Cummings, Nellie.

1728. Batchelder, Josie. 1768. Curtis, Albina.1729. Beauelerc, Jenny. 1769. Courtaine, Mrs. Harry1730. Beauelerc, Julia. 1770. Cobb, Lottie.

1731. Beumont, Nellie. 1771. Crayton, G-ussie.

1732. Beumont, Annie. 1772. Corcoran, Kate.1733. Bernard, Mad. Bichiugs. 1773. Davenport, Fanny.1734. Belocca, Anna de. 1774. Daniels, Mattie.

1735. Bishop, Mad. Anna. 1775. Dashwood, Alice.

1736. Bleakley. Annie. 1776. Dargon, Augusta.1737. Booth, Mrs. J. B. 1777 Delmay. Lxilu.

1738. Bowers, Mrs. D. P. 1778. Dean, Julia.

1739. Bush, Mrs. Norton. 1779. Deaves, Lillie.

1740. Briat, Marie. 1780. Denin, Kate.1741. Buckingham, Fannie Louise. 1781. Denniss, Mrs. Zeiss.

1742. Brandt. Kate. 1782 Deschamps, Mad.1743. Burnside, Jean. 1783. De Buyter, Mad.1744. Blnncbard, Kitty. 1784. De Forrest, Augusta.1745. Cavendish, Ada. 1785. Dingeon, Helen.1746. Careno, Theresa. 1786. Dorel, Louise.1747. Carey, Eleanor. 1787. Diincan, Loula.1748. Cary, Clara. 1788. Dunning, Alice.

1749. Cary, Annie Louise. 1789. Dunning, Emmie.1750. Chanfrau, Mrs. 1790. Durant, Cicily.

1751. Chantal, Mile. Amelie. 1791. Duret, Mad. Marie.1752. Chambers, Augusta. 1792. Du Sauld, Gabrielle

1753. Chambers, Maggie. 1793. Dennin, Emily.1754. Chapman, Belle. 1794. Eberle, Imogene.1755. Chapman, Mrs. Harry. 1795. Edwin, Mrs. Sophie1756. Clauncey, Venie G. 1796. Edmonds, Mrs. Chas

Cataloock, Sas FltANrisrn. .M


L801. Emmons, Julia.

h. Helen.

I ibbri, Mad. Inez,i. Marie.

1806., Annie,irmin, Kate.

1808. ffrs. J. V,Frankenberg, Josephine.

1810. Frost, Lily.

1811. Forrest, Hattie.1812. Oalton, Susau.1813. Oladstane, Mrs. Mary.1814. Gordon, Marie.1815. Graham, Annie.1816. Granville, Gertie.1«17. Granger, Hand.1818. Gueymard, Mile.1819. Gray,1820. Grayson, Helen.1821. Han is, L.1822. Harrison, Alice.

1823. Harrison, gland.1X24. Hawthorne, Louisa.1825. Hi nderson, Clara.1826. Herrmann, Isabella.1x27. Heron, Bijou.1828. Hi ynold. A.1829. Higgs, Auuie.1830. Hinckley, Sallie.

1831. Holbrook, Nellie.)1*32. Holbrook, Iruogene.1833. Howard, May.1834. Hnnter, Frau'kie.

1835. Howitt, Belle.1836. Jananschek, Mad.lx;{7. Johnston, Louisa.1838. Jndah, Mrs.1839. Julean, Mad.1840. Just, Helen.1841. Keene, Aggie.1842. Kelsey, Hattie.1843. Kellogg, Clara Louise.

1844. Kingsbury, Alice.1846. Kingsbury, Jennie.1846, Knapp, Nellie.

1847. Larkelle, Nellie.

phine.1849. Li e, Jennie.

Lee, Rosa.1851. Lei son, Isadora.1853. LeCIercq, Charlotte.

I teonowa, Mad. D.1854. Lewis, Jeffreys.1855. Lewis, < iatherine.1856. Lingard, Dickie.18,

ri7. Lingard, Mrs. Alice D.

1858. Lipsis, Came.1859. Lockhardt, Auuie.1860. Lotta, Miss.1861. Lucca, Puline.1862. Logan, Josephine.1803. Long, Eliza.

