Bovine Breeds


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Approximately 250 breeds of cattle arerecognized throughout the world and several

hundred more breeds are not currentlyrecognized.

More than 80 recognized breeds of beef cattleare available to producers in the United States,but an exact count is difficult to obtain because

other breeds continue to be imported andcrossing of existing breeds continuously creates

new breeds.

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A breed is a group of animals of common descent

and possessing distinctive characteristics thatdistinguish them from other groups within the

same species.

These groups are referred to as purebreds , whichrefers to the purity of ancestry and implies genetic

uniformity of all characteristics.

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B reed Characteristics . Knowledge of breed characteristics

is important to beef producers in both purebred andcrossbreeding programs.

Crossbreeding is considered to be the most efficientmeans of commercial production, but highly productive

purebreds are the backbone of successful commercialcrossbreeding programs.

Crossbreeding programs use breeds that possesscomplementary characteristics to produce desirable


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Major characteristics important in beef production include:mature body size,milk production,

age at puberty,environmental adaptability,rate and efficiency of gain,

muscle expression,cutability,

and marbling.

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O ther Names of Dairy and B eef Cattle

Dairy cattle are sometimes referred to as³milk cows ´ since milk production is their

main purpose in life.

B eef cattle are often referred to as ³ stocker cattle ´ or just simply ³ stockers .

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Modern beef cattle can be classified as one of two biologicaltypes, Bos indicus or Bos taurus .

Each type has characteristics found in the breeds of cattlethat fall under that classification, but the breeds are not

limited to these characteristics.

Bos indicus (also referred to as Zebu-type ) are humpedcattle originating from South Central Asia.

Bos indicus are adapted to tropical and sub-tropicalenvironments, which include the stresses of heat, humidity,

parasites, and poorly digestible forages.

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Several Bos indicus breeds are common in theUnited States including:

Brahman,B rangus,

B eefmaster,Santa Gertrudis, &


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B rahman

O riginated in India. Able to survive on very little, poor feed.

Insect & heat resistant .Excess skin and large hump on back.

White to gray, red to black.Sweat glands .

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B rangus

The B rangus breed was developed in the United States.Registered B rangus, a composite breed, consists of 3/8 B rahman and 5/8

Angus.B rangus cattle are black in color and are polled.

traits include hardiness, heat tolerance, muscularity, early maturity, andproduction of quality beef

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Santa Gertrudis

Developed on the King Ranch in Texas. All Santa Gertrudis are descendants of the bull, Monkey.

They were created by crossing shorthorn cows and B rahman bulls.

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B eefmaster

Developed on the Lasater Ranch in Texas in the 1930s.No color standard, although predominantly red or dun.

a composite breed: ½ B rahman, ¼ Hereford, and ¼ Shorthorn.Thrives under both practical and severe range conditions .

Posses many desirable reproductive traits and have high milking potential.

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Developed in the United States in the late 1960s.a composite breed: 5/8 Simmental and 3/8 B rahman.

No color standards exist for Simbrah cattle; they may be horned or polled.possesses both maternal and survival characteristics in a hot environment and

produces a modern, lean, high-quality beef product.

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Bos taurus breeds are those breeds that descended from the

ancient Celtic Shorthorn .

Bos taurus breeds show a closer resemblance to the Aurochs ,particularly Scotch Highland cattle , than do the Bos indicus


Bos taurus can be classified intotwo sub-categories:

British breeds also known as English breeds , And

Continental breeds also called Exotics .

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Continental breeds, or Exotics , are breeds that originated inEurope and are known for weight gain and cutability .

Continental breeds are generally large in size, lean, muscular,and vary in adaptability to hot climates.

Several Continental breeds are common in the United States,including:

Charolais, Chianina, Gelbvieh, Limousin,

Maine-Anjou, Salers, Simmental, Tarentaise, and TexasLonghorn .

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O riginated in France.Traditionally white in color.Long bodied, large cattle.

Heavily muscled.Coarse looking

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originally from France.Limousin cattle can be polled or horned and range in color from golden red to

black.These large muscular cattle are known for increased rate of gain and

feed efficiency.Limousin cattle have the natural genetic ability to produce lean, flavorful beef

in a variety of settings

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O riginated in Italy.O ne of the oldest breeds of cattle .

Tallest breed of beef cattle.Short hair that is white to steel gray.

Terminal breed.Low milk production.

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O riginated in Germany.Red in color.

Noted for superior fertility and mothering ability

Tend to be extra fleshy under the throat.

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O riginated in Switzerland.O ldest breed of cattle in the world .

Large, powerful breed.B

rought to the United States in 1971.O range/Yellow and white to black in color.

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Maine Anjou

O riginated in France.Dark red with white markings or black.

Developed by crossing the Mancelle breed with the Shorthorn breed.

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O riginated in France.Fastest growing breed in the United States .

Mahogany red to black in color.O ne of the last breeds to be imported into the United States.

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originated in France.Red with dark pigmentation around the eyes and orificesmoderate in size and are predominantly known for their maternal traits, including

fertility and high milking ability.considered to be a dairy breed in their native region .

less widely known for their ability to produce a quality carcass.

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Texas Longhorn

Developed entirely by nature in North America.Known for its long horns.

High fertility.Were near extinction in 1927.