1864. Majeroni, Signora.1865. Malum, Anna.1866. Marble, Helen.1867. Maeder, Mrs. Fred.1868. Mairiner, Mrs.1869. Martinez, Isidore.into. Marston, Fanny.1871. Mayhew, Katy.1872. McHenry, Nellie.1873. McKenzie, Annie.1874. McClellan, Frankie.1875. McCabe, Noko.187G. Melville. Emilie1877. Merrill, Maud.1878. Mtrritt, Pauline.1879. Mestayer, Emily.1880. Michels, Mad. tvau C.1881. Mitchell, Maggie.1882. Miller, Adelaide.1883. Modjeska, Helena.1884. Montgomery, S.1885. Montague, Winnetta.1886. Montague, Louisa.1887. Montague, Miss de.1888. Moore, Elsie.1889. Moore, Maggie.1890. Moore, Hattie,

40 Beadlky & Buxofson's Celebeity

1891. Morris, Clara.1892. Mortimer, Lulu.1893. Mortemar, Miss.1894. Morant, Fanny.1895. Moss, Eose.189S. Muhlbach, Dora.1897. Murdoch, Jennie.1898. Murielle, Constance,1899. Murska, lima de.

1900. Murray, Alice.

1901. Meda, Blanche.1902. Newman, Monica.1903. Neilson, Lilian Adelaide Lee.1904. Nell, Little.

1905. Norton, Alice.

1906. Oates, Alice.

1907. Olmstead, Gertie.1908. Osbom, Henrietta.1909. Parker, Susie.1910. Pateman. Bella.

1911. Pascal, Mile.1912. Palmieri, Signora.1913.' Persiaui, Signorina.1914. Pell, Kittie.

1915. Pease, Addie.1916. Perrant, Marie.1917. Pierce. Grace D.1918. Pixley. Annie.1919. Price, Lizzie.1920. Proctor, Mrs.1921. Pomeroy, Louise.1922. Prescott, Marie.1923. Plaisted, Gracie.1924. Eae, Mrs. Frank.1925. Eae, Mabel.1926. Band, Eosa.1927. Eandall, Adelaide.1928. Eeed,A.1929. Eaymond. Mrs. John T.1930. Eiekards, Carry.1931. Eidgeway, G.1932. Eigl, Emily.1933. Eigl, Betty.1934. Eichmond, Adah.1935. Eistori, Mad.1936. Eodgers, Catherine.


1937. Eodgers, Addie.

1938. Eoaeh, Hattie.

1939. Bosewald, Mad. Julie.

1940. Eosa, Mad. Parepa.1941. Eosa, Eugenia Farroni.1942. Eoemer, Bertha.1943. Eeifarth, Jennie.1944. Stanley, Mabel.1945. Sauret. Mad. Ther. Caseno.1946. Saunders, Mrs. C. E.1947. Segain, Mme. Zelda.1948. Schlam, Hattie, L.1949. Sefton, Mrs. John.1950. Seymour, Mrs. L. E.1951. Sheldon, Julia.

?952. Shattuck, Ada.1953. Siddom,, Mrs. Scott.

1954. Silly, Mile. Lea.1955. Singer, Marian.1956. Slater, Florence.1957. Sontag, Anna.1958. Soldene, Eiaily.

1959. Soule, Susie.1960. States, Agatha,1961. Stanlev, Miss.1962. Stani, Eosin.1963. Stanton, Kate.1964. Stanvwitz, Miss von1965. Stella, Eose.1966. St John, Altee.

1967. St George, Anna.1968. Stohres, E.1969. Stone, Marie.1970. Stevens, Lulu.1971. Shattuck, Ada.1972. Sylveste.- Louisa.1973. Temple, Eose.1974. Thompson, Charlotte.1975. Thonrps°n, Clara.

1976. Thome, Mrs.1977. Thursby, Emma C.1978. Tracy, Heleu.1979. True, Carro.1980. Tettenbom, Lina.1981 Town-end, Alice.

1982. Varian, Nina.1983. Vane, Alice.

1984. Vandamme, Marie.

CiTALOom San Franucsoo. 41

.. Ids.

Von I>vk. . Imogen II

1987, Verm I

I. l.i.

1990, Viscount, Ids.

1991. v


•'. ai.l. Adah.•i. Clara.

1996. Walton, Minnie.1997. Wadsworth, Miss.

1998. Waller, Mrs. Emma.1999. Wandesforde, Ivy.

Watson, Man.9001. War.-. Mrs8003. Weatheraby, Eliza.

8003. Wells, Mrs. Mary.8004. Werner, Ella.

8006. West, Eva.Whittingham, Marie.

Wilks, Mnv.8008. Williams. Esther.91 09. Williams, Mrs. C. V.•JUKI. Wiliii,, I. Emuin.9011. Wilton, Ellie.

8018. Wilton, Man,-.

8013. Wiu, t,,n, Jeannie.3014. "Wiseman. Emily.8015. Woodthorpe, Geo8016. Wood, Rose.8017. Worrell, Irene.

8018. Worrell, Sophie.2019. Wyatt, Carrie.

8020. White, Tracy.2021. WetherUl, N.21122. Wilson. Julia.

2083. Young, Marie L.2021. Young, Fannie.2025. Zavistowaky, Christine.2026. Zavistowsky, Emeline.2(127. Zittella, Mile.


Convpriaing those not claBfiified otherwise.

2028. Allen. Baby. 2038. Frr.yne, Franlrie,202: i. Benson, Bahy. 2039. Jnlien, liose.

2030. Bindley, Baby. 2040. Julien, Martin.2031. Cawthorn, Herbert. 2041. Kilday, Martin.2(132. lav. thorn, Jpe. 2042. Olmstead, Gertie2(133. Carl,,. Leo. 2043. Templeton, Fay.2034. Dampier, Rose. 2044. Tuttle Zoe.2035. Dampier, Lily. 2045. Vaidis, Lizzie.

2036. Darling, Tillie. 2046. Vaidis, Louisa.2(137. Darling, Mamie. 2047. Elvian sisters.

42 Beadlry & Rdxofson's Celebrity


2048. General Tom Thumb.2049. Mrs. General Tom Thumb.2050. Miss Minnie Warren.2051. Commodore, Nutt, 30 in. high, 33 lbs. weight; 32 years.

2052. Major Nutt, 36 in. high, 51 lbs. -weight; 40 years.

2053. Major Houghton, 31 in. high, 33 lbs. weight; 25 years.

2054. Mrs. Ella Kirtland, 38 in. high, 42 lbs. weight; 22 years.

2055. Miss Jennie Quigley, 28 in. high; 32 lbs. weight; 24 years.

2056. Miss Sarah Belton, 32 in. high, 34 lbs. weight; 33 years.

2057. "Little Mac."2058. Colonel Goshen, the giant, 7 feet 4 in. high, 600 lbs. weight; age 50 years.


2059. Baldwin, Prof. S. S.

2060. Berland, Mad.2060J Bosco, Carl.

2061. Cazeneuve, Le Commandeur.2062. Cazeneuve, Mile. Marie.

2062J Cunard, D. H.2063. Fowler, Prof., Phrenologist.

2064. Heller, Robt.20G44 Heller, Miss Haydee.2065. Herrmann, Prof.

2066. Keller, Harry.20664 Ling Look.2067. Maccallister, Prof.2068. Massey, Gerald, Spiritualist.

20684 Scarsey, Mile. Adie.2069. St Jean, Prof.20694 Yamadeva.2070. Zamloeh, Prof.2071. Val. Vose; Ventriloquist.

MUSICIANS.2072. Arbuckle. M., Cornet player.2073. Alexander, Prof. J. J., Violinist.

2074. Berger, Fred G., Harpist.2075. Berger, Anna, Cornet player.2076. Beck, Carl, Leader.2077. Behrens, S., Leader.2078. Glaus, Jenny T., Violinist.

20784 Conrsen, Ellen D., Violinist.

2079. Diamond, Mr., Harpist.2080. Evans, Geo. T., Leader.2081. Gilmore, P. S., Leader.2082. Gottschalk, Pianist.

2083. Goddard. Md. Arabella, Pianist,

2084. Giammona, Anton Flutist.

2085. Herold, Rudolph, Leader.2086. Hartdegeu, Adolph, Violincello.

20S7. Kinross, W. H., Leader.20J8. Kohler, Richard W.2089. Kendall, James.2090. Levy, J., Cornet player.

2091. Fabbri, Mulder, Leader.2092. Mehlig, Anna, Pianist.

2093. Moran, James T., Pianist.

2094. Ferrar, M. Y., Guitarist.

2095. Lyster, Fred, Leader.2096. Pratt, Chas. E., Pianist.

CiTiLOocR. San Fbaxcimxv 48

8097. Rauret. Emile, Violinist.

8098. Benret, August. Pianist.2099. Sauret, Mmi. Careno, Pianist2100. Btnakenholz, W.•Jim. Bholts, Charlie, Leader.

- omits, Joe. I... Leader.U03. Drae, Camillo, Violinist.