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B ritish breeds, also known as English breeds, originated in the

B ritish Isles.

B ritish breeds are smaller in size than the Continental breeds,but they have increased fleshing and marbling abilities .

B ritish breeds, which are the foundation of the United States beef herd, include the following breeds:


Red Angus,Red Poll, and

Shorthorn .

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O riginated in Scotland.Solid black in color.

Naturally polled.Consumer preference led to Certified Angus B eef.

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O riginated in Hereford, England.Red with white head, legs, and underline.

Horned.Early maturing.

³Mothering´ breed.

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Polled Hereford

Developed in Iowa by Warren Gammon .Naturally hornless.

Red with white face, legs and underline.

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O riginated in EnglandRed; red & white or roan in color.

O riginally used as a dual purpose breed for meat and milk.

Sometimes called the Durham breed .

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Red Poll

originated in England.Red Poll cattle range in color from light to dark red.

small breed known for its maternal traits, carcass merit, and geneticconsistency.

Red Poll calves have been recognized for their rapid rate of gain.

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Red Angus

originated in the B ritish Isles.possesses many of the traditional Angus traits, including carcass quality,

maternal characteristics, calving ease, and moderate size

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Purposes of Dairy Cattle

Produces Milk.Reproduce to provide replacement milk cows in

future years.Provide a means of living for farmers in the dairybusiness by providing the most milk at the least

possible cost.

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originated in Europe. The major historical development of this breed occurred in whatis now the Netherlands .Winthrop Chenery brought the first Holstein over so the sailors could have milk (high

production).Holsteins are large, stylish animals with color patterns of black and white or red and


Average production in 1987 was 17,408 pounds of milk, 632 pounds of butterfat and550 pounds of protein per year .

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B rown Swiss

originated in the mountain pastures of the Swiss Alps and declared a dairy breed in1906.

light silver to dark brown with dark points.15,883 lbs of milk per lactation; 3.97% fat .

a mature female weighs 1400 lbs.particularly strong feet and legs because of the mountains

docile, people-friendly demeanor .

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Known for producing high-butterfat and high-protein milk .Produce their high quality milk while consuming 20 to 30 percent less feed per pound

of milk.Excellent grazer .

Produces 14,667 pounds of milk, 659 pounds of butterfat and 510 pounds of protein.

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J ersey

Originated on the Island of

Jersey, a small

British island in the English Channel. The island of J ersey was very protective of this breed. B ecause of this the breed stayed distinctive for many

years. Adapted to a wide range of climatic and geographical conditions .

vary greatly in color, but the characteristic color is golden fawn, with or without white markings.smallest of the dairy breeds .

long life (61.1 months vs 56.2 months) .

its nutritive content is 28.46% greater than ordinary milk.

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originated in the County of Ayr in Scotland.

Prior to 1800 many of the cattle of Ayrshire were black , although by 1775 browns andmottled colors started to appear.

red and white.medium-sized cattle and should weigh over 1200 pounds at maturity

strong, rugged cattle that adapt to all management systems 12,000 pounds of milkwith a 3.9% B utterfat

Calves are strong and easy to raise

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American B ison ( Bos bison)

All the body parts of this bison is used for tools, equipment, and utensils bythe Plain Indians.

They are also source of food back then.

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European B ison or Wisent ( Bos bonasus)

Never domesticated, but evidently played a role in Sumerian cosmology .The closest bison to Sumeria were probably those of the Caucasus.

The last Caucasian bison died in a zoo in 1927.They survive only in B ialowiecza Forest , on the Poland- B elarus border

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Cape B uffalo ( Syncerus caffer)

They are called Real buffalo (African buffalo) from genusSyncerus

They never been domesticated

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Forest B uffalo ( Syncerus nanus)

They are called Real buffalo (African buffalo) from genusSyncerus

They never been domesticated

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They are wild asian buffalo.Domestic buffalo (Water-buffalo) B ubalus bubalis are descended

from them.

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Two breed-groups of water-buffalo

Swamp buffalo River buffalo

Southeast Asia South Asia

Stocky, pot-bellied Taller, longer slimmer body

Horns in plane of head Curly horns

Grey with white legs, 1-2 white bands

on throat

Completely black

2n = 48 2n = 50

Not divided into breeds Many breeds plus local (³desa´)variants

Used in ploughing, draught, meat;

not milked

Used for ploughing, meat, milk

Wallow in mud, pools Prefer to bathe in clean water

Penis adheres to bellyScrotum 10cm long

Penis hangs clear Scrotum pendulous

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Wild Asian buffalo ( Bubalus arnee)

They are called Real buffalo (Asian buffalo) from genus B ubalusThey have been domesticated

Swamp B uffalo.

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Tamaraw ( Bubalus mindorensis)

They are called Real buffalo (Asian buffalo) from genus B ubalusThey have been domesticated

Swamp B uffalo

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Lowland Anoa ( Bubalus depressicornis)

They are called Real buffalo (Asian buffalo) from genus B ubalusThey have been domesticated

Swamp B uffalo.

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Mountain Anoa ( Bubalus quarlesi)

They are called Real buffalo (Asian buffalo) from genus B ubalusThey have been domesticated

Swamp B uffalo.

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River B uffalo

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Chennai (Madras)

River B


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B est Milking B uffalo.

River B uffalo.

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