2104. Widmor, Henry, Leader.2106. Dyring, H. T., Lender.211";. Singer. Alfred.

2107. Bebloss, Prof. A., the piano fiend211's. Herman, Benry, Violinist.

2109, Fabian, Samuel M., Pianist.


sno. Adriana. Cora. 2122. Palladino, Knuua.2111. Barretta, Pauline. 2123. Priola, Mile.2112. Bennett. Amy. 2124. Itemmelsburg, MUo2113. Bonfanti, Marie. 2125. Kigl, Betty.2114. Christina, Mile. 21211. Eitta, Mile.2115. De Rosa, Josephine. 2127. Koland, Mile.2116. Corssi. Antoinette. 2128. Stanley, Mile.2117. Devere, Ida. 2129. Sohlke, A.2118. Duvalie, Heloise. 2130. Seanlan, L. B.2119. Dnvalie, Kosalie. 2131. Slater, Florence.21211. Lupo, Eugenie. 2132. Sara, Miss.2121. Hajilton, Marie.


THEATRICAL AND MUSICAL COMPANIES,Under this heading are comprised the different Theatrical Companies,

either existing here or that have visited California. The members of each

company are grouped together, either plain or in costume.

2133. Alleghanian Concert Troupe. Season, 1877.2134. Berger Family Concert Troupe Season, 1876—members.2135. California Theatre Company. Season, 1876—members.2136. California Theatre Company. Season, 1878—members.2137. Emerson's Minstrel Company. Season, 1875—members.2138. Deakin's Liliputians, with Col. Goshen, the giant.

2139. Fabri Opera Company. Season, 1876.

2140. Fifth Avenue Theatre Company— California trip, under Daly.2141. Georgia (colored) Minstrels, as they appear on the stage.

2142. Grand Opera House (S. F.) Company, Chas. Wheatleigh, Manager.Season, 1876.

2143. Gilmore's Band—solo players in a group. Season, 1875.

44 Beadley & Ritlofson's Celebbitt

2144. Gen. Tom Thumb and party, in a groupe.2145. Gen. Tom Thumb's Carriage and Ponies, presented them by Queen


2146. Hess English Opera Company—California season, 1877.

Hooley Dramatic Company—California season, 1875.

~Iatt Morgan's Beauties—single, or in groupe.Mrs. Oates' Comic Opera Company—single, or in groupe. Season, 1875.McGibney Family Concert Troupe.Mexican Infantile Opera Company." Our Boys " Company—as performed at the California Theatre.' Our Boarding House" Company—as performed at the Grand Opera

House, S. F.

2154. Royal Illusionists—in a groupe.2155. Salsbury Troubadores, in their play "Patchwork."2156. Soldene's Kickers—in a groupe.2157. "Two Orphans" Company—as j^erformed by the California TheatreCompany.

2158. Union Square Theatre Company—California trip. Season, 1877-78.

2159. Yokes Family—in a groupe.






2160. Aymar, Fred., acrobat.2161. Blondin, the hero of Niagara, in

costume, on a tight rope, or in plaindress.

2162. Boshel, Miss Louise, panto-mimist.

2163. Brown, Miss Mollie, circus.

2164. Carver, Dr. W., champion rifle

shot of the world.2165. Daily, W. H., champion swim-mer of California.

2166. DeLanty, Jno., circus.

2167. Dutton, Wm,, champion leaper.

2168. Denier, Tony, clown and panto-mimist.

2169. Doble, Budd, driver of Occident.2170. Leslie, Fred. H., circus.

2171. Leslie, Lew., circus.

2172. Foss, Clarke, the famous Geyserstage driver.

2173. Forepaugh, Mr. A., the cele-

brated elephant trainer.

2174. Fox, C. F., gymnast.2175. Girard Bros., Emil, Russell and

Julian—single or in groupe, costumeor plain.

2176. Courtney, C. E., rowing cham-pion.

2177. Gregory, Miss, contortionist.

2178. Geraldine, Miss, gymnast.2179. Hawley, David R., trapeze, "themonarch of the air."

2180. Jeal, Miss Linda, in her great

globe feats.

2181. Julian children, Rose and Mar-tin, acrobats.

2182. Kiralfy, Arnold, clown and ec-

centric dancer.2183. Leopold, Geo., gymnast.2184. Levantine, F. F., gymnast.

Cataloock. Sax Francisco. 45

. gymnasts*3186. Lorence, Hiss Kate, pedi

. Jem, pugilist


IfcCabe, litth- Harry, of circustabecn corpus fan

Mathews, Mr., circus.

Math, ws, Miss, oL8191. afajiltons, afarie, Charles and

Frank, contortionists— in costumeor plain di

9198. Onin Bros., George andEdward,acrobats.

8193. IVrrier.'A. the French Henul.s,wrestler, etc.

2194. Bazillia Bros., contortionists.

8195, Searsey, Mile, idle, velocipe--list.

baatian, Borneo, circus.

2197. Trickett, Edward, championman of the world,

8198. Vaidis, Persian twin sisters, in

costume, on a trapeze—single, or in

group.8199. Phillips. N. B., "Pike," the

Yosemite guide.

2200. Maynard, Harry, champion,lightweight of Cal.


' mtaining a few groupes not otherwise classified.

2201. The four French Clodoch dancers in their grotesque atitudes.2202. Frankie Frayne and the celebrated dog "Jack "in the play " Si Slo-

cum."8203. Adelaide Neilson and Mrs. Judah in Shakespeare's love tale "Romeoand Juliet."

2204. Robson and Crane as the two cherubs.2205. Geo. Fawcett Rowe and Miss Ellie Wilton in the play " Brass." " See

this ring ?"

2206. Sol. Smith Russell in three of his principal changes, on one j>hotograph.2207. " Two Orphans," by Maude Harrison and Bijou Heron.9906. "Two Orphans/ 1

(burlesque) by Mr. Mestayer and Mr. Long.


2209. " Andromeda ;" from the celebrated painting by Erpiknm.2210. " Byblis ;" from the celebrated painting by Henner.2211. " Comedy and Tragedy ;" from an engraving.2212. " Cigale ;" from the celebrated painting.2213. "Cigale;" from an engraving.2214. " Conjugal Correction;" from a French engraving.2215. "Elaine;" from the celebrated painting by Toby Rosenthal.22162217

"Elaine;" (burlesque) from a sketch.'

[ Eve ;" from a celebrated painting.

46 Bbadlby & Bui^ofson's Celebrity

2218. " Going to Bed ;" from a French engraving.2219. " Love's Secret ;" from a drawing.2220. "Leaving the Baths ;" from a French engraving.2221. " Rainy Weather ;" from an engraving by Miss Edwards.2222. "Temptation of St. Anthony ;" from an engraving.2223. " The Bath ;" from a French engraving.2224. " The Fear ;" from a French engraving.2225. 4

' The Surprise ;" from a painting in the Louver.2226. "Venus;" from the celebrated painting by Titian.2227. "Birth of Cupid;" from a statuary.

2228. " Custer's Last Charge ;" from the painting.


Under this heading are comprised such as are not, or cannot be, otherwise


2229. The Soldier of Marathon ; bronze statue, won by the Creedmoor Rifle

Team.2230. Bender, the Kansas murderer.2231. King of Siain's gift of gold and silver ware to the United States, as

exhibited at the Centennial.2232. Seth Kinman, California hunter, trapper, scout, guide, and presidential

chair maker. -

2233. Pulman Palace Car ; cost $25,000.2234. Norton I. Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico.2235. Bulgarian Puzzle—where is the cat ?

2236. Dance of Death—illustrated photographically.2237. Gold Medal Picture, which carried off the gold medal, at Philadelphia,

for the best photograph in the United States. Won by Bradley & Rulofson.2238. Alfred Paraf, inventor of Oleomargarine (artificial butter).

2239. California Theatre Drop Curtain ; painted by Yoegtlin—photographedat night time.

2240. California Joe, the " grizzly " hunter.2241. San Francisco Newsboys, grouped together in one picture.

2242. Tibercio Vasquez, the bandit.2243. Olympic Club members.2244. Bohemian Club members.2245. Marchant, killed by Samuel.2246. Virginia City Fire, illustrated photographically.2247. Naval Engagement between H. M. steamers Shah and Amethyst andthe Peruvian rebel ironclad Huascar, off Ilo, (Peru,) May 29, 1877, froma sketch by an officer present.

2248. Photographs of Skulls.

Cataxoock, San Francisco. 47

B49. Photograph of remarkable plant, vi/ ; Baroodea Sanjrniniea, Terrey,

ISni'W Plant of the Sierra). Tin- total length of the plant inclusive of the

38 Inched : the flower spike oontaining 98 blooms, measuring 16 inches.2250. Dariingtonia CaUfarnica de ('ami—Carnivorous Pitcher Plant. This

remark iiM <• plant is a native of tin- northern pari <>f California, where it i«

found in Logs on ihr slopes of mountains. It has the peculiar habit of en-

trapping insects, which become enclosed in the Tubular leaves, and find nomeans of escape from the vicid hairs with which the interior of the tuhosnr<- furnished.

1951. -Japanese Mermaid.2252. (ieneral Sherman and party, including Senator Don Cameron and

family, on their California tour, September 2'2, 187G.

2253. Gen*! Cobb and Staff, of the National Guard of California, 1875.

2254. tiovernor Irwin and Staff, in a group, 1878.

2256. Governor Booth and staff, in a group, 1874.

2256. King Kalakaua and staff, photographed after arriving in S. F. Novem-ber 30, 1*74.

2257. Lightning Train party, under Henry C. Jarrett. Left New York June1. Arrived in 6. F., June 4, 187f>. Time : 83 hours and 53 minutes.

2"2"<s. i^ueen Victoria and family, (from an engraving), with key attached.2259. Postmaster-General Key and party, on their California trip, Sept., 1878.2260. Ritie Team. Australian, Californian and Creedmoor.2261. Senator Patterson (S. 0.) and party—California trip, 1878.

8262. Government Directors D. P. Railroad—California trip, 1878.

2263. Ban Francisco Safety Company, Ex-Committee, with names attached.May 24, 1877.

2264. Tuolumne Re-union Association Post Presidents from 1869 to date.

2265. Steamship Pioneers. (First California).

2266. Grand Lodge I. 0. 0. F., 1868.

8267. Mills Seminary Graduates.2268. California University Students and Faculty.

48 Bbakley & Eulofson's Celebbity


2269. Agnew, Trios. B.2270. Andrews, Col. A.2271. Ashbury, M.2272. Austin, Aleck.2273. Babcoek, Win. F.

2274. Bacon, H. D.2275. Baldwin, E. J.

2276. Bancroft, A. L.2277. Banning, Gen'l P.2278. Belcher, Hon. Isaac S., Ex-Jus-

tice Supreme Court, Cal.

2279. Baron, Edward.2280. Bennett, Dr. Thos.2281. Bennett, Hon. Nathan, Ex-Jus-

tice Supreme Court, Cal.

2282. Bee, Col. F. A.2283. Bechtinger, Dr.2284. Bender, A. S.

2285. Bidwell, Gen'l.2286. Bishop, Chas. B., Honolulu.22S7. Bingham. Capt.2288. Bolander, H. N.2289. Bosqui, Edward.2290. Bosworth, H. M.2291. Boruck, M. D.2292. Burnett, Hon. Peter H., Ex-Jus-

tice Supreme Court, Cal.

2293. Bragg, F.2294. Bravo, S., Colima.2295. Broderick, H., Chief Engineer,


2296. Bugbee, Sumner.2297. Bucklane, General B. P., Gov't

Director, V. P. E. K.2298. Blyth.John, Australia.

2299. Campbell, W. S.

2300. Castle, F. M.2301. Castle, S. N., Honolulu.2302. Carr, Billy.

2303. Cleghorn, Hon. A., Honolulu.2304. Clark, Smyth.2305. Christie, Jas. I., Washington.2306. Coit, Howard, Stock Board.2307. Conn, A. A.

2308. Coleman, Wm. T.2309. Cole, Dr. E. Beverly.2310. Colburn, Geo. M., Clifton HouseNiagara Falls.

2311. Crawford, James, Supt. U. S.Mint, Carson, Nev.

2312. Crocker, H. S.

2313. Curtis, Sam.2314. Curtis, Hon. N. Greene.2315. Guilders, Et.Hon. Hugh, C. E.,Memb. Pari.

2316. Cook, Sit Ming, First ChineseConsul, S. F.

2317. Coleman, W. P., Bank Commis-sioner, S. F.

2318. Cope, Hon. W. W., Ex-JusticeSupreme Court, Cal.

2319. Currey, Hon. John, Ex-JusticeSupreme Court, Cal.

2320. Craig, Lee D.2321. Daggett, E. M., M. C, Nevada.2322. Davidson, Geo.2323. Davis, H. L.2324. Deeth, Jacob.2325. Dean, Hon. Peter.2326. Deering, C.2327. Deering, J. H.2328. Dodge, W. W.2329. Dodge, Geo. S.

2330. Dodge, Chas., the Bristol, NewYork.

2331. Dominis, Gov. John, Honolulu.2332. Donohoe, Jos. A. '

2333. Donahue, Jas.

2334. Donohue. Peter.2335. Douglass, Sir. James, Van-

couver, B. C.2336. Earl, O.2337. Ellis, Henry H.2338. Enos, J. S.

2339. Estee, M. M.2340. Evans, Gen'l Geo. S.

2341. Epstein, Henrv.2342. Fallon, M.


H. R.

Field, Hon. S. J., Ex-Jnstic<Sup

Ford, Win.•i. w.. u. s. postal


Llander, I.

. i John B.

11 . Louis A.

tint. W. II. T.

3, P.

j . Richard, Los AnGashwiler, J. W.

i. J.

2361. ory.

Sibbs, P. A.

.. 0. S.. Jr.

3364. <i ildsborough, Richard, (Wool-man.) Austl

Gunning, Prof. W. D.'Min, Hon. Wm. M., Jr.

ffnatirigR, Hon. S. C, Ex-Jus-t€ Supreme Court, Gal.

2368. Harcourt, T. A.

2369. Haggin, J. B.•2370. Hagan, John.2371. Hanson, C.2372. Hallidie, A. S.

2373. Eager, J. S.

2374. Harrison, H. H., ExM. C.Tenn.2375. Hayward, Alvinza.2376. Havniond, Hon. Creed.2377. HaVes, T. B.237s. Hayes, Col. Jack.237'.i. Haight, H. H.2380. Harvey, Dr. W. F.2381. Hendley, C. M., Washington.2382. Heller, Moses.2383. Hammond, Richard P.

•2384. Heydenxeldt, Hon. Sol., Ex-Jus-

url Cnl.

2386. Hi nnHeatley, E. D.Herz, in.

2388. Hig| u

2389. Howe, Hon. Robert.

2390. Honsel, Hon. 0. C.,(i n 'I Direc-tor, I .

1'. I'.. R.2391. 11 Uis, Wm.23H2. H illaday, Ben.2393. Holladay, Ben., Jr.

2394. Hopkins, Mark.2395. Ho), kins. Archibald.

2896, Hollister, Col.

2897. Howes, I

2398. Howes. Jabez.2399. Howard, Chas. Webb,2400. Hutchinson, F. W.2401. Ingersoll, S. W., Philadelphia.2402. Irwin, Richard B.2 in:;. Iglesias, Jose M., Chief Justice,Mexico.

2404. Jones, P. S.

2105. Jameson, John, Asst. Supt,Railway.

2101.. Jennings. Hon. P. A., Australia.2407. Kaplan, Louis.2408 Kapena, Gov. Hawaii.2409. Kennedy, Sir Arthur.2410. Kennedy, Lady, Australia.

2411. Keene, jas. R.'

2412. Key, Hon. S. A.2413. Knox, R. E.2414. Koppel, S.

2415. Lewis, Hon. E J., Presidentpro tern. Senate California.

2410. La Grange, Gen'l O. H.2417. Laven, Col. J. A.

2418. Larnaeh, Hon. W. T. M., NewZealand.

2419. Lick, James.2420. Lees, Capt., Detective.

2421. Livingston, R. R.2422. Livingston, C. H.2423. Livingston, M.2424. Logan, Major Harry.

50 Bkadley & Eulofson's Celebrity

2425. Low, C. A.2426. Low, F. F.2427. Loryea, A. M.2428 Lund, Henry.2429 Lyon, Hon. ffm. H., IndianCommissioner.

2430 Magge, John.2431 MacGregor, Win. Laird, Eng.2432. Martin, J. "West.

2433. Mackay, J. W.2434. Make, Gustave.2435. Macedo, Dr. A., Brazil.

2436. Mallery, Col. Garrick, U. S. A.2437. Mace, L.2438? Macben, L. C, Kentucky.2439. Maguire, Jos.

2440. Marsellus, E. P.2441. Marye, Geo. T.2442. Martin, Camillo.

2443. McAllister, H.2444. McArtliur, W., Alderman, M. P.2445. McDonald, D. L.2446. McDonald, J. E.2447. McDonald, M. J.

2448. McDonald, M. L.2.149. McDonald, J. M.2450. McCormick, W. S.

2451. McMeen, Hon. P., Pa.2452. McCoppin, F.

2453. McLane, Lewis.2454. Mayer, Simon.2455. Meeker, David.2456. Melone, Drury.2457. Meiggs, Harry, Lima, Peru.2458. Merill, J. F.2459. Merrill, J C.2460. Metzler, C. B. J.

2461. Menzies, Steward.2462. Messimer, H., Phila.2463. Milton, Lord, England.2464. Miller, John F.2465. Mills, D. O.2466. Morgan, A. O., Mass.2467. Moss, J. Mora.2468. Monteflore, H. B., Sydney.2469. Morris, Augustus, Sydney.2470. Moore, Hon. Win. H., Pa.

2471. Morrill, Paul.2472. Musgrove, Gov. B. C.2473. Naglee, Gen'l.2474. Nutall, Dr. E. K.2475. Noble, H. H.2476. Narwood, T. M.2477. Nunan, Hon. Edward.2478. O'Brien, Wm. S.

2479. O'Connor, Con.2480. Ogden, Eichard L.2481. Oliver, D. J.

2482. Olmstead, W. N.2483. Orton, Wm., President W. IT.

Telegraph Co., N. T,2434. Owens, J. B.2485. Patterson, Senator Jno. J.,

South Carolina.2486. Parrot*, Tiburcio.2487. Parrott, John.2488. Patrick, James C.2489. Palmer, Cyrus.2490. Palmer, E. E.2491. Perkins, Edward., Proprietor

Occidental Hotel, Aukland, N. Z.2492. Perkins, Geo. C.2493. Pearson, H. H., Cosmopolitan

Hotel, S. F.2494. Perry, John.2495. Phelps, T. G.2496. Pym, F.2497. Phelan, James.2498. Pinaey, Geo. M.2499. Porter, Hon. Nathan.24994 Prather, J. M.2500. Purdy, Gov. Sam.2501. Punch, Mr., Punch's Hotel,

Sydney.2502. Gov. Pio Pico, Cal.

2503. Eamsay, Col. W.2504. Ealston, W. C.2505. Eaymond, I. W.2506. Eankin, Ira P.2507. Eeese, Michael.2508. Eeis, J. C.2509. Eice, John A., "Baldwin," S. F.

2510. Eichardson, Capt.2511. Eoberts, G. D.

CatalohI'K. Six Fr.ANnsro 51

in. Alfred.

2513 1.

.',11 D. S. K2616. Rogers, R. ('.

2616. Row, U. Q.'.'"17. Rolling, Hi iirv (i.

2618. Rom u

2619. Rossell, Ben., New Irak.2620. Sawyer, Hon. Lorenzo, Ex-Jus-

Snpreme Court.

2521. Samli rsou, Hon. .1. W., Ex-fus-tioe Supreme Court, Col.

2522. Sanders, J. Donglas, "Gentle-man."

2523. Schoenwald, Goo.. Lick HouseS. P.

2524. Seymour, Gov. B. 0.s.-,,tt. Irving M.

2526. Sedgwick, John.-527. Sharon, Ales., Lessee Palace


2528. Sharon, Senator.

2529. Simmons, W. W., Collector,

Boston, Mass.2530. Smiley, T. J. L.2331. Smith*. 0. W. M.

smith. Frank B.2533. Smyth, Hon. Geo. B., Govern-ment Director TJ. P. K. K.

2534. Sharpe, A. G.2535. Sontag, Ohas.2636. Soule, Frank.2537. Spalding, Euius C, late NavyAgent, S. F.

2538. Shirley, Hon. Paul,2539.* Spreckles, Clans.2540. Sterett, B. F.2541. Stone, N. B.2542. Stout, Dr.2543. Swan, Benj. E.2544. Safford, A. P. K.2545. Stanton, Paymaster U. S. N.

2546. Sutter, Gen'l.

2647. Taylor, Bayard.2548. Temple, Hon. Jackson, Ex-Jns-

tioe Supreme Court. Csl.

2549. Terry. Hon. David S.. Ex-Jus-tirr Snpn me Court, Cal.

2550. Tevis. Lloyd, President WellsFargo.

2551. Teal, Joseph.Tewksbury, Dr. M. B.

2553. Tiffany, E. J.

2554. Todd,'D. B.Tobin, R.

2556. Toland, Dr.2557. Tubbs, A. L.2558. Thornbnrg, J. M., M. 0., Tenn.2559. Tucker, Dr. J. C.

2560. Tosewell, Capt.2561. Truman, Ben. C,25G2. Turner, Capt. F.25(13. Underbill, Jacob.25G4. TJrwieh, Eev. Wni., London.2565. Vallejo, Gen'l M. G.2566. Verdenal, J. M.2567. Vivian, Hon. Hussey, M. P.2568. Vernon, Gen'l Kobert, N. G. C.2569. Warren Leland, Palace Hotel,S F

2570. Watts, Wm. M„ Philadelphia.2571. Watson, W. Eemy.2572. Wallace, W. H.2573. Wetherbee, Chas. L., Occiden-

tal Hotel, S. F.2574. White, James, Ex M. P., Eng-


2575. Willis, Wm.2576. Wilson, S. L.•2577. Wilcox, Capt.2578. Winn, Gen'l A. M.2579. Wieland, Mr.2580. Woodward, E. B.2581. Yost, John."

